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  1. Jan 21, 2008
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Remove qa tests for gnt-instance start/stop · e0b62a26
      Guido Trotter authored
      Those tests were added in the wrong place. This patch removes them.  One day
      we'll implement proper command line regression testing and they should go in
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Test start/stop aliases in qa · ce9fb89d
      Guido Trotter authored
      This tests both that those two aliases have not been removed and also that
      aliases handling hasn't been broken.
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Add a few aliases for startup/shutdown · 536fda25
      Guido Trotter authored
      These aliases are widely used to think of these operations and save some typing
      too. Even though there is some thought to make start/stop the default operation
      name I don't think this should happen for 1.2, for now adding it as an alias is
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Add the first command alias · dbfd89dd
      Guido Trotter authored
      Alias activate_block_devs to activate-disks, for ganeti 1.1 compatibility.
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Add support for command aliases · de47cf8f
      Guido Trotter authored
      Passing a new aliases dict to generic main we can easily support aliases for
      compatibility reasons or simply useability.
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Add tool to ease testing of unsubmitted patches · 6e5e91a1
      Guido Trotter authored
      The upload tool can be used to submit the current code to an arbitrary list of
      nodes. This helps developers in easily testing their changes before submitting
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Check that we have a valid export list · 461f0538
      Guido Trotter authored
      Before iterating over the list of exports present on a node, check that what
      ganeti returned is actually a list. This solves the case when one of the nodes
      is down, and an error value is returned.
      This fixes issue 21
      Reviewed-by: imsnah
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Fix VG listing broken by r510 · d87ae7d2
      Iustin Pop authored
      LVM code sometimes adds an extra separator at the end of the field list.
      Make the code strip it if exists.
      Reviewed-by: imsnah
  2. Jan 20, 2008
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Make backend._GetVGInfo check the validity of 'vgs' · f4d377e7
      Iustin Pop authored
      Currently, the function backend._GetVGInfo only checks for errors via
      the exit code of the 'vgs' command. However, there are other ways of
      failure so we need to also check for valid output before parsing.
      Furthermore, the checks on the exit code were reported via a 'raise
      LVMError', however this exception is not handled anywhere and so the
      remote caller will not get reasonable data.
      This patch does two main things:
        - change the calling protocol for this function to not raise an error,
          and instead return the same type of argument always (dict) with the
          requested keys but values changed into None; this allows in the
          parent rpc call node_info to have valid memory information but
          "error" value for disk space, if there's an error with disks
        - check the validity of the output so that in case we fail to parse
          it, we don't abort with a backtrace in the node daemon but instead
          return the default result value (containing errors), and log these
          cases in the node daemon log file
      We also bump the protocol version to 11.
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Fix checking of node free disk in CreateInstance · 8d75db10
      Iustin Pop authored
      This patch does two things:
        - checks that the result values from call_node_info are valid integer
          values and aborts otherwise
        - skips disk space computation for the DT_DISKLESS case
      The most important point of the patch is the verification of results
      from the rpc call, as it prepares for a patch that allows failures to be
      better reported from the remote node.
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Abstract node memory checking into a separate function · d4f16fd9
      Iustin Pop authored
      The checking of a node's free memory (via rpc.call_node_info) is done in
      both start instance an failover. This patch abstracts this call,
      together with the appropriate error handling, into a separate function
      called _CheckNodeFreeMemory.
      The patch also has some related changes:
        - the check is done in prereq and not in exec for start instance
        - the redundant check in exec for failover has been removed
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Change a hardcoded path into its proper constant · 97628462
      Iustin Pop authored
      The function backend.UploadFile still uses "/etc/hosts" directly instead
      of the existing constant; this patch fixes this.
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Allow use of 'diskless' disk template in burnin · bd249e2f
      Iustin Pop authored
      Even if this doesn't have any practical use for actually creating
      instances, it can be used for very fast burnin and testing just the
      add/start/stop/remove functionality.
      This has also revealed a bug in export/import related to diskless
      instances, so it's educational value is proved.
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Fix run directory for the fake hypervisor · 1ed70996
      Iustin Pop authored
      Currently the fake hypervisor has hardcoded ‘/var/run’ as a base
      directory for its store. This patch adds a constant RUN_DIR that is used
      for both the fake hypervisor and for BDEV_CACHE_DIR.
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Fix the init.d script · e71d6323
      Iustin Pop authored
      The script (which is geared towards Debian) is actually not fully
      compliant, as lintian generates a warning on it - the S runlevel is not
      a valid one in the "Stop" stanza. This patch removes "S" from the stop
      Reviewed-by: imsnah
  3. Jan 18, 2008
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Fix the make dist rule · b6f2e47f
      Iustin Pop authored
      In revision 459 I added a bug in the make dist rule in the sense that
      the archive will include *all* of test/data directory, including the
      .svn directory if it exists.
      This patch fixes that problem and adds a distcheck hook that tests for
      such errors in the future (files/directories matching the .svn and .git
      It also fixes a typo in the NEWS file.
      Reviewed-by: imsnah
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Bump version numbers for the 1.2.1 release · 31b9055c
      Iustin Pop authored
      This a merge to trunk of revision 494.
      Reviewed-by: imsnah
  4. Jan 16, 2008
  5. Jan 14, 2008
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Make instance start/stop skippable at burnin time · d4844f0f
      Guido Trotter authored
      Even though burnin was born just to do that test it now contains a lot more
      things one might try, so it makes sense to make instance start/stop optional
      This creates a burnin that at the bare minimum tests instance create and
      remove, if all the --no options are specified, but usually does a lot more.
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Do instance export and import during burnin · bd5e77f9
      Guido Trotter authored
      Instances get exported to a remote node, then removed and imported back to
      their original nodes. This should be an idempotent option from the instance
      point of view, and help making sure ImportExport is kept up to date.
      It will also help making burnin take a lot longer, which is nice to take a nap.
      "...but I'm doing a cluster burnin...". Unfortunately this subfeature is a bit
      jeopardized by the fact that the new code can be skipped with the
      --no-importexport option, but nobody needs to know that, do they?
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Allow burnin to take "-t plain" as an option · 4aa036ab
      Iustin Pop authored
      The burnin code deals with "-t plain", but the command line parser
      doesn't allow that as an option. This patch fixes this issue.
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Iustin Pop's avatar
      Fix some misspellings · ba4b62cf
      Iustin Pop authored
      This patch fixes two name typos and a style issue (which makes pylint
      Reviewed-by: ultrotter
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Fix CreateInstance new optional parameters · 40ed12dd
      Guido Trotter authored
      Some new paramenters of the CreateInstance opcode are optional (namely
      kernel_path, initrd_path and hvm_boot_order) but their absence makes the code
      crash. Fix this by initializing them to a default value if they're not present.
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
    • Guido Trotter's avatar
      Add mac="auto" at import time · c19dfc03
      Guido Trotter authored
      Mac is now a mandatory option for OpCreateInstance. Add it when we call this
      opcode at import time too. This is a quick fix for the code, but probably more
      work needs to be done to integrate mac addresses with the import/export
      functionality in a nice way.
      Reviewed-by: iustinp
  6. Jan 11, 2008
  7. Jan 10, 2008
  8. Jan 09, 2008
  9. Jan 08, 2008