Ganeti Cluster tools (htools) ============================= These are some simple cluster tools for fixing common problems. Right now N+1 and rebalancing are included. Starting with version 0.1.0, only Ganeti 2.0 is supported. Cluster rebalancer ------------------ Compared to the N+1 solver, the rebalancer uses a very simple algorithm: repeatedly try to move each instance one step, so that the cluster score becomes better. We stop when no further move can improve the score. For algorithm details and usage, see the man page hbal(1). Cluster N+1 solver ------------------ This program runs a very simple brute force algorithm over the instance placement space in order to determine the shortest number of replace-disks needed to fix the cluster. Note this means we won't get a balanced cluster, just one that passes N+1 checks. For algorithm details and usage, see the man page hn1(1). **Note**: this program is deprecated, hbal should be used instead. IAllocator plugin ----------------- The ``hail`` iallocator plugin can be used for allocations of mirrored and non-mirrored instances and for relocations of mirrored instances. It needs to be installed in Ganeti's iallocator search path—usually ``/usr/lib/ganeti/iallocators`` or ``/usr/local/lib/ganeti/iallocators``. Integration with Ganeti ----------------------- The ``hbal`` and ``hn1`` programs can either get their input from text files, or online from a cluster via RAPI. For online collection via RAPI, the "-m" argument to both hn1 and hbal should specify the cluster or master node name. ``hail`` uses the standard iallocator API and thus doesn't need any special setup (just needs to be installed in the right directory). For text files, a separate tool (hscan) is provided to automate their gathering if RAPI is available, which is better since it can extract more precise information. In case RAPI is not usable for whatever reason, the following two commands should be run:: gnt-node list -oname,mtotal,mnode,mfree,dtotal,dfree,offline \ --separator '|' --no-headers > nodes gnt-instance list -oname,admin_ram,sda_size,status,pnode,snodes \ --separator '|' --no-head > instances These two files should be saved under the names of *nodes* and *instances*. Installation ------------ If installing from source, you need a working ghc compiler (6.8 at least) and some extra Haskell libraries which usually need to be installed manually: - json - curl Once these are available, just typing *make* in the top-level directory should be enough. Internal (implementation) documentation is available in the ``apidoc`` directory.
Iustin Pop
This completes the removal started earlier byt removeing the need to pass the number of nodes to Node.buildPeers, which is now unused.
Name | Last commit | Last update |
Ganeti/HTools | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
Makefile | ||
NEWS | ||
haddock-prologue | ||
hail.1 | ||
hail.hs | ||
hbal.1 | ||
hbal.hs | ||
hn1.1 | ||
hn1.hs | ||
hscan.1 | ||
hscan.hs | ||
hscolour.css | ||
test.hs |