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Commit dbba5246 authored by Iustin Pop's avatar Iustin Pop
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Move some alloc functions from hail into Cluster

These are generic enough to be used from multiple places, they belong
better in Cluster.hs than in the hail source.
parent 19f38ee8
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......@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ module Ganeti.HTools.Cluster
-- * IAllocator functions
, allocateOnSingle
, allocateOnPair
, tryAlloc
, tryReloc
) where
import Data.List
......@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ those nodes.
computeBadItems :: Node.List -> Instance.List ->
([Node.Node], [Instance.Instance])
computeBadItems nl il =
let bad_nodes = verifyN1 $ filter (not . Node.offline) $ Container.elems nl
let bad_nodes = verifyN1 $ getOnline nl
bad_instances = map (\idx -> Container.find idx il) $
sort $ nub $ concat $
map (\ n -> (Node.slist n) ++ (Node.plist n)) bad_nodes
......@@ -152,6 +154,10 @@ compCV nl =
let (mem_cv, dsk_cv, n1_score, res_cv, off_score) = compDetailedCV nl
in mem_cv + dsk_cv + n1_score + res_cv + off_score
-- | Compute online nodes from a Node.List
getOnline :: Node.List -> [Node.Node]
getOnline = filter (not . Node.offline) . Container.elems
-- * hn1 functions
-- | Add an instance and return the new node and instance maps.
......@@ -589,6 +595,57 @@ checkMove nodes_idx ini_tbl victims =
-- * Alocation functions
-- | Try to allocate an instance on the cluster.
tryAlloc :: (Monad m) =>
Node.List -- ^ The node list
-> Instance.List -- ^ The instance list
-> Instance.Instance -- ^ The instance to allocate
-> Int -- ^ Required number of nodes
-> m [(Maybe Node.List, [Node.Node])] -- ^ Possible solution list
tryAlloc nl _ inst 2 =
let all_nodes = getOnline nl
all_pairs = liftM2 (,) all_nodes all_nodes
ok_pairs = filter (\(x, y) -> Node.idx x /= Node.idx y) all_pairs
sols = map (\(p, s) ->
(fst $ allocateOnPair nl inst p s, [p, s]))
in return sols
tryAlloc nl _ inst 1 =
let all_nodes = getOnline nl
sols = map (\p -> (fst $ allocateOnSingle nl inst p, [p]))
in return sols
tryAlloc _ _ _ reqn = fail $ "Unsupported number of alllocation \
\destinations required (" ++ (show reqn) ++
"), only two supported"
-- | Try to allocate an instance on the cluster.
tryReloc :: (Monad m) =>
Node.List -- ^ The node list
-> Instance.List -- ^ The instance list
-> Idx -- ^ The index of the instance to move
-> Int -- ^ The numver of nodes required
-> [Ndx] -- ^ Nodes which should not be used
-> m [(Maybe Node.List, [Node.Node])] -- ^ Solution list
tryReloc nl il xid 1 ex_idx =
let all_nodes = getOnline nl
inst = Container.find xid il
ex_idx' = (Instance.pnode inst):ex_idx
valid_nodes = filter (not . flip elem ex_idx' . Node.idx) all_nodes
valid_idxes = map Node.idx valid_nodes
sols1 = map (\x -> let (mnl, _, _, _) =
applyMove nl inst (ReplaceSecondary x)
in (mnl, [Container.find x nl])
) valid_idxes
in return sols1
tryReloc _ _ _ reqn _ = fail $ "Unsupported number of relocation \
\destinations required (" ++ (show reqn) ++
"), only one supported"
-- * Formatting functions
......@@ -52,60 +52,6 @@ options =
"show help"
-- | Compute online nodes from a Node.List
getOnline :: Node.List -> [Node.Node]
getOnline = filter (not . Node.offline) . Container.elems
-- | Try to allocate an instance on the cluster
tryAlloc :: (Monad m) =>
-> Instance.List
-> Instance.Instance
-> Int
-> m [(Maybe Node.List, [Node.Node])]
tryAlloc nl _ inst 2 =
let all_nodes = getOnline nl
all_pairs = liftM2 (,) all_nodes all_nodes
ok_pairs = filter (\(x, y) -> Node.idx x /= Node.idx y) all_pairs
sols = map (\(p, s) ->
(fst $ Cluster.allocateOnPair nl inst p s, [p, s]))
in return sols
tryAlloc nl _ inst 1 =
let all_nodes = getOnline nl
sols = map (\p -> (fst $ Cluster.allocateOnSingle nl inst p, [p]))
in return sols
tryAlloc _ _ _ reqn = fail $ "Unsupported number of alllocation \
\destinations required (" ++ (show reqn) ++
"), only two supported"
-- | Try to allocate an instance on the cluster
tryReloc :: (Monad m) =>
-> Instance.List
-> Idx
-> Int
-> [Ndx]
-> m [(Maybe Node.List, [Node.Node])]
tryReloc nl il xid 1 ex_idx =
let all_nodes = getOnline nl
inst = Container.find xid il
ex_idx' = (Instance.pnode inst):ex_idx
valid_nodes = filter (not . flip elem ex_idx' . Node.idx) all_nodes
valid_idxes = map Node.idx valid_nodes
sols1 = map (\x -> let (mnl, _, _, _) =
Cluster.applyMove nl inst
(Cluster.ReplaceSecondary x)
in (mnl, [Container.find x nl])
) valid_idxes
in return sols1
tryReloc _ _ _ reqn _ = fail $ "Unsupported number of relocation \
\destinations required (" ++ (show reqn) ++
"), only one supported"
filterFails :: (Monad m) => [(Maybe Node.List, [Node.Node])]
-> m [(Node.List, [Node.Node])]
......@@ -151,9 +97,9 @@ main = do
let Request rqtype nl il csf = request
new_nodes = case rqtype of
Allocate xi reqn -> tryAlloc nl il xi reqn
Allocate xi reqn -> Cluster.tryAlloc nl il xi reqn
Relocate idx reqn exnodes ->
tryReloc nl il idx reqn exnodes
Cluster.tryReloc nl il idx reqn exnodes
let sols = new_nodes >>= filterFails >>= processResults
let (ok, info, rn) = case sols of
Ok (info, sn) -> (True, "Request successful: " ++ info,
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