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Commit 53ec9022 authored by Iustin Pop's avatar Iustin Pop
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Initial commit of the luxi backend

This patch adds a luxi backend that allows direct query of the master
daemon on the local node. This patch doesn't enable the backend to be

There are a couple of things still missing in the implementation:
  - we don't have a master timeout in reads and writes, only a
	per-recv/send-call one
  - the failure reporting is not as good as it could be
parent 135a6c6a
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{-| Implementation of the LUXI client interface.
Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
module Ganeti.HTools.Luxi
) where
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Text.JSON (JSObject, JSValue, toJSObject, encodeStrict
, decodeStrict, readJSON, JSON)
import qualified Text.JSON as J
import Text.JSON.Types
import System.Timeout
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
import Ganeti.HTools.Loader
import Ganeti.HTools.Types
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
-- * Utility functions
-- | Small wrapper over readJSON.
fromJVal :: (Monad m, JSON a) => JSValue -> m a
fromJVal v =
case readJSON v of
J.Error s -> fail ("Cannot convert value " ++ show v ++ ", error: " ++ s)
J.Ok x -> return x
-- | Ensure a given JSValue is actually a JSArray.
toArray :: (Monad m) => JSValue -> m [JSValue]
toArray v =
case v of
JSArray arr -> return arr
o -> fail ("Invalid input, expected array but got " ++ show o)
-- | Wrapper over System.Timeout.timeout that fails in the IO monad.
withTimeout :: Int -> String -> IO a -> IO a
withTimeout secs descr action = do
result <- timeout (secs * 1000000) action
(case result of
Nothing -> fail $ "Timeout in " ++ descr
Just v -> return v)
-- * Generic protocol functionality
-- | Currently supported Luxi operations.
data LuxiOp = QueryInstances
| QueryNodes
-- | The serialisation of LuxiOps into strings in messages.
strOfOp :: LuxiOp -> String
strOfOp QueryNodes = "QueryNodes"
strOfOp QueryInstances = "QueryInstances"
-- | The end-of-message separator.
eOM :: Char
eOM = '\3'
-- | Valid keys in the requests and responses.
data MsgKeys = Method
| Args
| Success
| Result
-- | The serialisation of MsgKeys into strings in messages.
strOfKey :: MsgKeys -> String
strOfKey Method = "method"
strOfKey Args = "args"
strOfKey Success = "success"
strOfKey Result = "result"
-- | Luxi client encapsulation.
data Client = Client { socket :: S.Socket -- ^ The socket of the client
, rbuf :: IORef String -- ^ Already received buffer
-- | Connects to the master daemon and returns a luxi Client.
getClient :: String -> IO Client
getClient path = do
s <- S.socket S.AF_UNIX S.Stream S.defaultProtocol
withTimeout connTimeout "creating luxi connection" $
S.connect s (S.SockAddrUnix path)
rf <- newIORef ""
return Client { socket=s, rbuf=rf}
-- | Closes the client socket.
closeClient :: Client -> IO ()
closeClient = S.sClose . socket
-- | Sends a message over a luxi transport.
sendMsg :: Client -> String -> IO ()
sendMsg s buf =
let _send obuf = do
sbytes <- withTimeout queryTimeout
"sending luxi message" $
S.send (socket s) obuf
(if sbytes == length obuf
then return ()
else _send (drop sbytes obuf))
in _send (buf ++ [eOM])
-- | Waits for a message over a luxi transport.
recvMsg :: Client -> IO String
recvMsg s = do
let _recv obuf = do
nbuf <- withTimeout queryTimeout "reading luxi response" $
S.recv (socket s) 4096
let (msg, rbuf) = break ((==) eOM) (obuf ++ nbuf)
(if null msg
then _recv rbuf
else return (msg, drop 1 rbuf))
cbuf <- readIORef $ rbuf s
(msg, nbuf) <- _recv cbuf
writeIORef (rbuf s) nbuf
return msg
-- | Serialize a request to String.
buildCall :: LuxiOp -- ^ The method
-> JSValue -- ^ The arguments
-> String -- ^ The serialized form
buildCall msg args =
let ja = [(strOfKey Method,
JSString $ toJSString $ strOfOp msg::JSValue),
(strOfKey Args,
jo = toJSObject ja
in encodeStrict jo
-- | Check that luxi responses contain the required keys and that the
-- call was successful.
validateResult :: String -> Result JSValue
validateResult s = do
arr <- fromJResult $ decodeStrict s::Result (JSObject JSValue)
status <- fromObj (strOfKey Success) arr::Result Bool
let rkey = strOfKey Result
(if status
then fromObj rkey arr
else fromObj rkey arr >>= fail)
-- | Generic luxi method call.
callMethod :: LuxiOp -> JSValue -> Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
callMethod method args s = do
sendMsg s $ buildCall method args
result <- recvMsg s
let rval = validateResult result
return rval
-- * Data querying functionality
-- | The input data for node query.
queryNodesMsg :: JSValue
queryNodesMsg =
let nnames = JSArray []
fnames = ["name",
"mtotal", "mnode", "mfree",
"dtotal", "dfree",
"offline", "drained"]
fields = JSArray $ map (JSString . toJSString) fnames
use_locking = JSBool False
in JSArray [nnames, fields, use_locking]
-- | The input data for instance query.
queryInstancesMsg :: JSValue
queryInstancesMsg =
let nnames = JSArray []
fnames = ["name",
"disk_usage", "be/memory", "be/vcpus",
"status", "pnode", "snodes"]
fields = JSArray $ map (JSString . toJSString) fnames
use_locking = JSBool False
in JSArray [nnames, fields, use_locking]
-- | Wraper over callMethod doing node query.
queryNodes :: Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
queryNodes = callMethod QueryNodes queryNodesMsg
-- | Wraper over callMethod doing instance query.
queryInstances :: Client -> IO (Result JSValue)
queryInstances = callMethod QueryInstances queryInstancesMsg
-- | Parse a instance list in JSON format.
getInstances :: NameAssoc
-> JSValue
-> Result [(String, Instance.Instance)]
getInstances ktn arr = toArray arr >>= mapM (parseInstance ktn)
-- | Construct an instance from a JSON object.
parseInstance :: [(String, Ndx)]
-> JSValue
-> Result (String, Instance.Instance)
parseInstance ktn (JSArray (name:disk:mem:vcpus:status:pnode:snodes:[])) = do
xname <- fromJVal name
xdisk <- fromJVal disk
xmem <- fromJVal mem
xvcpus <- fromJVal vcpus
xpnode <- fromJVal pnode >>= lookupNode ktn xname
xsnodes <- fromJVal snodes::Result [JSString]
snode <- (if null xsnodes then return Node.noSecondary
else lookupNode ktn xname (fromJSString $ head xsnodes))
xrunning <- fromJVal status
let inst = Instance.create xname xmem xdisk xvcpus xrunning xpnode snode
return (xname, inst)
parseInstance _ v = fail ("Invalid instance query result: " ++ show v)
-- | Parse a node list in JSON format.
getNodes :: JSValue -> Result [(String, Node.Node)]
getNodes arr = toArray arr >>= mapM parseNode
-- | Construct a node from a JSON object.
parseNode :: JSValue -> Result (String, Node.Node)
parseNode (JSArray
= do
xname <- fromJVal name
xoffline <- fromJVal offline
node <- (if xoffline
then return $ Node.create xname 0 0 0 0 0 0 True
else do
xdrained <- fromJVal drained
xmtotal <- fromJVal mtotal
xmnode <- fromJVal mnode
xmfree <- fromJVal mfree
xdtotal <- fromJVal dtotal
xdfree <- fromJVal dfree
xctotal <- fromJVal ctotal
return $ Node.create xname xmtotal xmnode xmfree
xdtotal xdfree xctotal (xoffline || xdrained))
return (xname, node)
parseNode v = fail ("Invalid node query result: " ++ show v)
-- * Main loader functionality
-- | Builds the cluster data from an URL.
loadData :: String -- ^ Unix socket to use as source
-> IO (Result (Node.AssocList, Instance.AssocList))
loadData master = do -- IO monad
(getClient master)
(\s -> do
nodes <- queryNodes s
instances <- queryInstances s
return $ do -- Result monad
node_data <- nodes >>= getNodes
let (node_names, node_idx) = assignIndices node_data
inst_data <- instances >>= getInstances node_names
let (_, inst_idx) = assignIndices inst_data
return (node_idx, inst_idx)
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