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Commit 1b7a5835 authored by Iustin Pop's avatar Iustin Pop
Browse files

Add the hscan tool

This patch adds an hscan tool that loads data from clusters via RAPI and
writes it to files that can be later used offline.
parent 7847a037
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hscan.hs 0 → 100644
{-| Scan clusters via RAPI and write instance/node data files.
module Main (main) where
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import Monad
import System
import System.IO
import System.FilePath
import System.Console.GetOpt
import qualified System
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Cluster as Cluster
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Version as Version
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
import Ganeti.HTools.Rapi
import Ganeti.HTools.Utils
-- | Command line options structure.
data Options = Options
{ optShowNodes :: Bool -- ^ Whether to show node status
, optOutPath :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the output directory
, optVerbose :: Int -- ^ Verbosity level
, optShowVer :: Bool -- ^ Just show the program version
, optNoHeader :: Bool -- ^ Do not show a header line
} deriving Show
-- | Default values for the command line options.
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optShowNodes = False
, optOutPath = "."
, optVerbose = 0
, optShowVer = False
, optNoHeader = False
-- | Options list and functions
options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
options =
[ Option ['p'] ["print-nodes"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optShowNodes = True }))
"print the final node list"
, Option ['d'] ["output-dir"]
(ReqArg (\ d opts -> opts { optOutPath = d }) "PATH")
"directory in which to write output files"
, Option ['v'] ["verbose"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optVerbose = (optVerbose opts) + 1 }))
"increase the verbosity level"
, Option ['V'] ["version"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optShowVer = True}))
"show the version of the program"
, Option [] ["no-headers"]
(NoArg (\ opts -> opts { optNoHeader = True }))
"do not show a header line"
-- | Command line parser, using the 'options' structure.
parseOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String])
parseOpts argv =
case getOpt Permute options argv of
(o, n, []) ->
return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, n)
(_, _, errs) ->
ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
where header = printf "hscan %s\nUsage: hscan [OPTION...] cluster..."
-- | Generate node file data from node objects
serializeNodes :: Cluster.NodeList -> String -> Cluster.NameList -> String
serializeNodes nl csf ktn =
let etn = map (\(idx, name) -> (idx, name ++ csf)) ktn
nodes = Container.elems nl
nlines = map
(\node ->
let name = (fromJust $ lookup (Node.idx node) etn)
t_mem = (truncate $ Node.t_mem node)::Integer
t_dsk = (truncate $ Node.t_dsk node)::Integer
printf "%s|%d|%d|%d|%d" name
t_mem (Node.f_mem node)
t_dsk (Node.f_dsk node))
in unlines nlines
-- | Generate instance file data from instance objects
serializeInstances :: Cluster.InstanceList -> String
-> Cluster.NameList -> Cluster.NameList -> String
serializeInstances il csf ktn kti =
let etn = map (\(idx, name) -> (idx, name ++ csf)) ktn
eti = map (\(idx, name) -> (idx, name ++ csf)) kti
instances = Container.elems il
nlines = map
(\inst ->
iname = fromJust $ lookup (Instance.idx inst) eti
pnode = fromJust $ lookup (Instance.pnode inst) etn
snode = fromJust $ lookup (Instance.snode inst) etn
printf "%s|%d|%d|%s|%s"
iname (Instance.mem inst) (Instance.dsk inst)
pnode snode
in unlines nlines
-- | Return a one-line summary of cluster state
printCluster :: Cluster.NodeList -> Cluster.InstanceList
-> Cluster.NameList -> Cluster.NameList
-> String
printCluster nl il ktn kti =
let (bad_nodes, bad_instances) = Cluster.computeBadItems nl il
ccv = Cluster.compCV nl
nodes = Container.elems nl
t_ram = truncate . sum . map Node.t_mem $ nodes
t_dsk = truncate . sum . map Node.t_dsk $ nodes
f_ram = sum . map Node.f_mem $ nodes
f_dsk = sum . map Node.f_dsk $ nodes
printf "%5d %5d %5d %5d %6d %6d %6d %6d %.8f"
(length ktn) (length kti)
(length bad_nodes) (length bad_instances)
(t_ram::Integer) f_ram
((t_dsk::Integer) `div` 1024) (f_dsk `div` 1024)
-- | Main function.
main :: IO ()
main = do
cmd_args <- System.getArgs
(opts, clusters) <- parseOpts cmd_args
when (optShowVer opts) $ do
putStr $ showVersion "hscan"
exitWith ExitSuccess
let odir = optOutPath opts
nlen = maximum . map length $ clusters
unless (optNoHeader opts) $
printf "%-*s %5s %5s %5s %5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %10s\n" nlen
"Name" "Nodes" "Inst" "BNode" "BInst" "t_mem" "f_mem"
"t_disk" "f_disk" "Score"
mapM (\ name ->
printf "%-*s " nlen name
hFlush stdout
node_data <- getNodes name
inst_data <- getInstances name
(if isLeft(node_data)
then putStrLn $ fromLeft node_data
else if isLeft(inst_data)
then putStrLn $ fromLeft inst_data
else do
let ndata = fromRight node_data
idata = fromRight inst_data
(nl, il, csf, ktn, kti) =
Cluster.loadData ndata idata
putStrLn $ printCluster nl il ktn kti
when (optShowNodes opts) $
putStr $ Cluster.printNodes ktn nl
let ndata = serializeNodes nl csf ktn
idata = serializeInstances il csf ktn kti
oname = odir </> name
writeFile (oname <.> "nodes") ndata
writeFile (oname <.> "instances") idata)
) clusters
exitWith ExitSuccess
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