Iustin Pop authored
Phew, it wasn't easy, but… Signed-off-by:
Iustin Pop <iustin@google.com> Reviewed-by:
Bernardo Dal Seno <bdalseno@google.com>
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
NEWS 87.37 KiB
Version 2.6.0
*(Released Fri, 27 Jul 2012)*
.. attention:: The ``LUXI`` protocol has been made more consistent
regarding its handling of command arguments. This, however, leads to
incompatibility issues with previous versions. Please ensure that you
restart Ganeti daemons soon after the upgrade, otherwise most
``LUXI`` calls (job submission, setting/resetting the drain flag,
pausing/resuming the watcher, cancelling and archiving jobs, querying
the cluster configuration) will fail.
New features
Instance run status
The current ``admin_up`` field, which used to denote whether an instance
should be running or not, has been removed. Instead, ``admin_state`` is
introduced, with 3 possible values -- ``up``, ``down`` and ``offline``.
The rational behind this is that an instance being “down” can have
different meanings:
- it could be down during a reboot
- it could be temporarily be down for a reinstall
- or it could be down because it is deprecated and kept just for its
The previous Boolean state was making it difficult to do capacity
calculations: should Ganeti reserve memory for a down instance? Now, the
tri-state field makes it clear:
- in ``up`` and ``down`` state, all resources are reserved for the
instance, and it can be at any time brought up if it is down
- in ``offline`` state, only disk space is reserved for it, but not
memory or CPUs
The field can have an extra use: since the transition between ``up`` and
``down`` and vice-versus is done via ``gnt-instance start/stop``, but
transition between ``offline`` and ``down`` is done via ``gnt-instance
modify``, it is possible to given different rights to users. For
example, owners of an instance could be allowed to start/stop it, but
not transition it out of the offline state.
Instance policies and specs
In previous Ganeti versions, an instance creation request was not
limited on the minimum size and on the maximum size just by the cluster
resources. As such, any policy could be implemented only in third-party
clients (RAPI clients, or shell wrappers over ``gnt-*``
tools). Furthermore, calculating cluster capacity via ``hspace`` again
required external input with regards to instance sizes.
In order to improve these workflows and to allow for example better
per-node group differentiation, we introduced instance specs, which
allow declaring:
- minimum instance disk size, disk count, memory size, cpu count
- maximum values for the above metrics
- and “standard” values (used in ``hspace`` to calculate the standard
sized instances)
The minimum/maximum values can be also customised at node-group level,
for example allowing more powerful hardware to support bigger instance
memory sizes.
Beside the instance specs, there are a few other settings belonging to
the instance policy framework. It is possible now to customise, per
cluster and node-group:
- the list of allowed disk templates
- the maximum ratio of VCPUs per PCPUs (to control CPU oversubscription)
- the maximum ratio of instance to spindles (see below for more
information) for local storage
All these together should allow all tools that talk to Ganeti to know
what are the ranges of allowed values for instances and the
over-subscription that is allowed.
For the VCPU/PCPU ratio, we already have the VCPU configuration from the
instance configuration, and the physical CPU configuration from the
node. For the spindle ratios however, we didn't track before these
values, so new parameters have been added:
- a new node parameter ``spindle_count``, defaults to 1, customisable at
node group or node level
- at new backend parameter (for instances), ``spindle_use`` defaults to 1
Note that spindles in this context doesn't need to mean actual
mechanical hard-drives; it's just a relative number for both the node
I/O capacity and instance I/O consumption.
Instance migration behaviour
While live-migration is in general desirable over failover, it is
possible that for some workloads it is actually worse, due to the
variable time of the “suspend” phase during live migration.
To allow the tools to work consistently over such instances (without
having to hard-code instance names), a new backend parameter
``always_failover`` has been added to control the migration/failover
behaviour. When set to True, all migration requests for an instance will
instead fall-back to failover.
Instance memory ballooning
Initial support for memory ballooning has been added. The memory for an
instance is no longer fixed (backend parameter ``memory``), but instead
can vary between minimum and maximum values (backend parameters
``minmem`` and ``maxmem``). Currently we only change an instance's
memory when:
- live migrating or failing over and instance and the target node
doesn't have enough memory
- user requests changing the memory via ``gnt-instance modify
Instance CPU pinning
In order to control the use of specific CPUs by instance, support for
controlling CPU pinning has been added for the Xen, HVM and LXC
hypervisors. This is controlled by a new hypervisor parameter
``cpu_mask``; details about possible values for this are in the
:manpage:`gnt-instance(8)`. Note that use of the most specific (precise
VCPU-to-CPU mapping) form will work well only when all nodes in your
cluster have the same amount of CPUs.
Disk parameters
Another area in which Ganeti was not customisable were the parameters
used for storage configuration, e.g. how many stripes to use for LVM,
DRBD resync configuration, etc.
To improve this area, we've added disks parameters, which are
customisable at cluster and node group level, and which allow to
specify various parameters for disks (DRBD has the most parameters
currently), for example:
- DRBD resync algorithm and parameters (e.g. speed)
- the default VG for meta-data volumes for DRBD
- number of stripes for LVM (plain disk template)
- the RBD pool
These parameters can be modified via ``gnt-cluster modify -D …`` and
``gnt-group modify -D …``, and are used at either instance creation (in
case of LVM stripes, for example) or at disk “activation” time
(e.g. resync speed).
Rados block device support
A Rados (http://ceph.com/wiki/Rbd) storage backend has been added,
denoted by the ``rbd`` disk template type. This is considered
experimental, feedback is welcome. For details on configuring it, see
the :doc:`install` document and the :manpage:`gnt-cluster(8)` man page.
Master IP setup
The existing master IP functionality works well only in simple setups (a
single network shared by all nodes); however, if nodes belong to
different networks, then the ``/32`` setup and lack of routing
information is not enough.
To allow the master IP to function well in more complex cases, the
system was reworked as follows:
- a master IP netmask setting has been added
- the master IP activation/turn-down code was moved from the node daemon
to a separate script
- whether to run the Ganeti-supplied master IP script or a user-supplied
on is a ``gnt-cluster init`` setting
Details about the location of the standard and custom setup scripts are
in the man page :manpage:`gnt-cluster(8)`; for information about the
setup script protocol, look at the Ganeti-supplied script.
SPICE support
The `SPICE <http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/SPICE>`_ support has been
It is now possible to use TLS-protected connections, and when renewing
or changing the cluster certificates (via ``gnt-cluster renew-crypto``,
it is now possible to specify spice or spice CA certificates. Also, it
is possible to configure a password for SPICE sessions via the
hypervisor parameter ``spice_password_file``.
There are also new parameters to control the compression and streaming
options (e.g. ``spice_image_compression``, ``spice_streaming_video``,
etc.). For details, see the man page :manpage:`gnt-instance(8)` and look
for the spice parameters.
Lastly, it is now possible to see the SPICE connection information via
``gnt-instance console``.
OVF converter
A new tool (``tools/ovfconverter``) has been added that supports
conversion between Ganeti and the `Open Virtualization Format
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Virtualization_Format>`_ (both to and
This relies on the ``qemu-img`` tool to convert the disk formats, so the
actual compatibility with other virtualization solutions depends on it.
Confd daemon changes
The configuration query daemon (``ganeti-confd``) is now optional, and
has been rewritten in Haskell; whether to use the daemon at all, use the
Python (default) or the Haskell version is selectable at configure time
via the ``--enable-confd`` parameter, which can take one of the
``haskell``, ``python`` or ``no`` values. If not used, disabling the
daemon will result in a smaller footprint; for larger systems, we
welcome feedback on the Haskell version which might become the default
in future versions.
If you want to use ``gnt-node list-drbd`` you need to have the Haskell
daemon running. The Python version doesn't implement the new call.
User interface changes
We have replaced the ``--disks`` option of ``gnt-instance
replace-disks`` with a more flexible ``--disk`` option, which allows
adding and removing disks at arbitrary indices (Issue 188). Furthermore,
disk size and mode can be changed upon recreation (via ``gnt-instance
recreate-disks``, which accepts the same ``--disk`` option).
As many people are used to a ``show`` command, we have added that as an
alias to ``info`` on all ``gnt-*`` commands.
The ``gnt-instance grow-disk`` command has a new mode in which it can
accept the target size of the disk, instead of the delta; this can be
more safe since two runs in absolute mode will be idempotent, and
sometimes it's also easier to specify the desired size directly.
Also the handling of instances with regard to offline secondaries has
been improved. Instance operations should not fail because one of it's
secondary nodes is offline, even though it's safe to proceed.
A new command ``list-drbd`` has been added to the ``gnt-node`` script to
support debugging of DRBD issues on nodes. It provides a mapping of DRBD
minors to instance name.
API changes
RAPI coverage has improved, with (for example) new resources for
recreate-disks, node power-cycle, etc.
There is partial support for ``xl`` in the Xen hypervisor; feedback is
Python 2.7 is better supported, and after Ganeti 2.6 we will investigate
whether to still support Python 2.4 or move to Python 2.6 as minimum
required version.
Support for Fedora has been slightly improved; the provided example
init.d script should work better on it and the INSTALL file should
document the needed dependencies.
Internal changes
The deprecated ``QueryLocks`` LUXI request has been removed. Use
``Query(what=QR_LOCK, ...)`` instead.
The LUXI requests :pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY_JOBS`,
:pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY_INSTANCES`, :pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY_NODES`,
:pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY_GROUPS`, :pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY_EXPORTS` and
:pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY_TAGS` are deprecated and will be removed in a
future version. :pyeval:`luxi.REQ_QUERY` should be used instead.
RAPI client: ``CertificateError`` now derives from
``GanetiApiError``. This should make it more easy to handle Ganeti
Deprecation warnings due to PyCrypto/paramiko import in
``tools/setup-ssh`` have been silenced, as usually they are safe; please
make sure to run an up-to-date paramiko version, if you use this tool.
The QA scripts now depend on Python 2.5 or above (the main code base
still works with Python 2.4).
The configuration file (``config.data``) is now written without
indentation for performance reasons; if you want to edit it, it can be
re-formatted via ``tools/fmtjson``.
A number of bugs has been fixed in the cluster merge tool.
``x509`` certification verification (used in import-export) has been
changed to allow the same clock skew as permitted by the cluster
verification. This will remove some rare but hard to diagnose errors in
Version 2.6.0 rc4
*(Released Thu, 19 Jul 2012)*
Very few changes from rc4 to the final release, only bugfixes:
- integrated fixes from release 2.5.2 (fix general boot flag for KVM
instance, fix CDROM booting for KVM instances)
- fixed node group modification of node parameters
- fixed issue in LUClusterVerifyGroup with multi-group clusters
- fixed generation of bash completion to ensure a stable ordering
- fixed a few typos
Version 2.6.0 rc3
*(Released Fri, 13 Jul 2012)*
Third release candidate for 2.6. The following changes were done from
rc3 to rc4:
- Fixed ``UpgradeConfig`` w.r.t. to disk parameters on disk objects.
- Fixed an inconsistency in the LUXI protocol with the provided
arguments (NOT backwards compatible)
- Fixed a bug with node groups ipolicy where ``min`` was greater than
the cluster ``std`` value
- Implemented a new ``gnt-node list-drbd`` call to list DRBD minors for
easier instance debugging on nodes (requires ``hconfd`` to work)
Version 2.6.0 rc2
*(Released Tue, 03 Jul 2012)*
Second release candidate for 2.6. The following changes were done from
rc2 to rc3:
- Fixed ``gnt-cluster verify`` regarding ``master-ip-script`` on non
master candidates
- Fixed a RAPI regression on missing beparams/memory
- Fixed redistribution of files on offline nodes
- Added possibility to run activate-disks even though secondaries are
offline. With this change it relaxes also the strictness on some other
commands which use activate disks internally:
* ``gnt-instance start|reboot|rename|backup|export``
- Made it possible to remove safely an instance if its secondaries are
- Made it possible to reinstall even though secondaries are offline
Version 2.6.0 rc1
*(Released Mon, 25 Jun 2012)*
First release candidate for 2.6. The following changes were done from
rc1 to rc2:
- Fixed bugs with disk parameters and ``rbd`` templates as well as
- Made ``gnt-instance modify`` more consistent regarding new NIC/Disk
behaviour. It supports now the modify operation
- ``hcheck`` implemented to analyze cluster health and possibility of
improving health by rebalance
- ``hbal`` has been improved in dealing with split instances
Version 2.6.0 beta2
*(Released Mon, 11 Jun 2012)*
Second beta release of 2.6. The following changes were done from beta2
to rc1:
- Fixed ``daemon-util`` with non-root user models
- Fixed creation of plain instances with ``--no-wait-for-sync``
- Fix wrong iv_names when running ``cfgupgrade``
- Export more information in RAPI group queries
- Fixed bug when changing instance network interfaces
- Extended burnin to do NIC changes
- query: Added ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, ``>=`` comparison operators
- Changed default for DRBD barriers
- Fixed DRBD error reporting for syncer rate
- Verify the options on disk parameters
And of course various fixes to documentation and improved unittests and
Version 2.6.0 beta1
*(Released Wed, 23 May 2012)*
First beta release of 2.6. The following changes were done from beta1 to
- integrated patch for distributions without ``start-stop-daemon``
- adapted example init.d script to work on Fedora
- fixed log handling in Haskell daemons
- adapted checks in the watcher for pycurl linked against libnss
- add partial support for ``xl`` instead of ``xm`` for Xen
- fixed a type issue in cluster verification
- fixed ssconf handling in the Haskell code (was breaking confd in IPv6
Plus integrated fixes from the 2.5 branch:
- fixed ``kvm-ifup`` to use ``/bin/bash``
- fixed parallel build failures
- KVM live migration when using a custom keymap
Version 2.5.2
*(Released Tue, 24 Jul 2012)*
A small bugfix release, with no new features:
- fixed bash-isms in kvm-ifup, for compatibility with systems which use a
different default shell (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu)
- fixed KVM startup and live migration with a custom keymap (fixes Issue
243 and Debian bug #650664)
- fixed compatibility with KVM versions that don't support multiple boot
devices (fixes Issue 230 and Debian bug #624256)
Additionally, a few fixes were done to the build system (fixed parallel
build failures) and to the unittests (fixed race condition in test for
FileID functions, and the default enable/disable mode for QA test is now
Version 2.5.1
*(Released Fri, 11 May 2012)*
A small bugfix release.
The main issues solved are on the topic of compatibility with newer LVM
- fixed parsing of ``lv_attr`` field
- adapted to new ``vgreduce --removemissing`` behaviour where sometimes
the ``--force`` flag is needed
Also on the topic of compatibility, ``tools/lvmstrap`` has been changed
to accept kernel 3.x too (was hardcoded to 2.6.*).
A regression present in 2.5.0 that broke handling (in the gnt-* scripts)
of hook results and that also made display of other errors suboptimal
was fixed; the code behaves now like 2.4 and earlier.
Another change in 2.5, the cleanup of the OS scripts environment, is too
aggressive: it removed even the ``PATH`` variable, which requires the OS
scripts to *always* need to export it. Since this is a bit too strict,
we now export a minimal PATH, the same that we export for hooks.
The fix for issue 201 (Preserve bridge MTU in KVM ifup script) was
integrated into this release.
Finally, a few other miscellaneous changes were done (no new features,
just small improvements):
- Fix ``gnt-group --help`` display
- Fix hardcoded Xen kernel path
- Fix grow-disk handling of invalid units
- Update synopsis for ``gnt-cluster repair-disk-sizes``
- Accept both PUT and POST in noded (makes future upgrade to 2.6 easier)
Version 2.5.0
*(Released Thu, 12 Apr 2012)*
Incompatible/important changes and bugfixes
- The default of the ``/2/instances/[instance_name]/rename`` RAPI
resource's ``ip_check`` parameter changed from ``True`` to ``False``
to match the underlying LUXI interface.
- The ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/evacuate`` RAPI resource was changed to use
body parameters, see :doc:`RAPI documentation <rapi>`. The server does
not maintain backwards-compatibility as the underlying operation
changed in an incompatible way. The RAPI client can talk to old
servers, but it needs to be told so as the return value changed.
- When creating file-based instances via RAPI, the ``file_driver``
parameter no longer defaults to ``loop`` and must be specified.
- The deprecated ``bridge`` NIC parameter is no longer supported. Use
``link`` instead.
- Support for the undocumented and deprecated RAPI instance creation
request format version 0 has been dropped. Use version 1, supported
since Ganeti 2.1.3 and :doc:`documented <rapi>`, instead.
- Pyparsing 1.4.6 or above is required, see :doc:`installation
documentation <install>`.
- The "cluster-verify" hooks are now executed per group by the
``OP_CLUSTER_VERIFY_GROUP`` opcode. This maintains the same behavior
if you just run ``gnt-cluster verify``, which generates one opcode per
- The environment as passed to the OS scripts is cleared, and thus no
environment variables defined in the node daemon's environment will be
inherited by the scripts.
- The :doc:`iallocator <iallocator>` mode ``multi-evacuate`` has been
- :doc:`New iallocator modes <design-multi-reloc>` have been added to
support operations involving multiple node groups.
- Offline nodes are ignored when failing over an instance.
- Support for KVM version 1.0, which changed the version reporting format
from 3 to 2 digits.
- TCP/IP ports used by DRBD disks are returned to a pool upon instance
- ``Makefile`` is now compatible with Automake 1.11.2
- Includes all bugfixes made in the 2.4 series
New features
- The ganeti-htools project has been merged into the ganeti-core source
tree and will be built as part of Ganeti (see :doc:`install-quick`).
- Implemented support for :doc:`shared storage <design-shared-storage>`.
- Add support for disks larger than 2 TB in ``lvmstrap`` by supporting
GPT-style partition tables (requires `parted
- Added support for floppy drive and 2nd CD-ROM drive in KVM hypervisor.
- Allowed adding tags on instance creation.
- Export instance tags to hooks (``INSTANCE_TAGS``, see :doc:`hooks`)
- Allow instances to be started in a paused state, enabling the user to
see the complete console output on boot using the console.
- Added new hypervisor flag to control default reboot behaviour
- Added support for KVM keymaps (hypervisor parameter ``keymap``).
- Improved out-of-band management support:
- Added ``gnt-node health`` command reporting the health status of
- Added ``gnt-node power`` command to manage power status of nodes.
- Added command for emergency power-off (EPO), ``gnt-cluster epo``.
- Instance migration can fall back to failover if instance is not
- Filters can be used when listing nodes, instances, groups and locks;
see *ganeti(7)* manpage.
- Added post-execution status as variables to :doc:`hooks <hooks>`
- Instance tags are exported/imported together with the instance.
- When given an explicit job ID, ``gnt-job info`` will work for archived
- Jobs can define dependencies on other jobs (not yet supported via
RAPI or command line, but used by internal commands and usable via
- Lock monitor (``gnt-debug locks``) shows jobs waiting for
- Instance failover is now available as a RAPI resource
- ``gnt-instance info`` defaults to static information if primary node
is offline.
- Opcodes have a new ``comment`` attribute.
- Added basic SPICE support to KVM hypervisor.
- ``tools/ganeti-listrunner`` allows passing of arguments to executable.
Node group improvements
- ``gnt-cluster verify`` has been modified to check groups separately,
thereby improving performance.
- Node group support has been added to ``gnt-cluster verify-disks``,
which now operates per node group.
- Watcher has been changed to work better with node groups.
- One process and state file per node group.
- Slow watcher in one group doesn't block other group's watcher.
- Added new command, ``gnt-group evacuate``, to move all instances in a
node group to other groups.
- Added ``gnt-instance change-group`` to move an instance to another
node group.
- ``gnt-cluster command`` and ``gnt-cluster copyfile`` now support
per-group operations.
- Node groups can be tagged.
- Some operations switch from an exclusive to a shared lock as soon as
- Instance's primary and secondary nodes' groups are now available as
query fields (``pnode.group``, ``pnode.group.uuid``, ``snodes.group``
and ``snodes.group.uuid``).
- Numerous updates to documentation and manpages.
- :doc:`RAPI <rapi>` documentation now has detailed parameter
- Some opcode/job results are now also documented, see :doc:`RAPI
- A lockset's internal lock is now also visible in lock monitor.
- Log messages from job queue workers now contain information about the
opcode they're processing.
- ``gnt-instance console`` no longer requires the instance lock.
- A short delay when waiting for job changes reduces the number of LUXI
requests significantly.
- DRBD metadata volumes are overwritten with zeros during disk creation.
- Out-of-band commands no longer acquire the cluster lock in exclusive
- ``devel/upload`` now uses correct permissions for directories.
Version 2.5.0 rc6
*(Released Fri, 23 Mar 2012)*
This was the sixth release candidate of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 rc5
*(Released Mon, 9 Jan 2012)*
This was the fifth release candidate of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 rc4
*(Released Thu, 27 Oct 2011)*
This was the fourth release candidate of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 rc3
*(Released Wed, 26 Oct 2011)*
This was the third release candidate of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 rc2
*(Released Tue, 18 Oct 2011)*
This was the second release candidate of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 rc1
*(Released Tue, 4 Oct 2011)*
This was the first release candidate of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 beta3
*(Released Wed, 31 Aug 2011)*
This was the third beta release of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 beta2
*(Released Mon, 22 Aug 2011)*
This was the second beta release of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.5.0 beta1
*(Released Fri, 12 Aug 2011)*
This was the first beta release of the 2.5 series.
Version 2.4.5
*(Released Thu, 27 Oct 2011)*
- Fixed bug when parsing command line parameter values ending in
- Fixed assertion error after unclean master shutdown
- Disable HTTP client pool for RPC, significantly reducing memory usage
of master daemon
- Fixed queue archive creation with wrong permissions
Version 2.4.4
*(Released Tue, 23 Aug 2011)*
Small bug-fixes:
- Fixed documentation for importing with ``--src-dir`` option
- Fixed a bug in ``ensure-dirs`` with queue/archive permissions
- Fixed a parsing issue with DRBD 8.3.11 in the Linux kernel
Version 2.4.3
*(Released Fri, 5 Aug 2011)*
Many bug-fixes and a few small features:
- Fixed argument order in ``ReserveLV`` and ``ReserveMAC`` which caused
issues when you tried to add an instance with two MAC addresses in one
- KVM: fixed per-instance stored UID value
- KVM: configure bridged NICs at migration start
- KVM: Fix a bug where instance will not start with never KVM versions
(>= 0.14)
- Added OS search path to ``gnt-cluster info``
- Fixed an issue with ``file_storage_dir`` where you were forced to
provide an absolute path, but the documentation states it is a
relative path, the documentation was right
- Added a new parameter to instance stop/start called ``--no-remember``
that will make the state change to not be remembered
- Implemented ``no_remember`` at RAPI level
- Improved the documentation
- Node evacuation: don't call IAllocator if node is already empty
- Fixed bug in DRBD8 replace disks on current nodes
- Fixed bug in recreate-disks for DRBD instances
- Moved assertion checking locks in ``gnt-instance replace-disks``
causing it to abort with not owning the right locks for some situation
- Job queue: Fixed potential race condition when cancelling queued jobs
- Fixed off-by-one bug in job serial generation
- ``gnt-node volumes``: Fix instance names
- Fixed aliases in bash completion
- Fixed a bug in reopening log files after being sent a SIGHUP
- Added a flag to burnin to allow specifying VCPU count
- Bugfixes to non-root Ganeti configuration
Version 2.4.2
*(Released Thu, 12 May 2011)*
Many bug-fixes and a few new small features:
- Fixed a bug related to log opening failures
- Fixed a bug in instance listing with orphan instances
- Fixed a bug which prevented resetting the cluster-level node parameter
``oob_program`` to the default
- Many fixes related to the ``cluster-merge`` tool
- Fixed a race condition in the lock monitor, which caused failures
during (at least) creation of many instances in parallel
- Improved output for gnt-job info
- Removed the quiet flag on some ssh calls which prevented debugging
- Improved the N+1 failure messages in cluster verify by actually
showing the memory values (needed and available)
- Increased lock attempt timeouts so that when executing long operations
(e.g. DRBD replace-disks) other jobs do not enter 'blocking acquire'
too early and thus prevent the use of the 'fair' mechanism
- Changed instance query data (``gnt-instance info``) to not acquire
locks unless needed, thus allowing its use on locked instance if only
static information is asked for
- Improved behaviour with filesystems that do not support rename on an
opened file
- Fixed the behaviour of ``prealloc_wipe_disks`` cluster parameter which
kept locks on all nodes during the wipe, which is unneeded
- Fixed ``gnt-watcher`` handling of errors during hooks execution
- Fixed bug in ``prealloc_wipe_disks`` with small disk sizes (less than
10GiB) which caused the wipe to fail right at the end in some cases
- Fixed master IP activation when doing master failover with no-voting
- Fixed bug in ``gnt-node add --readd`` which allowed the re-adding of
the master node itself
- Fixed potential data-loss in under disk full conditions, where Ganeti
wouldn't check correctly the return code and would consider
partially-written files 'correct'
- Fixed bug related to multiple VGs and DRBD disk replacing
- Added new disk parameter ``metavg`` that allows placement of the meta
device for DRBD in a different volume group
- Fixed error handling in the node daemon when the system libc doesn't
have major number 6 (i.e. if ``libc.so.6`` is not the actual libc)
- Fixed lock release during replace-disks, which kept cluster-wide locks
when doing disk replaces with an iallocator script
- Added check for missing bridges in cluster verify
- Handle EPIPE errors while writing to the terminal better, so that
piping the output to e.g. ``less`` doesn't cause a backtrace
- Fixed rare case where a ^C during Luxi calls could have been
interpreted as server errors, instead of simply terminating
- Fixed a race condition in LUGroupAssignNodes (``gnt-group
- Added a few more parameters to the KVM hypervisor, allowing a second
CDROM, custom disk type for CDROMs and a floppy image
- Removed redundant message in instance rename when the name is given
already as a FQDN
- Added option to ``gnt-instance recreate-disks`` to allow creating the
disks on new nodes, allowing recreation when the original instance
nodes are completely gone
- Added option when converting disk templates to DRBD to skip waiting
for the resync, in order to make the instance available sooner
- Added two new variables to the OS scripts environment (containing the
instance's nodes)
- Made the root_path and optional parameter for the xen-pvm hypervisor,
to allow use of ``pvgrub`` as bootloader
- Changed the instance memory modifications to only check out-of-memory
conditions on memory increases, and turned the secondary node warnings
into errors (they can still be overridden via ``--force``)
- Fixed the handling of a corner case when the Python installation gets
corrupted (e.g. a bad disk) while ganeti-noded is running and we try
to execute a command that doesn't exist
- Fixed a bug in ``gnt-instance move`` (LUInstanceMove) when the primary
node of the instance returned failures during instance shutdown; this
adds the option ``--ignore-consistency`` to gnt-instance move
And as usual, various improvements to the error messages, documentation
and man pages.
Version 2.4.1
*(Released Wed, 09 Mar 2011)*
Emergency bug-fix release. ``tools/cfgupgrade`` was broken and overwrote
the RAPI users file if run twice (even with ``--dry-run``).
The release fixes that bug (nothing else changed).
Version 2.4.0
*(Released Mon, 07 Mar 2011)*
Final 2.4.0 release. Just a few small fixes:
- Fixed RAPI node evacuate
- Fixed the kvm-ifup script
- Fixed internal error handling for special job cases
- Updated man page to specify the escaping feature for options
Version 2.4.0 rc3
*(Released Mon, 28 Feb 2011)*
A critical fix for the ``prealloc_wipe_disks`` feature: it is possible
that this feature wiped the disks of the wrong instance, leading to loss
of data.
Other changes:
- Fixed title of query field containing instance name
- Expanded the glossary in the documentation
- Fixed one unittest (internal issue)
Version 2.4.0 rc2
*(Released Mon, 21 Feb 2011)*
A number of bug fixes plus just a couple functionality changes.
On the user-visible side, the ``gnt-* list`` command output has changed
with respect to "special" field states. The current rc1 style of display
can be re-enabled by passing a new ``--verbose`` (``-v``) flag, but in
the default output mode special fields states are displayed as follows:
- Offline resource: ``*``
- Unavailable/not applicable: ``-``
- Data missing (RPC failure): ``?``
- Unknown field: ``??``
Another user-visible change is the addition of ``--force-join`` to
``gnt-node add``.
As for bug fixes:
- ``tools/cluster-merge`` has seen many fixes and is now enabled again
- Fixed regression in RAPI/instance reinstall where all parameters were
required (instead of optional)
- Fixed ``gnt-cluster repair-disk-sizes``, was broken since Ganeti 2.2
- Fixed iallocator usage (offline nodes were not considered offline)
- Fixed ``gnt-node list`` with respect to non-vm_capable nodes
- Fixed hypervisor and OS parameter validation with respect to
non-vm_capable nodes
- Fixed ``gnt-cluster verify`` with respect to offline nodes (mostly
- Fixed ``tools/listrunner`` with respect to agent-based usage
Version 2.4.0 rc1
*(Released Fri, 4 Feb 2011)*
Many changes and fixes since the beta1 release. While there were some
internal changes, the code has been mostly stabilised for the RC
Note: the dumb allocator was removed in this release, as it was not kept
up-to-date with the IAllocator protocol changes. It is recommended to
use the ``hail`` command from the ganeti-htools package.
Note: the 2.4 and up versions of Ganeti are not compatible with the
0.2.x branch of ganeti-htools. You need to upgrade to
ganeti-htools-0.3.0 (or later).
Regressions fixed from 2.3
- Fixed the ``gnt-cluster verify-disks`` command
- Made ``gnt-cluster verify-disks`` work in parallel (as opposed to
serially on nodes)
- Fixed disk adoption breakage
- Fixed wrong headers in instance listing for field aliases
Other bugs fixed
- Fixed corner case in KVM handling of NICs
- Fixed many cases of wrong handling of non-vm_capable nodes
- Fixed a bug where a missing instance symlink was not possible to
recreate with any ``gnt-*`` command (now ``gnt-instance
activate-disks`` does it)
- Fixed the volume group name as reported by ``gnt-cluster
- Increased timeouts for the import-export code, hopefully leading to
fewer aborts due network or instance timeouts
- Fixed bug in ``gnt-node list-storage``
- Fixed bug where not all daemons were started on cluster
initialisation, but only at the first watcher run
- Fixed many bugs in the OOB implementation
- Fixed watcher behaviour in presence of instances with offline
- Fixed instance list output for instances running on the wrong node
- a few fixes to the cluster-merge tool, but it still cannot merge
multi-node groups (currently it is not recommended to use this tool)
- Improved network configuration for the KVM hypervisor
- Added e1000 as a supported NIC for Xen-HVM
- Improved the lvmstrap tool to also be able to use partitions, as
opposed to full disks
- Improved speed of disk wiping (the cluster parameter
``prealloc_wipe_disks``, so that it has a low impact on the total time
of instance creations
- Added documentation for the OS parameters
- Changed ``gnt-instance deactivate-disks`` so that it can work if the
hypervisor is not responding
- Added display of blacklisted and hidden OS information in
``gnt-cluster info``
- Extended ``gnt-cluster verify`` to also validate hypervisor, backend,
NIC and node parameters, which might create problems with currently
invalid (but undetected) configuration files, but prevents validation
failures when unrelated parameters are modified
- Changed cluster initialisation to wait for the master daemon to become
- Expanded the RAPI interface:
- Added config redistribution resource
- Added activation/deactivation of instance disks
- Added export of console information
- Implemented log file reopening on SIGHUP, which allows using
logrotate(8) for the Ganeti log files
- Added a basic OOB helper script as an example
Version 2.4.0 beta1
*(Released Fri, 14 Jan 2011)*
- Fixed timezone issues when formatting timestamps
- Added support for node groups, available via ``gnt-group`` and other
- Added out-of-band framework and management, see :doc:`design
document <design-oob>`
- Removed support for roman numbers from ``gnt-node list`` and
``gnt-instance list``.
- Allowed modification of master network interface via ``gnt-cluster
modify --master-netdev``
- Accept offline secondaries while shutting down instance disks
- Added ``blockdev_prefix`` parameter to Xen PVM and HVM hypervisors
- Added support for multiple LVM volume groups
- Avoid sorting nodes for ``gnt-node list`` if specific nodes are
- Added commands to list available fields:
- ``gnt-node list-fields``
- ``gnt-group list-fields``
- ``gnt-instance list-fields``
- Updated documentation and man pages
- Moved ``rapi_users`` file into separate directory, now named
``.../ganeti/rapi/users``, ``cfgupgrade`` moves the file and creates a
- Added new tool for running commands on many machines,
- Implemented more verbose result in ``OpInstanceConsole`` opcode, also
improving the ``gnt-instance console`` output
- Allowed customisation of disk index separator at ``configure`` time
- Export node group allocation policy to :doc:`iallocator <iallocator>`
- Added support for non-partitioned md disks in ``lvmstrap``
- Added script to gracefully power off KVM instances
- Split ``utils`` module into smaller parts
- Changed query operations to return more detailed information, e.g.
whether an information is unavailable due to an offline node. To use
this new functionality, the LUXI call ``Query`` must be used. Field
information is now stored by the master daemon and can be retrieved
using ``QueryFields``. Instances, nodes and groups can also be queried
using the new opcodes ``OpQuery`` and ``OpQueryFields`` (not yet
exposed via RAPI). The following commands make use of this
infrastructure change:
- ``gnt-group list``
- ``gnt-group list-fields``
- ``gnt-node list``
- ``gnt-node list-fields``
- ``gnt-instance list``
- ``gnt-instance list-fields``
- ``gnt-debug locks``
Remote API
- New RAPI resources (see :doc:`rapi`):
- ``/2/modify``
- ``/2/groups``
- ``/2/groups/[group_name]``
- ``/2/groups/[group_name]/assign-nodes``
- ``/2/groups/[group_name]/modify``
- ``/2/groups/[group_name]/rename``
- ``/2/instances/[instance_name]/disk/[disk_index]/grow``
- RAPI changes:
- Implemented ``no_install`` for instance creation
- Implemented OS parameters for instance reinstallation, allowing
use of special settings on reinstallation (e.g. for preserving data)
- Added IPv6 support in import/export
- Pause DRBD synchronization while wiping disks on instance creation
- Updated unittests and QA scripts
- Improved network parameters passed to KVM
- Converted man pages from docbook to reStructuredText
Version 2.3.1
*(Released Mon, 20 Dec 2010)*
Released version 2.3.1~rc1 without any changes.
Version 2.3.1 rc1
*(Released Wed, 1 Dec 2010)*
- impexpd: Disable OpenSSL compression in socat if possible (backport
from master, commit e90739d625b, see :doc:`installation guide
<install-quick>` for details)
- Changed unittest coverage report to exclude test scripts
- Added script to check version format
Version 2.3.0
*(Released Wed, 1 Dec 2010)*
Released version 2.3.0~rc1 without any changes.
Version 2.3.0 rc1
*(Released Fri, 19 Nov 2010)*
A number of bugfixes and documentation updates:
- Update ganeti-os-interface documentation
- Fixed a bug related to duplicate MACs or similar items which should be
- Fix breakage in OS state modify
- Reinstall instance: disallow offline secondaries (fixes bug related to
OS changing but reinstall failing)
- plus all the other fixes between 2.2.1 and 2.2.2
Version 2.3.0 rc0
*(Released Tue, 2 Nov 2010)*
- Fixed clearing of the default iallocator using ``gnt-cluster modify``
- Fixed master failover race with watcher
- Fixed a bug in ``gnt-node modify`` which could lead to an inconsistent
- Accept previously stopped instance for export with instance removal
- Simplify and extend the environment variables for instance OS scripts
- Added new node flags, ``master_capable`` and ``vm_capable``
- Added optional instance disk wiping prior during allocation. This is a
cluster-wide option and can be set/modified using
``gnt-cluster {init,modify} --prealloc-wipe-disks``.
- Added IPv6 support, see :doc:`design document <design-2.3>` and
- Added a new watcher option (``--ignore-pause``)
- Added option to ignore offline node on instance start/stop
- Allow overriding OS parameters with ``gnt-instance reinstall``
- Added ability to change node's secondary IP address using ``gnt-node
- Implemented privilege separation for all daemons except
``ganeti-noded``, see ``configure`` options
- Complain if an instance's disk is marked faulty in ``gnt-cluster
- Implemented job priorities (see ``ganeti(7)`` manpage)
- Ignore failures while shutting down instances during failover from
offline node
- Exit daemon's bootstrap process only once daemon is ready
- Export more information via ``LUInstanceQuery``/remote API
- Improved documentation, QA and unittests
- RAPI daemon now watches ``rapi_users`` all the time and doesn't need a
restart if the file was created or changed
- Added LUXI protocol version sent with each request and response,
allowing detection of server/client mismatches
- Moved the Python scripts among gnt-* and ganeti-* into modules
- Moved all code related to setting up SSH to an external script,
- Infrastructure changes for node group support in future versions
Version 2.2.2
*(Released Fri, 19 Nov 2010)*
A few small bugs fixed, and some improvements to the build system:
- Fix documentation regarding conversion to drbd
- Fix validation of parameters in cluster modify (``gnt-cluster modify
- Fix error handling in node modify with multiple changes
- Allow remote imports without checked names
Version 2.2.1
*(Released Tue, 19 Oct 2010)*
- Disable SSL session ID cache in RPC client
Version 2.2.1 rc1
*(Released Thu, 14 Oct 2010)*
- Fix interaction between Curl/GnuTLS and the Python's HTTP server
(thanks Apollon Oikonomopoulos!), finally allowing the use of Curl
with GnuTLS
- Fix problems with interaction between Curl and Python's HTTP server,
resulting in increased speed in many RPC calls
- Improve our release script to prevent breakage with older aclocal and
Python 2.6
Version 2.2.1 rc0
*(Released Thu, 7 Oct 2010)*
- Fixed issue 125, replace hardcoded "xenvg" in ``gnt-cluster`` with
value retrieved from master
- Added support for blacklisted or hidden OS definitions
- Added simple lock monitor (accessible via (``gnt-debug locks``)
- Added support for -mem-path in KVM hypervisor abstraction layer
- Allow overriding instance parameters in tool for inter-cluster
instance moves (``tools/move-instance``)
- Improved opcode summaries (e.g. in ``gnt-job list``)
- Improve consistency of OS listing by sorting it
- Documentation updates
*(Released Fri, 8 Oct 2010)*
- Rebuild with a newer autotools version, to fix python 2.6 compatibility
Version 2.2.0
*(Released Mon, 4 Oct 2010)*
- Fixed regression in ``gnt-instance rename``
Version 2.2.0 rc2
*(Released Wed, 22 Sep 2010)*
- Fixed OS_VARIANT variable for OS scripts
- Fixed cluster tag operations via RAPI
- Made ``setup-ssh`` exit with non-zero code if an error occurred
- Disabled RAPI CA checks in watcher
Version 2.2.0 rc1
*(Released Mon, 23 Aug 2010)*
- Support DRBD versions of the format "a.b.c.d"
- Updated manpages
- Re-introduce support for usage from multiple threads in RAPI client
- Instance renames and modify via RAPI
- Work around race condition between processing and archival in job
- Mark opcodes following failed one as failed, too
- Job field ``lock_status`` was removed due to difficulties making it
work with the changed job queue in Ganeti 2.2; a better way to monitor
locks is expected for a later 2.2.x release
- Fixed dry-run behaviour with many commands
- Support ``ssh-agent`` again when adding nodes
- Many additional bugfixes
Version 2.2.0 rc0
*(Released Fri, 30 Jul 2010)*
Important change: the internal RPC mechanism between Ganeti nodes has
changed from using a home-grown http library (based on the Python base
libraries) to use the PycURL library. This requires that PycURL is
installed on nodes. Please note that on Debian/Ubuntu, PycURL is linked
against GnuTLS by default. cURL's support for GnuTLS had known issues
before cURL 7.21.0 and we recommend using the latest cURL release or
linking against OpenSSL. Most other distributions already link PycURL
and cURL against OpenSSL. The command::
python -c 'import pycurl; print pycurl.version'
can be used to determine the libraries PycURL and cURL are linked
Other significant changes:
- Rewrote much of the internals of the job queue, in order to achieve
better parallelism; this decouples job query operations from the job
processing, and it should allow much nicer behaviour of the master
daemon under load, and it also has uncovered some long-standing bugs
related to the job serialisation (now fixed)
- Added a default iallocator setting to the cluster parameters,
eliminating the need to always pass nodes or an iallocator for
operations that require selection of new node(s)
- Added experimental support for the LXC virtualization method
- Added support for OS parameters, which allows the installation of
instances to pass parameter to OS scripts in order to customise the
- Added a hypervisor parameter controlling the migration type (live or
non-live), since hypervisors have various levels of reliability; this
has renamed the 'live' parameter to 'mode'
- Added a cluster parameter ``reserved_lvs`` that denotes reserved
logical volumes, meaning that cluster verify will ignore them and not
flag their presence as errors
- The watcher will now reset the error count for failed instances after
8 hours, thus allowing self-healing if the problem that caused the
instances to be down/fail to start has cleared in the meantime
- Added a cluster parameter ``drbd_usermode_helper`` that makes Ganeti
check for, and warn, if the drbd module parameter ``usermode_helper``
is not consistent with the cluster-wide setting; this is needed to
make diagnose easier of failed drbd creations
- Started adding base IPv6 support, but this is not yet
enabled/available for use
- Rename operations (cluster, instance) will now return the new name,
which is especially useful if a short name was passed in
- Added support for instance migration in RAPI
- Added a tool to pre-configure nodes for the SSH setup, before joining
them to the cluster; this will allow in the future a simplified model
for node joining (but not yet fully enabled in 2.2); this needs the
paramiko python library
- Fixed handling of name-resolving errors
- Fixed consistency of job results on the error path
- Fixed master-failover race condition when executed multiple times in
- Fixed many bugs related to the job queue (mostly introduced during the
2.2 development cycle, so not all are impacting 2.1)
- Fixed instance migration with missing disk symlinks
- Fixed handling of unknown jobs in ``gnt-job archive``
- And many other small fixes/improvements
Internal changes:
- Enhanced both the unittest and the QA coverage
- Switched the opcode validation to a generic model, and extended the
validation to all opcode parameters
- Changed more parts of the code that write shell scripts to use the
same class for this
- Switched the master daemon to use the asyncore library for the Luxi
server endpoint
Version 2.2.0 beta0
*(Released Thu, 17 Jun 2010)*
- Added tool (``move-instance``) and infrastructure to move instances
between separate clusters (see :doc:`separate documentation
<move-instance>` and :doc:`design document <design-2.2>`)
- Added per-request RPC timeout
- RAPI now requires a Content-Type header for requests with a body (e.g.
``PUT`` or ``POST``) which must be set to ``application/json`` (see
:rfc:`2616` (HTTP/1.1), section 7.2.1)
- ``ganeti-watcher`` attempts to restart ``ganeti-rapi`` if RAPI is not
- Implemented initial support for running Ganeti daemons as separate
users, see configure-time flags ``--with-user-prefix`` and
``--with-group-prefix`` (only ``ganeti-rapi`` is supported at this
- Instances can be removed after export (``gnt-backup export
- Self-signed certificates generated by Ganeti now use a 2048 bit RSA
key (instead of 1024 bit)
- Added new cluster configuration file for cluster domain secret
- Import/export now use SSL instead of SSH
- Added support for showing estimated time when exporting an instance,
see the ``ganeti-os-interface(7)`` manpage and look for
Version 2.1.8
*(Released Tue, 16 Nov 2010)*
Some more bugfixes. Unless critical bugs occur, this will be the last
2.1 release:
- Fix case of MAC special-values
- Fix mac checker regex
- backend: Fix typo causing "out of range" error
- Add missing --units in gnt-instance list man page
Version 2.1.7
*(Released Tue, 24 Aug 2010)*
Bugfixes only:
- Don't ignore secondary node silently on non-mirrored disk templates
(issue 113)
- Fix --master-netdev arg name in gnt-cluster(8) (issue 114)
- Fix usb_mouse parameter breaking with vnc_console (issue 109)
- Properly document the usb_mouse parameter
- Fix path in ganeti-rapi(8) (issue 116)
- Adjust error message when the ganeti user's .ssh directory is
- Add same-node-check when changing the disk template to drbd
Version 2.1.6
*(Released Fri, 16 Jul 2010)*
Bugfixes only:
- Add an option to only select some reboot types during qa/burnin.
(on some hypervisors consequent reboots are not supported)
- Fix infrequent race condition in master failover. Sometimes the old
master ip address would be still detected as up for a short time
after it was removed, causing failover to fail.
- Decrease mlockall warnings when the ctypes module is missing. On
Python 2.4 we support running even if no ctypes module is installed,
but we were too verbose about this issue.
- Fix building on old distributions, on which man doesn't have a
--warnings option.
- Fix RAPI not to ignore the MAC address on instance creation
- Implement the old instance creation format in the RAPI client.
Version 2.1.5
*(Released Thu, 01 Jul 2010)*
A small bugfix release:
- Fix disk adoption: broken by strict --disk option checking in 2.1.4
- Fix batch-create: broken in the whole 2.1 series due to a lookup on
a non-existing option
- Fix instance create: the --force-variant option was ignored
- Improve pylint 0.21 compatibility and warnings with Python 2.6
- Fix modify node storage with non-FQDN arguments
- Fix RAPI client to authenticate under Python 2.6 when used
for more than 5 requests needing authentication
- Fix gnt-instance modify -t (storage) giving a wrong error message
when converting a non-shutdown drbd instance to plain
Version 2.1.4
*(Released Fri, 18 Jun 2010)*
A small bugfix release:
- Fix live migration of KVM instances started with older Ganeti
versions which had fewer hypervisor parameters
- Fix gnt-instance grow-disk on down instances
- Fix an error-reporting bug during instance migration
- Better checking of the ``--net`` and ``--disk`` values, to avoid
silently ignoring broken ones
- Fix an RPC error reporting bug affecting, for example, RAPI client
- Fix bug triggered by different API version os-es on different nodes
- Fix a bug in instance startup with custom hvparams: OS level
parameters would fail to be applied.
- Fix the RAPI client under Python 2.6 (but more work is needed to
make it work completely well with OpenSSL)
- Fix handling of errors when resolving names from DNS
Version 2.1.3
*(Released Thu, 3 Jun 2010)*
A medium sized development cycle. Some new features, and some
fixes/small improvements/cleanups.
Significant features
The node deamon now tries to mlock itself into memory, unless the
``--no-mlock`` flag is passed. It also doesn't fail if it can't write
its logs, and falls back to console logging. This allows emergency
features such as ``gnt-node powercycle`` to work even in the event of a
broken node disk (tested offlining the disk hosting the node's
filesystem and dropping its memory caches; don't try this at home)
KVM: add vhost-net acceleration support. It can be tested with a new
enough version of the kernel and of qemu-kvm.
KVM: Add instance chrooting feature. If you use privilege dropping for
your VMs you can also now force them to chroot to an empty directory,
before starting the emulated guest.
KVM: Add maximum migration bandwith and maximum downtime tweaking
support (requires a new-enough version of qemu-kvm).
Cluster verify will now warn if the master node doesn't have the master
ip configured on it.
Add a new (incompatible) instance creation request format to RAPI which
supports all parameters (previously only a subset was supported, and it
wasn't possible to extend the old format to accomodate all the new
features. The old format is still supported, and a client can check for
this feature, before using it, by checking for its presence in the
``features`` RAPI resource.
Now with ancient latin support. Try it passing the ``--roman`` option to
``gnt-instance info``, ``gnt-cluster info`` or ``gnt-node list``
(requires the python-roman module to be installed, in order to work).
Other changes
As usual many internal code refactorings, documentation updates, and
such. Among others:
- Lots of improvements and cleanups to the experimental Remote API
(RAPI) client library.
- A new unit test suite for the core daemon libraries.
- A fix to creating missing directories makes sure the umask is not
applied anymore. This enforces the same directory permissions
- Better handling terminating daemons with ctrl+c (used when running
them in debugging mode).
- Fix a race condition in live migrating a KVM instance, when stat()
on the old proc status file returned EINVAL, which is an unexpected
- Fixed manpage checking with newer man and utf-8 charachters. But now
you need the en_US.UTF-8 locale enabled to build Ganeti from git.
*(Released Fri, 7 May 2010)*
Fix a bug which prevented untagged KVM instances from starting.
Version 2.1.2
*(Released Fri, 7 May 2010)*
Another release with a long development cycle, during which many
different features were added.
Significant features
The KVM hypervisor now can run the individual instances as non-root, to
reduce the impact of a VM being hijacked due to bugs in the
hypervisor. It is possible to run all instances as a single (non-root)
user, to manually specify a user for each instance, or to dynamically
allocate a user out of a cluster-wide pool to each instance, with the
guarantee that no two instances will run under the same user ID on any
given node.
An experimental RAPI client library, that can be used standalone
(without the other Ganeti libraries), is provided in the source tree as
``lib/rapi/client.py``. Note this client might change its interface in
the future, as we iterate on its capabilities.
A new command, ``gnt-cluster renew-crypto`` has been added to easily
replace the cluster's certificates and crypto keys. This might help in
case they have been compromised, or have simply expired.
A new disk option for instance creation has been added that allows one
to "adopt" currently existing logical volumes, with data
preservation. This should allow easier migration to Ganeti from
unmanaged (or managed via other software) instances.
Another disk improvement is the possibility to convert between redundant
(DRBD) and plain (LVM) disk configuration for an instance. This should
allow better scalability (starting with one node and growing the
cluster, or shrinking a two-node cluster to one node).
A new feature that could help with automated node failovers has been
implemented: if a node sees itself as offline (by querying the master
candidates), it will try to shutdown (hard) all instances and any active
DRBD devices. This reduces the risk of duplicate instances if an
external script automatically failovers the instances on such nodes. To
enable this, the cluster parameter ``maintain_node_health`` should be
enabled; in the future this option (per the name) will enable other
automatic maintenance features.
Instance export/import now will reuse the original instance
specifications for all parameters; that means exporting an instance,
deleting it and the importing it back should give an almost identical
instance. Note that the default import behaviour has changed from
before, where it created only one NIC; now it recreates the original
number of NICs.
Cluster verify has added a few new checks: SSL certificates validity,
/etc/hosts consistency across the cluster, etc.
Other changes
As usual, many internal changes were done, documentation fixes,
etc. Among others:
- Fixed cluster initialization with disabled cluster storage (regression
introduced in 2.1.1)
- File-based storage supports growing the disks
- Fixed behaviour of node role changes
- Fixed cluster verify for some corner cases, plus a general rewrite of
cluster verify to allow future extension with more checks
- Fixed log spamming by watcher and node daemon (regression introduced
in 2.1.1)
- Fixed possible validation issues when changing the list of enabled
- Fixed cleanup of /etc/hosts during node removal
- Fixed RAPI response for invalid methods
- Fixed bug with hashed passwords in ``ganeti-rapi`` daemon
- Multiple small improvements to the KVM hypervisor (VNC usage, booting
from ide disks, etc.)
- Allow OS changes without re-installation (to record a changed OS
outside of Ganeti, or to allow OS renames)
- Allow instance creation without OS installation (useful for example if
the OS will be installed manually, or restored from a backup not in
Ganeti format)
- Implemented option to make cluster ``copyfile`` use the replication
- Added list of enabled hypervisors to ssconf (possibly useful for
external scripts)
- Added a new tool (``tools/cfgupgrade12``) that allows upgrading from
1.2 clusters
- A partial form of node re-IP is possible via node readd, which now
allows changed node primary IP
- Command line utilities now show an informational message if the job is
waiting for a lock
- The logs of the master daemon now show the PID/UID/GID of the
connected client
Version 2.1.1
*(Released Fri, 12 Mar 2010)*
During the 2.1.0 long release candidate cycle, a lot of improvements and
changes have accumulated with were released later as 2.1.1.
Major changes
The node evacuate command (``gnt-node evacuate``) was significantly
rewritten, and as such the IAllocator protocol was changed - a new
request type has been added. This unfortunate change during a stable
series is designed to improve performance of node evacuations; on
clusters with more than about five nodes and which are well-balanced,
evacuation should proceed in parallel for all instances of the node
being evacuated. As such, any existing IAllocator scripts need to be
updated, otherwise the above command will fail due to the unknown
request. The provided "dumb" allocator has not been updated; but the
ganeti-htools package supports the new protocol since version 0.2.4.
Another important change is increased validation of node and instance
names. This might create problems in special cases, if invalid host
names are being used.
Also, a new layer of hypervisor parameters has been added, that sits at
OS level between the cluster defaults and the instance ones. This allows
customisation of virtualization parameters depending on the installed
OS. For example instances with OS 'X' may have a different KVM kernel
(or any other parameter) than the cluster defaults. This is intended to
help managing a multiple OSes on the same cluster, without manual
modification of each instance's parameters.
A tool for merging clusters, ``cluster-merge``, has been added in the
tools sub-directory.
Bug fixes
- Improved the int/float conversions that should make the code more
robust in face of errors from the node daemons
- Fixed the remove node code in case of internal configuration errors
- Fixed the node daemon behaviour in face of inconsistent queue
directory (e.g. read-only file-system where we can't open the files
read-write, etc.)
- Fixed the behaviour of gnt-node modify for master candidate demotion;
now it either aborts cleanly or, if given the new "auto_promote"
parameter, will automatically promote other nodes as needed
- Fixed compatibility with (unreleased yet) Python 2.6.5 that would
completely prevent Ganeti from working
- Fixed bug for instance export when not all disks were successfully
- Fixed behaviour of node add when the new node is slow in starting up
the node daemon
- Fixed handling of signals in the LUXI client, which should improve
behaviour of command-line scripts
- Added checks for invalid node/instance names in the configuration (now
flagged during cluster verify)
- Fixed watcher behaviour for disk activation errors
- Fixed two potentially endless loops in http library, which led to the
RAPI daemon hanging and consuming 100% CPU in some cases
- Fixed bug in RAPI daemon related to hashed passwords
- Fixed bug for unintended qemu-level bridging of multi-NIC KVM
- Enhanced compatibility with non-Debian OSes, but not using absolute
path in some commands and allowing customisation of the ssh
configuration directory
- Fixed possible future issue with new Python versions by abiding to the
proper use of ``__slots__`` attribute on classes
- Added checks that should prevent directory traversal attacks
- Many documentation fixes based on feedback from users
New features
- Added an "early_release" more for instance replace disks and node
evacuate, where we release locks earlier and thus allow higher
parallelism within the cluster
- Added watcher hooks, intended to allow the watcher to restart other
daemons (e.g. from the ganeti-nbma project), but they can be used of
course for any other purpose
- Added a compile-time disable for DRBD barriers, to increase
performance if the administrator trusts the power supply or the
storage system to not lose writes
- Added the option of using syslog for logging instead of, or in
addition to, Ganeti's own log files
- Removed boot restriction for paravirtual NICs for KVM, recent versions
can indeed boot from a paravirtual NIC
- Added a generic debug level for many operations; while this is not
used widely yet, it allows one to pass the debug value all the way to
the OS scripts
- Enhanced the hooks environment for instance moves (failovers,
migrations) where the primary/secondary nodes changed during the
operation, by adding {NEW,OLD}_{PRIMARY,SECONDARY} vars
- Enhanced data validations for many user-supplied values; one important
item is the restrictions imposed on instance and node names, which
might reject some (invalid) host names
- Add a configure-time option to disable file-based storage, if it's not
needed; this allows greater security separation between the master
node and the other nodes from the point of view of the inter-node RPC
- Added user notification in interactive tools if job is waiting in the
job queue or trying to acquire locks
- Added log messages when a job is waiting for locks
- Added filtering by node tags in instance operations which admit
multiple instances (start, stop, reboot, reinstall)
- Added a new tool for cluster mergers, ``cluster-merge``
- Parameters from command line which are of the form ``a=b,c=d`` can now
use backslash escapes to pass in values which contain commas,
e.g. ``a=b\\c,d=e`` where the 'a' parameter would get the value
- For KVM, the instance name is the first parameter passed to KVM, so
that it's more visible in the process list
Version 2.1.0
*(Released Tue, 2 Mar 2010)*
Ganeti 2.1 brings many improvements with it. Major changes:
- Added infrastructure to ease automated disk repairs
- Added new daemon to export configuration data in a cheaper way than
using the remote API
- Instance NICs can now be routed instead of being associated with a
networking bridge
- Improved job locking logic to reduce impact of jobs acquiring multiple
locks waiting for other long-running jobs
In-depth implementation details can be found in the Ganeti 2.1 design
- Added chroot hypervisor
- Added more options to xen-hvm hypervisor (``kernel_path`` and
- Added more options to xen-pvm hypervisor (``use_bootloader``,
``bootloader_path`` and ``bootloader_args``)
- Added the ``use_localtime`` option for the xen-hvm and kvm
hypervisors, and the default value for this has changed to false (in
2.0 xen-hvm always enabled it)
- Added luxi call to submit multiple jobs in one go
- Added cluster initialization option to not modify ``/etc/hosts``
file on nodes
- Added network interface parameters
- Added dry run mode to some LUs
- Added RAPI resources:
- ``/2/instances/[instance_name]/info``
- ``/2/instances/[instance_name]/replace-disks``
- ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/evacuate``
- ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/migrate``
- ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/role``
- ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/storage``
- ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/storage/modify``
- ``/2/nodes/[node_name]/storage/repair``
- Added OpCodes to evacuate or migrate all instances on a node
- Added new command to list storage elements on nodes (``gnt-node
list-storage``) and modify them (``gnt-node modify-storage``)
- Added new ssconf files with master candidate IP address
(``ssconf_master_candidates_ips``), node primary IP address
(``ssconf_node_primary_ips``) and node secondary IP address
- Added ``ganeti-confd`` and a client library to query the Ganeti
configuration via UDP
- Added ability to run hooks after cluster initialization and before
cluster destruction
- Added automatic mode for disk replace (``gnt-instance replace-disks
- Added ``gnt-instance recreate-disks`` to re-create (empty) disks
after catastrophic data-loss
- Added ``gnt-node repair-storage`` command to repair damaged LVM volume
- Added ``gnt-instance move`` command to move instances
- Added ``gnt-cluster watcher`` command to control watcher
- Added ``gnt-node powercycle`` command to powercycle nodes
- Added new job status field ``lock_status``
- Added parseable error codes to cluster verification (``gnt-cluster
verify --error-codes``) and made output less verbose (use
``--verbose`` to restore previous behaviour)
- Added UUIDs to the main config entities (cluster, nodes, instances)
- Added support for OS variants
- Added support for hashed passwords in the Ganeti remote API users file
- Added option to specify maximum timeout on instance shutdown
- Added ``--no-ssh-init`` option to ``gnt-cluster init``
- Added new helper script to start and stop Ganeti daemons
(``daemon-util``), with the intent to reduce the work necessary to
adjust Ganeti for non-Debian distributions and to start/stop daemons
from one place
- Added more unittests
- Fixed critical bug in ganeti-masterd startup
- Removed the configure-time ``kvm-migration-port`` parameter, this is
now customisable at the cluster level for both the KVM and Xen
hypervisors using the new ``migration_port`` parameter
- Pass ``INSTANCE_REINSTALL`` variable to OS installation script when
reinstalling an instance
- Allowed ``@`` in tag names
- Migrated to Sphinx (http://sphinx.pocoo.org/) for documentation
- Many documentation updates
- Distribute hypervisor files on ``gnt-cluster redist-conf``
- ``gnt-instance reinstall`` can now reinstall multiple instances
- Updated many command line parameters
- Introduced new OS API version 15
- No longer support a default hypervisor
- Treat virtual LVs as inexistent
- Improved job locking logic to reduce lock contention
- Match instance and node names case insensitively
- Reimplemented bash completion script to be more complete
- Improved burnin
Version 2.0.6
*(Released Thu, 4 Feb 2010)*
- Fix cleaner behaviour on nodes not in a cluster (Debian bug 568105)
- Fix a string formatting bug
- Improve safety of the code in some error paths
- Improve data validation in the master of values returned from nodes
Version 2.0.5
*(Released Thu, 17 Dec 2009)*
- Fix security issue due to missing validation of iallocator names; this
allows local and remote execution of arbitrary executables
- Fix failure of gnt-node list during instance removal
- Ship the RAPI documentation in the archive
Version 2.0.4
*(Released Wed, 30 Sep 2009)*
- Fixed many wrong messages
- Fixed a few bugs related to the locking library
- Fixed MAC checking at instance creation time
- Fixed a DRBD parsing bug related to gaps in /proc/drbd
- Fixed a few issues related to signal handling in both daemons and
- Fixed the example startup script provided
- Fixed insserv dependencies in the example startup script (patch from
- Fixed handling of drained nodes in the iallocator framework
- Fixed handling of KERNEL_PATH parameter for xen-hvm (Debian bug
- Fixed error related to invalid job IDs in job polling
- Fixed job/opcode persistence on unclean master shutdown
- Fixed handling of partial job processing after unclean master
- Fixed error reporting from LUs, previously all errors were converted
into execution errors
- Fixed error reporting from burnin
- Decreased significantly the memory usage of the job queue
- Optimised slightly multi-job submission
- Optimised slightly opcode loading
- Backported the multi-job submit framework from the development
branch; multi-instance start and stop should be faster
- Added script to clean archived jobs after 21 days; this will reduce
the size of the queue directory
- Added some extra checks in disk size tracking
- Added an example ethers hook script
- Added a cluster parameter that prevents Ganeti from modifying of
- Added more node information to RAPI responses
- Added a ``gnt-job watch`` command that allows following the ouput of a
- Added a bind-address option to ganeti-rapi
- Added more checks to the configuration verify
- Enhanced the burnin script such that some operations can be retried
- Converted instance reinstall to multi-instance model
Version 2.0.3
*(Released Fri, 7 Aug 2009)*
- Added ``--ignore-size`` to the ``gnt-instance activate-disks`` command
to allow using the pre-2.0.2 behaviour in activation, if any existing
instances have mismatched disk sizes in the configuration
- Added ``gnt-cluster repair-disk-sizes`` command to check and update
any configuration mismatches for disk sizes
- Added ``gnt-master cluste-failover --no-voting`` to allow master
failover to work on two-node clusters
- Fixed the ``--net`` option of ``gnt-backup import``, which was
- Fixed detection of OS script errors in ``gnt-backup export``
- Fixed exit code of ``gnt-backup export``
Version 2.0.2
*(Released Fri, 17 Jul 2009)*
- Added experimental support for stripped logical volumes; this should
enhance performance but comes with a higher complexity in the block
device handling; stripping is only enabled when passing
``--with-lvm-stripecount=N`` to ``configure``, but codepaths are
affected even in the non-stripped mode
- Improved resiliency against transient failures at the end of DRBD
resyncs, and in general of DRBD resync checks
- Fixed a couple of issues with exports and snapshot errors
- Fixed a couple of issues in instance listing
- Added display of the disk size in ``gnt-instance info``
- Fixed checking for valid OSes in instance creation
- Fixed handling of the "vcpus" parameter in instance listing and in
general of invalid parameters
- Fixed http server library, and thus RAPI, to handle invalid
username/password combinations correctly; this means that now they
report unauthorized for queries too, not only for modifications,
allowing earlier detect of configuration problems
- Added a new "role" node list field, equivalent to the master/master
candidate/drained/offline flags combinations
- Fixed cluster modify and changes of candidate pool size
- Fixed cluster verify error messages for wrong files on regular nodes
- Fixed a couple of issues with node demotion from master candidate role
- Fixed node readd issues
- Added non-interactive mode for ``ganeti-masterd --no-voting`` startup
- Added a new ``--no-voting`` option for masterfailover to fix failover
on two-nodes clusters when the former master node is unreachable
- Added instance reinstall over RAPI
Version 2.0.1
*(Released Tue, 16 Jun 2009)*
- added ``-H``/``-B`` startup parameters to ``gnt-instance``, which will
allow re-adding the start in single-user option (regression from 1.2)
- the watcher writes the instance status to a file, to allow monitoring
to report the instance status (from the master) based on cached
results of the watcher's queries; while this can get stale if the
watcher is being locked due to other work on the cluster, this is
still an improvement
- the watcher now also restarts the node daemon and the rapi daemon if
they died
- fixed the watcher to handle full and drained queue cases
- hooks export more instance data in the environment, which helps if
hook scripts need to take action based on the instance's properties
(no longer need to query back into ganeti)
- instance failovers when the instance is stopped do not check for free
RAM, so that failing over a stopped instance is possible in low memory
- rapi uses queries for tags instead of jobs (for less job traffic), and
for cluster tags it won't talk to masterd at all but read them from
- a couple of error handling fixes in RAPI
- drbd handling: improved the error handling of inconsistent disks after
resync to reduce the frequency of "there are some degraded disks for
this instance" messages
- fixed a bug in live migration when DRBD doesn't want to reconnect (the
error handling path called a wrong function name)
Version 2.0.0
*(Released Wed, 27 May 2009)*
- no changes from rc5
Version 2.0 rc5
*(Released Wed, 20 May 2009)*
- fix a couple of bugs (validation, argument checks)
- fix ``gnt-cluster getmaster`` on non-master nodes (regression)
- some small improvements to RAPI and IAllocator
- make watcher automatically start the master daemon if down
Version 2.0 rc4
*(Released Mon, 27 Apr 2009)*
- change the OS list to not require locks; this helps with big clusters
- fix ``gnt-cluster verify`` and ``gnt-cluster verify-disks`` when the
volume group is broken
- ``gnt-instance info``, without any arguments, doesn't run for all
instances anymore; either pass ``--all`` or pass the desired
instances; this helps against mistakes on big clusters where listing
the information for all instances takes a long time
- miscellaneous doc and man pages fixes
Version 2.0 rc3
*(Released Wed, 8 Apr 2009)*
- Change the internal locking model of some ``gnt-node`` commands, in
order to reduce contention (and blocking of master daemon) when
batching many creation/reinstall jobs
- Fixes to Xen soft reboot
- No longer build documentation at build time, instead distribute it in
the archive, in order to reduce the need for the whole docbook/rst
Version 2.0 rc2
*(Released Fri, 27 Mar 2009)*
- Now the cfgupgrade scripts works and can upgrade 1.2.7 clusters to 2.0
- Fix watcher startup sequence, improves the behaviour of busy clusters
- Some other fixes in ``gnt-cluster verify``, ``gnt-instance
replace-disks``, ``gnt-instance add``, ``gnt-cluster queue``, KVM VNC
bind address and other places
- Some documentation fixes and updates
Version 2.0 rc1
*(Released Mon, 2 Mar 2009)*
- More documentation updates, now all docs should be more-or-less
- A couple of small fixes (mixed hypervisor clusters, offline nodes,
- Added a customizable HV_KERNEL_ARGS hypervisor parameter (for Xen PVM
and KVM)
- Fix an issue related to $libdir/run/ganeti and cluster creation
Version 2.0 beta2
*(Released Thu, 19 Feb 2009)*
- Xen PVM and KVM have switched the default value for the instance root
disk to the first partition on the first drive, instead of the whole
drive; this means that the OS installation scripts must be changed
- Man pages have been updated
- RAPI has been switched by default to HTTPS, and the exported functions
should all work correctly
- RAPI v1 has been removed
- Many improvements to the KVM hypervisor
- Block device errors are now better reported
- Many other bugfixes and small improvements
Version 2.0 beta1
*(Released Mon, 26 Jan 2009)*
- Version 2 is a general rewrite of the code and therefore the
differences are too many to list, see the design document for 2.0 in
the ``doc/`` subdirectory for more details
- In this beta version there is not yet a migration path from 1.2 (there
will be one in the final 2.0 release)
- A few significant changes are:
- all commands are executed by a daemon (``ganeti-masterd``) and the
various ``gnt-*`` commands are just front-ends to it
- all the commands are entered into, and executed from a job queue,
see the ``gnt-job(8)`` manpage
- the RAPI daemon supports read-write operations, secured by basic
HTTP authentication on top of HTTPS
- DRBD version 0.7 support has been removed, DRBD 8 is the only
supported version (when migrating from Ganeti 1.2 to 2.0, you need
to migrate to DRBD 8 first while still running Ganeti 1.2)
- DRBD devices are using statically allocated minor numbers, which
will be assigned to existing instances during the migration process
- there is support for both Xen PVM and Xen HVM instances running on
the same cluster
- KVM virtualization is supported too
- file-based storage has been implemented, which means that it is
possible to run the cluster without LVM and DRBD storage, for
example using a shared filesystem exported from shared storage (and
still have live migration)
Version 1.2.7
*(Released Tue, 13 Jan 2009)*
- Change the default reboot type in ``gnt-instance reboot`` to "hard"
- Reuse the old instance mac address by default on instance import, if
the instance name is the same.
- Handle situations in which the node info rpc returns incomplete
results (issue 46)
- Add checks for tcp/udp ports collisions in ``gnt-cluster verify``
- Improved version of batcher:
- state file support
- instance mac address support
- support for HVM clusters/instances
- Add an option to show the number of cpu sockets and nodes in
``gnt-node list``
- Support OSes that handle more than one version of the OS api (but do
not change the current API in any other way)
- Fix ``gnt-node migrate``
- ``gnt-debug`` man page
- Fixes various more typos and small issues
- Increase disk resync maximum speed to 60MB/s (from 30MB/s)
Version 1.2.6
*(Released Wed, 24 Sep 2008)*
- new ``--hvm-nic-type`` and ``--hvm-disk-type`` flags to control the
type of disk exported to fully virtualized instances.
- provide access to the serial console of HVM instances
- instance auto_balance flag, set by default. If turned off it will
avoid warnings on cluster verify if there is not enough memory to fail
over an instance. in the future it will prevent automatically failing
it over when we will support that.
- batcher tool for instance creation, see ``tools/README.batcher``
- ``gnt-instance reinstall --select-os`` to interactively select a new
operating system when reinstalling an instance.
- when changing the memory amount on instance modify a check has been
added that the instance will be able to start. also warnings are
emitted if the instance will not be able to fail over, if auto_balance
is true.
- documentation fixes
- sync fields between ``gnt-instance list/modify/add/import``
- fix a race condition in drbd when the sync speed was set after giving
the device a remote peer.
Version 1.2.5
*(Released Tue, 22 Jul 2008)*
- note: the allowed size and number of tags per object were reduced
- fix a bug in ``gnt-cluster verify`` with inconsistent volume groups
- fixed twisted 8.x compatibility
- fixed ``gnt-instance replace-disks`` with iallocator
- add TCP keepalives on twisted connections to detect restarted nodes
- disk increase support, see ``gnt-instance grow-disk``
- implement bulk node/instance query for RAPI
- add tags in node/instance listing (optional)
- experimental migration (and live migration) support, read the man page
for ``gnt-instance migrate``
- the ``ganeti-watcher`` logs are now timestamped, and the watcher also
has some small improvements in handling its state file
Version 1.2.4
*(Released Fri, 13 Jun 2008)*
- Experimental readonly, REST-based remote API implementation;
automatically started on master node, TCP port 5080, if enabled by
``--enable-rapi`` parameter to configure script.
- Instance allocator support. Add and import instance accept a
``--iallocator`` parameter, and call that instance allocator to decide
which node to use for the instance. The iallocator document describes
what's expected from an allocator script.
- ``gnt-cluster verify`` N+1 memory redundancy checks: Unless passed the
``--no-nplus1-mem`` option ``gnt-cluster verify`` now checks that if a
node is lost there is still enough memory to fail over the instances
that reside on it.
- ``gnt-cluster verify`` hooks: it is now possible to add post-hooks to
``gnt-cluster verify``, to check for site-specific compliance. All the
hooks will run, and their output, if any, will be displayed. Any
failing hook will make the verification return an error value.
- ``gnt-cluster verify`` now checks that its peers are reachable on the
primary and secondary interfaces
- ``gnt-node add`` now supports the ``--readd`` option, to readd a node
that is still declared as part of the cluster and has failed.
- ``gnt-* list`` commands now accept a new ``-o +field`` way of
specifying output fields, that just adds the chosen fields to the
default ones.
- ``gnt-backup`` now has a new ``remove`` command to delete an existing
export from the filesystem.
- New per-instance parameters hvm_acpi, hvm_pae and hvm_cdrom_image_path
have been added. Using them you can enable/disable acpi and pae
support, and specify a path for a cd image to be exported to the
instance. These parameters as the name suggest only work on HVM
- When upgrading an HVM cluster to Ganeti 1.2.4, the values for ACPI and
PAE support will be set to the previously hardcoded values, but the
(previously hardcoded) path to the CDROM ISO image will be unset and
if required, needs to be set manually with ``gnt-instance modify``
after the upgrade.
- The address to which an instance's VNC console is bound is now
selectable per-instance, rather than being cluster wide. Of course
this only applies to instances controlled via VNC, so currently just
applies to HVM clusters.
Version 1.2.3
*(Released Mon, 18 Feb 2008)*
- more tweaks to the disk activation code (especially helpful for DRBD)
- change the default ``gnt-instance list`` output format, now there is
one combined status field (see the manpage for the exact values this
field will have)
- some more fixes for the mac export to hooks change
- make Ganeti not break with DRBD 8.2.x (which changed the version
format in ``/proc/drbd``) (issue 24)
- add an upgrade tool from "remote_raid1" disk template to "drbd" disk
template, allowing migration from DRBD0.7+MD to DRBD8
Version 1.2.2
*(Released Wed, 30 Jan 2008)*
- fix ``gnt-instance modify`` breakage introduced in 1.2.1 with the HVM
support (issue 23)
- add command aliases infrastructure and a few aliases
- allow listing of VCPUs in the ``gnt-instance list`` and improve the
man pages and the ``--help`` option of ``gnt-node
list``/``gnt-instance list``
- fix ``gnt-backup list`` with down nodes (issue 21)
- change the tools location (move from $pkgdatadir to $pkglibdir/tools)
- fix the dist archive and add a check for including svn/git files in
the future
- some developer-related changes: improve the burnin and the QA suite,
add an upload script for testing during development
Version 1.2.1
*(Released Wed, 16 Jan 2008)*
- experimental HVM support, read the install document, section
"Initializing the cluster"
- allow for the PVM hypervisor per-instance kernel and initrd paths
- add a new command ``gnt-cluster verify-disks`` which uses a new
algorithm to improve the reconnection of the DRBD pairs if the device
on the secondary node has gone away
- make logical volume code auto-activate LVs at disk activation time
- slightly improve the speed of activating disks
- allow specification of the MAC address at instance creation time, and
changing it later via ``gnt-instance modify``
- fix handling of external commands that generate lots of output on
- update documentation with regard to minimum version of DRBD8 supported
Version 1.2.0
*(Released Tue, 4 Dec 2007)*
- Log the ``xm create`` output to the node daemon log on failure (to
help diagnosing the error)
- In debug mode, log all external commands output if failed to the logs
- Change parsing of lvm commands to ignore stderr
Version 1.2 beta3
*(Released Wed, 28 Nov 2007)*
- Another round of updates to the DRBD 8 code to deal with more failures
in the replace secondary node operation
- Some more logging of failures in disk operations (lvm, drbd)
- A few documentation updates
- QA updates
Version 1.2 beta2
*(Released Tue, 13 Nov 2007)*
- Change configuration file format from Python's Pickle to JSON.
Upgrading is possible using the cfgupgrade utility.
- Add support for DRBD 8.0 (new disk template ``drbd``) which allows for
faster replace disks and is more stable (DRBD 8 has many improvements
compared to DRBD 0.7)
- Added command line tags support (see man pages for ``gnt-instance``,
``gnt-node``, ``gnt-cluster``)
- Added instance rename support
- Added multi-instance startup/shutdown
- Added cluster rename support
- Added ``gnt-node evacuate`` to simplify some node operations
- Added instance reboot operation that can speedup reboot as compared to
stop and start
- Soften the requirement that hostnames are in FQDN format
- The ``ganeti-watcher`` now activates drbd pairs after secondary node
- Removed dependency on debian's patched fping that uses the
non-standard ``-S`` option
- Now the OS definitions are searched for in multiple, configurable
paths (easier for distros to package)
- Some changes to the hooks infrastructure (especially the new
post-configuration update hook)
- Other small bugfixes
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