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  • Helga Velroyen's avatar
    cluster init/modify: set helper without DRBD being enabled · 38969795
    Helga Velroyen authored
    The logic around the DRBD usermode helper so far was that
    setting it was only possible when DRDB was not explicitely
    disabled. This patches changes it in a way that it is
    consistent to how Ganeti handles the volume group name.
    Now, the user can specify a DRBD usermode helper independent
    of whether or not DRBD is enabled or not. She will however
    get a warning when she sets a helper without having DRBD
    enabled. The reasoning behind this is that one might want
    to configure a helper while not yet having set up DRBD
    completely or while having DRBD disabled temporarily without
    loosing this piece of configuration.
    This change was done earlier in the patch series, because
    I wanted to do the refactoring in two steps, first
    just transforming the original logic from --no-drbd-storage
    to --enabled-disk-templates and if that goes well, adjust
    to the more user-friendly behavior.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarHelga Velroyen <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarThomas Thrainer <>