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# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2010 Google Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.

"""Ganeti node daemon"""

# pylint: disable-msg=C0103,W0142

# C0103: Functions in this module need to have a given name structure,
# and the name of the daemon doesn't match

# W0142: Used * or ** magic, since we do use it extensively in this
# module

import os
import sys
import logging
import signal

from optparse import OptionParser

from ganeti import backend
from ganeti import constants
from ganeti import objects
from ganeti import errors
from ganeti import jstore
from ganeti import daemon
from ganeti import http
from ganeti import utils
from ganeti import storage
from ganeti import serializer
from ganeti import netutils

import ganeti.http.server # pylint: disable-msg=W0611

queue_lock = None

def _PrepareQueueLock():
  """Try to prepare the queue lock.

  @return: None for success, otherwise an exception object

  global queue_lock # pylint: disable-msg=W0603

  if queue_lock is not None:
    return None

  # Prepare job queue
    queue_lock = jstore.InitAndVerifyQueue(must_lock=False)
    return None
  except EnvironmentError, err:
    return err

def _RequireJobQueueLock(fn):
  """Decorator for job queue manipulating functions.


  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    # Locking in exclusive, blocking mode because there could be several
    # children running at the same time. Waiting up to 10 seconds.
    if _PrepareQueueLock() is not None:
      raise errors.JobQueueError("Job queue failed initialization,"
                                 " cannot update jobs")
    queue_lock.Exclusive(blocking=True, timeout=QUEUE_LOCK_TIMEOUT)
      return fn(*args, **kwargs)

  return wrapper

def _DecodeImportExportIO(ieio, ieioargs):
  """Decodes import/export I/O information.

  if ieio == constants.IEIO_RAW_DISK:
    assert len(ieioargs) == 1
    return (objects.Disk.FromDict(ieioargs[0]), )

  if ieio == constants.IEIO_SCRIPT:
    assert len(ieioargs) == 2
    return (objects.Disk.FromDict(ieioargs[0]), ieioargs[1])

  return ieioargs

class MlockallRequestExecutor(http.server.HttpServerRequestExecutor):
  """Custom Request Executor class that ensures NodeHttpServer children are
  locked in ram.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

    http.server.HttpServerRequestExecutor.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

class NodeHttpServer(http.server.HttpServer):
  """The server implementation.

  This class holds all methods exposed over the RPC interface.

  # too many public methods, and unused args - all methods get params
  # due to the API
  # pylint: disable-msg=R0904,W0613
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    http.server.HttpServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    self.noded_pid = os.getpid()

  def HandleRequest(self, req):
    """Handle a request.

    if req.request_method.upper() != http.HTTP_PUT:
      raise http.HttpBadRequest()

    path = req.request_path
    if path.startswith("/"):
      path = path[1:]

    method = getattr(self, "perspective_%s" % path, None)
    if method is None:
      raise http.HttpNotFound()

      result = (True, method(serializer.LoadJson(req.request_body)))

    except backend.RPCFail, err:
      # our custom failure exception; str(err) works fine if the
      # exception was constructed with a single argument, and in
      # this case, err.message == err.args[0] == str(err)
      result = (False, str(err))
    except errors.QuitGanetiException, err:
      # Tell parent to quit"Shutting down the node daemon, arguments: %s",
      os.kill(self.noded_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
      # And return the error's arguments, which must be already in
      # correct tuple format
      result = err.args
    except Exception, err:
      logging.exception("Error in RPC call")
      result = (False, "Error while executing backend function: %s" % str(err))

    return serializer.DumpJson(result, indent=False)

  # the new block devices  --------------------------

  def perspective_blockdev_create(params):
    """Create a block device.

    bdev_s, size, owner, on_primary, info = params
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    if bdev is None:
      raise ValueError("can't unserialize data!")
    return backend.BlockdevCreate(bdev, size, owner, on_primary, info)

  def perspective_blockdev_wipe(params):
    """Wipe a block device.

    bdev_s, offset, size = params
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    return backend.BlockdevWipe(bdev, offset, size)

  def perspective_blockdev_remove(params):
    """Remove a block device.

    bdev_s = params[0]
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    return backend.BlockdevRemove(bdev)

  def perspective_blockdev_rename(params):
    """Remove a block device.

    devlist = [(objects.Disk.FromDict(ds), uid) for ds, uid in params]
    return backend.BlockdevRename(devlist)

  def perspective_blockdev_assemble(params):
    """Assemble a block device.

    bdev_s, owner, on_primary = params
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    if bdev is None:
      raise ValueError("can't unserialize data!")
    return backend.BlockdevAssemble(bdev, owner, on_primary)

  def perspective_blockdev_shutdown(params):
    """Shutdown a block device.

    bdev_s = params[0]
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    if bdev is None:
      raise ValueError("can't unserialize data!")
    return backend.BlockdevShutdown(bdev)

  def perspective_blockdev_addchildren(params):
    """Add a child to a mirror device.

    Note: this is only valid for mirror devices. It's the caller's duty
    to send a correct disk, otherwise we raise an error.

    bdev_s, ndev_s = params
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    ndevs = [objects.Disk.FromDict(disk_s) for disk_s in ndev_s]
    if bdev is None or ndevs.count(None) > 0:
      raise ValueError("can't unserialize data!")
    return backend.BlockdevAddchildren(bdev, ndevs)

  def perspective_blockdev_removechildren(params):
    """Remove a child from a mirror device.

    This is only valid for mirror devices, of course. It's the callers
    duty to send a correct disk, otherwise we raise an error.

    bdev_s, ndev_s = params
    bdev = objects.Disk.FromDict(bdev_s)
    ndevs = [objects.Disk.FromDict(disk_s) for disk_s in ndev_s]
    if bdev is None or ndevs.count(None) > 0:
      raise ValueError("can't unserialize data!")
    return backend.BlockdevRemovechildren(bdev, ndevs)

  def perspective_blockdev_getmirrorstatus(params):
    """Return the mirror status for a list of disks.

    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(dsk_s)
             for dsk_s in params]
    return [status.ToDict()
            for status in backend.BlockdevGetmirrorstatus(disks)]

  def perspective_blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi(params):
    """Return the mirror status for a list of disks.

    (node_disks, ) = params

    node_name = netutils.Hostname.GetSysName()

    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(dsk_s)
             for dsk_s in node_disks.get(node_name, [])]

    return [status.ToDict()
            for status in backend.BlockdevGetmirrorstatus(disks)]

  def perspective_blockdev_find(params):
    """Expose the FindBlockDevice functionality for a disk.

    This will try to find but not activate a disk.

    disk = objects.Disk.FromDict(params[0])

    result = backend.BlockdevFind(disk)
    if result is None:
      return None

    return result.ToDict()

  def perspective_blockdev_snapshot(params):
    """Create a snapshot device.

    Note that this is only valid for LVM disks, if we get passed
    something else we raise an exception. The snapshot device can be
    remove by calling the generic block device remove call.

    cfbd = objects.Disk.FromDict(params[0])
    return backend.BlockdevSnapshot(cfbd)

  def perspective_blockdev_grow(params):
    """Grow a stack of devices.

    cfbd = objects.Disk.FromDict(params[0])
    amount = params[1]
    return backend.BlockdevGrow(cfbd, amount)

  def perspective_blockdev_close(params):
    """Closes the given block devices.

    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(cf) for cf in params[1]]
    return backend.BlockdevClose(params[0], disks)

  def perspective_blockdev_getsize(params):
    """Compute the sizes of the given block devices.

    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(cf) for cf in params[0]]
    return backend.BlockdevGetsize(disks)

  def perspective_blockdev_export(params):
    """Compute the sizes of the given block devices.

    disk = objects.Disk.FromDict(params[0])
    dest_node, dest_path, cluster_name = params[1:]
    return backend.BlockdevExport(disk, dest_node, dest_path, cluster_name)

  # blockdev/drbd specific methods ----------

  def perspective_drbd_disconnect_net(params):
    """Disconnects the network connection of drbd disks.

    Note that this is only valid for drbd disks, so the members of the
    disk list must all be drbd devices.

    nodes_ip, disks = params
    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(cf) for cf in disks]
    return backend.DrbdDisconnectNet(nodes_ip, disks)

  def perspective_drbd_attach_net(params):
    """Attaches the network connection of drbd disks.

    Note that this is only valid for drbd disks, so the members of the
    disk list must all be drbd devices.

    nodes_ip, disks, instance_name, multimaster = params
    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(cf) for cf in disks]
    return backend.DrbdAttachNet(nodes_ip, disks,
                                     instance_name, multimaster)

  def perspective_drbd_wait_sync(params):
    """Wait until DRBD disks are synched.

    Note that this is only valid for drbd disks, so the members of the
    disk list must all be drbd devices.

    nodes_ip, disks = params
    disks = [objects.Disk.FromDict(cf) for cf in disks]
    return backend.DrbdWaitSync(nodes_ip, disks)

  def perspective_drbd_helper(params):
    """Query drbd helper.

    return backend.GetDrbdUsermodeHelper()

  # export/import  --------------------------

  def perspective_finalize_export(params):
    """Expose the finalize export functionality.

    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(params[0])

    snap_disks = []
    for disk in params[1]:
      if isinstance(disk, bool):

    return backend.FinalizeExport(instance, snap_disks)

  def perspective_export_info(params):
    """Query information about an existing export on this node.

    The given path may not contain an export, in which case we return

    path = params[0]
    return backend.ExportInfo(path)

  def perspective_export_list(params):
    """List the available exports on this node.

    Note that as opposed to export_info, which may query data about an
    export in any path, this only queries the standard Ganeti path

    return backend.ListExports()

  def perspective_export_remove(params):
    """Remove an export.

    export = params[0]
    return backend.RemoveExport(export)

  # volume  --------------------------

  def perspective_lv_list(params):
    """Query the list of logical volumes in a given volume group.

    vgname = params[0]
    return backend.GetVolumeList(vgname)

  def perspective_vg_list(params):
    """Query the list of volume groups.

    return backend.ListVolumeGroups()

  # Storage --------------------------

  def perspective_storage_list(params):
    """Get list of storage units.

    (su_name, su_args, name, fields) = params
    return storage.GetStorage(su_name, *su_args).List(name, fields)

  def perspective_storage_modify(params):
    """Modify a storage unit.

    (su_name, su_args, name, changes) = params
    return storage.GetStorage(su_name, *su_args).Modify(name, changes)

  def perspective_storage_execute(params):
    """Execute an operation on a storage unit.

    (su_name, su_args, name, op) = params
    return storage.GetStorage(su_name, *su_args).Execute(name, op)

  # bridge  --------------------------

  def perspective_bridges_exist(params):
    """Check if all bridges given exist on this node.

    bridges_list = params[0]
    return backend.BridgesExist(bridges_list)

  # instance  --------------------------

  def perspective_instance_os_add(params):
    """Install an OS on a given instance.

    inst_s = params[0]
    inst = objects.Instance.FromDict(inst_s)
    reinstall = params[1]
    debug = params[2]
    return backend.InstanceOsAdd(inst, reinstall, debug)

  def perspective_instance_run_rename(params):
    """Runs the OS rename script for an instance.

    inst_s, old_name, debug = params
    inst = objects.Instance.FromDict(inst_s)
    return backend.RunRenameInstance(inst, old_name, debug)

  def perspective_instance_shutdown(params):
    """Shutdown an instance.

    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(params[0])
    timeout = params[1]
    return backend.InstanceShutdown(instance, timeout)

  def perspective_instance_start(params):
    """Start an instance.

    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(params[0])
    return backend.StartInstance(instance)

  def perspective_migration_info(params):
    """Gather information about an instance to be migrated.

    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(params[0])
    return backend.MigrationInfo(instance)

  def perspective_accept_instance(params):
    """Prepare the node to accept an instance.

    instance, info, target = params
    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(instance)
    return backend.AcceptInstance(instance, info, target)

  def perspective_finalize_migration(params):
    """Finalize the instance migration.

    instance, info, success = params
    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(instance)
    return backend.FinalizeMigration(instance, info, success)

  def perspective_instance_migrate(params):
    """Migrates an instance.

    instance, target, live = params
    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(instance)
    return backend.MigrateInstance(instance, target, live)

  def perspective_instance_reboot(params):
    """Reboot an instance.

    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(params[0])
    reboot_type = params[1]
    shutdown_timeout = params[2]
    return backend.InstanceReboot(instance, reboot_type, shutdown_timeout)

  def perspective_instance_info(params):
    """Query instance information.

    return backend.GetInstanceInfo(params[0], params[1])

  def perspective_instance_migratable(params):
    """Query whether the specified instance can be migrated.

    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(params[0])
    return backend.GetInstanceMigratable(instance)

  def perspective_all_instances_info(params):
    """Query information about all instances.

    return backend.GetAllInstancesInfo(params[0])

  def perspective_instance_list(params):
    """Query the list of running instances.

    return backend.GetInstanceList(params[0])

  # node --------------------------

  def perspective_node_tcp_ping(params):
    """Do a TcpPing on the remote node.

    return netutils.TcpPing(params[1], params[2], timeout=params[3],
                            live_port_needed=params[4], source=params[0])

  def perspective_node_has_ip_address(params):
    """Checks if a node has the given ip address.

    return netutils.IPAddress.Own(params[0])

  def perspective_node_info(params):
    """Query node information.

    vgname, hypervisor_type = params
    return backend.GetNodeInfo(vgname, hypervisor_type)

  def perspective_etc_hosts_modify(params):
    """Modify a node entry in /etc/hosts.

    backend.EtcHostsModify(params[0], params[1], params[2])

    return True

  def perspective_node_verify(params):
    """Run a verify sequence on this node.

    return backend.VerifyNode(params[0], params[1])

  def perspective_node_start_master(params):
    """Promote this node to master status.

    return backend.StartMaster(params[0], params[1])

  def perspective_node_stop_master(params):
    """Demote this node from master status.

    return backend.StopMaster(params[0])

  def perspective_node_leave_cluster(params):
    """Cleanup after leaving a cluster.

    return backend.LeaveCluster(params[0])

  def perspective_node_volumes(params):
    """Query the list of all logical volume groups.

    return backend.NodeVolumes()

  def perspective_node_demote_from_mc(params):
    """Demote a node from the master candidate role.

    return backend.DemoteFromMC()

  def perspective_node_powercycle(params):
    """Tries to powercycle the nod.

    hypervisor_type = params[0]
    return backend.PowercycleNode(hypervisor_type)

  # cluster --------------------------

  def perspective_version(params):
    """Query version information.

    return constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION

  def perspective_upload_file(params):
    """Upload a file.

    Note that the backend implementation imposes strict rules on which
    files are accepted.

    return backend.UploadFile(*params)

  def perspective_master_info(params):
    """Query master information.

    return backend.GetMasterInfo()

  def perspective_write_ssconf_files(params):
    """Write ssconf files.

    (values,) = params
    return backend.WriteSsconfFiles(values)

  # os -----------------------

  def perspective_os_diagnose(params):
    """Query detailed information about existing OSes.

    return backend.DiagnoseOS()

  def perspective_os_get(params):
    """Query information about a given OS.

    name = params[0]
    os_obj = backend.OSFromDisk(name)
    return os_obj.ToDict()

  def perspective_os_validate(params):
    """Run a given OS' validation routine.

    required, name, checks, params = params
    return backend.ValidateOS(required, name, checks, params)

  # hooks -----------------------

  def perspective_hooks_runner(params):
    """Run hook scripts.

    hpath, phase, env = params
    hr = backend.HooksRunner()
    return hr.RunHooks(hpath, phase, env)

  # iallocator -----------------

  def perspective_iallocator_runner(params):
    """Run an iallocator script.

    name, idata = params
    iar = backend.IAllocatorRunner()
    return iar.Run(name, idata)

  # test -----------------------

  def perspective_test_delay(params):
    """Run test delay.

    duration = params[0]
    status, rval = utils.TestDelay(duration)
    if not status:
      raise backend.RPCFail(rval)
    return rval

  # file storage ---------------

  def perspective_file_storage_dir_create(params):
    """Create the file storage directory.

    file_storage_dir = params[0]
    return backend.CreateFileStorageDir(file_storage_dir)

  def perspective_file_storage_dir_remove(params):
    """Remove the file storage directory.

    file_storage_dir = params[0]
    return backend.RemoveFileStorageDir(file_storage_dir)

  def perspective_file_storage_dir_rename(params):
    """Rename the file storage directory.

    old_file_storage_dir = params[0]
    new_file_storage_dir = params[1]
    return backend.RenameFileStorageDir(old_file_storage_dir,

  # jobs ------------------------

  def perspective_jobqueue_update(params):
    """Update job queue.

    (file_name, content) = params
    return backend.JobQueueUpdate(file_name, content)

  def perspective_jobqueue_purge(params):
    """Purge job queue.

    return backend.JobQueuePurge()

  def perspective_jobqueue_rename(params):
    """Rename a job queue file.

    # TODO: What if a file fails to rename?
    return [backend.JobQueueRename(old, new) for old, new in params]

  # hypervisor ---------------

  def perspective_hypervisor_validate_params(params):
    """Validate the hypervisor parameters.

    (hvname, hvparams) = params
    return backend.ValidateHVParams(hvname, hvparams)

  # Crypto

  def perspective_x509_cert_create(params):
    """Creates a new X509 certificate for SSL/TLS.

    (validity, ) = params
    return backend.CreateX509Certificate(validity)

  def perspective_x509_cert_remove(params):
    """Removes a X509 certificate.

    (name, ) = params
    return backend.RemoveX509Certificate(name)

  # Import and export

  def perspective_import_start(params):
    """Starts an import daemon.

    (opts_s, instance, dest, dest_args) = params

    opts = objects.ImportExportOptions.FromDict(opts_s)

    return backend.StartImportExportDaemon(constants.IEM_IMPORT, opts,
                                           None, None,

  def perspective_export_start(params):
    """Starts an export daemon.

    (opts_s, host, port, instance, source, source_args) = params

    opts = objects.ImportExportOptions.FromDict(opts_s)

    return backend.StartImportExportDaemon(constants.IEM_EXPORT, opts,
                                           host, port,

  def perspective_impexp_status(params):
    """Retrieves the status of an import or export daemon.

    return backend.GetImportExportStatus(params[0])

  def perspective_impexp_abort(params):
    """Aborts an import or export.

    return backend.AbortImportExport(params[0])

  def perspective_impexp_cleanup(params):
    """Cleans up after an import or export.

    return backend.CleanupImportExport(params[0])

def CheckNoded(_, args):
  """Initial checks whether to run or exit with a failure.

  if args: # noded doesn't take any arguments
    print >> sys.stderr, ("Usage: %s [-f] [-d] [-p port] [-b ADDRESS]" %

def PrepNoded(options, _):
  """Preparation node daemon function, executed with the PID file held.

  if options.mlock:
    request_executor_class = MlockallRequestExecutor
    except errors.NoCtypesError:
      logging.warning("Cannot set memory lock, ctypes module not found")
      request_executor_class = http.server.HttpServerRequestExecutor
    request_executor_class = http.server.HttpServerRequestExecutor

  # Read SSL certificate
  if options.ssl:
    ssl_params = http.HttpSslParams(ssl_key_path=options.ssl_key,
    ssl_params = None

  err = _PrepareQueueLock()
  if err is not None:
    # this might be some kind of file-system/permission error; while
    # this breaks the job queue functionality, we shouldn't prevent
    # startup of the whole node daemon because of this
    logging.critical("Can't init/verify the queue, proceeding anyway: %s", err)

  mainloop = daemon.Mainloop()
  server = NodeHttpServer(mainloop, options.bind_address, options.port,
                          ssl_params=ssl_params, ssl_verify_peer=True,
  return (mainloop, server)

def ExecNoded(options, args, prep_data): # pylint: disable-msg=W0613
  """Main node daemon function, executed with the PID file held.

  (mainloop, server) = prep_data

def main():
  """Main function for the node daemon.

  parser = OptionParser(description="Ganeti node daemon",
                        usage="%prog [-f] [-d] [-p port] [-b ADDRESS]",
                        version="%%prog (ganeti) %s" %
  parser.add_option("--no-mlock", dest="mlock",
                    help="Do not mlock the node memory in ram",
                    default=True, action="store_false")

  daemon.GenericMain(constants.NODED, parser, CheckNoded, PrepNoded, ExecNoded,

if __name__ == '__main__':