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  • Dimitris Aragiorgis's avatar
    deploy: Refactor components module · 3699d1fe
    Dimitris Aragiorgis authored
    Up until now components were simple objects decoupled from fabric
    execution. Their methods were just returning a list of bash commands
    which utils module was executing in the correct context.
    This patch changes this rational. Specifically:
    A Component() gets initialized with an execution context that is a
    configuration snapshot of the target setup, cluster and node. A
    component implements the following helper methods: check, install,
    prepare, configure, restart, initialize, and test. All those methods
    will be executed on the target node with this order during setup.
    Additionally each Component class implements admin_pre, and
    admin_post methods which invoke actions on different components on
    the same execution context before and after installation. For
    example before a backend gets installed, its FQDN must resolve to
    the master floating IP, so we have to run some actions on the ns
    node and after installation we must add it to cyclades (snf-manage
    backend-add on the cyclades node).
    Component() inherits ComponentRunner() which practically exports the
    setup() method. This will first check if the required components are
    installed, will install them if not and update the status of target
    ComponentRunner() inherits FabricRunner() which practically wraps
    basic fabric commands (put, get, run) with the correct execution
    The fabfile practically gets the target nodes for each role from the
    configuration and uses the roles module which knows the
    role-component mapping to get the target component with the proper
    execution context. Then it just invokes the setup() method.
    Each component gets initialized with an execution context and uses
    the config module for accessing global wide options. The context
    provides node, cluster, and setup related info.
    We introduce some helper decorators that wrap methods of Component
    class and update its execution context (self, self.ctx):
    - parse_* executes the wrapped method and parses the output.
      The desired vars (user_id, backend_id, user_uuid, etc.) are
      stored in the execution context and made available to other
    - update_admin initializes the admin roles (NS, Astakos,
      Cyclades, etc.) of the current context and make them available
      under self.NS, self.ASTAKOS, etc. These have the same execution
      context of the current components besides the target node
      which gets derived from the corresponding config.
    - update_cluster_admin initializes the cluster's admin role
      and make it available under self.MASTER.
    - run_cmds runs the list of returned commands in the target node
    The update_ns() method of NS component gets the
    self.ctx.admin_fqdn and invokes nsupdate accordingly.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDimitris Aragiorgis <>