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  • Kostas Papadimitriou's avatar
    astakos: Projects views enhancements · 1226d973
    Kostas Papadimitriou authored
    - Include total quota help text for each resource.
    - Two column layout for per user/total quota.
    - Fixed owner formatters in template filters.
    - Proper display of unset project application resources.
    - Hide base projects by default. Include base project toggling action in
      projects list view.
    - Set proper project name field validators for base project in
      project modifcation form.
    - Improve visual highlighting of quota diffs
    - Improve membership status messages
    - Improved project filtering in project list/join views
    - List all public/active projects in `join project` view.
    - Handle unowned projects in projects modification form
    - Display all project resources in project application summary view.
    - Permit zero values in project application/modification form.
    - Avoid modifcation of immutable base project fields in project modification
    - Display project/application creation date to project admins.
    - Remove user base project when a user gets removed.
    - Convert ProjectForbidden exception to 403 http responses.
    - Additional user access checks handling in project/app detail view.
    - Let both applicant and project admins to dismiss a denied project
    - Forbid project owner to act upon an admin project modification.
    - Prevent POST requests in project modification detail view.
    - Handle pending app quota per applicant
      When applying for a modification, the existing pending modifications,
      which will be replaced, may have been initiated by another user. We need
      thus to handle the astakos.pending_app resource per applicant.
    - Introduce `related`, `active` mode in projects list api call
      Related mode returns all projects user owns or is has a related
      membership to. Active mode returns available public/active projects.