# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011-2015 GRNET S.A. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """This module implements the "expert" mode of the dialog-based version of snf-image-creator. """ import os import textwrap import StringIO import json import re import time import tempfile from image_creator import __version__ as version from image_creator.util import FatalError, virtio_versions from image_creator.output.dialog import GaugeOutput, InfoBoxOutput from image_creator.kamaki_wrapper import Kamaki, ClientError, CONTAINER from image_creator.help import get_help_file from image_creator.dialog_util import SMALL_WIDTH, WIDTH, \ update_background_title, confirm_reset, confirm_exit, Reset, \ extract_image, add_cloud, edit_cloud, update_sysprep_param, select_file, \ copy_file CONFIGURATION_TASKS = [ ("Partition table manipulation", ["FixPartitionTable"], lambda x: True), ("File system resize", ["FilesystemResizeUnmounted", "FilesystemResizeMounted"], lambda x: True), ("Swap partition configuration", ["AddSwap"], lambda x: x == 'linux'), ("SSH keys removal", ["DeleteSSHKeys"], lambda x: x != 'windows'), ("Temporal RDP disabling", ["DisableRemoteDesktopConnections"], lambda x: x == "windows"), ("SELinux relabeling at next boot", ["SELinuxAutorelabel"], lambda x: x == "linux"), ("Hostname/Computer Name assignment", ["AssignHostname"], lambda x: True), ("Password change", ["ChangePassword"], lambda x: True), ("Network configuration", ["ConfigureNetwork"], lambda x: x != 'windows'), ("File injection", ["EnforcePersonality"], lambda x: True) ] SYSPREP_PARAM_MAXLEN = 20 class MetadataMonitor(object): """Monitors image metadata chages""" def __init__(self, session, meta): self.session = session self.meta = meta self.old = {} def __enter__(self): self.old = {} for (k, v) in self.meta.items(): self.old[k] = v def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): d = self.session['dialog'] altered = {} added = {} for (k, v) in self.meta.items(): if k not in self.old: added[k] = v elif self.old[k] != v: altered[k] = v if not (len(added) or len(altered)): return msg = "The last action has changed some image properties:\n\n" if len(added): msg += "New image properties:\n" for (k, v) in added.items(): msg += ' %s: "%s"\n' % (k, v) msg += "\n" if len(altered): msg += "Updated image properties:\n" for (k, v) in altered.items(): msg += ' %s: "%s" -> "%s"\n' % (k, self.old[k], v) msg += "\n" d.msgbox(msg, title="Image Property Changes", width=SMALL_WIDTH) def upload_image(session): """Upload the image to the storage service""" d = session["dialog"] image = session['image'] if "account" not in session: d.msgbox("You need to select a valid cloud before you can upload " "images to it", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return False while 1: if 'upload' in session: init = session['upload'] elif 'OS' in session['image'].meta: init = "%s.diskdump" % session['image'].meta['OS'] else: init = "" (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a filename:", init=init, width=WIDTH) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False filename = answer.strip() if len(filename) == 0: d.msgbox("Filename cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH) continue kamaki = Kamaki(session['account'], None) overwrite = [] for f in (filename, "%s.md5sum" % filename, "%s.meta" % filename): if kamaki.object_exists(f): overwrite.append(f) if len(overwrite) > 0: if d.yesno("The following storage service object(s) already " "exist(s):\n%s\nDo you want to overwrite them?" % "\n".join(overwrite), width=WIDTH, defaultno=1): continue session['upload'] = filename break gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Upload", "Uploading ...") try: out = image.out out.append(gauge) kamaki.out = out try: if 'checksum' not in session: session['checksum'] = image.md5() try: # Upload image file with image.raw_device() as raw: with open(raw, 'rb') as f: session["pithos_uri"] = \ kamaki.upload(f, image.size, filename, CONTAINER, "Calculating block hashes", "Uploading missing blocks") # Upload md5sum file out.info("Uploading md5sum file ...") md5str = "%s %s\n" % (session['checksum'], filename) kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(md5str), size=len(md5str), remote_path="%s.md5sum" % filename, container=CONTAINER) out.success("done") except ClientError as e: d.msgbox( "Error in storage service client: %s" % e.message, title="Storage Service Client Error", width=SMALL_WIDTH) if 'pithos_uri' in session: del session['pithos_uri'] return False finally: out.remove(gauge) finally: gauge.cleanup() d.msgbox("Image file `%s' was successfully uploaded" % filename, width=SMALL_WIDTH) return True def register_image(session): """Register image with the compute service""" d = session["dialog"] image = session['image'] is_public = False if "account" not in session: d.msgbox("You need to select a valid cloud before you " "can register an images with it", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return False if "pithos_uri" not in session: d.msgbox("You need to upload the image to the cloud before you can " "register it", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return False name = "" if 'registered' not in session else session['registered'].name description = image.meta['DESCRIPTION'] if 'DESCRIPTION' in image.meta \ else "" while 1: fields = [("Registration name:", name, 60), ("Description (optional):", description, 80)] (code, output) = d.form( "Please provide the following registration info:", height=11, width=WIDTH, form_height=2, fields=fields) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False name, description = output name = name.strip() description = description.strip() if len(name) == 0: d.msgbox("Registration name cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH) continue answer = d.yesno("Make the image public?\\nA public image is " "accessible by every user of the service.", defaultno=1, width=WIDTH) if answer not in (0, 1): continue is_public = (answer == 0) break image.meta['DESCRIPTION'] = description metadata = {} metadata.update(image.meta) if 'task_metadata' in session: for key in session['task_metadata']: metadata[key] = 'yes' img_type = "public" if is_public else "private" gauge = GaugeOutput(d, "Image Registration", "Registering image ...") try: out = session['image'].out out.append(gauge) try: try: out.info("Registering %s image with the cloud ..." % img_type, False) kamaki = Kamaki(session['account'], out) session['registered'] = kamaki.register( name, session['pithos_uri'], metadata, is_public) out.success('done') # Upload metadata file out.info("Uploading metadata file ...", False) metastring = unicode(json.dumps(session['registered'], indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(metastring), size=len(metastring), remote_path="%s.meta" % session['upload'], container=CONTAINER) out.success("done") if is_public: out.info("Sharing metadata and md5sum files ...", False) kamaki.share("%s.meta" % session['upload']) kamaki.share("%s.md5sum" % session['upload']) out.success('done') except ClientError as error: d.msgbox("Error in storage service client: %s" % error.message) return False finally: out.remove(gauge) finally: gauge.cleanup() d.msgbox("%s image `%s' was successfully registered with the cloud as `%s'" % (img_type.title(), session['upload'], name), width=SMALL_WIDTH) return True def modify_clouds(session): """Modify existing cloud accounts""" d = session['dialog'] while 1: clouds = Kamaki.get_clouds() if not len(clouds): if not add_cloud(session): break continue choices = [] for (name, cloud) in clouds.items(): descr = cloud['description'] if 'description' in cloud else '' choices.append((name, descr)) (code, choice) = d.menu( "In this menu you can edit existing cloud accounts or add new " " ones. Press <Edit> to edit an existing account or <Add> to add " " a new one. Press <Back> or hit <ESC> when done.", height=18, width=WIDTH, choices=choices, menu_height=10, ok_label="Edit", extra_button=1, extra_label="Add", cancel="Back", help_button=1, title="Clouds") if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return True elif code == d.DIALOG_OK: # Edit button edit_cloud(session, choice) elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: # Add button add_cloud(session) def delete_clouds(session): """Delete existing cloud accounts""" d = session['dialog'] choices = [] for (name, cloud) in Kamaki.get_clouds().items(): descr = cloud['description'] if 'description' in cloud else '' choices.append((name, descr, 0)) if len(choices) == 0: d.msgbox("No available clouds to delete!", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return True (code, to_delete) = d.checklist("Choose which cloud accounts to delete:", choices=choices, width=WIDTH) to_delete = [x.strip('"') for x in to_delete] # Needed for OpenSUSE if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False if not len(to_delete): d.msgbox("Nothing selected!", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return False if not d.yesno("Are you sure you want to remove the selected accounts?", width=WIDTH, defaultno=1): for i in to_delete: Kamaki.remove_cloud(i) if 'cloud' in session and session['cloud'] == i: del session['cloud'] if 'account' in session: del session['account'] else: return False d.msgbox("%d cloud accounts were deleted." % len(to_delete), width=SMALL_WIDTH) return True def kamaki_menu(session): """Show kamaki related actions""" d = session['dialog'] if 'registered' in session: default_item = "Info" elif 'upload' in session: default_item = "Register" else: default_item = "Upload" if 'cloud' not in session: cloud = Kamaki.get_default_cloud_name() if cloud: session['cloud'] = cloud session['account'] = Kamaki.get_account(cloud) if not session['account']: del session['account'] else: default_item = "Add/Edit" while 1: cloud = session["cloud"] if "cloud" in session else "<none>" if 'account' not in session and 'cloud' in session: cloud += " <invalid>" choices = [("Add/Edit", "Add/Edit cloud accounts"), ("Delete", "Delete existing cloud accounts"), ("Cloud", "Select cloud account to use: %s" % cloud), ("Upload", "Upload image to the cloud")] if 'upload' in session: choices.append(("Register", "Register image with the cloud: %s" % session['upload'])) if 'registered' in session: choices.append(("Info", "Show registration info for \"%s\"" % session['registered']['name'])) (code, choice) = d.menu( text="Choose one of the following or press <Back> to go back.", width=WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Back", height=8+len(choices), menu_height=len(choices), default_item=default_item, title="Image Registration Menu") if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False if choice == "Add/Edit": if modify_clouds(session): default_item = "Cloud" elif choice == "Delete": if delete_clouds(session): if len(Kamaki.get_clouds()): default_item = "Cloud" else: default_item = "Add/Edit" else: default_item = "Delete" elif choice == "Cloud": default_item = "Cloud" clouds = Kamaki.get_clouds() if not len(clouds): d.msgbox("No clouds available. Please add a new cloud!", width=SMALL_WIDTH) default_item = "Add/Edit" continue if 'cloud' not in session: session['cloud'] = clouds.keys()[0] choices = [] for name, info in clouds.items(): default = 1 if session['cloud'] == name else 0 descr = info['description'] if 'description' in info else "" choices.append((name, descr, default)) (code, answer) = d.radiolist("Please select a cloud:", width=WIDTH, choices=choices) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): continue else: session['account'] = Kamaki.get_account(answer) if session['account'] is None: # invalid account if not d.yesno("The cloud %s' is not valid! Would you " "like to edit it?" % answer, width=WIDTH): if edit_cloud(session, answer): session['account'] = Kamaki.get_account(answer) Kamaki.set_default_cloud(answer) if session['account'] is not None: session['cloud'] = answer Kamaki.set_default_cloud(answer) default_item = "Upload" else: del session['account'] del session['cloud'] elif choice == "Upload": if upload_image(session): default_item = "Register" else: default_item = "Upload" elif choice == "Register": if register_image(session): default_item = "Info" else: default_item = "Register" elif choice == "Info": show_info(session) def show_info(session): """Show registration info""" assert 'registered' in session info = json.dumps(session['registered'], ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) d = session['dialog'] while 1: code = d.scrollbox(info, width=WIDTH, title="Registration info", extra_label="Save", extra_button=1, ok_label="Close") if code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: path = select_file(d, title="Save registration information as...") if path is None: break if os.path.isdir(path): continue if os.path.exists(path): if d.yesno("File: `%s' already exists. Do you want to " "overwrite it?" % path, width=WIDTH, defaultno=1): continue with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(info + '\n') d.msgbox("File `%s was successfully written." % path, width=SMALL_WIDTH) break else: return def add_property(session): """Add a new property to the image""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] regexp = re.compile('^[A-Za-z_]+$') while 1: (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a case-insensitive name " "for a new image property:", width=WIDTH) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False name = answer.strip() if len(name) == 0: d.msgbox("A property name cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH) continue if not re.match(regexp, name): d.msgbox("Allowed characters for name: [a-zA-Z0-9_]", width=WIDTH) continue # Image properties are case-insensitive name = name.upper() if name in image.meta: d.msgbox("Image property: `%s' already exists" % name, width=WIDTH) continue break while 1: (code, answer) = d.inputbox("Please provide a value for image " "property: `%s'" % name, width=WIDTH) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False value = answer.strip() if len(value) == 0: d.msgbox("Value cannot be empty", width=SMALL_WIDTH) continue break image.meta[name] = value return True def show_properties_help(session): """Show help for image properties""" d = session['dialog'] help_file = get_help_file("image_properties") assert os.path.exists(help_file) d.textbox(help_file, title="Image Properties", width=78, height=40) def modify_properties(session): """Modify an existing image property""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] while 1: choices = [] for (key, val) in image.meta.items(): choices.append((str(key), str(val))) if len(choices) == 0: code = d.yesno( "No image properties are available. " "Would you like to add a new one?", width=WIDTH, help_button=1) if code == d.DIALOG_OK: if not add_property(session): return True elif code == d.DIALOG_CANCEL: return True elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP: show_properties_help(session) continue (code, choice) = d.menu( "In this menu you can edit and delete existing image properties " "or add new ones. Be careful! Most properties have special " "meaning and alter the image deployment behavior. Press <HELP> to " "see more information about image properties. Press <BACK> when " "done.", height=18, width=WIDTH, choices=choices, menu_height=10, ok_label="Edit/Del", extra_button=1, extra_label="Add", cancel="Back", help_button=1, title="Image Properties") if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return True # Edit button elif code == d.DIALOG_OK: (code, answer) = d.inputbox( "Please provide a new value for `%s' image property or press " "<Delete> to completely delete it." % choice, init=image.meta[choice], width=WIDTH, extra_button=1, extra_label="Delete") if code == d.DIALOG_OK: value = answer.strip() if len(value) == 0: d.msgbox("Value cannot be empty!") continue else: image.meta[choice] = value # Delete button elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: if not d.yesno("Are you sure you want to delete `%s' image " "property?" % choice, width=WIDTH): del image.meta[choice] d.msgbox("Image property: `%s' was deleted." % choice, width=SMALL_WIDTH) # ADD button elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: add_property(session) elif code == 'help': show_properties_help(session) def exclude_tasks(session): """Exclude specific tasks from running during image deployment""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] if image.is_unsupported(): d.msgbox("Image deployment configuration is disabled for unsupported " "images.", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return False index = 0 displayed_index = 1 choices = [] mapping = {} if 'excluded_tasks' not in session: session['excluded_tasks'] = [] if -1 in session['excluded_tasks']: if not d.yesno("Image deployment configuration is disabled. " "Do you wish to enable it?", width=SMALL_WIDTH): session['excluded_tasks'].remove(-1) else: return False for (msg, task, os_check) in CONFIGURATION_TASKS: if os_check(image.meta['OSFAMILY']): checked = 1 if index in session['excluded_tasks'] else 0 choices.append((str(displayed_index), msg, checked)) mapping[displayed_index] = index displayed_index += 1 index += 1 if len(choices) == 0: d.msgbox("No configuration tasks available", width=WIDTH) return True while 1: text = "Please choose which configuration tasks you would like to " \ "prevent from running during image deployment. " \ "Press <No Config> to suppress any configuration. " \ "Press <Help> for more help on the image deployment " \ "configuration tasks." (code, tags) = d.checklist( text=text, choices=choices, height=19, list_height=8, width=WIDTH, help_button=1, extra_button=1, extra_label="No Config", title="Exclude Configuration Tasks") tags = [x.strip('"') for x in tags] # Needed for OpenSUSE if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP: help_file = get_help_file("configuration_tasks") assert os.path.exists(help_file) d.textbox(help_file, title="Configuration Tasks", width=70, height=40) # No Config button elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: session['excluded_tasks'] = [-1] session['task_metadata'] = ["EXCLUDE_ALL_TASKS"] break elif code == d.DIALOG_OK: session['excluded_tasks'] = [] for tag in tags: session['excluded_tasks'].append(mapping[int(tag)]) exclude_metadata = [] for task in session['excluded_tasks']: exclude_metadata.extend(CONFIGURATION_TASKS[task][1]) session['task_metadata'] = ["EXCLUDE_TASK_%s" % x for x in exclude_metadata] break return True def sysprep_params(session): """Collect the needed sysprep parameters""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] default = None while 1: choices = [] for name, param in image.os.sysprep_params.items(): # Don't show the hidden parameters if param.hidden: continue value = "|".join([str(i) for i in param.value]) if param.is_list \ else str(param.value) if len(value) == 0: value = "<not_set>" choices.append((name, value)) if len(choices) == 0: d.msgbox("No customization parameters available", width=WIDTH) return True if default is None: default = choices[0][0] (code, choice) = d.menu( "In this menu you can see and update the value for parameters " "used in the system preparation tasks. Press <Details> to see " "more info about a specific configuration parameters and <Update> " "to update its value. Press <Back> when done.", height=18, width=WIDTH, choices=choices, menu_height=10, ok_label="Details", extra_button=1, extra_label="Update", cancel="Back", default_item=default, title="System Preparation Parameters") default = choice if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return True elif code == d.DIALOG_OK: # Details button d.msgbox(image.os.sysprep_params[choice].description, width=WIDTH) else: # Update button update_sysprep_param(session, choice) return True def virtio(session): """Display the state of the VirtIO drivers in the media""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] assert hasattr(image.os, 'virtio_state') assert hasattr(image.os, 'install_virtio_drivers') default_item = image.os.virtio_state.keys()[0] while 1: choices = [] for name, details in virtio_versions(image.os.virtio_state).items(): choices.append((name, details)) (code, choice) = d.menu( "In this menu you can see details about the installed VirtIO " "drivers on the input media. Press <Info> to see more information " "about a specific installed driver or <Update> to install one or " "more new drivers.", height=16, width=WIDTH, choices=choices, ok_label="Info", menu_height=len(choices), cancel="Back", title="VirtIO Drivers", extra_button=1, extra_label="Update", default_item=default_item) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return True elif code == d.DIALOG_OK: default_item = choice # Create a string with the driver details and display it. details = "" for fname, driver in image.os.virtio_state[choice].items(): details += "%s\n%s\n" % (fname, "=" * len(fname)) name = "" if 'DriverPackageDisplayName' in driver: name = driver['DriverPackageDisplayName'] provider = "" if 'Provider' in driver: provider = driver['Provider'] date = "" version = "" if 'DriverVer' in driver: version = driver['DriverVer'].split(',', 1) date = version[0].strip() version = version[1] if len(version) > 1 else "" try: date = time.strptime( date, "%m/%d/%y").strftime('%d/%m/%Y', date) except ValueError: pass dtype = "" if 'DriverPackageType' in driver: dtype = driver['DriverPackageType'] dclass = "" if 'Class' in driver: dclass = driver['Class'] details += "Name: %s\n" % name.strip('\'"') details += "Provider: %s\n" % provider.strip('\'"') details += "Date: %s\n" % date details += "Version: %s\n" % version details += "Type: %s\n" % dtype details += "Class: %s\n\n" % dclass if len(details): d.scrollbox(details, width=WIDTH) else: # Update button title = "Please select a directory that hosts VirtIO drivers." if not update_sysprep_param(session, "virtio", title=title): continue install_virtio_drivers(session) return True def install_virtio_drivers(session): """Installs new VirtIO drivers in the image""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] assert hasattr(image.os, 'install_virtio_drivers') virtio = image.os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value new_drivers = virtio_versions(image.os.compute_virtio_state(virtio)) msg = \ "The following VirtIO drivers were discovered in the directory you "\ "specified:\n\n" for drv, drv_ver in new_drivers.items(): msg += "%s: %s\n" % (drv, drv_ver) msg += "\nPress <Install> to continue with the installation of the " \ "aforementioned drivers or <Cancel> to return to the previous menu." if d.yesno(msg, width=WIDTH, defaultno=1, height=11+len(new_drivers), yes_label="Install", no_label="Cancel"): return False title = "VirtIO Drivers Installation" infobox = InfoBoxOutput(d, title) try: image.out.append(infobox) try: image.os.install_virtio_drivers() infobox.finalize() except FatalError as e: d.msgbox("VirtIO Drivers Installation failed: %s" % e, title=title, width=SMALL_WIDTH) return False finally: image.out.remove(infobox) finally: infobox.cleanup() return True def sysprep(session): """Perform various system preparation tasks on the image""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] # Is the image already shrinked? if image.os.shrinked: msg = "It seems you have shrinked the image. Running system " \ "preparation tasks on a shrinked image is dangerous." if d.yesno("%s\n\nDo you really want to continue?" % msg, width=SMALL_WIDTH, defaultno=1): return wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=WIDTH-5) syspreps = image.os.list_syspreps() if len(syspreps) == 0: d.msgbox("No system preparation task available to run!", title="System Preparation", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return while 1: choices = [] index = 0 help_title = "System Preparation Tasks" sysprep_help = "%s\n%s\n\n" % (help_title, '=' * len(help_title)) for task in syspreps: name, descr, display = image.os.sysprep_info(task) sysprep_help += "%s\n" % display sysprep_help += "%s\n" % ('-' * len(display)) sysprep_help += "%s\n\n" % wrapper.fill(" ".join(descr.split())) enabled = 1 if image.os.sysprep_enabled(task) else 0 choices.append((str(index + 1), display, enabled)) index += 1 (code, tags) = d.checklist( "Please choose which system preparation tasks you would like to " "run on the image. Press <Params> to view or modify the " "customization parameters or <Help> to see details about the " "system preparation tasks.", title="Run system preparation tasks", choices=choices, width=70, ok_label="Run", help_button=1, extra_button=1, extra_label="Params") tags = [x.strip('"') for x in tags] # Needed for OpenSUSE if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): return False elif code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: sysprep_params(session) elif code == d.DIALOG_HELP: d.scrollbox(sysprep_help, width=WIDTH) elif code == d.DIALOG_OK: # Enable selected syspreps and disable the rest for i in range(len(syspreps)): if str(i + 1) in tags: image.os.enable_sysprep(syspreps[i]) else: image.os.disable_sysprep(syspreps[i]) if len([s for s in image.os.list_syspreps() if image.os.sysprep_enabled(s)]) == 0: d.msgbox("No system preparation task is selected!", title="System Preparation", width=SMALL_WIDTH) continue infobox = InfoBoxOutput(d, "Image Configuration") try: image.out.append(infobox) try: # The checksum is invalid. We have mounted the image rw if 'checksum' in session: del session['checksum'] # Monitor the metadata changes during syspreps with MetadataMonitor(session, image.os.meta): try: image.os.do_sysprep() update_background_title(session) infobox.finalize() except FatalError as error: d.msgbox("System Preparation failed: %s" % error, title="System Preparation", width=SMALL_WIDTH) finally: image.out.remove(infobox) finally: infobox.cleanup() break return True def mount(session): """Mount image on the local file system""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] mpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: try: image.mount(mpoint) if not image.is_mounted(): d.msgbox("Mounting Failed!", title="Mount Image", width=SMALL_WIDTH) return d.msgbox("The image was mounted successfully. You may access it " "under %s. Press <OK> when you have finished " "accessing it." % mpoint, title="Mount Image", width=SMALL_WIDTH) finally: while 1: if image.umount(): break d.msgbox("Umount failed. Make sure no process is using any " "files under %s and press <OK>." % mpoint, width=SMALL_WIDTH) finally: os.rmdir(mpoint) def show_log(session): """Show the current execution log""" d = session['dialog'] log = session['image'].out[0].stderr log.file.flush() while 1: code = d.textbox(log.name, title="Log", width=70, height=40, extra_button=1, extra_label="Save", ok_label="Close") if code == d.DIALOG_EXTRA: while 1: path = select_file(d, title="Save log as...") if path is None: break if os.path.isdir(path): continue if copy_file(d, log.name, path): break else: return def customization_menu(session): """Show image customization menu""" d = session['dialog'] image = session['image'] choices = [] if image.mount_local_support: choices.append(("Mount", "Mount image on the local file system")) if hasattr(image.os, "install_virtio_drivers"): choices.append(("VirtIO", "Install or update the VirtIO drivers")) choices.extend( [("Sysprep", "Run various image preparation tasks"), ("Properties", "View & Modify image properties"), ("Exclude", "Exclude various deployment tasks from running")]) default_item = 0 actions = {"Mount": mount, "VirtIO": virtio, "Sysprep": sysprep, "Properties": modify_properties, "Exclude": exclude_tasks} while 1: (code, choice) = d.menu( text="Choose one of the following or press <Back> to exit.", width=WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Back", height=13, menu_height=len(choices), default_item=choices[default_item][0], title="Image Customization Menu") if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): break elif choice in actions: default_item = [entry[0] for entry in choices].index(choice) if actions[choice](session): default_item = (default_item + 1) % len(choices) def main_menu(session): """Show the main menu of the program""" d = session['dialog'] update_background_title(session) choices = [("Customize", "Customize image & cloud deployment options"), ("Register", "Register image to a cloud"), ("Extract", "Dump image to local file system"), ("Log", "Show current execution log"), ("Reset", "Reset everything and start over again"), ("Help", "Get help for using snf-image-creator")] default_item = "Customize" actions = {"Customize": customization_menu, "Register": kamaki_menu, "Extract": extract_image, "Log": show_log} title = "Image Creator for Synnefo (snf-image-creator v%s)" % version while 1: (code, choice) = d.menu( text="Choose one of the following or press <Exit> to exit.", width=WIDTH, choices=choices, cancel="Exit", height=13, default_item=default_item, menu_height=len(choices), title=title) if code in (d.DIALOG_CANCEL, d.DIALOG_ESC): if confirm_exit(d): break elif choice == "Reset": if confirm_reset(d): d.infobox("Resetting snf-image-creator. Please wait ...", width=SMALL_WIDTH) raise Reset elif choice == "Help": d.msgbox("For help, check the online documentation:\n\nhttp://www" ".synnefo.org/docs/snf-image-creator/latest/", width=WIDTH, title="Help") elif choice in actions: actions[choice](session) if len(choice): default_item = choice # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :