# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011-2016 GRNET S.A. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """This module hosts the code that performs the host bundling operation. By using the create_image method of the BundleVolume class the user can create an image out of the running system. """ import os import re import tempfile import uuid from collections import namedtuple import parted from image_creator.rsync import Rsync from image_creator.util import get_command from image_creator.util import FatalError from image_creator.util import try_fail_repeat from image_creator.util import free_space from image_creator.gpt import GPTPartitionTable findfs = get_command('findfs') dd = get_command('dd') dmsetup = get_command('dmsetup') losetup = get_command('losetup') mount = get_command('mount') umount = get_command('umount') blkid = get_command('blkid') tune2fs = get_command('tune2fs') MKFS_OPTS = {'ext2': {'force': '-F', 'uuid': '-U', 'label': '-L'}, 'ext3': {'force': '-F', 'uuid': '-U', 'label': '-L'}, 'ext4': {'force': '-F', 'uuid': '-U', 'label': '-L'}, 'reiserfs': {'force': '-ff', 'uuid': '-u', 'label': '-l'}, 'btrfs': {'force': '-f', 'label': '-L'}, 'minix': {}, 'xfs': {'force': '-f', 'label': '-L'}, 'jfs': {'force': '-f', 'label': '-L'}, 'ntfs': {'force': '-F', 'label': '-L'}, 'msdos': {'uuid': '-i'}, 'vfat': {'uuid': '-i'}} UUID_UPDATE = { 'ext2': lambda d, u: tune2fs('-U', u, d), 'ext3': lambda d, u: tune2fs('-U', u, d), 'ext4': lambda d, u: tune2fs('-U', u, d), 'reiserfs': lambda d, u: get_command('reiserfstune')('-u', u, d), 'xfs': lambda d, u: get_command('xfs_admin')('-U', u, d), 'jfs': lambda d, u: get_command('jfstune')('-U', u, d), 'ntfs': lambda d, u: get_command('ntfslable')('--new-serial=%s' % u, d)} def mkfs(fs, device, uuid=None, label=None): """Create a filesystem on the device""" mkfs = get_command('mkfs.%s' % fs) args = [] if 'force' in MKFS_OPTS[fs]: args.append(MKFS_OPTS[fs]['force']) if label: args.append(MKFS_OPTS[fs]['label']) args.append(label) if 'uuid' in MKFS_OPTS[fs] and uuid: args.append(MKFS_OPTS[fs]['uuid']) args.append(uuid) args.append(device) mkfs(*args) if 'uuid' not in MKFS_OPTS[fs] and 'uuid': UUID_UPDATE[fs](device, uuid) def read_fstable(f): """Use this generator to iterate over the lines of an fstab file""" if not os.path.isfile(f): raise FatalError("Unable to open: `%s'. File is missing." % f) FileSystemTableEntry = namedtuple('FileSystemTableEntry', 'dev mpoint fs opts freq passno') with open(f) as table: for line in iter(table): entry = line.split('#')[0].strip().split() if len(entry) != 6: continue yield FileSystemTableEntry(*entry) def get_root_partition(): """Return the fstab entry associated with the root file system""" for entry in read_fstable('/etc/fstab'): if entry.mpoint == '/': return entry.dev raise FatalError("Unable to find root device in /etc/fstab") def is_mpoint(path): """Check if a directory is currently a mount point""" for entry in read_fstable('/proc/mounts'): if entry.mpoint == path: return True return False def get_mount_options(device): """Return the mount entry associated with a mounted device""" for entry in read_fstable('/proc/mounts'): if not entry.dev.startswith('/'): continue if os.path.realpath(entry.dev) == os.path.realpath(device): return entry return None def get_partitions(disk): """Returns a list with the partitions of the provided disk""" Partition = namedtuple('Partition', 'num start end type fs') partitions = [] for p in disk.partitions: num = p.number start = p.geometry.start end = p.geometry.end ptype = p.type fs = p.fileSystem.type if p.fileSystem is not None else '' partitions.append(Partition(num, start, end, ptype, fs)) return partitions def map_partition(dev, num, start, end): """Map a partition into a block device using the device mapper""" name = os.path.basename(dev) + "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex tablefd, table = tempfile.mkstemp() try: try: size = end - start + 1 os.write(tablefd, "0 %d linear %s %d" % (size, dev, start)) finally: os.close(tablefd) dmsetup('create', "%sp%d" % (name, num), table) finally: os.unlink(table) return "/dev/mapper/%sp%d" % (name, num) def unmap_partition(dev): """Unmap a previously mapped partition""" if not os.path.exists(dev): return try_fail_repeat(dmsetup, 'remove', dev.split('/dev/mapper/')[1]) def mount_all(target, devs): """Mount a list of file systems in mount points relative to target""" devs.sort(key=lambda d: d[1]) for dev, mpoint, options in devs: absmpoint = os.path.abspath(target + mpoint) if not os.path.exists(absmpoint): os.makedirs(absmpoint) if len(options) > 0: mount(dev, absmpoint, '-o', ",".join(options)) else: mount(dev, absmpoint) def umount_all(target): """Umount all file systems that are mounted under the target directory""" mpoints = [] for entry in read_fstable('/proc/mounts'): if entry.mpoint.startswith(os.path.abspath(target)): mpoints.append(entry.mpoint) mpoints.sort() for mpoint in reversed(mpoints): try_fail_repeat(umount, mpoint) class BundleVolume(object): """This class can be used to create an image out of the running system""" def __init__(self, out, meta, tmp=None): """Create an instance of the BundleVolume class.""" self.out = out self.meta = meta self.tmp = tmp self.out.info('Searching for root device ...', False) root = get_root_partition() if root.startswith("UUID=") or root.startswith("LABEL="): root = findfs(root).stdout.strip() if not re.match('/dev/x?[hsv]d[a-z][1-9]*$', root): raise FatalError("Don't know how to handle root device: %s" % root) out.success(root) disk_file = re.split('[0-9]', root)[0] device = parted.Device(disk_file) self.disk = parted.Disk(device) def _create_partition_table(self, image): """Copy the partition table of the host system into the image""" # Copy the MBR and the space between the MBR and the first partition. # In MSDOS partition tables GRUB Stage 1.5 is located there. # In GUID partition tables the Primary GPT Header is there. first_sector = self.disk.getPrimaryPartitions()[0].geometry.start dd('if=%s' % self.disk.device.path, 'of=%s' % image, 'bs=%d' % self.disk.device.sectorSize, 'count=%d' % first_sector, 'conv=notrunc') if self.disk.type == 'gpt': # Copy the Secondary GPT Header table = GPTPartitionTable(self.disk.device.path) dd('if=%s' % self.disk.device.path, 'of=%s' % image, 'bs=%d' % self.disk.device.sectorSize, 'conv=notrunc', 'seek=%d' % table.primary.last_usable_lba, 'skip=%d' % table.primary.last_usable_lba) # Create the Extended boot records (EBRs) in the image extended = self.disk.getExtendedPartition() if not extended: return # Extended boot records precede the logical partitions they describe logical = self.disk.getLogicalPartitions() start = extended.geometry.start for i in range(len(logical)): end = logical[i].geometry.start - 1 dd('if=%s' % self.disk.device.path, 'of=%s' % image, 'count=%d' % (end - start + 1), 'conv=notrunc', 'seek=%d' % start, 'skip=%d' % start) start = logical[i].geometry.end + 1 def _shrink_partitions(self, image): """Remove the last partition of the image if it is a swap partition and shrink the partition before that. Make sure it can still host all the files the corresponding host file system hosts """ image_disk = parted.Disk(parted.Device(image)) def is_extended(partition): """Returns True if the partition is extended""" return partition.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED def is_logical(partition): """Returns True if the partition is logical""" return partition.type == parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL partitions = get_partitions(self.disk) last = partitions[-1] new_end = last.end if last.fs == 'linux-swap(v1)': MB = 2 ** 20 size = (last.end - last.start + 1) * self.disk.device.sectorSize self.meta['SWAP'] = "%d:%s" % (last.num, (size + MB - 1) // MB) image_disk.deletePartition( image_disk.getPartitionBySector(last.start)) image_disk.commitToDevice() if is_logical(last) and last.num == 5: extended = image_disk.getExtendedPartition() image_disk.deletePartition(extended) image_disk.commitToDevice() partitions.remove(filter(is_extended, partitions)[0]) partitions.remove(last) last = partitions[-1] new_end = last.end mount_options = get_mount_options( self.disk.getPartitionBySector(last.start).path) if mount_options is not None: stat = os.statvfs(mount_options.mpoint) # Shrink the last partition. The new size should be the size of the # occupied blocks blcks = stat.f_blocks - stat.f_bavail new_size = (blcks * stat.f_frsize) // self.disk.device.sectorSize # Add 10% just to be on the safe side part_end = last.start + (new_size * 11) // 10 # Align to 2048 part_end = ((part_end + 2047) // 2048) * 2048 # Make sure the partition starts where the old partition started. constraint = parted.Constraint(device=image_disk.device) constraint.startRange = parted.Geometry(device=image_disk.device, start=last.start, length=1) image_disk.setPartitionGeometry( image_disk.getPartitionBySector(last.start), constraint, start=last.start, end=part_end) image_disk.commitToDevice() # Parted may have changed this for better alignment part_end = image_disk.getPartitionBySector(last.start).geometry.end last = last._replace(end=part_end) partitions[-1] = last new_end = part_end if last.type == parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL: # Fix the extended partition image_disk.minimizeExtendedPartition() return (new_end, get_partitions(image_disk)) def _to_exclude(self): """Find which directories to exclude during the image copy. This is accomplished by checking which directories serve as mount points for virtual file systems """ excluded = ['/tmp', '/var/tmp'] if self.tmp is not None: excluded.append(self.tmp) local_filesystems = MKFS_OPTS.keys() + ['rootfs'] for entry in read_fstable('/proc/mounts'): if entry.fs in local_filesystems: continue mpoint = entry.mpoint if mpoint in excluded: continue descendants = [e for e in excluded if e.startswith(mpoint + '/')] if len(descendants): for d in descendants: excluded.remove(d) excluded.append(mpoint) continue dirname = mpoint found_ancestor = False while dirname != '/': (dirname, _) = os.path.split(dirname) if dirname in excluded: found_ancestor = True break if not found_ancestor: excluded.append(mpoint) return excluded def _create_filesystems(self, image, partitions): """Fill the image with data. Host file systems that are not currently mounted are binary copied into the image. For mounted file systems, a file system level copy is performed. """ filesystem = {} orig_dev = {} for p in self.disk.partitions: filesystem[p.number] = get_mount_options(p.path) orig_dev[p.number] = p.path unmounted = [p for p in partitions if filesystem[p.num] is None] mounted = [p for p in partitions if filesystem[p.num] is not None] # For partitions that are not mounted right now, we can simply dd them # into the image. for p in unmounted: self.out.info('Cloning partition %d ... ' % p.num, False) dd('if=%s' % self.disk.device.path, 'of=%s' % image, 'count=%d' % (p.end - p.start + 1), 'conv=notrunc', 'seek=%d' % p.start, 'skip=%d' % p.start) self.out.success("done") loop = str(losetup('-f', '--show', image)).strip() # Recreate mounted file systems mapped = {} try: for p in mounted: i = p.num mapped[i] = map_partition(loop, i, p.start, p.end) new_uuid = {} # Create the file systems for i, dev in mapped.iteritems(): uuid = blkid( '-s', 'UUID', '-o', 'value', orig_dev[i]).stdout.strip() label = blkid( '-s', 'LABEL', '-o', 'value', orig_dev[i]).stdout.strip() fs = filesystem[i].fs self.out.info('Creating %s file system on partition %d ... ' % (fs, i), False) mkfs(fs, dev, uuid=uuid, label=label) # For ext[234] enable the default mount options if re.match('^ext[234]$', fs): mopts = filter( lambda p: p.startswith('Default mount options:'), tune2fs('-l', orig_dev[i]).splitlines() )[0].split(':')[1].strip().split() if not (len(mopts) == 1 and mopts[0] == '(none)'): for opt in mopts: tune2fs('-o', opt, dev) self.out.success('done') new_uuid[i] = blkid( '-s', 'UUID', '-o', 'value', dev).stdout.strip() target = tempfile.mkdtemp() devs = [] for i in mapped.keys(): fs = filesystem[i].fs mpoint = filesystem[i].mpoint opts = [] for opt in filesystem[i].opts.split(','): if opt in ('acl', 'user_xattr'): opts.append(opt) devs.append((mapped[i], mpoint, opts)) try: mount_all(target, devs) excluded = self._to_exclude() rsync = Rsync(self.out) for excl in excluded + [image]: rsync.exclude(excl) rsync.archive().hard_links().xattrs().sparse().acls() rsync.run('/', target, 'host', 'temporary image') # Create missing mount points. We cannot determine the # ownership and the mode of the real directory. Make them # inherit those properties from their parent directory. for excl in excluded: dirname = os.path.dirname(excl) stat = os.stat(dirname) os.mkdir(target + excl) os.chmod(target + excl, stat.st_mode) os.chown(target + excl, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid) # /tmp and /var/tmp are special cases. We exclude then even if # they aren't mount points. Restore their permissions. for excl in ('/tmp', '/var/tmp'): if is_mpoint(excl): os.chmod(target + excl, 041777) os.chown(target + excl, 0, 0) else: stat = os.stat(excl) os.chmod(target + excl, stat.st_mode) os.chown(target + excl, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid) finally: umount_all(target) os.rmdir(target) finally: for dev in mapped.values(): unmap_partition(dev) losetup('-d', loop) def create_image(self, image): """Given an image filename, this method will create an image out of the running system. """ size = self.disk.device.length * self.disk.device.sectorSize # Create sparse file to host the image fd = os.open(image, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) try: os.ftruncate(fd, size) finally: os.close(fd) self._create_partition_table(image) end_sector, partitions = self._shrink_partitions(image) if self.disk.type == 'gpt': old_size = size size = (end_sector + 1) * self.disk.device.sectorSize ptable = GPTPartitionTable(image) size = ptable.shrink(size, old_size) else: # Align to 2048 end_sector = ((end_sector + 2047) // 2048) * 2048 size = (end_sector + 1) * self.disk.device.sectorSize # Truncate image to the new size. fd = os.open(image, os.O_RDWR) try: os.ftruncate(fd, size) finally: os.close(fd) # Check if the available space is enough to host the image dirname = os.path.dirname(image) self.out.info("Examining available space ...", False) if free_space(dirname) <= size: raise FatalError("Not enough space under %s to host the temporary " "image" % dirname) self.out.success("sufficient") self._create_filesystems(image, partitions) return image # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :