# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011-2015 GRNET S.A. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """This module implements the "wizard" mode of the dialog-based version of snf-image-creator. """ import time import StringIO import json import re from image_creator.kamaki_wrapper import Kamaki, ClientError, CONTAINER from image_creator.util import FatalError, virtio_versions from image_creator.output.cli import OutputWthProgress from image_creator.dialog_util import extract_image, update_background_title, \ add_cloud, edit_cloud, update_sysprep_param, create_form_elements PAGE_WIDTH = 70 PAGE_HEIGHT = 12 class WizardExit(Exception): """Exception used to exit the wizard""" pass class WizardReloadPage(Exception): """Exception that reloads the last WizardPage""" pass class Wizard(object): """Represents a dialog-based wizard The wizard is a collection of pages that have a "Next" and a "Back" button on them. The pages are used to collect user data. """ def __init__(self, dialog): """Initialize the Wizard""" self._pages = [] self.dialog = dialog def add_page(self, page): """Add a new page to the wizard""" self._pages.append(page) def run(self): """Run the wizard""" idx = 0 while True: try: total = len(self._pages) title = "(%d/%d) %s" % (idx + 1, total, self._pages[idx].title) idx += self._pages[idx].show(self.dialog, title) except WizardExit: return False except WizardReloadPage: continue if idx >= len(self._pages): text = "All necessary information has been gathered:\n\n" for page in self._pages: text += " * %s\n" % page text += "\nContinue with the image creation process?" ret = self.dialog.yesno( text, width=PAGE_WIDTH, height=8 + len(self._pages), ok_label="Yes", cancel="Back", extra_button=1, extra_label="Quit", title="Confirmation") if ret == self.dialog.CANCEL: idx -= 1 elif ret == self.dialog.EXTRA: return False elif ret == self.dialog.OK: return True if idx < 0: return False @property def answers(self): """Returns the answers the user provided""" return dict((page.name, page.answer) for page in self._pages) class WizardPage(object): """Represents a page in a wizard""" NEXT = 1 PREV = -1 def __init__(self, name, text, **kwargs): self.name = name self.answer = None self.text = text self.print_name = kwargs['print_name'] if 'print_name' in kwargs \ else " ".join(re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', name)) self.title = kwargs['title'] if 'title' in kwargs else self.print_name self.default = kwargs['default'] if 'default' in kwargs else "" self.extra = kwargs['extra'] if 'extra' in kwargs else None self.validate = \ kwargs['validate'] if 'validate' in kwargs else lambda x: x self.display = \ kwargs['display'] if 'display' in kwargs else lambda x: x self.dargs = {} self.dargs['ok_label'] = 'Next' self.dargs['cancel'] = 'Back' self.dargs['width'] = PAGE_WIDTH self.dargs['height'] = PAGE_HEIGHT if 'extra' in kwargs: self.dargs['extra_button'] = 1 self.extra_label = kwargs['extra_label'] if 'extra_label' in kwargs \ else lambda: "extra" def __str__(self): """Prints the answer""" return "%s: %s" % (self.print_name, self.display(self.answer)) def show(self, dialog, title): """Display this wizard page This function is used by the wizard program when accessing a page. """ raise NotImplementedError class WizardInputPage(WizardPage): """Represents an input field in a wizard""" def show(self, dialog, title): """Display this wizard page""" (code, answer) = dialog.inputbox(self.text(), init=self.default, title=title, extra_label=self.extra_label(), **self.dargs) if code in (dialog.CANCEL, dialog.ESC): return self.PREV self.answer = self.validate(answer.strip()) self.default = self.answer return self.NEXT class WizardInfoPage(WizardPage): """Represents a Wizard Page that just displays some user-defined information. The user-defined information is created by the info function. """ def __init__(self, name, text, info, **kwargs): """Initialize the WizardInfoPage instance""" super(WizardInfoPage, self).__init__(name, text, **kwargs) self.info = info def show(self, dialog, title): """Display this wizard page""" text = "%s\n\n%s" % (self.text(), self.info()) ret = dialog.yesno(text, title=title, extra_label=self.extra_label(), **self.dargs) if ret in (dialog.CANCEL, dialog.ESC): return self.PREV elif ret == dialog.EXTRA: self.extra() raise WizardReloadPage # OK self.answer = self.validate(None) return self.NEXT class WizardFormPage(WizardPage): """Represents a Form in a wizard""" def __init__(self, name, text, fields, **kwargs): """Initialize the WizardFormPage instance""" super(WizardFormPage, self).__init__(name, text, **kwargs) self.fields = fields def show(self, dialog, title): """Display this wizard page""" field_lenght = len(self.fields()) form_height = field_lenght if field_lenght < PAGE_HEIGHT - 4 \ else PAGE_HEIGHT - 4 (code, output) = dialog.form(self.text(), create_form_elements(self.fields(), self.dargs['width']), form_height=form_height, title=title, extra_label=self.extra_label(), default_item=self.default, **self.dargs) if code in (dialog.CANCEL, dialog.ESC): return self.PREV self.answer = self.validate(output) self.default = output return self.NEXT class WizardPageWthChoices(WizardPage): """Represents a Wizard Page that allows the user to select something from a list of choices. The available choices are created by a function passed to the class through the choices variable. If the choices function returns an empty list, a fallback function is executed if available. """ def __init__(self, name, text, choices, **kwargs): """Initialize the WizardPageWthChoices instance""" super(WizardPageWthChoices, self).__init__(name, text, **kwargs) self.choices = choices self.fallback = kwargs['fallback'] if 'fallback' in kwargs else None class WizardRadioListPage(WizardPageWthChoices): """Represent a Radio List in a wizard""" def show(self, dialog, title): """Display this wizard page""" choices = [] for choice in self.choices(): default = 1 if choice[0] == self.default else 0 choices.append((choice[0], choice[1], default)) (code, answer) = dialog.radiolist(self.text(), choices=choices, extra_label=self.extra_label(), title=title, **self.dargs) if code in (dialog.CANCEL, dialog.ESC): return self.PREV self.answer = self.validate(answer) self.default = answer return self.NEXT class WizardMenuPage(WizardPageWthChoices): """Represents a menu dialog with available choices in a wizard""" def show(self, dialog, title): """Display this wizard page""" choices = self.choices() if len(choices) == 0: assert self.fallback, "Zero choices and no fallback" if self.fallback(): raise WizardReloadPage else: return self.PREV default_item = self.default if self.default else choices[0][0] (code, choice) = dialog.menu(self.text(), title=title, choices=choices, extra_label=self.extra_label(), default_item=default_item, **self.dargs) if code in (dialog.CANCEL, dialog.ESC): return self.PREV elif code == dialog.EXTRA: self.extra() raise WizardReloadPage self.answer = self.validate(choice) self.default = choice return self.NEXT def start_wizard(session): """Run the image creation wizard""" metadata = session['image'].meta distro = session['image'].distro ostype = session['image'].ostype # Create Cloud Wizard Page def cloud_choices(): """Returns the available clouds""" choices = [] for (name, cloud) in Kamaki.get_clouds().items(): descr = cloud['description'] if 'description' in cloud else '' choices.append((name, descr)) return choices def no_clouds(): """Fallback function when no cloud account exists""" if session['dialog'].yesno( "No available clouds found. Would you like to add one now?", width=PAGE_WIDTH, defaultno=0) == session['dialog'].OK: return add_cloud(session) return False def cloud_validate(cloud): """Checks if a cloud is valid""" if not Kamaki.get_account(cloud): if session['dialog'].yesno( "The cloud you have selected is not valid! Would you " "like to edit it now?", width=PAGE_WIDTH, defaultno=0) == session['dialog'].OK: if edit_cloud(session, cloud): return cloud raise WizardReloadPage return cloud cloud = WizardMenuPage( "Cloud", lambda: "Please select a cloud account or press <Add> to add a new one:", cloud_choices, extra_label=lambda: "Add", extra=lambda: add_cloud(session), title="Clouds", validate=cloud_validate, fallback=no_clouds) # Create Image Name Wizard Page name = WizardInputPage("ImageName", lambda: "Please provide a name for the image:", default=ostype if distro == "unknown" else distro) # Create Image Description Wizard Page descr = WizardInputPage( "ImageDescription", lambda: "Please provide a description for the image:", default=metadata['DESCRIPTION'] if 'DESCRIPTION' in metadata else '') # Create VirtIO Installation Page def display_installed_drivers(): """Returns the installed VirtIO drivers""" image = session['image'] versions = virtio_versions(image.os.virtio_state) ret = "Installed Block Device Driver: %(netkvm)s\n" \ "Installed Network Device Driver: %(viostor)s\n" % versions virtio = image.os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value if virtio: ret += "\nBlock Device Driver to be installed: %(netkvm)s\n" \ "Network Device Driver to be installed: %(viostor)s\n" % \ virtio_versions(image.os.compute_virtio_state(virtio)) return ret def validate_virtio(_): """Checks the state of the VirtIO drivers""" image = session['image'] netkvm = len(image.os.virtio_state['netkvm']) != 0 viostor = len(image.os.virtio_state['viostor']) != 0 drv_dir = image.os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value if netkvm is False or viostor is False: new = image.os.compute_virtio_state(drv_dir) if drv_dir else None new_viostor = len(new['viostor']) != 0 if new else False new_netkvm = len(new['netkvm']) != 0 if new else False dialog = session['dialog'] title = "VirtIO driver missing" msg = "Image creation cannot proceed unless a VirtIO %s driver " \ "is installed on the media!" if not (viostor or new_viostor): dialog.msgbox(msg % "Block Device", width=PAGE_WIDTH, height=PAGE_HEIGHT, title=title) raise WizardReloadPage if not(netkvm or new_netkvm): dialog.msgbox(msg % "Network Device", width=PAGE_WIDTH, height=PAGE_HEIGHT, title=title) raise WizardReloadPage return drv_dir def virtio_text(): if not session['image'].os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value: return "Press <New> to update the image's VirtIO drivers." else: return "Press <Revert> to revert to the old state." def virtio_extra(): if not session['image'].os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value: title = "Please select a directory that hosts VirtIO drivers." update_sysprep_param(session, 'virtio', title=title) else: session['image'].os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value = "" def virtio_extra_label(): if not session['image'].os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value: return "New" else: return "Revert" virtio = WizardInfoPage( "virtio", virtio_text, display_installed_drivers, title="VirtIO Drivers", extra_label=virtio_extra_label, extra=virtio_extra, validate=validate_virtio, print_name="VirtIO Drivers Path") # Create Image Registration Wizard Page def registration_choices(): """Choices for the registration wizard page""" return [("Private", "Image is accessible only by this user"), ("Public", "Everyone can create VMs from this image")] registration = WizardRadioListPage("RegistrationType", lambda: "Please provide a registration type:", registration_choices, default="Private") wizard = Wizard(session['dialog']) wizard.add_page(cloud) wizard.add_page(name) wizard.add_page(descr) if hasattr(session['image'].os, 'install_virtio_drivers'): wizard.add_page(virtio) wizard.add_page(registration) if wizard.run(): create_image(session, wizard.answers) else: return False return True def create_image(session, answers): """Create an image using the information collected by the wizard""" image = session['image'] with_progress = OutputWthProgress() image.out.append(with_progress) try: image.out.clear() if 'virtio' in answers and image.os.sysprep_params['virtio'].value: image.os.install_virtio_drivers() # Sysprep image.os.do_sysprep() metadata = image.os.meta update_background_title(session) metadata['DESCRIPTION'] = answers['ImageDescription'] # MD5 session['checksum'] = image.md5() image.out.info() try: image.out.info("Uploading image to the cloud:") account = Kamaki.get_account(answers['Cloud']) assert account, "Cloud: %s is not valid" % answers['Cloud'] kamaki = Kamaki(account, image.out) name = "%s-%s.diskdump" % (answers['ImageName'], time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) with image.raw_device() as raw: with open(raw, 'rb') as device: remote = kamaki.upload(device, image.size, name, CONTAINER, "(1/3) Calculating block hashes", "(2/3) Uploading image blocks") image.out.info("(3/3) Uploading md5sum file ...", False) md5sumstr = '%s %s\n' % (session['checksum'], name) kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(md5sumstr), size=len(md5sumstr), remote_path="%s.%s" % (name, 'md5sum'), container=CONTAINER, content_type="text/plain") image.out.success('done') image.out.info() image.out.info('Registering %s image with the cloud ...' % answers['RegistrationType'].lower(), False) result = kamaki.register(answers['ImageName'], remote, metadata, answers['RegistrationType'] == "Public") image.out.success('done') image.out.info("Uploading metadata file ...", False) metastring = unicode(json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)) kamaki.upload(StringIO.StringIO(metastring), size=len(metastring), remote_path="%s.%s" % (name, 'meta'), container=CONTAINER, content_type="application/json") image.out.success('done') if answers['RegistrationType'] == "Public": image.out.info("Sharing md5sum file ...", False) kamaki.share("%s.md5sum" % name) image.out.success('done') image.out.info("Sharing metadata file ...", False) kamaki.share("%s.meta" % name) image.out.success('done') image.out.info() except ClientError as error: raise FatalError("Storage service client: %d %s" % (error.status, error.message)) finally: image.out.remove(with_progress) text = "The %s image was successfully uploaded to the storage service " \ "and registered with the compute service of %s. Would you like " \ "to keep a local copy?" % \ (answers['RegistrationType'].lower(), answers['Cloud']) if session['dialog'].yesno(text, width=PAGE_WIDTH) == session['dialog'].OK: extract_image(session) # vim: set sta sts=4 shiftwidth=4 sw=4 et ai :