
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013 Google Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA.

"""QA configuration.


import os

from ganeti import constants
from ganeti import utils
from ganeti import serializer
from ganeti import compat
from ganeti import ht

import qa_error

_INSTANCE_CHECK_KEY = "instance-check"
_ENABLED_HV_KEY = "enabled-hypervisors"
_VCLUSTER_MASTER_KEY = "vcluster-master"
_VCLUSTER_BASEDIR_KEY = "vcluster-basedir"
_ENABLED_DISK_TEMPLATES_KEY = "enabled-disk-templates"

#: QA configuration (L{_QaConfig})
_config = None

class _QaInstance(object):
  __slots__ = [

  def __init__(self, name, nicmac):
    """Initializes instances of this class.

    self.name = name
    self.nicmac = nicmac
    self._used = None
    self._disk_template = None

  def FromDict(cls, data):
    """Creates instance object from JSON dictionary.

    nicmac = []

    macaddr = data.get("nic.mac/0")
    if macaddr:

    return cls(name=data["name"], nicmac=nicmac)

  def __repr__(self):
    status = [
      "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__),
      "name=%s" % self.name,
      "nicmac=%s" % self.nicmac,
      "used=%s" % self._used,
      "disk_template=%s" % self._disk_template,

    return "<%s at %#x>" % (" ".join(status), id(self))

  def Use(self):
    """Marks instance as being in use.

    assert not self._used
    assert self._disk_template is None

    self._used = True

  def Release(self):
    """Releases instance and makes it available again.

    assert self._used, \
      ("Instance '%s' was never acquired or released more than once" %

    self._used = False
    self._disk_template = None

  def GetNicMacAddr(self, idx, default):
    """Returns MAC address for NIC.

    @type idx: int
    @param idx: NIC index
    @param default: Default value

    if len(self.nicmac) > idx:
      return self.nicmac[idx]
      return default

  def SetDiskTemplate(self, template):
    """Set the disk template.

    assert template in constants.DISK_TEMPLATES

    self._disk_template = template

  def used(self):
    """Returns boolean denoting whether instance is in use.

    return self._used

  def disk_template(self):
    """Returns the current disk template.

    return self._disk_template

class _QaNode(object):
  __slots__ = [

  def __init__(self, primary, secondary):
    """Initializes instances of this class.

    self.primary = primary
    self.secondary = secondary
    self._added = False
    self._use_count = 0

  def FromDict(cls, data):
    """Creates node object from JSON dictionary.

    return cls(primary=data["primary"], secondary=data.get("secondary"))

  def __repr__(self):
    status = [
      "%s.%s" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__),
      "primary=%s" % self.primary,
      "secondary=%s" % self.secondary,
      "added=%s" % self._added,
      "use_count=%s" % self._use_count,

    return "<%s at %#x>" % (" ".join(status), id(self))

  def Use(self):
    """Marks a node as being in use.

    assert self._use_count >= 0

    self._use_count += 1

    return self

  def Release(self):
    """Release a node (opposite of L{Use}).

    assert self.use_count > 0

    self._use_count -= 1

  def MarkAdded(self):
    """Marks node as having been added to a cluster.

    assert not self._added
    self._added = True

  def MarkRemoved(self):
    """Marks node as having been removed from a cluster.

    assert self._added
    self._added = False

  def added(self):
    """Returns whether a node is part of a cluster.

    return self._added

  def use_count(self):
    """Returns number of current uses (controlled by L{Use} and L{Release}).

    return self._use_count

  "instances": _QaInstance.FromDict,
  "nodes": _QaNode.FromDict,

def _ConvertResources((key, value)):
  """Converts cluster resources in configuration to Python objects.

  fn = _RESOURCE_CONVERTER.get(key, None)
  if fn:
    return (key, map(fn, value))
    return (key, value)

class _QaConfig(object):
  def __init__(self, data):
    """Initializes instances of this class.

    self._data = data

    #: Cluster-wide run-time value of the exclusive storage flag
    self._exclusive_storage = None

  def Load(cls, filename):
    """Loads a configuration file and produces a configuration object.

    @type filename: string
    @param filename: Path to configuration file
    @rtype: L{_QaConfig}

    data = serializer.LoadJson(utils.ReadFile(filename))

    result = cls(dict(map(_ConvertResources,
                          data.items()))) # pylint: disable=E1103

    return result

  def Validate(self):
    """Validates loaded configuration data.

    if not self.get("name"):
      raise qa_error.Error("Cluster name is required")

    if not self.get("nodes"):
      raise qa_error.Error("Need at least one node")

    if not self.get("instances"):
      raise qa_error.Error("Need at least one instance")

    disks = self.GetDiskOptions()
    if disks is None:
      raise qa_error.Error("Config option 'disks' must exist")
      for d in disks:
        if d.get("size") is None or d.get("growth") is None:
          raise qa_error.Error("Config options `size` and `growth` must exist"
                               " for all `disks` items")
    check = self.GetInstanceCheckScript()
    if check:
      except EnvironmentError, err:
        raise qa_error.Error("Can't find instance check script '%s': %s" %
                             (check, err))

    enabled_hv = frozenset(self.GetEnabledHypervisors())
    if not enabled_hv:
      raise qa_error.Error("No hypervisor is enabled")

    difference = enabled_hv - constants.HYPER_TYPES
    if difference:
      raise qa_error.Error("Unknown hypervisor(s) enabled: %s" %

    (vc_master, vc_basedir) = self.GetVclusterSettings()
    if bool(vc_master) != bool(vc_basedir):
      raise qa_error.Error("All or none of the config options '%s' and '%s'"
                           " must be set" %
                           (_VCLUSTER_MASTER_KEY, _VCLUSTER_BASEDIR_KEY))

    if vc_basedir and not utils.IsNormAbsPath(vc_basedir):
      raise qa_error.Error("Path given in option '%s' must be absolute and"
                           " normalized" % _VCLUSTER_BASEDIR_KEY)

  def __getitem__(self, name):
    """Returns configuration value.

    @type name: string
    @param name: Name of configuration entry

    return self._data[name]

  def get(self, name, default=None):
    """Returns configuration value.

    @type name: string
    @param name: Name of configuration entry
    @param default: Default value

    return self._data.get(name, default)

  def GetMasterNode(self):
    """Returns the default master node for the cluster.

    return self["nodes"][0]

  def GetInstanceCheckScript(self):
    """Returns path to instance check script or C{None}.

    return self._data.get(_INSTANCE_CHECK_KEY, None)

  def GetEnabledHypervisors(self):
    """Returns list of enabled hypervisors.

    @rtype: list

    return self._GetStringListParameter(

  def GetDefaultHypervisor(self):
    """Returns the default hypervisor to be used.

    return self.GetEnabledHypervisors()[0]

  def GetEnabledDiskTemplates(self):
    """Returns the list of enabled disk templates.

    @rtype: list

    return self._GetStringListParameter(

  def GetDefaultDiskTemplate(self):
    """Returns the default disk template to be used.

    return self.GetEnabledDiskTemplates()[0]

  def _GetStringListParameter(self, key, default_values):
    """Retrieves a parameter's value that is supposed to be a list of strings.

    @rtype: list

      value = self._data[key]
    except KeyError:
      return default_values
      if value is None:
        return []
      elif isinstance(value, basestring):
        return value.split(",")
        return value

  def SetExclusiveStorage(self, value):
    """Set the expected value of the C{exclusive_storage} flag for the cluster.

    self._exclusive_storage = bool(value)

  def GetExclusiveStorage(self):
    """Get the expected value of the C{exclusive_storage} flag for the cluster.

    value = self._exclusive_storage
    assert value is not None
    return value

  def IsTemplateSupported(self, templ):
    """Is the given disk template supported by the current configuration?

    enabled = templ in self.GetEnabledDiskTemplates()
    return enabled and (not self.GetExclusiveStorage() or
                        templ in constants.DTS_EXCL_STORAGE)

  def GetVclusterSettings(self):
    """Returns settings for virtual cluster.

    master = self.get(_VCLUSTER_MASTER_KEY)
    basedir = self.get(_VCLUSTER_BASEDIR_KEY)

    return (master, basedir)

  def GetDiskOptions(self):
    """Return options for the disks of the instances.

    Get 'disks' parameter from the configuration data. If 'disks' is missing,
    try to create it from the legacy 'disk' and 'disk-growth' parameters.

      return self._data["disks"]
    except KeyError:

    # Legacy interface
    sizes = self._data.get("disk")
    growths = self._data.get("disk-growth")
    if sizes or growths:
      if (sizes is None or growths is None or len(sizes) != len(growths)):
        raise qa_error.Error("Config options 'disk' and 'disk-growth' must"
                             " exist and have the same number of items")
      disks = []
      for (size, growth) in zip(sizes, growths):
        disks.append({"size": size, "growth": growth})
      return disks
      return None

def Load(path):
  """Loads the passed configuration file.

  global _config # pylint: disable=W0603

  _config = _QaConfig.Load(path)

def GetConfig():
  """Returns the configuration object.

  if _config is None:
    raise RuntimeError("Configuration not yet loaded")

  return _config

def get(name, default=None):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.get}.

  return GetConfig().get(name, default=default)

class Either:
  def __init__(self, tests):
    """Initializes this class.

    @type tests: list or string
    @param tests: List of test names
    @see: L{TestEnabled} for details

    self.tests = tests

def _MakeSequence(value):
  """Make sequence of single argument.

  If the single argument is not already a list or tuple, a list with the
  argument as a single item is returned.

  if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
    return value
    return [value]

def _TestEnabledInner(check_fn, names, fn):
  """Evaluate test conditions.

  @type check_fn: callable
  @param check_fn: Callback to check whether a test is enabled
  @type names: sequence or string
  @param names: Test name(s)
  @type fn: callable
  @param fn: Aggregation function
  @rtype: bool
  @return: Whether test is enabled

  names = _MakeSequence(names)

  result = []

  for name in names:
    if isinstance(name, Either):
      value = _TestEnabledInner(check_fn, name.tests, compat.any)
    elif isinstance(name, (list, tuple)):
      value = _TestEnabledInner(check_fn, name, compat.all)
    elif callable(name):
      value = name()
      value = check_fn(name)


  return fn(result)

def TestEnabled(tests, _cfg=None):
  """Returns True if the given tests are enabled.

  @param tests: A single test as a string, or a list of tests to check; can
    contain L{Either} for OR conditions, AND is default

  if _cfg is None:
    cfg = GetConfig()
    cfg = _cfg

  # Get settings for all tests
  cfg_tests = cfg.get("tests", {})

  # Get default setting
  default = cfg_tests.get("default", True)

  return _TestEnabledInner(lambda name: cfg_tests.get(name, default),
                           tests, compat.all)

def GetInstanceCheckScript(*args):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetInstanceCheckScript}.

  return GetConfig().GetInstanceCheckScript(*args)

def GetEnabledHypervisors(*args):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetEnabledHypervisors}.

  return GetConfig().GetEnabledHypervisors(*args)

def GetDefaultHypervisor(*args):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetDefaultHypervisor}.

  return GetConfig().GetDefaultHypervisor(*args)

def GetEnabledDiskTemplates(*args):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetEnabledDiskTemplates}.

  return GetConfig().GetEnabledDiskTemplates(*args)

def GetDefaultDiskTemplate(*args):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetDefaultDiskTemplate}.

  return GetConfig().GetDefaultDiskTemplate(*args)

def GetMasterNode():
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetMasterNode}.

  return GetConfig().GetMasterNode()

def AcquireInstance(_cfg=None):
  """Returns an instance which isn't in use.

  if _cfg is None:
    cfg = GetConfig()
    cfg = _cfg

  # Filter out unwanted instances
  instances = filter(lambda inst: not inst.used, cfg["instances"])

  if not instances:
    raise qa_error.OutOfInstancesError("No instances left")

  instance = instances[0]

  return instance

def SetExclusiveStorage(value):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.SetExclusiveStorage}.

  return GetConfig().SetExclusiveStorage(value)

def GetExclusiveStorage():
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetExclusiveStorage}.

  return GetConfig().GetExclusiveStorage()

def IsTemplateSupported(templ):
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.IsTemplateSupported}.

  return GetConfig().IsTemplateSupported(templ)

def _NodeSortKey(node):
  """Returns sort key for a node.

  @type node: L{_QaNode}

  return (node.use_count, utils.NiceSortKey(node.primary))

def AcquireNode(exclude=None, _cfg=None):
  """Returns the least used node.

  if _cfg is None:
    cfg = GetConfig()
    cfg = _cfg

  master = cfg.GetMasterNode()

  # Filter out unwanted nodes
  # TODO: Maybe combine filters
  if exclude is None:
    nodes = cfg["nodes"][:]
  elif isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple)):
    nodes = filter(lambda node: node not in exclude, cfg["nodes"])
    nodes = filter(lambda node: node != exclude, cfg["nodes"])

  nodes = filter(lambda node: node.added or node == master, nodes)

  if not nodes:
    raise qa_error.OutOfNodesError("No nodes left")

  # Return node with least number of uses
  return sorted(nodes, key=_NodeSortKey)[0].Use()

def AcquireManyNodes(num, exclude=None):
  """Return the least used nodes.

  @type num: int
  @param num: Number of nodes; can be 0.
  @type exclude: list of nodes or C{None}
  @param exclude: nodes to be excluded from the choice
  @rtype: list of nodes
  @return: C{num} different nodes

  nodes = []
  if exclude is None:
    exclude = []
  elif isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple)):
    # Don't modify the incoming argument
    exclude = list(exclude)
    exclude = [exclude]

    for _ in range(0, num):
      n = AcquireNode(exclude=exclude)
  except qa_error.OutOfNodesError:
  return nodes

def ReleaseManyNodes(nodes):
  for node in nodes:

def GetVclusterSettings():
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetVclusterSettings}.

  return GetConfig().GetVclusterSettings()

def UseVirtualCluster(_cfg=None):
  """Returns whether a virtual cluster is used.

  @rtype: bool

  if _cfg is None:
    cfg = GetConfig()
    cfg = _cfg

  (master, _) = cfg.GetVclusterSettings()

  return bool(master)

@ht.WithDesc("No virtual cluster")
def NoVirtualCluster():
  """Used to disable tests for virtual clusters.

  return not UseVirtualCluster()

def GetDiskOptions():
  """Wrapper for L{_QaConfig.GetDiskOptions}.

  return GetConfig().GetDiskOptions()