# # # Copyright (C) 2007, 2011 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Utilities for QA tests. """ import os import re import sys import subprocess import random import tempfile from ganeti import utils from ganeti import compat from ganeti import constants import qa_config import qa_error _INFO_SEQ = None _WARNING_SEQ = None _ERROR_SEQ = None _RESET_SEQ = None _MULTIPLEXERS = {} def _SetupColours(): """Initializes the colour constants. """ # pylint: disable-msg=W0603 # due to global usage global _INFO_SEQ, _WARNING_SEQ, _ERROR_SEQ, _RESET_SEQ # Don't use colours if stdout isn't a terminal if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return try: import curses except ImportError: # Don't use colours if curses module can't be imported return curses.setupterm() _RESET_SEQ = curses.tigetstr("op") setaf = curses.tigetstr("setaf") _INFO_SEQ = curses.tparm(setaf, curses.COLOR_GREEN) _WARNING_SEQ = curses.tparm(setaf, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) _ERROR_SEQ = curses.tparm(setaf, curses.COLOR_RED) _SetupColours() def AssertIn(item, sequence): """Raises an error when item is not in sequence. """ if item not in sequence: raise qa_error.Error('%r not in %r' % (item, sequence)) def AssertEqual(first, second): """Raises an error when values aren't equal. """ if not first == second: raise qa_error.Error('%r == %r' % (first, second)) def AssertNotEqual(first, second): """Raises an error when values are equal. """ if not first != second: raise qa_error.Error('%r != %r' % (first, second)) def AssertMatch(string, pattern): """Raises an error when string doesn't match regexp pattern. """ if not re.match(pattern, string): raise qa_error.Error("%r doesn't match /%r/" % (string, pattern)) def AssertCommand(cmd, fail=False, node=None): """Checks that a remote command succeeds. @param cmd: either a string (the command to execute) or a list (to be converted using L{utils.ShellQuoteArgs} into a string) @type fail: boolean @param fail: if the command is expected to fail instead of succeeding @param node: if passed, it should be the node on which the command should be executed, instead of the master node (can be either a dict or a string) """ if node is None: node = qa_config.GetMasterNode() if isinstance(node, basestring): nodename = node else: nodename = node["primary"] if isinstance(cmd, basestring): cmdstr = cmd else: cmdstr = utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd) rcode = StartSSH(nodename, cmdstr).wait() if fail: if rcode == 0: raise qa_error.Error("Command '%s' on node %s was expected to fail but" " didn't" % (cmdstr, nodename)) else: if rcode != 0: raise qa_error.Error("Command '%s' on node %s failed, exit code %s" % (cmdstr, nodename, rcode)) return rcode def GetSSHCommand(node, cmd, strict=True, opts=None): """Builds SSH command to be executed. @type node: string @param node: node the command should run on @type cmd: string @param cmd: command to be executed in the node; if None or empty string, no command will be executed @type strict: boolean @param strict: whether to enable strict host key checking @type opts: list @param opts: list of additional options """ args = [ 'ssh', '-oEscapeChar=none', '-oBatchMode=yes', '-l', 'root', '-t' ] if strict: tmp = 'yes' else: tmp = 'no' args.append('-oStrictHostKeyChecking=%s' % tmp) args.append('-oClearAllForwardings=yes') args.append('-oForwardAgent=yes') if opts: args.extend(opts) if node in _MULTIPLEXERS: spath = _MULTIPLEXERS[node][0] args.append('-oControlPath=%s' % spath) args.append('-oControlMaster=no') args.append(node) if cmd: args.append(cmd) return args def StartLocalCommand(cmd, **kwargs): """Starts a local command. """ print "Command: %s" % utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd) return subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=False, **kwargs) def StartSSH(node, cmd, strict=True): """Starts SSH. """ return StartLocalCommand(GetSSHCommand(node, cmd, strict=strict)) def StartMultiplexer(node): """Starts a multiplexer command. @param node: the node for which to open the multiplexer """ if node in _MULTIPLEXERS: return # Note: yes, we only need mktemp, since we'll remove the file anyway sname = tempfile.mktemp(prefix="ganeti-qa-multiplexer.") utils.RemoveFile(sname) opts = ["-N", "-oControlPath=%s" % sname, "-oControlMaster=yes"] print "Created socket at %s" % sname child = StartLocalCommand(GetSSHCommand(node, None, opts=opts)) _MULTIPLEXERS[node] = (sname, child) def CloseMultiplexers(): """Closes all current multiplexers and cleans up. """ for node in _MULTIPLEXERS.keys(): (sname, child) = _MULTIPLEXERS.pop(node) utils.KillProcess(child.pid, timeout=10, waitpid=True) utils.RemoveFile(sname) def GetCommandOutput(node, cmd): """Returns the output of a command executed on the given node. """ p = StartLocalCommand(GetSSHCommand(node, cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) AssertEqual(p.wait(), 0) return p.stdout.read() def UploadFile(node, src): """Uploads a file to a node and returns the filename. Caller needs to remove the returned file on the node when it's not needed anymore. """ # Make sure nobody else has access to it while preserving local permissions mode = os.stat(src).st_mode & 0700 cmd = ('tmp=$(tempfile --mode %o --prefix gnt) && ' '[[ -f "${tmp}" ]] && ' 'cat > "${tmp}" && ' 'echo "${tmp}"') % mode f = open(src, 'r') try: p = subprocess.Popen(GetSSHCommand(node, cmd), shell=False, stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) AssertEqual(p.wait(), 0) # Return temporary filename return p.stdout.read().strip() finally: f.close() def UploadData(node, data, mode=0600, filename=None): """Uploads data to a node and returns the filename. Caller needs to remove the returned file on the node when it's not needed anymore. """ if filename: tmp = "tmp=%s" % utils.ShellQuote(filename) else: tmp = "tmp=$(tempfile --mode %o --prefix gnt)" % mode cmd = ("%s && " "[[ -f \"${tmp}\" ]] && " "cat > \"${tmp}\" && " "echo \"${tmp}\"") % tmp p = subprocess.Popen(GetSSHCommand(node, cmd), shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p.stdin.write(data) p.stdin.close() AssertEqual(p.wait(), 0) # Return temporary filename return p.stdout.read().strip() def BackupFile(node, path): """Creates a backup of a file on the node and returns the filename. Caller needs to remove the returned file on the node when it's not needed anymore. """ cmd = ("tmp=$(tempfile --prefix .gnt --directory=$(dirname %s)) && " "[[ -f \"$tmp\" ]] && " "cp %s $tmp && " "echo $tmp") % (utils.ShellQuote(path), utils.ShellQuote(path)) # Return temporary filename return GetCommandOutput(node, cmd).strip() def _ResolveName(cmd, key): """Helper function. """ master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() output = GetCommandOutput(master['primary'], utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd)) for line in output.splitlines(): (lkey, lvalue) = line.split(':', 1) if lkey == key: return lvalue.lstrip() raise KeyError("Key not found") def ResolveInstanceName(instance): """Gets the full name of an instance. @type instance: string @param instance: Instance name """ return _ResolveName(['gnt-instance', 'info', instance], 'Instance name') def ResolveNodeName(node): """Gets the full name of a node. """ return _ResolveName(['gnt-node', 'info', node['primary']], 'Node name') def GetNodeInstances(node, secondaries=False): """Gets a list of instances on a node. """ master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() node_name = ResolveNodeName(node) # Get list of all instances cmd = ['gnt-instance', 'list', '--separator=:', '--no-headers', '--output=name,pnode,snodes'] output = GetCommandOutput(master['primary'], utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd)) instances = [] for line in output.splitlines(): (name, pnode, snodes) = line.split(':', 2) if ((not secondaries and pnode == node_name) or (secondaries and node_name in snodes.split(','))): instances.append(name) return instances def _SelectQueryFields(rnd, fields): """Generates a list of fields for query tests. """ # Create copy for shuffling fields = list(fields) rnd.shuffle(fields) # Check all fields yield fields yield sorted(fields) # Duplicate fields yield fields + fields # Check small groups of fields while fields: yield [fields.pop() for _ in range(rnd.randint(2, 10)) if fields] def _List(listcmd, fields, names): """Runs a list command. """ master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() cmd = [listcmd, "list", "--separator=|", "--no-header", "--output", ",".join(fields)] if names: cmd.extend(names) return GetCommandOutput(master["primary"], utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd)).splitlines() def GenericQueryTest(cmd, fields): """Runs a number of tests on query commands. @param cmd: Command name @param fields: List of field names """ rnd = random.Random(hash(cmd)) fields = list(fields) rnd.shuffle(fields) # Test a number of field combinations for testfields in _SelectQueryFields(rnd, fields): AssertCommand([cmd, "list", "--output", ",".join(testfields)]) namelist_fn = compat.partial(_List, cmd, ["name"]) # When no names were requested, the list must be sorted names = namelist_fn(None) AssertEqual(names, utils.NiceSort(names)) # When requesting specific names, the order must be kept revnames = list(reversed(names)) AssertEqual(namelist_fn(revnames), revnames) randnames = list(names) rnd.shuffle(randnames) AssertEqual(namelist_fn(randnames), randnames) # Listing unknown items must fail AssertCommand([cmd, "list", "this.name.certainly.does.not.exist"], fail=True) # Check exit code for listing unknown field AssertEqual(AssertCommand([cmd, "list", "--output=field/does/not/exist"], fail=True), constants.EXIT_UNKNOWN_FIELD) def GenericQueryFieldsTest(cmd, fields): master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() # Listing fields AssertCommand([cmd, "list-fields"]) AssertCommand([cmd, "list-fields"] + fields) # Check listed fields (all, must be sorted) realcmd = [cmd, "list-fields", "--separator=|", "--no-headers"] output = GetCommandOutput(master["primary"], utils.ShellQuoteArgs(realcmd)).splitlines() AssertEqual([line.split("|", 1)[0] for line in output], utils.NiceSort(fields)) # Check exit code for listing unknown field AssertEqual(AssertCommand([cmd, "list-fields", "field/does/not/exist"], fail=True), constants.EXIT_UNKNOWN_FIELD) def _FormatWithColor(text, seq): if not seq: return text return "%s%s%s" % (seq, text, _RESET_SEQ) FormatWarning = lambda text: _FormatWithColor(text, _WARNING_SEQ) FormatError = lambda text: _FormatWithColor(text, _ERROR_SEQ) FormatInfo = lambda text: _FormatWithColor(text, _INFO_SEQ)