# # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Remote API QA tests. """ import tempfile from ganeti import utils from ganeti import constants from ganeti import errors from ganeti import cli from ganeti import rapi from ganeti import objects import ganeti.rapi.client # pylint: disable-msg=W0611 import ganeti.rapi.client_utils import qa_config import qa_utils import qa_error from qa_utils import (AssertEqual, AssertIn, AssertMatch, StartLocalCommand) _rapi_ca = None _rapi_client = None _rapi_username = None _rapi_password = None def Setup(username, password): """Configures the RAPI client. """ # pylint: disable-msg=W0603 # due to global usage global _rapi_ca global _rapi_client global _rapi_username global _rapi_password _rapi_username = username _rapi_password = password master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() # Load RAPI certificate from master node cmd = ["cat", constants.RAPI_CERT_FILE] # Write to temporary file _rapi_ca = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() _rapi_ca.write(qa_utils.GetCommandOutput(master["primary"], utils.ShellQuoteArgs(cmd))) _rapi_ca.flush() port = qa_config.get("rapi-port", default=constants.DEFAULT_RAPI_PORT) cfg_curl = rapi.client.GenericCurlConfig(cafile=_rapi_ca.name, proxy="") _rapi_client = rapi.client.GanetiRapiClient(master["primary"], port=port, username=username, password=password, curl_config_fn=cfg_curl) print "RAPI protocol version: %s" % _rapi_client.GetVersion() INSTANCE_FIELDS = ("name", "os", "pnode", "snodes", "admin_state", "disk_template", "disk.sizes", "nic.ips", "nic.macs", "nic.modes", "nic.links", "beparams", "hvparams", "oper_state", "oper_ram", "oper_vcpus", "status", "tags") NODE_FIELDS = ("name", "dtotal", "dfree", "mtotal", "mnode", "mfree", "pinst_cnt", "sinst_cnt", "tags") GROUP_FIELDS = frozenset([ "name", "uuid", "alloc_policy", "node_cnt", "node_list", ]) JOB_FIELDS = frozenset([ "id", "ops", "status", "summary", "opstatus", "opresult", "oplog", "received_ts", "start_ts", "end_ts", ]) LIST_FIELDS = ("id", "uri") def Enabled(): """Return whether remote API tests should be run. """ return qa_config.TestEnabled('rapi') def _DoTests(uris): # pylint: disable-msg=W0212 # due to _SendRequest usage results = [] for uri, verify, method, body in uris: assert uri.startswith("/") print "%s %s" % (method, uri) data = _rapi_client._SendRequest(method, uri, None, body) if verify is not None: if callable(verify): verify(data) else: AssertEqual(data, verify) results.append(data) return results def _VerifyReturnsJob(data): AssertMatch(data, r'^\d+$') def TestVersion(): """Testing remote API version. """ _DoTests([ ("/version", constants.RAPI_VERSION, 'GET', None), ]) def TestEmptyCluster(): """Testing remote API on an empty cluster. """ master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() master_full = qa_utils.ResolveNodeName(master) def _VerifyInfo(data): AssertIn("name", data) AssertIn("master", data) AssertEqual(data["master"], master_full) def _VerifyNodes(data): master_entry = { "id": master_full, "uri": "/2/nodes/%s" % master_full, } AssertIn(master_entry, data) def _VerifyNodesBulk(data): for node in data: for entry in NODE_FIELDS: AssertIn(entry, node) def _VerifyGroups(data): default_group = { "name": constants.INITIAL_NODE_GROUP_NAME, "uri": "/2/groups/" + constants.INITIAL_NODE_GROUP_NAME, } AssertIn(default_group, data) def _VerifyGroupsBulk(data): for group in data: for field in GROUP_FIELDS: AssertIn(field, group) _DoTests([ ("/", None, 'GET', None), ("/2/info", _VerifyInfo, 'GET', None), ("/2/tags", None, 'GET', None), ("/2/nodes", _VerifyNodes, 'GET', None), ("/2/nodes?bulk=1", _VerifyNodesBulk, 'GET', None), ("/2/groups", _VerifyGroups, 'GET', None), ("/2/groups?bulk=1", _VerifyGroupsBulk, 'GET', None), ("/2/instances", [], 'GET', None), ("/2/instances?bulk=1", [], 'GET', None), ("/2/os", None, 'GET', None), ]) # Test HTTP Not Found for method in ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE"]: try: _DoTests([("/99/resource/not/here/99", None, method, None)]) except rapi.client.GanetiApiError, err: AssertEqual(err.code, 404) else: raise qa_error.Error("Non-existent resource didn't return HTTP 404") # Test HTTP Not Implemented for method in ["PUT", "POST", "DELETE"]: try: _DoTests([("/version", None, method, None)]) except rapi.client.GanetiApiError, err: AssertEqual(err.code, 501) else: raise qa_error.Error("Non-implemented method didn't fail") def TestInstance(instance): """Testing getting instance(s) info via remote API. """ def _VerifyInstance(data): for entry in INSTANCE_FIELDS: AssertIn(entry, data) def _VerifyInstancesList(data): for instance in data: for entry in LIST_FIELDS: AssertIn(entry, instance) def _VerifyInstancesBulk(data): for instance_data in data: _VerifyInstance(instance_data) _DoTests([ ("/2/instances/%s" % instance["name"], _VerifyInstance, 'GET', None), ("/2/instances", _VerifyInstancesList, 'GET', None), ("/2/instances?bulk=1", _VerifyInstancesBulk, 'GET', None), ("/2/instances/%s/activate-disks" % instance["name"], _VerifyReturnsJob, 'PUT', None), ("/2/instances/%s/deactivate-disks" % instance["name"], _VerifyReturnsJob, 'PUT', None), ]) # Test OpBackupPrepare (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/instances/%s/prepare-export?mode=%s" % (instance["name"], constants.EXPORT_MODE_REMOTE), _VerifyReturnsJob, "PUT", None), ]) result = _WaitForRapiJob(job_id)[0] AssertEqual(len(result["handshake"]), 3) AssertEqual(result["handshake"][0], constants.RIE_VERSION) AssertEqual(len(result["x509_key_name"]), 3) AssertIn("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", result["x509_ca"]) def TestNode(node): """Testing getting node(s) info via remote API. """ def _VerifyNode(data): for entry in NODE_FIELDS: AssertIn(entry, data) def _VerifyNodesList(data): for node in data: for entry in LIST_FIELDS: AssertIn(entry, node) def _VerifyNodesBulk(data): for node_data in data: _VerifyNode(node_data) _DoTests([ ("/2/nodes/%s" % node["primary"], _VerifyNode, 'GET', None), ("/2/nodes", _VerifyNodesList, 'GET', None), ("/2/nodes?bulk=1", _VerifyNodesBulk, 'GET', None), ]) def TestTags(kind, name, tags): """Tests .../tags resources. """ if kind == constants.TAG_CLUSTER: uri = "/2/tags" elif kind == constants.TAG_NODE: uri = "/2/nodes/%s/tags" % name elif kind == constants.TAG_INSTANCE: uri = "/2/instances/%s/tags" % name else: raise errors.ProgrammerError("Unknown tag kind") def _VerifyTags(data): AssertEqual(sorted(tags), sorted(data)) query = "&".join("tag=%s" % i for i in tags) # Add tags (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("%s?%s" % (uri, query), _VerifyReturnsJob, "PUT", None), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) # Retrieve tags _DoTests([ (uri, _VerifyTags, 'GET', None), ]) # Remove tags (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("%s?%s" % (uri, query), _VerifyReturnsJob, "DELETE", None), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) def _WaitForRapiJob(job_id): """Waits for a job to finish. """ def _VerifyJob(data): AssertEqual(data["id"], job_id) for field in JOB_FIELDS: AssertIn(field, data) _DoTests([ ("/2/jobs/%s" % job_id, _VerifyJob, "GET", None), ]) return rapi.client_utils.PollJob(_rapi_client, job_id, cli.StdioJobPollReportCb()) def TestRapiNodeGroups(): """Test several node group operations using RAPI. """ groups = qa_config.get("groups", {}) group1, group2, group3 = groups.get("inexistent-groups", ["group1", "group2", "group3"])[:3] # Create a group with no attributes body = { "name": group1, } (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/groups", _VerifyReturnsJob, "POST", body), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) # Create a group specifying alloc_policy body = { "name": group2, "alloc_policy": constants.ALLOC_POLICY_UNALLOCABLE, } (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/groups", _VerifyReturnsJob, "POST", body), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) # Modify alloc_policy body = { "alloc_policy": constants.ALLOC_POLICY_UNALLOCABLE, } (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/groups/%s/modify" % group1, _VerifyReturnsJob, "PUT", body), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) # Rename a group body = { "new_name": group3, } (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/groups/%s/rename" % group2, _VerifyReturnsJob, "PUT", body), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) # Delete groups for group in [group1, group3]: (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/groups/%s" % group, _VerifyReturnsJob, "DELETE", None), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) def TestRapiInstanceAdd(node, use_client): """Test adding a new instance via RAPI""" instance = qa_config.AcquireInstance() try: memory = utils.ParseUnit(qa_config.get("mem")) disk_sizes = [utils.ParseUnit(size) for size in qa_config.get("disk")] if use_client: disks = [{"size": size} for size in disk_sizes] nics = [{}] beparams = { constants.BE_MEMORY: memory, } job_id = _rapi_client.CreateInstance(constants.INSTANCE_CREATE, instance["name"], constants.DT_PLAIN, disks, nics, os=qa_config.get("os"), pnode=node["primary"], beparams=beparams) else: body = { "name": instance["name"], "os": qa_config.get("os"), "disk_template": constants.DT_PLAIN, "pnode": node["primary"], "memory": memory, "disks": disk_sizes, } (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/instances", _VerifyReturnsJob, "POST", body), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) return instance except: qa_config.ReleaseInstance(instance) raise def TestRapiInstanceRemove(instance, use_client): """Test removing instance via RAPI""" if use_client: job_id = _rapi_client.DeleteInstance(instance["name"]) else: (job_id, ) = _DoTests([ ("/2/instances/%s" % instance["name"], _VerifyReturnsJob, "DELETE", None), ]) _WaitForRapiJob(job_id) qa_config.ReleaseInstance(instance) def TestRapiInstanceMigrate(instance): """Test migrating instance via RAPI""" # Move to secondary node _WaitForRapiJob(_rapi_client.MigrateInstance(instance["name"])) # And back to previous primary _WaitForRapiJob(_rapi_client.MigrateInstance(instance["name"])) def TestRapiInstanceRename(rename_source, rename_target): """Test renaming instance via RAPI""" _WaitForRapiJob(_rapi_client.RenameInstance(rename_source, rename_target)) def TestRapiInstanceReinstall(instance): """Test reinstalling an instance via RAPI""" _WaitForRapiJob(_rapi_client.ReinstallInstance(instance["name"])) def TestRapiInstanceModify(instance): """Test modifying instance via RAPI""" def _ModifyInstance(**kwargs): _WaitForRapiJob(_rapi_client.ModifyInstance(instance["name"], **kwargs)) _ModifyInstance(hvparams={ constants.HV_KERNEL_ARGS: "single", }) _ModifyInstance(beparams={ constants.BE_VCPUS: 3, }) _ModifyInstance(beparams={ constants.BE_VCPUS: constants.VALUE_DEFAULT, }) _ModifyInstance(hvparams={ constants.HV_KERNEL_ARGS: constants.VALUE_DEFAULT, }) def TestRapiInstanceConsole(instance): """Test getting instance console information via RAPI""" result = _rapi_client.GetInstanceConsole(instance["name"]) console = objects.InstanceConsole.FromDict(result) AssertEqual(console.Validate(), True) AssertEqual(console.instance, qa_utils.ResolveInstanceName(instance["name"])) def TestRapiStoppedInstanceConsole(instance): """Test getting stopped instance's console information via RAPI""" try: _rapi_client.GetInstanceConsole(instance["name"]) except rapi.client.GanetiApiError, err: AssertEqual(err.code, 503) else: raise qa_error.Error("Getting console for stopped instance didn't" " return HTTP 503") def TestInterClusterInstanceMove(src_instance, dest_instance, pnode, snode, tnode): """Test tools/move-instance""" master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() rapi_pw_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() rapi_pw_file.write(_rapi_password) rapi_pw_file.flush() # TODO: Run some instance tests before moving back if snode is None: # instance is not redundant, but we still need to pass a node # (which will be ignored) fsec = tnode else: fsec = snode # note: pnode:snode are the *current* nodes, so we move it first to # tnode:pnode, then back to pnode:snode for si, di, pn, sn in [(src_instance["name"], dest_instance["name"], tnode["primary"], pnode["primary"]), (dest_instance["name"], src_instance["name"], pnode["primary"], fsec["primary"])]: cmd = [ "../tools/move-instance", "--verbose", "--src-ca-file=%s" % _rapi_ca.name, "--src-username=%s" % _rapi_username, "--src-password-file=%s" % rapi_pw_file.name, "--dest-instance-name=%s" % di, "--dest-primary-node=%s" % pn, "--dest-secondary-node=%s" % sn, "--net=0:mac=%s" % constants.VALUE_GENERATE, master["primary"], master["primary"], si, ] AssertEqual(StartLocalCommand(cmd).wait(), 0)