# # # Copyright (C) 2007, 2010, 2011 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Cluster related QA tests. """ import tempfile import os.path from ganeti import constants from ganeti import utils import qa_config import qa_utils import qa_error from qa_utils import AssertEqual, AssertCommand def _RemoveFileFromAllNodes(filename): """Removes a file from all nodes. """ for node in qa_config.get("nodes"): AssertCommand(["rm", "-f", filename], node=node) def _CheckFileOnAllNodes(filename, content): """Verifies the content of the given file on all nodes. """ cmd = utils.ShellQuoteArgs(["cat", filename]) for node in qa_config.get("nodes"): AssertEqual(qa_utils.GetCommandOutput(node["primary"], cmd), content) def TestClusterInit(rapi_user, rapi_secret): """gnt-cluster init""" master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() rapi_dir = os.path.dirname(constants.RAPI_USERS_FILE) # First create the RAPI credentials fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() try: fh.write("%s %s write\n" % (rapi_user, rapi_secret)) fh.flush() tmpru = qa_utils.UploadFile(master["primary"], fh.name) try: AssertCommand(["mkdir", "-p", rapi_dir]) AssertCommand(["mv", tmpru, constants.RAPI_USERS_FILE]) finally: AssertCommand(["rm", "-f", tmpru]) finally: fh.close() # Initialize cluster cmd = ['gnt-cluster', 'init'] cmd.append("--primary-ip-version=%d" % qa_config.get("primary_ip_version", 4)) if master.get('secondary', None): cmd.append('--secondary-ip=%s' % master['secondary']) bridge = qa_config.get('bridge', None) if bridge: cmd.append('--bridge=%s' % bridge) cmd.append('--master-netdev=%s' % bridge) htype = qa_config.get('enabled-hypervisors', None) if htype: cmd.append('--enabled-hypervisors=%s' % htype) cmd.append(qa_config.get('name')) AssertCommand(cmd) def TestClusterRename(): """gnt-cluster rename""" cmd = ['gnt-cluster', 'rename', '-f'] original_name = qa_config.get('name') rename_target = qa_config.get('rename', None) if rename_target is None: print qa_utils.FormatError('"rename" entry is missing') return cmd_verify = ['gnt-cluster', 'verify'] for data in [ cmd + [rename_target], cmd_verify, cmd + [original_name], cmd_verify, ]: AssertCommand(data) def TestClusterOob(): """out-of-band framework""" oob_path_exists = "/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-exist-%s" % utils.NewUUID() AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "verify"]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--node-parameters", "oob_program=/tmp/ganeti-qa-oob-does-not-exist-%s" % utils.NewUUID()]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "verify"], fail=True) AssertCommand(["touch", oob_path_exists]) AssertCommand(["chmod", "0400", oob_path_exists]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "copyfile", oob_path_exists]) try: AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--node-parameters", "oob_program=%s" % oob_path_exists]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "verify"], fail=True) AssertCommand(["chmod", "0500", oob_path_exists]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "copyfile", oob_path_exists]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "verify"]) finally: AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "command", "rm", oob_path_exists]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--node-parameters", "oob_program="]) def TestClusterVerify(): """gnt-cluster verify""" AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "verify"]) AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "verify-disks"]) def TestJobqueue(): """gnt-debug test-jobqueue""" AssertCommand(["gnt-debug", "test-jobqueue"]) def TestClusterReservedLvs(): """gnt-cluster reserved lvs""" CVERIFY = ["gnt-cluster", "verify"] for fail, cmd in [ (False, CVERIFY), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--reserved-lvs", ""]), (False, ["lvcreate", "-L1G", "-nqa-test", "xenvg"]), (True, CVERIFY), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--reserved-lvs", "xenvg/qa-test,.*/other-test"]), (False, CVERIFY), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--reserved-lvs", ".*/qa-.*"]), (False, CVERIFY), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "--reserved-lvs", ""]), (True, CVERIFY), (False, ["lvremove", "-f", "xenvg/qa-test"]), (False, CVERIFY), ]: AssertCommand(cmd, fail=fail) def TestClusterModifyBe(): """gnt-cluster modify -B""" for fail, cmd in [ # mem (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "memory=256"]), (False, ["sh", "-c", "gnt-cluster info|grep '^ *memory: 256$'"]), (True, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "memory=a"]), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "memory=128"]), (False, ["sh", "-c", "gnt-cluster info|grep '^ *memory: 128$'"]), # vcpus (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "vcpus=4"]), (False, ["sh", "-c", "gnt-cluster info|grep '^ *vcpus: 4$'"]), (True, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "vcpus=a"]), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "vcpus=1"]), (False, ["sh", "-c", "gnt-cluster info|grep '^ *vcpus: 1$'"]), # auto_balance (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "auto_balance=False"]), (False, ["sh", "-c", "gnt-cluster info|grep '^ *auto_balance: False$'"]), (True, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "auto_balance=1"]), (False, ["gnt-cluster", "modify", "-B", "auto_balance=True"]), (False, ["sh", "-c", "gnt-cluster info|grep '^ *auto_balance: True$'"]), ]: AssertCommand(cmd, fail=fail) def TestClusterInfo(): """gnt-cluster info""" AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "info"]) def TestClusterGetmaster(): """gnt-cluster getmaster""" AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "getmaster"]) def TestClusterVersion(): """gnt-cluster version""" AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "version"]) def TestClusterRenewCrypto(): """gnt-cluster renew-crypto""" master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() # Conflicting options cmd = ["gnt-cluster", "renew-crypto", "--force", "--new-cluster-certificate", "--new-confd-hmac-key"] conflicting = [ ["--new-rapi-certificate", "--rapi-certificate=/dev/null"], ["--new-cluster-domain-secret", "--cluster-domain-secret=/dev/null"], ] for i in conflicting: AssertCommand(cmd+i, fail=True) # Invalid RAPI certificate cmd = ["gnt-cluster", "renew-crypto", "--force", "--rapi-certificate=/dev/null"] AssertCommand(cmd, fail=True) rapi_cert_backup = qa_utils.BackupFile(master["primary"], constants.RAPI_CERT_FILE) try: # Custom RAPI certificate fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # Ensure certificate doesn't cause "gnt-cluster verify" to complain validity = constants.SSL_CERT_EXPIRATION_WARN * 3 utils.GenerateSelfSignedSslCert(fh.name, validity=validity) tmpcert = qa_utils.UploadFile(master["primary"], fh.name) try: AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "renew-crypto", "--force", "--rapi-certificate=%s" % tmpcert]) finally: AssertCommand(["rm", "-f", tmpcert]) # Custom cluster domain secret cds_fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() cds_fh.write(utils.GenerateSecret()) cds_fh.write("\n") cds_fh.flush() tmpcds = qa_utils.UploadFile(master["primary"], cds_fh.name) try: AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "renew-crypto", "--force", "--cluster-domain-secret=%s" % tmpcds]) finally: AssertCommand(["rm", "-f", tmpcds]) # Normal case AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "renew-crypto", "--force", "--new-cluster-certificate", "--new-confd-hmac-key", "--new-rapi-certificate", "--new-cluster-domain-secret"]) # Restore RAPI certificate AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "renew-crypto", "--force", "--rapi-certificate=%s" % rapi_cert_backup]) finally: AssertCommand(["rm", "-f", rapi_cert_backup]) def TestClusterBurnin(): """Burnin""" master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() options = qa_config.get('options', {}) disk_template = options.get('burnin-disk-template', 'drbd') parallel = options.get('burnin-in-parallel', False) check_inst = options.get('burnin-check-instances', False) do_rename = options.get('burnin-rename', '') do_reboot = options.get('burnin-reboot', True) reboot_types = options.get("reboot-types", constants.REBOOT_TYPES) # Get as many instances as we need instances = [] try: try: num = qa_config.get('options', {}).get('burnin-instances', 1) for _ in range(0, num): instances.append(qa_config.AcquireInstance()) except qa_error.OutOfInstancesError: print "Not enough instances, continuing anyway." if len(instances) < 1: raise qa_error.Error("Burnin needs at least one instance") script = qa_utils.UploadFile(master['primary'], '../tools/burnin') try: # Run burnin cmd = [script, '--os=%s' % qa_config.get('os'), '--disk-size=%s' % ",".join(qa_config.get('disk')), '--disk-growth=%s' % ",".join(qa_config.get('disk-growth')), '--disk-template=%s' % disk_template] if parallel: cmd.append('--parallel') cmd.append('--early-release') if check_inst: cmd.append('--http-check') if do_rename: cmd.append('--rename=%s' % do_rename) if not do_reboot: cmd.append('--no-reboot') else: cmd.append('--reboot-types=%s' % ",".join(reboot_types)) cmd += [inst['name'] for inst in instances] AssertCommand(cmd) finally: AssertCommand(["rm", "-f", script]) finally: for inst in instances: qa_config.ReleaseInstance(inst) def TestClusterMasterFailover(): """gnt-cluster master-failover""" master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() failovermaster = qa_config.AcquireNode(exclude=master) cmd = ["gnt-cluster", "master-failover"] try: AssertCommand(cmd, node=failovermaster) AssertCommand(cmd, node=master) finally: qa_config.ReleaseNode(failovermaster) def TestClusterCopyfile(): """gnt-cluster copyfile""" master = qa_config.GetMasterNode() uniqueid = utils.NewUUID() # Create temporary file f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() f.write(uniqueid) f.flush() f.seek(0) # Upload file to master node testname = qa_utils.UploadFile(master['primary'], f.name) try: # Copy file to all nodes AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "copyfile", testname]) _CheckFileOnAllNodes(testname, uniqueid) finally: _RemoveFileFromAllNodes(testname) def TestClusterCommand(): """gnt-cluster command""" uniqueid = utils.NewUUID() rfile = "/tmp/gnt%s" % utils.NewUUID() rcmd = utils.ShellQuoteArgs(['echo', '-n', uniqueid]) cmd = utils.ShellQuoteArgs(['gnt-cluster', 'command', "%s >%s" % (rcmd, rfile)]) try: AssertCommand(cmd) _CheckFileOnAllNodes(rfile, uniqueid) finally: _RemoveFileFromAllNodes(rfile) def TestClusterDestroy(): """gnt-cluster destroy""" AssertCommand(["gnt-cluster", "destroy", "--yes-do-it"])