#!/usr/bin/python -u # # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Google Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """Master daemon program. Some classes deviates from the standard style guide since the inheritance from parent classes requires it. """ import sys import SocketServer import threading import time import collections import Queue import random import signal import simplejson import logging from cStringIO import StringIO from optparse import OptionParser from ganeti import config from ganeti import constants from ganeti import mcpu from ganeti import opcodes from ganeti import jqueue from ganeti import locking from ganeti import luxi from ganeti import utils from ganeti import errors from ganeti import ssconf from ganeti import logger EXIT_NOTMASTER = constants.EXIT_NOTMASTER EXIT_NODESETUP_ERROR = constants.EXIT_NODESETUP_ERROR class IOServer(SocketServer.UnixStreamServer): """IO thread class. This class takes care of initializing the other threads, setting signal handlers (which are processed only in this thread), and doing cleanup at shutdown. """ def __init__(self, address, rqhandler, context): """IOServer constructor Args: address: the address to bind this IOServer to rqhandler: RequestHandler type object context: Context Object common to all worker threads """ SocketServer.UnixStreamServer.__init__(self, address, rqhandler) self.do_quit = False self.context = context # We'll only start threads once we've forked. self.jobqueue = None signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle_quit_signals) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.handle_quit_signals) def setup_queue(self): self.jobqueue = jqueue.JobQueue(self.context) def process_request_thread(self, request, client_address): """Process the request. This is copied from the code in ThreadingMixIn. """ try: self.finish_request(request, client_address) self.close_request(request) except: self.handle_error(request, client_address) self.close_request(request) def process_request(self, request, client_address): """Start a new thread to process the request. This is copied from the coode in ThreadingMixIn. """ t = threading.Thread(target=self.process_request_thread, args=(request, client_address)) t.start() def handle_quit_signals(self, signum, frame): print "received %s in %s" % (signum, frame) self.do_quit = True def serve_forever(self): """Handle one request at a time until told to quit.""" while not self.do_quit: self.handle_request() print "served request, quit=%s" % (self.do_quit) def server_cleanup(self): """Cleanup the server. This involves shutting down the processor threads and the master socket. """ try: self.server_close() utils.RemoveFile(constants.MASTER_SOCKET) finally: if self.jobqueue: self.jobqueue.Shutdown() class ClientRqHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """Client handler""" EOM = '\3' READ_SIZE = 4096 def setup(self): self._buffer = "" self._msgs = collections.deque() self._ops = ClientOps(self.server) def handle(self): while True: msg = self.read_message() if msg is None: logging.info("client closed connection") break request = simplejson.loads(msg) logging.debug("request: %s", request) if not isinstance(request, dict): logging.error("wrong request received: %s", msg) break method = request.get(luxi.KEY_METHOD, None) args = request.get(luxi.KEY_ARGS, None) if method is None or args is None: logging.error("no method or args in request") break success = False try: result = self._ops.handle_request(method, args) success = True except: logging.error("Unexpected exception", exc_info=True) err = sys.exc_info() result = "Caught exception: %s" % str(err[1]) response = { luxi.KEY_SUCCESS: success, luxi.KEY_RESULT: result, } logging.debug("response: %s", response) self.send_message(simplejson.dumps(response)) def read_message(self): while not self._msgs: data = self.request.recv(self.READ_SIZE) if not data: return None new_msgs = (self._buffer + data).split(self.EOM) self._buffer = new_msgs.pop() self._msgs.extend(new_msgs) return self._msgs.popleft() def send_message(self, msg): #print "sending", msg self.request.sendall(msg + self.EOM) class ClientOps: """Class holding high-level client operations.""" def __init__(self, server): self.server = server def handle_request(self, method, args): queue = self.server.jobqueue # TODO: Parameter validation if method == luxi.REQ_SUBMIT_JOB: ops = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(state) for state in args] return queue.SubmitJob(ops) elif method == luxi.REQ_CANCEL_JOB: (job_id, ) = args return queue.CancelJob(job_id) elif method == luxi.REQ_ARCHIVE_JOB: (job_id, ) = args return queue.ArchiveJob(job_id) elif method == luxi.REQ_QUERY_JOBS: (job_ids, fields) = args return queue.QueryJobs(job_ids, fields) else: raise ValueError("Invalid operation") def JobRunner(proc, job, context): """Job executor. This functions processes a single job in the context of given processor instance. Args: proc: Ganeti Processor to run the job on job: The job to run (unserialized format) context: Ganeti shared context """ job.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_RUNNING) fail = False for idx, op in enumerate(job.data.op_list): job.data.op_status[idx] = opcodes.Job.STATUS_RUNNING try: job.data.op_result[idx] = proc.ExecOpCode(op) job.data.op_status[idx] = opcodes.Job.STATUS_SUCCESS except (errors.OpPrereqError, errors.OpExecError), err: fail = True job.data.op_result[idx] = str(err) job.data.op_status[idx] = opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL if fail: job.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL) else: job.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_SUCCESS) def PoolWorker(worker_id, incoming_queue, context): """A worker thread function. This is the actual processor of a single thread of Job execution. Args: worker_id: the unique id for this worker incoming_queue: a queue to get jobs from context: the common server context, containing all shared data and synchronization structures. """ while True: logging.debug("worker %s sleeping", worker_id) item = incoming_queue.get(True) if item is None: break logging.debug("worker %s processing job %s", worker_id, item.data.job_id) proc = mcpu.Processor(context, feedback=lambda x: None) try: JobRunner(proc, item, context) except errors.GenericError, err: msg = "ganeti exception" logging.error(msg, exc_info=err) item.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL, result=[msg]) except Exception, err: msg = "unhandled exception" logging.error(msg, exc_info=err) item.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL, result=[msg]) except: msg = "unhandled unknown exception" logging.error(msg, exc_info=True) item.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL, result=[msg]) logging.debug("worker %s finish job %s", worker_id, item.data.job_id) logging.debug("worker %s exiting", worker_id) class GanetiContext(object): """Context common to all ganeti threads. This class creates and holds common objects shared by all threads. """ _instance = None def __init__(self): """Constructs a new GanetiContext object. There should be only a GanetiContext object at any time, so this function raises an error if this is not the case. """ assert self.__class__._instance is None, "double GanetiContext instance" # Create a ConfigWriter... self.cfg = config.ConfigWriter() # And a GanetiLockingManager... self.glm = locking.GanetiLockManager( self.cfg.GetNodeList(), self.cfg.GetInstanceList()) # setting this also locks the class against attribute modifications self.__class__._instance = self def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Setting GanetiContext attributes is forbidden after initialization. """ assert self.__class__._instance is None, "Attempt to modify Ganeti Context" object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def CheckMaster(debug): """Checks the node setup. If this is the master, the function will return. Otherwise it will exit with an exit code based on the node status. """ try: ss = ssconf.SimpleStore() master_name = ss.GetMasterNode() except errors.ConfigurationError, err: print "Cluster configuration incomplete: '%s'" % str(err) sys.exit(EXIT_NODESETUP_ERROR) try: myself = utils.HostInfo() except errors.ResolverError, err: sys.stderr.write("Cannot resolve my own name (%s)\n" % err.args[0]) sys.exit(EXIT_NODESETUP_ERROR) if myself.name != master_name: if debug: sys.stderr.write("Not master, exiting.\n") sys.exit(EXIT_NOTMASTER) def ParseOptions(): """Parse the command line options. Returns: (options, args) as from OptionParser.parse_args() """ parser = OptionParser(description="Ganeti master daemon", usage="%prog [-f] [-d]", version="%%prog (ganeti) %s" % constants.RELEASE_VERSION) parser.add_option("-f", "--foreground", dest="fork", help="Don't detach from the current terminal", default=True, action="store_false") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Enable some debug messages", default=False, action="store_true") options, args = parser.parse_args() return options, args def main(): """Main function""" options, args = ParseOptions() utils.debug = options.debug utils.no_fork = True CheckMaster(options.debug) master = IOServer(constants.MASTER_SOCKET, ClientRqHandler, GanetiContext()) # become a daemon if options.fork: utils.Daemonize(logfile=constants.LOG_MASTERDAEMON, noclose_fds=[master.fileno()]) logger.SetupDaemon(constants.LOG_MASTERDAEMON, debug=options.debug) logger.Info("ganeti master daemon startup") try: utils.Lock('cmd', debug=options.debug) except errors.LockError, err: print >> sys.stderr, str(err) master.server_cleanup() return try: master.setup_queue() try: master.serve_forever() finally: master.server_cleanup() finally: utils.Unlock('cmd') utils.LockCleanup() if __name__ == "__main__": main()