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+Ganeti administrator's guide
+Documents Ganeti version 2.0
+.. contents::
+Ganeti is a virtualization cluster management software. You are
+expected to be a system administrator familiar with your Linux
+distribution and the Xen or KVM virtualization environments before
+using it.
+The various components of Ganeti all have man pages and interactive
+help. This manual though will help you getting familiar with the
+system by explaining the most common operations, grouped by related
+After a terminology glossary and a section on the prerequisites needed
+to use this manual, the rest of this document is divided in three main
+sections, which group different features of Ganeti:
+- Instance Management
+- High Availability Features
+- Debugging Features
+Ganeti terminology
+This section provides a small introduction to Ganeti terminology,
+which might be useful to read the rest of the document.
+  A set of machines (nodes) that cooperate to offer a coherent
+  highly available virtualization service.
+  A physical machine which is member of a cluster.
+  Nodes are the basic cluster infrastructure, and are
+  not fault tolerant.
+Master node
+  The node which controls the Cluster, from which all
+  Ganeti commands must be given.
+  A virtual machine which runs on a cluster. It can be a
+  fault tolerant highly available entity.
+  A pool is a set of clusters sharing the same network.
+  Anything that concerns more than one cluster.
+You need to have your Ganeti cluster installed and configured before
+you try any of the commands in this document. Please follow the
+*Ganeti installation tutorial* for instructions on how to do that.
+Managing Instances
+Adding/Removing an instance
+Adding a new virtual instance to your Ganeti cluster is really easy.
+The command is::
+  gnt-instance add \
+The instance name must be resolvable (e.g. exist in DNS) and usually
+to an address in the same subnet as the cluster itself. Options you
+can give to this command include:
+- The disk size (``-s``) for a single-disk instance, or multiple
+  ``--disk N:size=SIZE`` options for multi-instance disks
+- The memory size (``-B memory``)
+- The number of virtual CPUs (``-B vcpus``)
+- Arguments for the NICs of the instance; by default, a single-NIC
+  instance is created. The IP and/or bridge of the NIC can be changed
+  via ``--nic 0:ip=IP,bridge=BRIDGE``
+There are four types of disk template you can choose from:
+  The instance has no disks. Only used for special purpouse operating
+  systems or for testing.
+  The instance will use plain files as backend for its disks. No
+  redundancy is provided, and this is somewhat more difficult to
+  configure for high performance.
+  The instance will use LVM devices as backend for its disks. No
+  redundancy is provided.
+  .. note:: This is only valid for multi-node clusters using DRBD 8.0.x
+  A mirror is set between the local node and a remote one, which must
+  be specified with the second value of the --node option. Use this
+  option to obtain a highly available instance that can be failed over
+  to a remote node should the primary one fail.
+For example if you want to create an highly available instance use the
+drbd disk templates::
+  gnt-instance add -n TARGET_NODE:SECONDARY_NODE -o OS_TYPE -t drbd \
+To know which operating systems your cluster supports you can use
+the command::
+  gnt-os list
+Removing an instance is even easier than creating one. This operation
+is irrereversible and destroys all the contents of your instance. Use
+with care::
+  gnt-instance remove INSTANCE_NAME
+Starting/Stopping an instance
+Instances are automatically started at instance creation time. To
+manually start one which is currently stopped you can run::
+  gnt-instance startup INSTANCE_NAME
+While the command to stop one is::
+  gnt-instance shutdown INSTANCE_NAME
+The command to see all the instances configured and their status is::
+  gnt-instance list
+Do not use the Xen commands to stop instances. If you run for example
+xm shutdown or xm destroy on an instance Ganeti will automatically
+restart it (via the ``ganeti-watcher``).
+Exporting/Importing an instance
+You can create a snapshot of an instance disk and Ganeti
+configuration, which then you can backup, or import into another
+cluster. The way to export an instance is::
+  gnt-backup export -n TARGET_NODE INSTANCE_NAME
+The target node can be any node in the cluster with enough space under
+``/srv/ganeti`` to hold the instance image. Use the *--noshutdown*
+option to snapshot an instance without rebooting it. Any previous
+snapshot of the same instance existing cluster-wide under
+``/srv/ganeti`` will be removed by this operation: if you want to keep
+them move them out of the Ganeti exports directory.
+Importing an instance is similar to creating a new one. The command is::
+  gnt-backup import -n TARGET_NODE -t DISK_TEMPLATE \
+    --src-node=NODE --src-dir=DIR INSTANCE_NAME
+Most of the options available for the command *gnt-instance add* are
+supported here too.
+High availability features
+.. note:: This section only applies to multi-node clusters
+Failing over an instance
+If an instance is built in highly available mode you can at any time
+fail it over to its secondary node, even if the primary has somehow
+failed and it's not up anymore. Doing it is really easy, on the master
+node you can just run::
+  gnt-instance failover INSTANCE_NAME
+That's it. After the command completes the secondary node is now the
+primary, and vice versa.
+Live migrating an instance
+If an instance is built in highly available mode, it currently runs
+and both its nodes are running fine, you can at migrate it over to its
+secondary node, without dowtime. On the master node you need to run::
+  gnt-instance migrate INSTANCE_NAME
+Replacing an instance disks
+So what if instead the secondary node for an instance has failed, or
+you plan to remove a node from your cluster, and you failed over all
+its instances, but it's still secondary for some? The solution here is
+to replace the instance disks, changing the secondary node::
+  gnt-instance replace-disks -n NODE INSTANCE_NAME
+This process is a bit long, but involves no instance downtime, and at
+the end of it the instance has changed its secondary node, to which it
+can if necessary be failed over.
+Failing over the master node
+This is all good as long as the Ganeti Master Node is up. Should it go
+down, or should you wish to decommission it, just run on any other
+node the command::
+  gnt-cluster masterfailover
+and the node you ran it on is now the new master.
+Adding/Removing nodes
+And of course, now that you know how to move instances around, it's
+easy to free up a node, and then you can remove it from the cluster::
+  gnt-node remove NODE_NAME
+and maybe add a new one::
+  gnt-node add --secondary-ip=ADDRESS NODE_NAME
+Debugging Features
+At some point you might need to do some debugging operations on your
+cluster or on your instances. This section will help you with the most
+used debugging functionalities.
+Accessing an instance's disks
+From an instance's primary node you have access to its disks. Never
+ever mount the underlying logical volume manually on a fault tolerant
+instance, or you risk breaking replication. The correct way to access
+them is to run the command::
+  gnt-instance activate-disks INSTANCE_NAME
+And then access the device that gets created.  After you've finished
+you can deactivate them with the deactivate-disks command, which works
+in the same way.
+Accessing an instance's console
+The command to access a running instance's console is::
+  gnt-instance console INSTANCE_NAME
+Use the console normally and then type ``^]`` when
+done, to exit.
+Instance OS definitions Debugging
+Should you have any problems with operating systems support the
+command to ran to see a complete status for all your nodes is::
+   gnt-os diagnose
+Cluster-wide debugging
+The *gnt-cluster* command offers several options to run tests or
+execute cluster-wide operations. For example::
+  gnt-cluster command
+  gnt-cluster copyfile
+  gnt-cluster verify
+  gnt-cluster verify-disks
+  gnt-cluster getmaster
+  gnt-cluster version
+See the man page *gnt-cluster* to know more about their usage.
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-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" [
-  <article class="specification">
-  <articleinfo>
-    <title>Ganeti administrator's guide</title>
-  </articleinfo>
-  <para>Documents Ganeti version 2.0</para>
-  <sect1>
-    <title>Introduction</title>
-    <para>
-      Ganeti is a virtualization cluster management software. You are
-      expected to be a system administrator familiar with your Linux
-      distribution and the Xen or KVM virtualization environments
-      before using it.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      The various components of Ganeti all have man pages and
-      interactive help. This manual though will help you getting
-      familiar with the system by explaining the most common
-      operations, grouped by related use.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      After a terminology glossary and a section on the prerequisites
-      needed to use this manual, the rest of this document is divided
-      in three main sections, which group different features of
-      Ganeti:
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-          <simpara>Instance Management</simpara>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <simpara>High Availability Features</simpara>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <simpara>Debugging Features</simpara>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-    </para>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Ganeti terminology</title>
-      <para>
-        This section provides a small introduction to Ganeti terminology, which
-        might be useful to read the rest of the document.
-        <glosslist>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Cluster</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <simpara>
-                A set of machines (nodes) that cooperate to offer a
-                coherent highly available virtualization service.
-              </simpara>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Node</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <simpara>
-                A physical machine which is member of a cluster.
-                Nodes are the basic cluster infrastructure, and are
-                not fault tolerant.
-              </simpara>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Master node</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <simpara>
-                The node which controls the Cluster, from which all
-                Ganeti commands must be given.
-              </simpara>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Instance</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <simpara>
-                A virtual machine which runs on a cluster. It can be a
-                fault tolerant highly available entity.
-              </simpara>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Pool</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <simpara>
-                A pool is a set of clusters sharing the same network.
-              </simpara>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-          <glossentry>
-            <glossterm>Meta-Cluster</glossterm>
-            <glossdef>
-              <simpara>
-                Anything that concerns more than one cluster.
-              </simpara>
-            </glossdef>
-          </glossentry>
-        </glosslist>
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Prerequisites</title>
-      <para>
-        You need to have your Ganeti cluster installed and configured before
-        you try any of the commands in this document. Please follow the
-        <emphasis>Ganeti installation tutorial</emphasis> for instructions on
-        how to do that.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
-  <sect1>
-    <title>Managing Instances</title>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Adding/Removing an instance</title>
-      <para>
-        Adding a new virtual instance to your Ganeti cluster is really easy.
-        The command is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance add -n <replaceable>TARGET_NODE<optional>:SECONDARY_NODE</optional></replaceable> -o <replaceable>OS_TYPE</replaceable> -t <replaceable>DISK_TEMPLATE</replaceable> <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        The instance name must be resolvable (e.g. exist in DNS) and
-        usually to an address in the same subnet as the cluster
-        itself. Options you can give to this command include:
-      <itemizedlist>
-        <listitem>
-            <simpara>The disk size (<option>-s</option>) for a
-            single-disk instance, or multiple <option>--disk
-            <replaceable>N</replaceable>:size=<replaceable>SIZE</replaceable></option>
-            options for multi-instance disks</simpara>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <simpara>The memory size (<option>-B memory</option>)</simpara>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <simpara>The number of virtual CPUs (<option>-B vcpus</option>)</simpara>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-            <para>
-              Arguments for the NICs of the instance; by default, a
-              single-NIC instance is created. The IP and/or bridge of
-              the NIC can be changed via <option>--nic
-              0:ip=<replaceable>IP</replaceable>,bridge=<replaceable>BRIDGE</replaceable></option>
-            </para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      </para>
-      <para>There are four types of disk template you can choose from:</para>
-      <variablelist>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>diskless</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>The instance has no disks. Only used for special purpouse
-              operating systems or for testing.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>file</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>The instance will use plain files as backend for its
-            disks.  No redundancy is provided, and this is somewhat
-            more difficult to configure for high performance.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>plain</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <para>The instance will use LVM devices as backend for its disks.
-              No redundancy is provided.</para>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>drbd</term>
-          <listitem>
-            <simpara><emphasis role="strong">Note:</emphasis> This is only
-              valid for multi-node clusters using drbd 8.0.x</simpara>
-            <simpara>
-              A mirror is set between the local node and a remote one, which
-              must be specified with the second value of the --node option. Use
-              this option to obtain a highly available instance that can be
-              failed over to a remote node should the primary one fail.
-            </simpara>
-          </listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-      </variablelist>
-      <para>
-        For example if you want to create an highly available instance use the
-        drbd disk templates:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance add -n <replaceable>TARGET_NODE</replaceable><optional>:<replaceable>SECONDARY_NODE</replaceable></optional> -o <replaceable>OS_TYPE</replaceable> -t drbd \
-  <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-      <para>
-        To know which operating systems your cluster supports you can use
-        <synopsis>gnt-os list</synopsis>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Removing an instance is even easier than creating one. This
-        operation is irrereversible and destroys all the contents of
-        your instance. Use with care:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance remove <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Starting/Stopping an instance</title>
-      <para>
-        Instances are automatically started at instance creation time. To
-        manually start one which is currently stopped you can run:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance startup <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        While the command to stop one is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance shutdown <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        The command to see all the instances configured and their status is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance list</synopsis>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Do not use the xen commands to stop instances. If you run for
-        example xm shutdown or xm destroy on an instance Ganeti will
-        automatically restart it (via the
-        <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ganeti-watcher</refentrytitle>
-        <manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>)
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Exporting/Importing an instance</title>
-      <para>
-        You can create a snapshot of an instance disk and Ganeti
-        configuration, which then you can backup, or import into
-        another cluster. The way to export an instance is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-backup export -n <replaceable>TARGET_NODE</replaceable> <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        The target node can be any node in the cluster with enough
-        space under <filename class="directory">/srv/ganeti</filename>
-        to hold the instance image. Use the
-        <option>--noshutdown</option> option to snapshot an instance
-        without rebooting it. Any previous snapshot of the same
-        instance existing cluster-wide under <filename
-        class="directory">/srv/ganeti</filename> will be removed by
-        this operation: if you want to keep them move them out of the
-        Ganeti exports directory.
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Importing an instance is similar to creating a new one. The command is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-backup import -n <replaceable>TARGET_NODE</replaceable> -t <replaceable>DISK_TEMPLATE</replaceable> --src-node=<replaceable>NODE</replaceable> --src-dir=DIR INSTANCE_NAME</synopsis>
-        Most of the options available for the command
-        <emphasis>gnt-instance add</emphasis> are supported here too.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
-  <sect1>
-    <title>High availability features</title>
-    <note>
-      <simpara>This section only applies to multi-node clusters.</simpara>
-    </note>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Failing over an instance</title>
-      <para>
-        If an instance is built in highly available mode you can at
-        any time fail it over to its secondary node, even if the
-        primary has somehow failed and it's not up anymore. Doing it
-        is really easy, on the master node you can just run:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance failover <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        That's it. After the command completes the secondary node is
-        now the primary, and vice versa.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Live migrating an instance</title>
-      <para>
-        If an instance is built in highly available mode, it currently
-        runs and both its nodes are running fine, you can at migrate
-        it over to its secondary node, without dowtime. On the master
-        node you need to run:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance migrate <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Replacing an instance disks</title>
-      <para>
-        So what if instead the secondary node for an instance has
-        failed, or you plan to remove a node from your cluster, and
-        you failed over all its instances, but it's still secondary
-        for some? The solution here is to replace the instance disks,
-        changing the secondary node:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance replace-disks <option>-n <replaceable>NODE</replaceable></option> <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        This process is a bit long, but involves no instance
-        downtime, and at the end of it the instance has changed its
-        secondary node, to which it can if necessary be failed over.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Failing over the master node</title>
-      <para>
-        This is all good as long as the Ganeti Master Node is
-        up. Should it go down, or should you wish to decommission it,
-        just run on any other node the command:
-        <synopsis>gnt-cluster masterfailover</synopsis>
-        and the node you ran it on is now the new master.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Adding/Removing nodes</title>
-      <para>
-        And of course, now that you know how to move instances around,
-        it's easy to free up a node, and then you can remove it from
-        the cluster:
-        <synopsis>gnt-node remove <replaceable>NODE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        and maybe add a new one:
-        <synopsis>gnt-node add <optional><option>--secondary-ip=<replaceable>ADDRESS</replaceable></option></optional> <replaceable>NODE_NAME</replaceable>
-      </synopsis>
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
-  <sect1>
-    <title>Debugging Features</title>
-    <para>
-      At some point you might need to do some debugging operations on
-      your cluster or on your instances. This section will help you
-      with the most used debugging functionalities.
-    </para>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Accessing an instance's disks</title>
-      <para>
-        From an instance's primary node you have access to its
-        disks. Never ever mount the underlying logical volume manually
-        on a fault tolerant instance, or you risk breaking
-        replication. The correct way to access them is to run the
-        command:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance activate-disks <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        And then access the device that gets created.  After you've
-        finished you can deactivate them with the deactivate-disks
-        command, which works in the same way.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Accessing an instance's console</title>
-      <para>
-        The command to access a running instance's console is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-instance console <replaceable>INSTANCE_NAME</replaceable></synopsis>
-        Use the console normally and then type
-        <userinput>^]</userinput> when done, to exit.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Instance OS definitions Debugging</title>
-      <para>
-        Should you have any problems with operating systems support
-        the command to ran to see a complete status for all your nodes
-        is:
-        <synopsis>gnt-os diagnose</synopsis>
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Cluster-wide debugging</title>
-      <para>
-        The gnt-cluster command offers several options to run tests or
-        execute cluster-wide operations. For example:
-      <screen>
-gnt-cluster command
-gnt-cluster copyfile
-gnt-cluster verify
-gnt-cluster verify-disks
-gnt-cluster getmaster
-gnt-cluster version
-      </screen>
-        See the man page <citerefentry>
-        <refentrytitle>gnt-cluster</refentrytitle>
-        <manvolnum>8</manvolnum> </citerefentry> to know more about
-        their usage.
-      </para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
-  </article>