From f41dc024cce1e4e4a81a544fe39d2a63e12acfb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Helga Velroyen <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 17:11:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] qa_instance: refactoring wrt disk templates

This patch is a preparation for later patches in QA in this series
it refactors the instance QA to make it more flexible regarding
creation of instances with different disk templates. Right now we
only support creation of instances with disk templates 'drbd', 'plain',
and 'diskless'. With our current plans to improve storage handling,
we should make QA more flexible to also create instances of other
templates. This patch restructures the code in a way that instances
can be created more easily to be used in other QA scripts.

Signed-off-by: Helga Velroyen <>
Reviewed-by: Michele Tartara <>
 qa/ | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qa/ b/qa/
index 37c12c580..0d4a8f615 100644
--- a/qa/
+++ b/qa/
@@ -67,13 +67,25 @@ def _GetGenericAddParameters(inst, disk_template, force_mac=None):
   return params
-def _DiskTest(node, disk_template, fail=False):
+def _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateRaw(nodes_spec, disk_template, fail=False):
+  """Creates an instance with the given disk template on the given nodes(s).
+     Note that this function does not check if enough nodes are given for
+     the respective disk template.
+  @type nodes_spec: string
+  @param nodes_spec: string specification of one node (by node name) or several
+                     nodes according to the requirements of the disk template
+  @type disk_template: string
+  @param disk_template: the disk template to be used by the instance
+  @return: the created instance
+  """
   instance = qa_config.AcquireInstance()
     cmd = (["gnt-instance", "add",
             "--os-type=%s" % qa_config.get("os"),
             "--disk-template=%s" % disk_template,
-            "--node=%s" % node] +
+            "--node=%s" % nodes_spec] +
            _GetGenericAddParameters(instance, disk_template))
@@ -94,6 +106,68 @@ def _DiskTest(node, disk_template, fail=False):
   return None
+def _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateOneNode(nodes, disk_template, fail=False):
+  """Creates an instance using the given disk template for disk templates
+     for which one given node is sufficient. These templates are for example:
+     plain, diskless, file, sharedfile, blockdev, rados.
+  @type nodes: list of nodes
+  @param nodes: a list of nodes, whose first element is used to create the
+                instance
+  @type disk_template: string
+  @param disk_template: the disk template to be used by the instance
+  @return: the created instance
+  """
+  assert len(nodes) > 0
+  return _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateRaw(nodes[0].primary, disk_template,
+                                          fail=fail)
+def _CreateInstanceDrbd8(nodes, fail=False):
+  """Creates an instance using disk template 'drbd' on the given nodes.
+  @type nodes: list of nodes
+  @param nodes: nodes to be used by the instance
+  @return: the created instance
+  """
+  assert len(nodes) > 1
+  return _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateRaw(
+    ":".join(map(operator.attrgetter("primary"), nodes)),
+    constants.DT_DRBD8, fail=fail)
+def CreateInstanceByDiskTemplate(nodes, disk_template, fail=False):
+  """Given a disk template, this function creates an instance using
+     the template. It uses the required number of nodes depending on
+     the disk template. This function is intended to be used by tests
+     that don't care about the specifics of the instance other than
+     that it uses the given disk template.
+     Note: If you use this function, make sure to call
+     'TestInstanceRemove' at the end of your tests to avoid orphaned
+     instances hanging around and interfering with the following tests.
+  @type nodes: list of nodes
+  @param nodes: the list of the nodes on which the instance will be placed;
+                it needs to have sufficiently many elements for the given
+                disk template
+  @type disk_template: string
+  @param disk_template: the disk template to be used by the instance
+  @return: the created instance
+  """
+  if disk_template == constants.DT_DRBD8:
+    return _CreateInstanceDrbd8(nodes, fail=fail)
+  elif disk_template in [constants.DT_DISKLESS, constants.DT_PLAIN]:
+    return _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateOneNode(nodes, disk_template, fail=fail)
+  else:
+    #FIXME: Implement this for the remaining disk templates
+    qa_error.Error("Instance creation not implemented for disk type '%s'." %
+                   disk_template)
 def _GetInstanceInfo(instance):
   """Return information about the actual state of an instance.
@@ -295,33 +369,35 @@ def IsDiskReplacingSupported(instance):
 def TestInstanceAddWithPlainDisk(nodes, fail=False):
   """gnt-instance add -t plain"""
-  assert len(nodes) == 1
-  instance = _DiskTest(nodes[0].primary, constants.DT_PLAIN, fail=fail)
-  if not fail:
-    qa_utils.RunInstanceCheck(instance, True)
-  return instance
+  if constants.DT_PLAIN in qa_config.GetEnabledDiskTemplates():
+    instance = _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateOneNode(nodes, constants.DT_PLAIN,
+                                                    fail=fail)
+    if not fail:
+      qa_utils.RunInstanceCheck(instance, True)
+    return instance
 @InstanceCheck(None, INST_UP, RETURN_VALUE)
 def TestInstanceAddWithDrbdDisk(nodes):
   """gnt-instance add -t drbd"""
-  assert len(nodes) == 2
-  return _DiskTest(":".join(map(operator.attrgetter("primary"), nodes)),
-                   constants.DT_DRBD8)
+  if constants.DT_DRBD8 in qa_config.GetEnabledDiskTemplates():
+    return _CreateInstanceDrbd8(nodes)
 @InstanceCheck(None, INST_UP, RETURN_VALUE)
 def TestInstanceAddFile(nodes):
   """gnt-instance add -t file"""
   assert len(nodes) == 1
-  return _DiskTest(nodes[0].primary, constants.DT_FILE)
+  if constants.DT_FILE in qa_config.GetEnabledDiskTemplates():
+    return _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateOneNode(nodes, constants.DT_FILE)
 @InstanceCheck(None, INST_UP, RETURN_VALUE)
 def TestInstanceAddDiskless(nodes):
   """gnt-instance add -t diskless"""
   assert len(nodes) == 1
-  return _DiskTest(nodes[0].primary, constants.DT_DISKLESS)
+  if constants.DT_FILE in qa_config.GetEnabledDiskTemplates():
+    return _CreateInstanceByDiskTemplateOneNode(nodes, constants.DT_DISKLESS)
 @InstanceCheck(None, INST_DOWN, FIRST_ARG)