From dff5f600aa707643b9a05ff125a76d2ad17ee353 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hanselmann <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 20:03:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Convert LUClusterConfigQuery to query2

The main intention of this patch is to make it possible to retrieve
cluster tags via query2. While at it I decided to convert
LUClusterConfigQuery right away. Some of the values returned by
LUClusterQuery are also included, but the conversion of LUClusterQuery
is not yet complete.

Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Iustin Pop <>
 lib/    |  86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 lib/ |   2 +
 lib/     | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index db7685ca1..06b90f275 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6165,38 +6165,70 @@ class LUClusterConfigQuery(NoHooksLU):
   REQ_BGL = False
-  _FIELDS_DYNAMIC = utils.FieldSet()
-  _FIELDS_STATIC = utils.FieldSet("cluster_name", "master_node", "drain_flag",
-                                  "watcher_pause", "volume_group_name")
   def CheckArguments(self):
-    _CheckOutputFields(static=self._FIELDS_STATIC,
-                       dynamic=self._FIELDS_DYNAMIC,
-                       selected=self.op.output_fields)
+    self.cq = _ClusterQuery(None, self.op.output_fields, False)
   def ExpandNames(self):
-    self.needed_locks = {}
+    self.cq.ExpandNames(self)
+  def DeclareLocks(self, level):
+    self.cq.DeclareLocks(self, level)
   def Exec(self, feedback_fn):
-    """Dump a representation of the cluster config to the standard output.
-    """
-    values = []
-    for field in self.op.output_fields:
-      if field == "cluster_name":
-        entry = self.cfg.GetClusterName()
-      elif field == "master_node":
-        entry = self.cfg.GetMasterNode()
-      elif field == "drain_flag":
-        entry = os.path.exists(constants.JOB_QUEUE_DRAIN_FILE)
-      elif field == "watcher_pause":
-        entry = utils.ReadWatcherPauseFile(constants.WATCHER_PAUSEFILE)
-      elif field == "volume_group_name":
-        entry = self.cfg.GetVGName()
-      else:
-        raise errors.ParameterError(field)
-      values.append(entry)
-    return values
+    result = self.cq.OldStyleQuery(self)
+    assert len(result) == 1
+    return result[0]
+class _ClusterQuery(_QueryBase):
+  #: Do not sort (there is only one item)
+  SORT_FIELD = None
+  def ExpandNames(self, lu):
+    lu.needed_locks = {}
+    # The following variables interact with _QueryBase._GetNames
+    self.wanted = locking.ALL_SET
+    self.do_locking = self.use_locking
+    if self.do_locking:
+      raise errors.OpPrereqError("Can not use locking for cluster queries",
+                                 errors.ECODE_INVAL)
+  def DeclareLocks(self, lu, level):
+    pass
+  def _GetQueryData(self, lu):
+    """Computes the list of nodes and their attributes.
+    """
+    # Locking is not used
+    assert not (compat.any(lu.glm.is_owned(level)
+                           for level in locking.LEVELS
+                           if level != locking.LEVEL_CLUSTER) or
+                self.do_locking or self.use_locking)
+    if query.CQ_CONFIG in self.requested_data:
+      cluster = lu.cfg.GetClusterInfo()
+    else:
+      cluster = NotImplemented
+    if query.CQ_QUEUE_DRAINED in self.requested_data:
+      drain_flag = os.path.exists(constants.JOB_QUEUE_DRAIN_FILE)
+    else:
+      drain_flag = NotImplemented
+    if query.CQ_WATCHER_PAUSE in self.requested_data:
+      watcher_pause = utils.ReadWatcherPauseFile(constants.WATCHER_PAUSEFILE)
+    else:
+      watcher_pause = NotImplemented
+    return query.ClusterQueryData(cluster, drain_flag, watcher_pause)
 class LUInstanceActivateDisks(NoHooksLU):
@@ -13080,6 +13112,7 @@ class _ExportQuery(_QueryBase):
     # Locking is not used
+    # TODO
     assert not (compat.any(lu.glm.is_owned(level)
                            for level in locking.LEVELS
                            if level != locking.LEVEL_CLUSTER) or
@@ -15214,6 +15247,7 @@ class LUTestAllocator(NoHooksLU):
 #: Query type implementations
+  constants.QR_CLUSTER: _ClusterQuery,
   constants.QR_INSTANCE: _InstanceQuery,
   constants.QR_NODE: _NodeQuery,
   constants.QR_GROUP: _GroupQuery,
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 7df24e3a6..c24be15c0 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1611,6 +1611,7 @@ JQT_ALL = frozenset([
 # Query resources
+QR_CLUSTER = "cluster"
 QR_INSTANCE = "instance"
 QR_NODE = "node"
 QR_LOCK = "lock"
@@ -1621,6 +1622,7 @@ QR_EXPORT = "export"
 #: List of resources which can be queried using L{opcodes.OpQuery}
 QR_VIA_OP = frozenset([
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 2a1213bc2..d520bf95e 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ from ganeti import utils
 from ganeti import compat
 from ganeti import objects
 from ganeti import ht
+from ganeti import runtime
 from ganeti import qlang
 from ganeti.constants import (QFT_UNKNOWN, QFT_TEXT, QFT_BOOL, QFT_NUMBER,
@@ -94,6 +95,10 @@ from ganeti.constants import (QFT_UNKNOWN, QFT_TEXT, QFT_BOOL, QFT_NUMBER,
  GQ_INST) = range(200, 203)
+ CQ_WATCHER_PAUSE) = range(300, 303)
 # Query field flags
@@ -874,6 +879,20 @@ def _MakeField(name, title, kind, doc):
+def _StaticValueInner(value, ctx, _): # pylint: disable=W0613
+  """Returns a static value.
+  """
+  return value
+def _StaticValue(value):
+  """Prepares a function to return a static value.
+  """
+  return compat.partial(_StaticValueInner, value)
 def _GetNodeRole(node, master_name):
   """Determine node role.
@@ -2264,6 +2283,99 @@ def _BuildExportFields():
   return _PrepareFieldList(fields, [])
+  "software_version": ("SoftwareVersion", QFT_TEXT, constants.RELEASE_VERSION,
+                       "Software version"),
+  "protocol_version": ("ProtocolVersion", QFT_NUMBER,
+                       constants.PROTOCOL_VERSION,
+                       "RPC protocol version"),
+  "config_version": ("ConfigVersion", QFT_NUMBER, constants.CONFIG_VERSION,
+                     "Configuration format version"),
+  "os_api_version": ("OsApiVersion", QFT_NUMBER, max(constants.OS_API_VERSIONS),
+                     "API version for OS template scripts"),
+  "export_version": ("ExportVersion", QFT_NUMBER, constants.EXPORT_VERSION,
+                     "Import/export file format version"),
+  }
+  "cluster_name": ("Name", QFT_TEXT, QFF_HOSTNAME, "Cluster name"),
+  "master_node": ("Master", QFT_TEXT, QFF_HOSTNAME, "Master node name"),
+  "volume_group_name": ("VgName", QFT_TEXT, 0, "LVM volume group name"),
+  }
+class ClusterQueryData:
+  def __init__(self, cluster, drain_flag, watcher_pause):
+    """Initializes this class.
+    @type cluster: L{objects.Cluster}
+    @param cluster: Instance of cluster object
+    @type drain_flag: bool
+    @param drain_flag: Whether job queue is drained
+    @type watcher_pause: number
+    @param watcher_pause: Until when watcher is paused (Unix timestamp)
+    """
+    self._cluster = cluster
+    self.drain_flag = drain_flag
+    self.watcher_pause = watcher_pause
+  def __iter__(self):
+    return iter([self._cluster])
+def _ClusterWatcherPause(ctx, _):
+  """Returns until when watcher is paused (if available).
+  """
+  if ctx.watcher_pause is None:
+    return _FS_UNAVAIL
+  else:
+    return ctx.watcher_pause
+def _BuildClusterFields():
+  """Builds list of fields for cluster information.
+  """
+  fields = [
+    (_MakeField("tags", "Tags", QFT_OTHER, "Tags"), CQ_CONFIG, 0,
+     lambda ctx, cluster: list(cluster.GetTags())),
+    (_MakeField("architecture", "ArchInfo", QFT_OTHER,
+                "Architecture information"), None, 0,
+     lambda ctx, _: runtime.GetArchInfo()),
+    (_MakeField("drain_flag", "QueueDrained", QFT_BOOL,
+                "Flag whether job queue is drained"), CQ_QUEUE_DRAINED, 0,
+     lambda ctx, _: ctx.drain_flag),
+    (_MakeField("watcher_pause", "WatcherPause", QFT_TIMESTAMP,
+                "Until when watcher is paused"), CQ_WATCHER_PAUSE, 0,
+     _ClusterWatcherPause),
+    ]
+  # Simple fields
+  fields.extend([
+    (_MakeField(name, title, kind, doc), CQ_CONFIG, flags, _GetItemAttr(name))
+    for (name, (title, kind, flags, doc)) in _CLUSTER_SIMPLE_FIELDS.items()
+    ])
+  # Version fields
+  fields.extend([
+    (_MakeField(name, title, kind, doc), None, 0, _StaticValue(value))
+    for (name, (title, kind, value, doc)) in _CLUSTER_VERSION_FIELDS.items()
+    ])
+  # Add timestamps
+  fields.extend(_GetItemTimestampFields(CQ_CONFIG))
+  return _PrepareFieldList(fields, [
+    ("name", "cluster_name"),
+    ])
+#: Fields for cluster information
+CLUSTER_FIELDS = _BuildClusterFields()
 #: Fields available for node queries
 NODE_FIELDS = _BuildNodeFields()
@@ -2287,6 +2399,7 @@ EXPORT_FIELDS = _BuildExportFields()
 #: All available resources
   constants.QR_NODE: NODE_FIELDS,
   constants.QR_LOCK: LOCK_FIELDS,