From d70571bb9b1c50071773024c0c4675058a603219 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Iustin Pop <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:47:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update the security document for Ganeti 2.7
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This should address 359, but I'm not sure if it covers all of 2.7…

Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
 doc/security.rst | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/security.rst b/doc/security.rst
index 14e93c4a3..4b4e9765d 100644
--- a/doc/security.rst
+++ b/doc/security.rst
@@ -50,10 +50,38 @@ on this node; the RPC method will run only:
   drbd devices, start/stop instances, etc;
 - run well-defined SSH commands on other nodes in the cluster
 - scripts under the ``/etc/ganeti/hooks`` directory
+- scripts under the ``/etc/ganeti/restricted-commands`` directory, if
+  this feature has been enabled at build time (see below)
 It is therefore important to make sure that the contents of the
-``/etc/ganeti/hooks`` directory is supervised and only trusted sources
-can populate it.
+``/etc/ganeti/hooks`` and ``/etc/ganeti/restricted-commands``
+directories are supervised and only trusted sources can populate them.
+Restricted commands
+The restricted commands feature is new in Ganeti 2.7. It enables the
+administrator to run any commands in the
+``/etc/ganeti/restricted-commands`` directory, if the feature has been
+enabled at build time, subject to the following restrictions:
+- No parameters may be passed
+- No absolute or relative path may be passed, only a filename
+- The ``/etc/ganeti/restricted-commands`` directory must
+  be owned by root:root and have mode 0755 or stricter
+- Executables must be regular files or symlinks, and must be executable
+  by root:root
+Note that it's not possible to list the contents of the directory, and
+there is an intentional delay when trying to execute a non-existing
+command (to slow-down dictionary attacks).
+Since for Ganeti itself this functionality is not needed, and is only
+provided as a way to help administrate or recover nodes, it is a local
+site decision whether to enable or not the restricted commands feature.
+By default, this feature is disabled.
 Cluster issues
@@ -94,6 +122,25 @@ before serving requests. This permission-based protection is documented
 and works on Linux, but is not-portable; however, Ganeti doesn't work on
 non-Linux system at the moment.
+Conf daemon
+In Ganeti 2.7, the ``confd`` daemon (if enabled at build time), serves
+both network-originated queries (about the static configuration) and
+local (UNIX socket) queries (about the run-time configuration; answering
+these means talking to other cluster nodes, which makes use of the
+internal RPC SSL certificate). This makes it a bit more sensitive to
+bugs (a remote attacker could get direct access to the intra-cluster
+RPC), so to harden security it's recommended to:
+- disable confd at build time if it's not needed in your setup
+- otherwise, configure Ganeti (at build time) to use separate users, so
+  that the confd daemon doesn't also have access to the server SSL/TLS
+  certificates
+It is planned to split the two functionalities (local/remote querying)
+of confd into two separate daemons in a future Ganeti version.
 Remote API