diff --git a/lib/bootstrap.py b/lib/bootstrap.py
index ae9aad9b24903007612c4674f1dfc747ee9e5c90..43a7f4f40ca979cd3a66cfe4c1d8c2dc3308998a 100644
--- a/lib/bootstrap.py
+++ b/lib/bootstrap.py
@@ -196,16 +196,6 @@ def InitCluster(cluster_name, hypervisor_type, mac_prefix, def_bridge,
     raise errors.OpPrereqError("Init.d script '%s' missing or not"
                                " executable." % constants.NODE_INITD_SCRIPT)
-  # set up the simple store
-  ss = ssconf.WritableSimpleStore()
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_HYPERVISOR, hypervisor_type)
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_MASTER_NODE, hostname.name)
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_MASTER_IP, clustername.ip)
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_MASTER_NETDEV, master_netdev)
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_CLUSTER_NAME, clustername.name)
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_FILE_STORAGE_DIR, file_storage_dir)
-  ss.SetKey(ss.SS_CONFIG_VERSION, constants.CONFIG_VERSION)
   # set up the inter-node password and certificate
diff --git a/lib/ssconf.py b/lib/ssconf.py
index cbd26e2c8b878adb2564e43effbfc09b0e3c4bc0..f9024f1d26b9a875c88f5ef71ebf7d8bc3fdddd8 100644
--- a/lib/ssconf.py
+++ b/lib/ssconf.py
@@ -35,173 +35,6 @@ from ganeti import utils
 from ganeti import serializer
-class SimpleStore:
-  """Interface to static cluster data.
-  This is different that the config.ConfigWriter class in that it
-  holds data that is (mostly) constant after the cluster
-  initialization. Its purpose is to allow limited customization of
-  things which would otherwise normally live in constants.py. Note
-  that this data cannot live in ConfigWriter as that is available only
-  on the master node, and our data must be readable by both the master
-  and the nodes.
-  Other particularities of the datastore:
-    - keys are restricted to predefined values
-    - values are small (<4k)
-    - some keys are handled specially (read from the system)
-  """
-  _SS_FILEPREFIX = "ssconf_"
-  SS_HYPERVISOR = "hypervisor"
-  SS_NODED_PASS = "node_pass"
-  SS_MASTER_NODE = "master_node"
-  SS_MASTER_IP = "master_ip"
-  SS_MASTER_NETDEV = "master_netdev"
-  SS_CLUSTER_NAME = "cluster_name"
-  SS_FILE_STORAGE_DIR = "file_storage_dir"
-  SS_CONFIG_VERSION = "config_version"
-                 SS_CONFIG_VERSION)
-  _MAX_SIZE = 4096
-  def __init__(self, cfg_location=None):
-    if cfg_location is None:
-      self._cfg_dir = constants.DATA_DIR
-    else:
-      self._cfg_dir = cfg_location
-  def KeyToFilename(self, key):
-    """Convert a given key into filename.
-    """
-    if key not in self._VALID_KEYS:
-      raise errors.ProgrammerError("Invalid key requested from SSConf: '%s'"
-                                   % str(key))
-    filename = self._cfg_dir + '/' + self._SS_FILEPREFIX + key
-    return filename
-  def _ReadFile(self, key):
-    """Generic routine to read keys.
-    This will read the file which holds the value requested. Errors
-    will be changed into ConfigurationErrors.
-    """
-    filename = self.KeyToFilename(key)
-    try:
-      fh = file(filename, 'r')
-      try:
-        data = fh.readline(self._MAX_SIZE)
-        data = data.rstrip('\n')
-      finally:
-        fh.close()
-    except EnvironmentError, err:
-      raise errors.ConfigurationError("Can't read from the ssconf file:"
-                                      " '%s'" % str(err))
-    return data
-  def GetNodeDaemonPort(self):
-    """Get the node daemon port for this cluster.
-    Note that this routine does not read a ganeti-specific file, but
-    instead uses socket.getservbyname to allow pre-customization of
-    this parameter outside of ganeti.
-    """
-    try:
-      port = socket.getservbyname("ganeti-noded", "tcp")
-    except socket.error:
-      port = constants.DEFAULT_NODED_PORT
-    return port
-  def GetHypervisorType(self):
-    """Get the hypervisor type for this cluster.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_HYPERVISOR)
-  def GetNodeDaemonPassword(self):
-    """Get the node password for this cluster.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_NODED_PASS)
-  def GetMasterNode(self):
-    """Get the hostname of the master node for this cluster.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_MASTER_NODE)
-  def GetMasterIP(self):
-    """Get the IP of the master node for this cluster.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_MASTER_IP)
-  def GetMasterNetdev(self):
-    """Get the netdev to which we'll add the master ip.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_MASTER_NETDEV)
-  def GetClusterName(self):
-    """Get the cluster name.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_CLUSTER_NAME)
-  def GetFileStorageDir(self):
-    """Get the file storage dir.
-    """
-    return self._ReadFile(self.SS_FILE_STORAGE_DIR)
-  def GetConfigVersion(self):
-    """Get the configuration version.
-    """
-    value = self._ReadFile(self.SS_CONFIG_VERSION)
-    try:
-      return int(value)
-    except (ValueError, TypeError), err:
-      raise errors.ConfigurationError("Failed to convert config version %s to"
-                                      " int: '%s'" % (value, str(err)))
-  def GetFileList(self):
-    """Return the list of all config files.
-    This is used for computing node replication data.
-    """
-    return [self.KeyToFilename(key) for key in self._VALID_KEYS]
-class WritableSimpleStore(SimpleStore):
-  """This is a read/write interface to SimpleStore, which is used rarely, when
-  values need to be changed. Since WriteFile handles updates in an atomic way
-  it should be fine to use two WritableSimpleStore at the same time, but in
-  the future we might want to put additional protection for this class.
-  A WritableSimpleStore cannot be used to update system-dependent values.
-  """
-  def SetKey(self, key, value):
-    """Set the value of a key.
-    This should be used only when adding a node to a cluster, or in other
-    infrequent operations such as cluster-rename or master-failover.
-    """
-    file_name = self.KeyToFilename(key)
-    utils.WriteFile(file_name, data="%s\n" % str(value),
-                    uid=0, gid=0, mode=0400)
 class SimpleConfigReader:
   """Simple class to read configuration file.
diff --git a/test/ganeti.hooks_unittest.py b/test/ganeti.hooks_unittest.py
index 001810733cce8322bd76eacc6dad9eb5cb86e4ac..2f5f8b0a269edac352876c74a044026756f54ace 100755
--- a/test/ganeti.hooks_unittest.py
+++ b/test/ganeti.hooks_unittest.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ from ganeti import constants
 from ganeti import cmdlib
 from ganeti.constants import HKR_SUCCESS, HKR_FAIL, HKR_SKIP
-from mocks import FakeConfig, FakeSStore, FakeProc, FakeContext
+from mocks import FakeConfig, FakeProc, FakeContext
 class FakeLU(cmdlib.LogicalUnit):
   HPATH = "test"
@@ -226,10 +226,9 @@ class TestHooksMaster(unittest.TestCase):
                  for node_name in node_list])
   def setUp(self):
-    self.sstore = FakeSStore()
     self.op = opcodes.OpCode()
     self.context = FakeContext()
-    self.lu = FakeLU(None, self.op, self.context, self.sstore)
+    self.lu = FakeLU(None, self.op, self.context)
   def testTotalFalse(self):
     """Test complete rpc failure"""
diff --git a/test/mocks.py b/test/mocks.py
index dfc1b112b39a1b0409e41bb82c47d04cca2684fe..bea8dd399cfc5bea7e0b2ef433f05e6f90a0990a 100644
--- a/test/mocks.py
+++ b/test/mocks.py
@@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ class FakeConfig:
         return utils.HostInfo().name
-class FakeSStore:
-    """Fake simplestore object"""
-    def GetMasterNode(self):
-        return utils.HostInfo().name
 class FakeProc:
     """Fake processor object"""