From c1ce76bb45105d83a4f83e990cb38d2d94fadec0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Iustin Pop <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 15:42:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix handling of 'vcpus' in instance list
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Currently running β€œgnt-instance list -o+vcpus” fails with a cryptic message:
  Unhandled Ganeti error: vcpus

This is due to multiple issues:
  - in some corner cases raises an errors.ParameterError but
    this is not handled by
  - LUQueryInstances declares β€˜vcpu’ as a supported field, but doesn't handle
    it, so instead of failing with unknown parameter, e.g.:
      Failure: prerequisites not met for this operation:
      Unknown output fields selected: vcpuscd
    it raises the ParameteError message

This patch:
  - adds handling of 'vcpus' to LUQueryInstances
  - adds handling of the ParameterError exception to
  - changes the 'else: raise errors.ParameterError' in the field handling of
    LUQueryInstance to an assert, since it's a programmer error if we reached
    this step

With this, a future unhandled parameter will show:
  gnt-instance list -o+vcpus
  Unhandled protocol error while talking to the master daemon:
  Caught exception: Declared but unhandled parameter 'vcpus'

Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Guido Trotter <>
 lib/           | 2 ++
 lib/        | 7 +++++--
 scripts/gnt-instance | 1 +
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 17dc47c17..d351f2f77 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -676,6 +676,8 @@ def FormatError(err):
                " job submissions until old jobs are archived\n")
   elif isinstance(err, errors.TypeEnforcementError):
     obuf.write("Parameter Error: %s" % msg)
+  elif isinstance(err, errors.ParameterError):
+    obuf.write("Failure: unknown/wrong parameter name '%s'" % msg)
   elif isinstance(err, errors.GenericError):
     obuf.write("Unhandled Ganeti error: %s" % msg)
   elif isinstance(err, luxi.NoMasterError):
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 1c2ffbbec..28c51f83f 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -3410,6 +3410,8 @@ class LUQueryInstances(NoHooksLU):
             val = live_data[].get("memory", "?")
             val = "-"
+        elif field == "vcpus":
+          val = i_be[constants.BE_VCPUS]
         elif field == "disk_template":
           val = instance.disk_template
         elif field == "ip":
@@ -3493,9 +3495,10 @@ class LUQueryInstances(NoHooksLU):
                   assert False, "Unhandled NIC parameter"
-            assert False, "Unhandled variable parameter"
+            assert False, ("Declared but unhandled variable parameter '%s'" %
+                           field)
-          raise errors.ParameterError(field)
+          assert False, "Declared but unhandled parameter '%s'" % field
diff --git a/scripts/gnt-instance b/scripts/gnt-instance
index def14bd7c..e7990baf6 100755
--- a/scripts/gnt-instance
+++ b/scripts/gnt-instance
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ def ListInstances(opts, args):
       "hvparams": "Hypervisor_parameters",
       "be/memory": "Configured_memory",
       "be/vcpus": "VCPUs",
+      "vcpus": "VCPUs",
       "be/auto_balance": "Auto_balance",
       "disk.count": "Disks", "disk.sizes": "Disk_sizes",
       "nic.count": "NICs", "nic.ips": "NIC_IPs",