From a8ae3eb5f744e532fefe58462af783aab7d64f93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Iustin Pop <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 17:51:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix node readd issues

This patch fixes a few node readd issues.

Currently, the node readd consists of two opcodes:
  - OpSetNodeParms, which resets the offline/drained flags
  - OpAddNode (with readd=True), which reconfigures the node

The problem is that between these two, the configuration is inconsistent
for certain cluster configurations. Thus, this patch removes the first
opcode and modified the LUAddNode to deal with this case too.

The patch also modifies the computation of the intended master_candidate
status, and actually sets the readded node to master candidate if
needed. Previously, we didn't modify the existing node at all.

Finally, the patch modifies the bottom of the Exec() function for this
LU to:
  - trigger a node update, which in turn redistributes the ssconf files
    to all nodes (and thus the new node too)
  - if the new node is not a master candidate, then call the
    node_demote_from_mc RPC so that old master files are cleared

My testing shows this behaves correctly for various cases.

Signed-off-by: Iustin Pop <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
 lib/    | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 scripts/gnt-node | 13 +------------
 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index dea29e4b9..f5566775b 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -2202,14 +2202,24 @@ class LUAddNode(LogicalUnit):
                                    " based ping to noded port")
     cp_size = self.cfg.GetClusterInfo().candidate_pool_size
-    mc_now, _ = self.cfg.GetMasterCandidateStats()
-    master_candidate = mc_now < cp_size
+    if self.op.readd:
+      exceptions = [node]
+    else:
+      exceptions = []
+    mc_now, mc_max = self.cfg.GetMasterCandidateStats(exceptions)
+    # the new node will increase mc_max with one, so:
+    mc_max = min(mc_max + 1, cp_size)
+    self.master_candidate = mc_now < mc_max
-    self.new_node = objects.Node(name=node,
-                                 primary_ip=primary_ip,
-                                 secondary_ip=secondary_ip,
-                                 master_candidate=master_candidate,
-                                 offline=False, drained=False)
+    if self.op.readd:
+      self.new_node = self.cfg.GetNodeInfo(node)
+      assert self.new_node is not None, "Can't retrieve locked node %s" % node
+    else:
+      self.new_node = objects.Node(name=node,
+                                   primary_ip=primary_ip,
+                                   secondary_ip=secondary_ip,
+                                   master_candidate=self.master_candidate,
+                                   offline=False, drained=False)
   def Exec(self, feedback_fn):
     """Adds the new node to the cluster.
@@ -2218,6 +2228,20 @@ class LUAddNode(LogicalUnit):
     new_node = self.new_node
     node =
+    # for re-adds, reset the offline/drained/master-candidate flags;
+    # we need to reset here, otherwise offline would prevent RPC calls
+    # later in the procedure; this also means that if the re-add
+    # fails, we are left with a non-offlined, broken node
+    if self.op.readd:
+      new_node.drained = new_node.offline = False
+      self.LogInfo("Readding a node, the offline/drained flags were reset")
+      # if we demote the node, we do cleanup later in the procedure
+      new_node.master_candidate = self.master_candidate
+    # notify the user about any possible mc promotion
+    if new_node.master_candidate:
+      self.LogInfo("Node will be a master candidate")
     # check connectivity
     result = self.rpc.call_version([node])[node]
@@ -2313,6 +2337,15 @@ class LUAddNode(LogicalUnit):
     if self.op.readd:
+      # make sure we redistribute the config
+      self.cfg.Update(new_node)
+      # and make sure the new node will not have old files around
+      if not new_node.master_candidate:
+        result = self.rpc.call_node_demote_from_mc(
+        msg = result.RemoteFailMsg()
+        if msg:
+          self.LogWarning("Node failed to demote itself from master"
+                          " candidate status: %s" % msg)
diff --git a/scripts/gnt-node b/scripts/gnt-node
index 499fcd040..bb244d586 100755
--- a/scripts/gnt-node
+++ b/scripts/gnt-node
@@ -100,18 +100,7 @@ def AddNode(opts, args):
   output = cl.QueryConfigValues(['cluster_name'])
   cluster_name = output[0]
-  if readd:
-    # clear the offline and drain flags on the node
-    ToStdout("Resetting the 'offline' and 'drained' flags due to re-add")
-    op = opcodes.OpSetNodeParams(node_name=node, force=True,
-                                 offline=False, drained=False)
-    result = SubmitOpCode(op, cl=cl)
-    if result:
-      ToStdout("Modified:")
-      for param, data in result:
-        ToStdout(" - %-5s -> %s", param, data)
-  else:
+  if not readd:
     ToStderr("-- WARNING -- \n"
              "Performing this operation is going to replace the ssh daemon"
              " keypair\n"