diff --git a/lib/backend.py b/lib/backend.py
index b5bb87e2ed056c24b24f740fdf8a62a05db1caed..362be1f7429b26994988b79372e32e3e258ddf72 100644
--- a/lib/backend.py
+++ b/lib/backend.py
@@ -1519,6 +1519,34 @@ def GetMigrationStatus(instance):
   except Exception, err:  # pylint: disable=W0703
     _Fail("Failed to get migration status: %s", err, exc=True)
+def HotAddDisk(instance, disk, dev_path, seq):
+  """Hot add a nic
+  """
+  hyper = hypervisor.GetHypervisor(instance.hypervisor)
+  return hyper.HotAddDisk(instance, disk, dev_path, seq)
+def HotDelDisk(instance, disk, seq):
+  """Hot add a nic
+  """
+  hyper = hypervisor.GetHypervisor(instance.hypervisor)
+  return hyper.HotDelDisk(instance, disk, seq)
+def HotAddNic(instance, nic, seq):
+  """Hot add a nic
+  """
+  hyper = hypervisor.GetHypervisor(instance.hypervisor)
+  return hyper.HotAddNic(instance, nic, seq)
+def HotDelNic(instance, nic, seq):
+  """Hot add a nic
+  """
+  hyper = hypervisor.GetHypervisor(instance.hypervisor)
+  return hyper.HotDelNic(instance, nic, seq)
 def BlockdevCreate(disk, size, owner, on_primary, info):
   """Creates a block device for an instance.
diff --git a/lib/cli.py b/lib/cli.py
index e930afa945dda821223565a6f47b3d8837718cf3..6a707acc7e4eba8b0b5c07fbd17498aec66e7640 100644
--- a/lib/cli.py
+++ b/lib/cli.py
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ __all__ = [
@@ -1491,6 +1492,10 @@ NOCONFLICTSCHECK_OPT = cli_option("--no-conflicts-check",
                                   help="Don't check for conflicting IPs")
+HOTPLUG_OPT = cli_option("--hotplug", dest="hotplug",
+                         action="store_true", default=False,
+                         help="Enable disk/nic hotplug")
 #: Options provided by all commands
@@ -2451,6 +2456,11 @@ def GenericInstanceCreate(mode, opts, args):
     raise errors.ProgrammerError("Invalid creation mode %s" % mode)
+  if opts.hotplug:
+    hotplug = True
+  else:
+    hotplug = False
   op = opcodes.OpInstanceCreate(instance_name=instance,
@@ -2474,6 +2484,7 @@ def GenericInstanceCreate(mode, opts, args):
+                                hotplug=hotplug,
diff --git a/lib/client/gnt_instance.py b/lib/client/gnt_instance.py
index 296b4413e35c135d35f7010e69300324a3e05b39..04c750873bb5f5402542af133f4f14649c079907 100644
--- a/lib/client/gnt_instance.py
+++ b/lib/client/gnt_instance.py
@@ -1405,9 +1405,15 @@ def SetInstanceParams(opts, args):
     offline = None
+  if opts.hotplug:
+    hotplug = True
+  else:
+    hotplug = False
   op = opcodes.OpInstanceSetParams(instance_name=args[0],
+                                   hotplug=hotplug,
@@ -1520,6 +1526,7 @@ add_opts = [
 commands = {
@@ -1607,7 +1614,7 @@ commands = {
     "<instance>", "Alters the parameters of an instance"),
   "shutdown": (
     GenericManyOps("shutdown", _ShutdownInstance), [ArgInstance()],
diff --git a/lib/cmdlib.py b/lib/cmdlib.py
index 9c10c8e9e18a8f170fa5b565cb646df7dd505a63..0a973aada1cd1a6d75ec420caff95104fd42b375 100644
--- a/lib/cmdlib.py
+++ b/lib/cmdlib.py
@@ -6401,7 +6401,7 @@ class LUInstanceActivateDisks(NoHooksLU):
 def _AssembleInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None, ignore_secondaries=False,
-                           ignore_size=False):
+                           ignore_size=False, check=True):
   """Prepare the block devices for an instance.
   This sets up the block devices on all nodes.
@@ -6427,7 +6427,8 @@ def _AssembleInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None, ignore_secondaries=False,
   device_info = []
   disks_ok = True
   iname = instance.name
-  disks = _ExpandCheckDisks(instance, disks)
+  if check:
+    disks = _ExpandCheckDisks(instance, disks)
   # With the two passes mechanism we try to reduce the window of
   # opportunity for the race condition of switching DRBD to primary
@@ -8785,6 +8786,22 @@ def _GenerateUniqueNames(lu, exts):
     results.append("%s%s" % (new_id, val))
   return results
+def _GetPCIInfo(lu, dev_type):
+  if lu.op.hotplug:
+    if hasattr(lu, 'hotplug_info'):
+      info = lu.hotplug_info
+    elif hasattr(lu, 'instance') and hasattr(lu.instance, 'hotplug_info'):
+      return lu.cfg.GetPCIInfo(lu.instance.name, dev_type)
+    if info:
+      idx = getattr(info, dev_type)
+      setattr(info, dev_type, idx+1)
+      pci = info.pci_pool.pop()
+      return idx, pci
+  return None, None
 def _GenerateDRBD8Branch(lu, primary, secondary, size, vgnames, names,
                          iv_name, p_minor, s_minor):
@@ -8801,7 +8818,10 @@ def _GenerateDRBD8Branch(lu, primary, secondary, size, vgnames, names,
   dev_meta = objects.Disk(dev_type=constants.LD_LV, size=DRBD_META_SIZE,
                           logical_id=(vgnames[1], names[1]),
-  drbd_dev = objects.Disk(dev_type=constants.LD_DRBD8, size=size,
+  disk_idx, pci = _GetPCIInfo(lu, 'disks')
+  drbd_dev = objects.Disk(idx=disk_idx, pci=pci,
+                          dev_type=constants.LD_DRBD8, size=size,
                           logical_id=(primary, secondary, port,
                                       p_minor, s_minor,
@@ -8910,11 +8930,14 @@ def _GenerateDiskTemplate(lu, template_name, instance_name, primary_node,
       size = disk[constants.IDISK_SIZE]
       feedback_fn("* disk %s, size %s" %
                   (disk_index, utils.FormatUnit(size, "h")))
+      disk_idx, pci = _GetPCIInfo(lu, 'disks')
       disks.append(objects.Disk(dev_type=dev_type, size=size,
                                 logical_id=logical_id_fn(idx, disk_index, disk),
                                 iv_name="disk/%d" % disk_index,
-                                params={}))
+                                params={}, idx=disk_idx, pci=pci))
   return disks
@@ -9805,6 +9828,10 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
     if self.op.identify_defaults:
+    self.hotplug_info = None
+    if self.op.hotplug:
+      self.hotplug_info = objects.HotplugInfo(disks=0, nics=0,
+                                              pci_pool=list(range(16,32)))
     # NIC buildup
     self.nics = []
     for idx, nic in enumerate(self.op.nics):
@@ -9875,8 +9902,10 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
       check_params = cluster.SimpleFillNIC(nicparams)
-      self.nics.append(objects.NIC(mac=mac, ip=nic_ip,
-                                   network=net, nicparams=check_params))
+      nic_idx, pci = _GetPCIInfo(self, 'nics')
+      self.nics.append(objects.NIC(idx=nic_idx, pci=pci,
+                                   mac=mac, ip=nic_ip, network=net,
+                                   nicparams=check_params))
     # disk checks/pre-build
     default_vg = self.cfg.GetVGName()
@@ -10199,6 +10228,7 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
+                            hotplug_info=self.hotplug_info,
     if self.op.tags:
@@ -12164,13 +12194,16 @@ def ApplyContainerMods(kind, container, chgdesc, mods,
         if remove_fn is not None:
           remove_fn(absidx, item, private)
+        #TODO: include a hotplugged msg in changes
         changes = [("%s/%s" % (kind, absidx), "remove")]
         assert container[absidx] == item
         del container[absidx]
       elif op == constants.DDM_MODIFY:
         if modify_fn is not None:
+          #TODO: include a hotplugged msg in changes
           changes = modify_fn(absidx, item, params, private)
         raise errors.ProgrammerError("Unhandled operation '%s'" % op)
@@ -12549,6 +12582,8 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
                                  " a NIC that is connected to a network.",
+    logging.info("new_params %s", new_params)
+    logging.info("new_filled_params %s", new_filled_params)
     private.params = new_params
     private.filled = new_filled_params
@@ -12572,6 +12607,7 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
     # Prepare disk/NIC modifications
     self.diskmod = PrepareContainerMods(self.op.disks, None)
     self.nicmod = PrepareContainerMods(self.op.nics, _InstNicModPrivate)
+    logging.info("nicmod %s", self.nicmod)
     # OS change
     if self.op.os_name and not self.op.force:
@@ -12810,9 +12846,11 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
                                  " (%d), cannot add more" % constants.MAX_NICS,
     # Verify disk changes (operating on a copy)
     disks = instance.disks[:]
-    ApplyContainerMods("disk", disks, None, self.diskmod, None, None, None)
+    ApplyContainerMods("disk", disks, None, self.diskmod,
+                       None, None, None)
     if len(disks) > constants.MAX_DISKS:
       raise errors.OpPrereqError("Instance has too many disks (%d), cannot add"
                                  " more" % constants.MAX_DISKS,
@@ -12831,11 +12869,13 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
       # Operate on copies as this is still in prereq
       nics = [nic.Copy() for nic in instance.nics]
       ApplyContainerMods("NIC", nics, self._nic_chgdesc, self.nicmod,
-                         self._CreateNewNic, self._ApplyNicMods, None)
+                         self._CreateNewNic, self._ApplyNicMods,
+                         self._RemoveNic)
       self._new_nics = nics
       self._new_nics = None
   def _ConvertPlainToDrbd(self, feedback_fn):
     """Converts an instance from plain to drbd.
@@ -12983,6 +13023,12 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
         self.LogWarning("Failed to create volume %s (%s) on node '%s': %s",
                         disk.iv_name, disk, node, err)
+    if self.op.hotplug and disk.pci:
+      disk_ok, device_info = _AssembleInstanceDisks(self, self.instance,
+                                                    [disk], check=False)
+      _, _, dev_path = device_info[0]
+      result = self.rpc.call_hot_add_disk(self.instance.primary_node,
+                                          self.instance, disk, dev_path, idx)
     return (disk, [
       ("disk/%d" % idx, "add:size=%s,mode=%s" % (disk.size, disk.mode)),
@@ -13002,6 +13048,19 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
     """Removes a disk.
+    #TODO: log warning in case hotplug is not possible
+    #      handle errors
+    if root.pci and not self.op.hotplug:
+      raise errors.OpPrereqError("Cannot remove a disk that has"
+                                 " been hotplugged"
+                                 " without removing it with hotplug",
+                                 errors.ECODE_INVAL)
+    if self.op.hotplug and root.pci:
+      self.rpc.call_hot_del_disk(self.instance.primary_node,
+                                 self.instance, root, idx)
+      _ShutdownInstanceDisks(self, self.instance, [root])
+      self.cfg.UpdatePCIInfo(self.instance.name, root.pci)
     (anno_disk,) = _AnnotateDiskParams(self.instance, [root], self.cfg)
     for node, disk in anno_disk.ComputeNodeTree(self.instance.primary_node):
       self.cfg.SetDiskID(disk, node)
@@ -13014,8 +13073,7 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
     if root.dev_type in constants.LDS_DRBD:
-  @staticmethod
-  def _CreateNewNic(idx, params, private):
+  def _CreateNewNic(self, idx, params, private):
     """Creates data structure for a new network interface.
@@ -13025,16 +13083,27 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
     #TODO: not private.filled?? can a nic have no nicparams??
     nicparams = private.filled
-    return (objects.NIC(mac=mac, ip=ip, network=network, nicparams=nicparams), [
+    nic = objects.NIC(mac=mac, ip=ip, network=network, nicparams=nicparams)
+    #TODO: log warning in case hotplug is not possible
+    #      handle errors
+    #      return changes
+    if self.op.hotplug:
+      nic_idx, pci = _GetPCIInfo(self, 'nics')
+      nic.idx = nic_idx
+      nic.pci = pci
+      result = self.rpc.call_hot_add_nic(self.instance.primary_node,
+                                         self.instance, nic, idx)
+    desc =  [
       ("nic.%d" % idx,
        "add:mac=%s,ip=%s,mode=%s,link=%s,network=%s" %
        (mac, ip, private.filled[constants.NIC_MODE],
-      ])
+      ]
+    return (nic, desc)
-  @staticmethod
-  def _ApplyNicMods(idx, nic, params, private):
+  def _ApplyNicMods(self, idx, nic, params, private):
     """Modifies a network interface.
@@ -13051,8 +13120,28 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
       for (key, val) in nic.nicparams.items():
         changes.append(("nic.%s/%d" % (key, idx), val))
+    #TODO: log warning in case hotplug is not possible
+    #      handle errors
+    if self.op.hotplug and nic.pci:
+      self.rpc.call_hot_del_nic(self.instance.primary_node,
+                                self.instance, nic, idx)
+      result = self.rpc.call_hot_add_nic(self.instance.primary_node,
+                                         self.instance, nic, idx)
     return changes
+  def _RemoveNic(self, idx, nic, private):
+    if nic.pci and not self.op.hotplug:
+      raise errors.OpPrereqError("Cannot remove a nic that has been hotplugged"
+                                 " without removing it with hotplug",
+                                 errors.ECODE_INVAL)
+    #TODO: log warning in case hotplug is not possible
+    #      handle errors
+    if self.op.hotplug and nic.pci:
+      self.rpc.call_hot_del_nic(self.instance.primary_node,
+                                self.instance, nic, idx)
+      self.cfg.UpdatePCIInfo(self.instance.name, nic.pci)
   def Exec(self, feedback_fn):
     """Modifies an instance.
diff --git a/lib/config.py b/lib/config.py
index cf4ad81d322497fb008c0f01d53c7e807ddb6e56..d7a6c8addbae5fc5881469f9fbdd8bc2b47b5d39 100644
--- a/lib/config.py
+++ b/lib/config.py
@@ -402,6 +402,27 @@ class ConfigWriter:
     if net_uuid:
       return self._UnlockedReserveIp(net_uuid, address, ec_id)
+  @locking.ssynchronized(_config_lock, shared=1)
+  def GetPCIInfo(self, instance_name, dev_type):
+    instance = self._UnlockedGetInstanceInfo(instance_name)
+    if not instance.hotplug_info:
+      return None, None 
+    idx = getattr(instance.hotplug_info, dev_type)
+    setattr(instance.hotplug_info, dev_type, idx+1)
+    pci = instance.hotplug_info.pci_pool.pop()
+    self._WriteConfig()
+    return idx, pci
+  @locking.ssynchronized(_config_lock, shared=1)
+  def UpdatePCIInfo(self, instance_name, pci_slot):
+    instance = self._UnlockedGetInstanceInfo(instance_name)
+    if instance.hotplug_info:
+      instance.hotplug_info.pci_pool.append(pci_slot)
+      self._WriteConfig()
   @locking.ssynchronized(_config_lock, shared=1)
   def ReserveLV(self, lv_name, ec_id):
     """Reserve an VG/LV pair for an instance.
diff --git a/lib/hypervisor/hv_kvm.py b/lib/hypervisor/hv_kvm.py
index 5fba7635bc7126d563470ae79e528d7183bc8a99..25f1ddd3707d2719665e3dd3546746411de4ca4e 100644
--- a/lib/hypervisor/hv_kvm.py
+++ b/lib/hypervisor/hv_kvm.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import shutil
 import socket
 import stat
 import StringIO
+import fdsend
   import affinity   # pylint: disable=F0401
 except ImportError:
@@ -1028,38 +1029,6 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
     needs_boot_flag = (v_major, v_min) < (0, 14)
     disk_type = hvp[constants.HV_DISK_TYPE]
-    if disk_type == constants.HT_DISK_PARAVIRTUAL:
-      if_val = ",if=virtio"
-    else:
-      if_val = ",if=%s" % disk_type
-    # Cache mode
-    disk_cache = hvp[constants.HV_DISK_CACHE]
-    if instance.disk_template in constants.DTS_EXT_MIRROR:
-      if disk_cache != "none":
-        # TODO: make this a hard error, instead of a silent overwrite
-        logging.warning("KVM: overriding disk_cache setting '%s' with 'none'"
-                        " to prevent shared storage corruption on migration",
-                        disk_cache)
-      cache_val = ",cache=none"
-    elif disk_cache != constants.HT_CACHE_DEFAULT:
-      cache_val = ",cache=%s" % disk_cache
-    else:
-      cache_val = ""
-    for cfdev, dev_path in block_devices:
-      if cfdev.mode != constants.DISK_RDWR:
-        raise errors.HypervisorError("Instance has read-only disks which"
-                                     " are not supported by KVM")
-      # TODO: handle FD_LOOP and FD_BLKTAP (?)
-      boot_val = ""
-      if boot_disk:
-        kvm_cmd.extend(["-boot", "c"])
-        boot_disk = False
-        if needs_boot_flag and disk_type != constants.HT_DISK_IDE:
-          boot_val = ",boot=on"
-      drive_val = "file=%s,format=raw%s%s%s" % (dev_path, if_val, boot_val,
-                                                cache_val)
-      kvm_cmd.extend(["-drive", drive_val])
     #Now we can specify a different device type for CDROM devices.
     cdrom_disk_type = hvp[constants.HV_KVM_CDROM_DISK_TYPE]
@@ -1285,7 +1254,7 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
     kvm_nics = instance.nics
     hvparams = hvp
-    return (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams)
+    return (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices)
   def _WriteKVMRuntime(self, instance_name, data):
     """Write an instance's KVM runtime
@@ -1311,9 +1280,11 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
     """Save an instance's KVM runtime
-    kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams = kvm_runtime
+    kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices = kvm_runtime
     serialized_nics = [nic.ToDict() for nic in kvm_nics]
-    serialized_form = serializer.Dump((kvm_cmd, serialized_nics, hvparams))
+    serialized_blockdevs = [(blk.ToDict(), link) for blk,link in block_devices]
+    serialized_form = serializer.Dump((kvm_cmd, serialized_nics,
+                                       hvparams, serialized_blockdevs))
     self._WriteKVMRuntime(instance.name, serialized_form)
   def _LoadKVMRuntime(self, instance, serialized_runtime=None):
@@ -1323,9 +1294,11 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
     if not serialized_runtime:
       serialized_runtime = self._ReadKVMRuntime(instance.name)
     loaded_runtime = serializer.Load(serialized_runtime)
-    kvm_cmd, serialized_nics, hvparams = loaded_runtime
+    kvm_cmd, serialized_nics, hvparams, serialized_blockdevs = loaded_runtime
     kvm_nics = [objects.NIC.FromDict(snic) for snic in serialized_nics]
-    return (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams)
+    block_devices = [(objects.Disk.FromDict(sdisk), link)
+                     for sdisk, link in serialized_blockdevs]
+    return (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices)
   def _RunKVMCmd(self, name, kvm_cmd, tap_fds=None):
     """Run the KVM cmd and check for errors
@@ -1368,10 +1341,11 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
     conf_hvp = instance.hvparams
     name = instance.name
+    boot_disk = conf_hvp[constants.HV_BOOT_ORDER] == constants.HT_BO_DISK
     temp_files = []
-    kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, up_hvp = kvm_runtime
+    kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, up_hvp, block_devices = kvm_runtime
     up_hvp = objects.FillDict(conf_hvp, up_hvp)
     _, v_major, v_min, _ = self._GetKVMVersion()
@@ -1392,6 +1366,60 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
       utils.WriteFile(keymap_path, data="include en-us\ninclude %s\n" % keymap)
       kvm_cmd.extend(["-k", keymap_path])
+    # whether this is an older KVM version that uses the boot=on flag
+    # on devices
+    needs_boot_flag = (v_major, v_min) < (0, 14)
+    disk_type = up_hvp[constants.HV_DISK_TYPE]
+    if disk_type == constants.HT_DISK_PARAVIRTUAL:
+      if_val = ",if=virtio"
+      if (v_major, v_min) >= (0, 12):
+        disk_model = "virtio-blk-pci"
+      else:
+        disk_model = "virtio"
+    else:
+      if_val = ",if=%s" % disk_type
+      disk_model = disk_type
+    # Cache mode
+    disk_cache = up_hvp[constants.HV_DISK_CACHE]
+    if instance.disk_template in constants.DTS_EXT_MIRROR:
+      if disk_cache != "none":
+        # TODO: make this a hard error, instead of a silent overwrite
+        logging.warning("KVM: overriding disk_cache setting '%s' with 'none'"
+                        " to prevent shared storage corruption on migration",
+                        disk_cache)
+      cache_val = ",cache=none"
+    elif disk_cache != constants.HT_CACHE_DEFAULT:
+      cache_val = ",cache=%s" % disk_cache
+    else:
+      cache_val = ""
+    for cfdev, dev_path in block_devices:
+      if cfdev.mode != constants.DISK_RDWR:
+        raise errors.HypervisorError("Instance has read-only disks which"
+                                     " are not supported by KVM")
+      # TODO: handle FD_LOOP and FD_BLKTAP (?)
+      boot_val = ""
+      if boot_disk:
+        kvm_cmd.extend(["-boot", "c"])
+        boot_disk = False
+        if needs_boot_flag and disk_type != constants.HT_DISK_IDE:
+          boot_val = ",boot=on"
+      drive_val = "file=%s,format=raw%s%s" % \
+                  (dev_path, boot_val, cache_val)
+      if cfdev.pci:
+        #TODO: name id after model
+        drive_val += (",bus=0,unit=%d,if=none,id=drive%d" %
+                      (cfdev.pci, cfdev.idx))
+      else:
+        drive_val += if_val
+      kvm_cmd.extend(["-drive", drive_val])
+      if cfdev.pci:
+        dev_val = ("%s,bus=pci.0,addr=%s,drive=drive%d,id=virtio-blk-pci.%d" %
+                   (disk_model, hex(cfdev.pci), cfdev.idx, cfdev.idx))
+        kvm_cmd.extend(["-device", dev_val])
     # We have reasons to believe changing something like the nic driver/type
     # upon migration won't exactly fly with the instance kernel, so for nic
     # related parameters we'll use up_hvp
@@ -1426,8 +1454,16 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
         if (v_major, v_min) >= (0, 12):
-          nic_val = "%s,mac=%s,netdev=netdev%s" % (nic_model, nic.mac, nic_seq)
-          tap_val = "type=tap,id=netdev%s,fd=%d%s" % (nic_seq, tapfd, tap_extra)
+          if nic.pci:
+            nic_idx = nic.idx
+          else:
+            nic_idx = nic_seq
+          nic_val = ("%s,mac=%s,netdev=netdev%d" %
+                     (nic_model, nic.mac, nic_idx))
+          if nic.pci:
+            nic_val += (",bus=pci.0,addr=%s,id=virtio-net-pci.%d" %
+                        (hex(nic.pci), nic_idx))
+          tap_val = "type=tap,id=netdev%d,fd=%d%s" % (nic_idx, tapfd, tap_extra)
           kvm_cmd.extend(["-netdev", tap_val, "-device", nic_val])
           nic_val = "nic,vlan=%s,macaddr=%s,model=%s" % (nic_seq,
@@ -1578,6 +1614,167 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
     return result
+  def HotAddDisk(self, instance, disk, dev_path, seq):
+    """Hotadd new disk to the VM
+    """
+    if not self._InstancePidAlive(instance.name)[2]:
+      logging.info("Cannot hotplug. Instance %s not alive" % instance.name)
+      return disk.ToDict()
+    _, v_major, v_min, _ = self._GetKVMVersion()
+    if (v_major, v_min) >= (1, 0) and disk.pci:
+      idx = disk.idx
+      command = ("drive_add dummy file=%s,if=none,id=drive%d,format=raw" %
+                 (dev_path, idx))
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      command = ("device_add virtio-blk-pci,bus=pci.0,addr=%s,"
+                 "drive=drive%d,id=virtio-blk-pci.%d"
+                 % (hex(disk.pci), idx, idx))
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+        logging.info("%s" % line)
+      (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics,
+       hvparams, block_devices) = self._LoadKVMRuntime(instance)
+      block_devices.append((disk, dev_path))
+      new_kvm_runtime = (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices)
+      self._SaveKVMRuntime(instance, new_kvm_runtime)
+    return disk.ToDict()
+  def HotDelDisk(self, instance, disk, seq):
+    """Hotdel disk to the VM
+    """
+    if not self._InstancePidAlive(instance.name)[2]:
+      logging.info("Cannot hotplug. Instance %s not alive" % instance.name)
+      return disk.ToDict()
+    _, v_major, v_min, _ = self._GetKVMVersion()
+    if (v_major, v_min) >= (1, 0) and disk.pci:
+      idx = disk.idx
+      command = "device_del virtio-blk-pci.%d" % idx
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+        logging.info("%s" % line)
+      command = "drive_del drive%d" % idx
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      #output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      #for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+      #  logging.info("%s" % line)
+      (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics,
+       hvparams, block_devices) = self._LoadKVMRuntime(instance)
+      rem  = [(d, p) for d, p in block_devices
+                     if d.idx is not None and d.idx == idx]
+      try:
+        block_devices.remove(rem[0])
+      except (ValueError, IndexError):
+        logging.info("Disk with %d idx disappeared from runtime file", idx)
+      new_kvm_runtime = (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices)
+      self._SaveKVMRuntime(instance, new_kvm_runtime)
+    return disk.ToDict()
+  def HotAddNic(self, instance, nic, seq):
+    """Hotadd new nic to the VM
+    """
+    if not self._InstancePidAlive(instance.name)[2]:
+      logging.info("Cannot hotplug. Instance %s not alive" % instance.name)
+      return nic.ToDict()
+    _, v_major, v_min, _ = self._GetKVMVersion()
+    if (v_major, v_min) >= (1, 0) and nic.pci:
+      mac = nic.mac
+      idx = nic.idx
+      (tap, fd) = _OpenTap()
+      logging.info("%s %d", tap, fd)
+      self._PassTapFd(instance, fd, nic)
+      command = ("netdev_add tap,id=netdev%d,fd=netdev%d"
+                 % (idx, idx))
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+        logging.info("%s" % line)
+      command = ("device_add virtio-net-pci,bus=pci.0,addr=%s,mac=%s,"
+                 "netdev=netdev%d,id=virtio-net-pci.%d"
+                 % (hex(nic.pci), mac, idx, idx))
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+        logging.info("%s" % line)
+      self._ConfigureNIC(instance, seq, nic, tap)
+      (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics,
+       hvparams, block_devices) = self._LoadKVMRuntime(instance)
+      kvm_nics.append(nic)
+      new_kvm_runtime = (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices)
+      self._SaveKVMRuntime(instance, new_kvm_runtime)
+    return nic.ToDict()
+  def HotDelNic(self, instance, nic, seq):
+    """Hotadd new nic to the VM
+    """
+    if not self._InstancePidAlive(instance.name)[2]:
+      logging.info("Cannot hotplug. Instance %s not alive" % instance.name)
+      return nic.ToDict()
+    _, v_major, v_min, _ = self._GetKVMVersion()
+    if (v_major, v_min) >= (1, 0) and nic.pci:
+      mac = nic.mac
+      idx = nic.idx
+      command = "device_del virtio-net-pci.%d" % idx
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+        logging.info("%s" % line)
+      command = "netdev_del netdev%d" % idx
+      logging.info("%s" % command)
+      output = self._CallMonitorCommand(instance.name, command)
+      for line in output.stdout.splitlines():
+        logging.info("%s" % line)
+      (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics,
+       hvparams, block_devices) = self._LoadKVMRuntime(instance)
+      rem  = [n for n in kvm_nics if n.idx is not None and n.idx == nic.idx]
+      try:
+        kvm_nics.remove(rem[0])
+      except (ValueError, IndexError):
+        logging.info("NIC with %d idx disappeared from runtime file", nic.idx)
+      new_kvm_runtime = (kvm_cmd, kvm_nics, hvparams, block_devices)
+      self._SaveKVMRuntime(instance, new_kvm_runtime)
+    return nic.ToDict()
+  def _PassTapFd(self, instance, fd, nic):
+    monsock = utils.ShellQuote(self._InstanceMonitor(instance.name))
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    s.connect(monsock)
+    idx = nic.idx
+    command = "getfd netdev%d\n" % idx
+    fds = [fd]
+    logging.info("%s", fds)
+    fdsend.sendfds(s, command, fds = fds)
+    s.close()
   def _ParseKVMVersion(cls, text):
     """Parse the KVM version from the --help output.
diff --git a/lib/objects.py b/lib/objects.py
index f29e82122b7b9337d7dee2220e7b35390e560d28..3b6ee49c95d639435302863dc9f23bf28792b374 100644
--- a/lib/objects.py
+++ b/lib/objects.py
@@ -507,10 +507,13 @@ class ConfigData(ConfigObject):
     if self.networks is None:
       self.networks = {}
+class HotplugInfo(ConfigObject):
+  __slots__ = ["nics", "disks", "pci_pool"]
 class NIC(ConfigObject):
   """Config object representing a network card."""
-  __slots__ = ["mac", "ip", "network", "nicparams", "netinfo"]
+  __slots__ = ["idx", "pci", "mac", "ip", "network", "nicparams", "netinfo"]
   def CheckParameterSyntax(cls, nicparams):
@@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ class NIC(ConfigObject):
 class Disk(ConfigObject):
   """Config object representing a block device."""
-  __slots__ = ["dev_type", "logical_id", "physical_id",
+  __slots__ = ["idx", "pci", "dev_type", "logical_id", "physical_id",
                "children", "iv_name", "size", "mode", "params"]
   def CreateOnSecondary(self):
@@ -1037,6 +1040,7 @@ class Instance(TaggableObject):
+    "hotplug_info",
@@ -1167,6 +1171,8 @@ class Instance(TaggableObject):
         nlist = []
       bo[attr] = nlist
+    if self.hotplug_info:
+      bo['hotplug_info'] = self.hotplug_info.ToDict()
     return bo
@@ -1184,6 +1190,8 @@ class Instance(TaggableObject):
     obj = super(Instance, cls).FromDict(val)
     obj.nics = cls._ContainerFromDicts(obj.nics, list, NIC)
     obj.disks = cls._ContainerFromDicts(obj.disks, list, Disk)
+    if "hotplug_info" in val:
+      obj.hotplug_info = HotplugInfo.FromDict(val["hotplug_info"])
     return obj
   def UpgradeConfig(self):
diff --git a/lib/opcodes.py b/lib/opcodes.py
index 9626075b0cc86a4deaa4cc282dd98db6046d9bc7..766140aca3f65abd53f0b97e48650edaa272b86d 100644
--- a/lib/opcodes.py
+++ b/lib/opcodes.py
@@ -1272,6 +1272,7 @@ class OpInstanceCreate(OpCode):
     ("src_path", None, ht.TMaybeString, "Source directory for import"),
     ("start", True, ht.TBool, "Whether to start instance after creation"),
     ("tags", ht.EmptyList, ht.TListOf(ht.TNonEmptyString), "Instance tags"),
+    ("hotplug", None, ht.TMaybeBool, "Whether to hotplug devices"),
   OP_RESULT = ht.Comment("instance nodes")(ht.TListOf(ht.TNonEmptyString))
@@ -1576,6 +1577,7 @@ class OpInstanceSetParams(OpCode):
      "Whether to wait for the disk to synchronize, when changing template"),
     ("offline", None, ht.TMaybeBool, "Whether to mark instance as offline"),
     ("conflicts_check", True, ht.TBool, "Check for conflicting IPs"),
+    ("hotplug", None, ht.TMaybeBool, "Whether to hotplug devices"),
   OP_RESULT = _TSetParamsResult
diff --git a/lib/rpc_defs.py b/lib/rpc_defs.py
index 93644d6278842baf33e98dfe3c58a872c53eaf5c..965d968d5610d567c179b81f72c061c4b9a8d6e9 100644
--- a/lib/rpc_defs.py
+++ b/lib/rpc_defs.py
@@ -275,6 +275,27 @@ _INSTANCE_CALLS = [
     ("reinstall", None, None),
     ("debug", None, None),
     ], None, None, "Starts an instance"),
+  ("hot_add_nic", SINGLE, None, TMO_NORMAL, [
+    ("instance", ED_INST_DICT, "Instance object"),
+    ("nic", ED_NIC_DICT, "Nic dict to hotplug"),
+    ("seq", None, "Nic seq to hotplug"),
+    ], None, None, "Adds a nic to a running instance"),
+  ("hot_del_nic", SINGLE, None, TMO_NORMAL, [
+    ("instance", ED_INST_DICT, "Instance object"),
+    ("nic", ED_NIC_DICT, "nic dict to remove"),
+    ("seq", None, "Nic seq to hotplug"),
+    ], None, None, "Removes a nic to a running instance"),
+  ("hot_add_disk", SINGLE, None, TMO_NORMAL, [
+    ("instance", ED_INST_DICT, "Instance object"),
+    ("disk", ED_OBJECT_DICT, "Disk dict to hotplug"),
+    ("dev_path", None, "Device path"),
+    ("seq", None, "Disk seq to hotplug"),
+    ], None, None, "Adds a nic to a running instance"),
+  ("hot_del_disk", SINGLE, None, TMO_NORMAL, [
+    ("instance", ED_INST_DICT, "Instance object"),
+    ("disk", ED_OBJECT_DICT, "Disk dict to remove"),
+    ("seq", None, "Disk seq to hotplug"),
+    ], None, None, "Removes a nic to a running instance"),
diff --git a/lib/server/noded.py b/lib/server/noded.py
index d95680a55655827b119abd7b0bc1887ed75cd375..1f3de35b8ead9e5fb675d71aad080d3ed5f81a6a 100644
--- a/lib/server/noded.py
+++ b/lib/server/noded.py
@@ -558,6 +558,50 @@ class NodeRequestHandler(http.server.HttpServerHandler):
     instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(instance_name)
     return backend.StartInstance(instance, startup_paused)
+  @staticmethod
+  def perspective_hot_add_disk(params):
+    """Hotplugs a nic to a running instance.
+    """
+    (idict, ddict, dev_path, seq) = params
+    logging.info("%s %s", idict, ddict)
+    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(idict)
+    disk = objects.Disk.FromDict(ddict)
+    return backend.HotAddDisk(instance, disk, dev_path, seq)
+  @staticmethod
+  def perspective_hot_del_disk(params):
+    """Hotplugs a nic to a running instance.
+    """
+    (idict, ddict, seq) = params
+    logging.info("%s %s", idict, ddict)
+    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(idict)
+    disk = objects.Disk.FromDict(ddict)
+    return backend.HotDelDisk(instance, disk, seq)
+  @staticmethod
+  def perspective_hot_add_nic(params):
+    """Hotplugs a nic to a running instance.
+    """
+    (idict, ndict, seq) = params
+    logging.info("%s %s", idict, ndict)
+    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(idict)
+    nic = objects.NIC.FromDict(ndict)
+    return backend.HotAddNic(instance, nic, seq)
+  @staticmethod
+  def perspective_hot_del_nic(params):
+    """Hotplugs a nic to a running instance.
+    """
+    (idict, ndict, seq) = params
+    logging.info("%s %s", idict, ndict)
+    instance = objects.Instance.FromDict(idict)
+    nic = objects.NIC.FromDict(ndict)
+    return backend.HotDelNic(instance, nic, seq)
   def perspective_migration_info(params):
     """Gather information about an instance to be migrated.