From 872c949fca105f9cd874195f50bac1ec650abede Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Iustin Pop <>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 10:02:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Minor doc/help update

This shortens the help output in gnt-node so that the output looks
nicer, and improves the manual page for gnt-instance with the new
'status' field.

Reviewed-by: ultrotter
 man/gnt-instance.sgml | 8 ++++----
 scripts/gnt-node      | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/gnt-instance.sgml b/man/gnt-instance.sgml
index 717294a3e..64bf54acf 100644
--- a/man/gnt-instance.sgml
+++ b/man/gnt-instance.sgml
@@ -526,10 +526,10 @@
           There is a subtle grouping about the available output
-          fields: all fields except for <option>oper_state</option>
-          and <option>oper_ram</option> are configuration value and
-          not run-time values. So if you don't select any of the
-          <option>oper_*</option> fields, the query will be satisfied
+          fields: all fields except for <option>oper_state</option>,
+          <option>oper_ram</option> and <option>status</option> are
+          configuration value and not run-time values. So if you don't
+          select any of the these fields, the query will be satisfied
           instantly from the cluster configuration, without having to
           ask the remote nodes for the data. This can be helpful for
           big clusters when you only want some data and it makes sense
diff --git a/scripts/gnt-node b/scripts/gnt-node
index 2d1d3f139..b4938cda2 100755
--- a/scripts/gnt-node
+++ b/scripts/gnt-node
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ commands = {
           "[-s ip] <node_name>", "Add a node to the cluster"),
   'evacuate': (EvacuateNode, ARGS_FIXED(2),
                [DEBUG_OPT, FORCE_OPT],
-               "[-f] <src_node> <dst_node>",
+               "[-f] <src> <dst>",
                "Relocate the secondary instances from the first node"
                " to the second one (only for instances of type remote_raid1"
                " drbd)"),