From 868eab677945f2afa231ee984017d9c0ac95ace5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Constantinos Venetsanopoulos <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:49:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Implement the External Storage Interface

With this commit we introduce the External Storage Interface
to Ganeti, abbreviated: ExtStorage Interface.

The ExtStorage Interface provides Ganeti with the ability to interact
with externally connected shared storage pools, visible by all
VM-capable nodes. This means that Ganeti is able to handle VM disks
that reside inside a NAS/SAN or any distributed block storage provider.

The ExtStorage Interface provides a clear API, heavily inspired by the
gnt-os-interface API, that can be used by storage vendors or sysadmins
to write simple ExtStorage Providers (correlated to gnt-os-interface's
OS Definitions). Those Providers will glue externally attached shared
storage with Ganeti, without the need of preprovisioned block devices
on Ganeti VM-capable nodes as confined be the current `blockdev' disk

To do so, we implement a new disk template called `ext' (of type
DTS_EXT_MIRROR) that passes control to externally provided scripts
(the ExtStorage Provider) for the template's basic functions:

 create / attach / detach / remove / grow

The scripts reside under ES_SEARCH_PATH (correlated to OS_SEARCH_PATH)
and only one ExtStorage Provider is supported called `ext'.

The disk's logical id is the tuple ('ext', UUID.ext.diskX), where UUID
is generated as in disk template `plain' and X is the disk's index.

Signed-off-by: Constantinos Venetsanopoulos <>
---               |   1 +              |  12 ++
 lib/               | 304 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/client/ |   2 +
 lib/             |  17 ++-
 lib/          |  42 +++++-
 lib/            |  20 ++-
 tools/burnin              |   1 +
 8 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 2e2b92f0c..dca6ef615 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1112,6 +1112,7 @@ lib/ Makefile | lib/.dir
 	  echo "SSH_CONFIG_DIR = '$(SSH_CONFIG_DIR)'"; \
 	  echo "EXPORT_DIR = '$(EXPORT_DIR)'"; \
 	  echo "OS_SEARCH_PATH = [$(OS_SEARCH_PATH)]"; \
+	  echo "ES_SEARCH_PATH = [$(ES_SEARCH_PATH)]"; \
 	  echo "XEN_KERNEL = '$(XEN_KERNEL)'"; \
 	  echo "XEN_INITRD = '$(XEN_INITRD)'"; \
diff --git a/ b/
index ebc00b36c..b3f31f857 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([os-search-path],
 AC_SUBST(OS_SEARCH_PATH, $os_search_path)
+# --with-extstorage-search-path=...
+# same black sed magic for quoting of the strings in the list
+  [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-extstorage-search-path=LIST],
+    [comma separated list of directories to]
+    [ search for External Storage Providers]
+    [ (default is /srv/ganeti/extstorage)]
+  )],
+  [es_search_path=`echo -n "$withval" | sed -e "s/\([[^,]]*\)/'\1'/g"`],
+  [es_search_path="'/srv/ganeti/extstorage'"])
+AC_SUBST(ES_SEARCH_PATH, $es_search_path)
 # --with-iallocator-search-path=...
 # do a bit of black sed magic to for quoting of the strings in the list
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 1d8586793..17b0faee0 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -2637,11 +2637,315 @@ class RADOSBlockDevice(BlockDev):
                   result.fail_reason, result.output)
+class ExtStorageDevice(BlockDev):
+  """A block device provided by an ExtStorage Provider.
+  This class implements the External Storage Interface, which means
+  handling of the externally provided block devices.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, unique_id, children, size, params):
+    """Attaches to an extstorage block device.
+    """
+    super(ExtStorageDevice, self).__init__(unique_id, children, size, params)
+    if not isinstance(unique_id, (tuple, list)) or len(unique_id) != 2:
+      raise ValueError("Invalid configuration data %s" % str(unique_id))
+    self.driver, self.vol_name = unique_id
+    self.major = self.minor = None
+    self.Attach()
+  @classmethod
+  def Create(cls, unique_id, children, size, params):
+    """Create a new extstorage device.
+    Provision a new volume using an extstorage provider, which will
+    then be mapped to a block device.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(unique_id, (tuple, list)) or len(unique_id) != 2:
+      raise errors.ProgrammerError("Invalid configuration data %s" %
+                                   str(unique_id))
+    # Call the External Storage's create script,
+    # to provision a new Volume inside the External Storage
+    _ExtStorageAction(constants.ES_ACTION_CREATE, unique_id, str(size))
+    return ExtStorageDevice(unique_id, children, size, params)
+  def Remove(self):
+    """Remove the extstorage device.
+    """
+    if not self.minor and not self.Attach():
+      # The extstorage device doesn't exist.
+      return
+    # First shutdown the device (remove mappings).
+    self.Shutdown()
+    # Call the External Storage's remove script,
+    # to remove the Volume from the External Storage
+    _ExtStorageAction(constants.ES_ACTION_REMOVE, self.unique_id)
+  def Rename(self, new_id):
+    """Rename this device.
+    """
+    pass
+  def Attach(self):
+    """Attach to an existing extstorage device.
+    This method maps the extstorage volume that matches our name with
+    a corresponding block device and then attaches to this device.
+    """
+    self.attached = False
+    # Call the External Storage's attach script,
+    # to attach an existing Volume to a block device under /dev
+    self.dev_path = _ExtStorageAction(constants.ES_ACTION_ATTACH,
+                                      self.unique_id)
+    try:
+      st = os.stat(self.dev_path)
+    except OSError, err:
+      logging.error("Error stat()'ing %s: %s", self.dev_path, str(err))
+      return False
+    if not stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
+      logging.error("%s is not a block device", self.dev_path)
+      return False
+    self.major = os.major(st.st_rdev)
+    self.minor = os.minor(st.st_rdev)
+    self.attached = True
+    return True
+  def Assemble(self):
+    """Assemble the device.
+    """
+    pass
+  def Shutdown(self):
+    """Shutdown the device.
+    """
+    if not self.minor and not self.Attach():
+      # The extstorage device doesn't exist.
+      return
+    # Call the External Storage's detach script,
+    # to detach an existing Volume from it's block device under /dev
+    _ExtStorageAction(constants.ES_ACTION_DETACH, self.unique_id)
+    self.minor = None
+    self.dev_path = None
+  def Open(self, force=False):
+    """Make the device ready for I/O.
+    """
+    pass
+  def Close(self):
+    """Notifies that the device will no longer be used for I/O.
+    """
+    pass
+  def Grow(self, amount, dryrun):
+    """Grow the Volume.
+    @type amount: integer
+    @param amount: the amount (in mebibytes) to grow with
+    @type dryrun: boolean
+    @param dryrun: whether to execute the operation in simulation mode
+        only, without actually increasing the size
+    """
+    if not self.Attach():
+      _ThrowError("Can't attach to extstorage device during Grow()")
+    if dryrun:
+      # we do not support dry runs of resize operations for now.
+      return
+    new_size = self.size + amount
+    # Call the External Storage's grow script,
+    # to grow an existing Volume inside the External Storage
+    _ExtStorageAction(constants.ES_ACTION_GROW, self.unique_id,
+                      str(self.size), grow=str(new_size))
+def _ExtStorageAction(action, unique_id, size=None, grow=None):
+  """Take an External Storage action.
+  Take an External Storage action concerning or affecting
+  a specific Volume inside the External Storage.
+  @type action: string
+  @param action: which action to perform. One of:
+                 create / remove / grow / attach / detach
+  @type unique_id: tuple (driver, vol_name)
+  @param unique_id: a tuple containing the type of ExtStorage (driver)
+                    and the Volume name
+  @type size: integer
+  @param size: the size of the Volume in mebibytes
+  @type grow: integer
+  @param grow: the new size in mebibytes (after grow)
+  @rtype: None or a block device path (during attach)
+  """
+  driver, vol_name = unique_id
+  # Create an External Storage instance of type `driver'
+  status, inst_es = ExtStorageFromDisk(driver)
+  if not status:
+    _ThrowError("%s" % inst_es)
+  # Create the basic environment for the driver's scripts
+  create_env = _ExtStorageEnvironment(unique_id, size, grow)
+  # Do not use log file for action `attach' as we need
+  # to get the outpout from RunResult
+  # TODO: find a way to have a log file for attach too
+  logfile = None
+  if action is not constants.ES_ACTION_ATTACH:
+    logfile = _VolumeLogName(action, driver, vol_name)
+  # Find out which external script to run according the given action
+  script_name = action + "_script"
+  script = getattr(inst_es, script_name)
+  # Run the external script
+  result = utils.RunCmd([script], env=create_env,
+                        cwd=inst_es.path, output=logfile,)
+  if result.failed:
+    logging.error("External storage's %s command '%s' returned"
+                  " error: %s, logfile: %s, output: %s",
+                  action, result.cmd, result.fail_reason,
+                  logfile, result.output)
+    lines = [utils.SafeEncode(val)
+             for val in utils.TailFile(logfile, lines=20)]
+    _ThrowError("External storage's %s script failed (%s), last"
+                " lines in the log file:\n%s",
+                action, result.fail_reason, "\n".join(lines))
+  if action == constants.ES_ACTION_ATTACH:
+    return result.stdout
+def ExtStorageFromDisk(name, base_dir=None):
+  """Create an ExtStorage instance from disk.
+  This function will return an ExtStorage instance
+  if the given name is a valid ExtStorage name.
+  @type base_dir: string
+  @keyword base_dir: Base directory containing ExtStorage installations.
+                     Defaults to a search in all the ES_SEARCH_PATH dirs.
+  @rtype: tuple
+  @return: True and the ExtStorage instance if we find a valid one, or
+      False and the diagnose message on error
+  """
+  if base_dir is None:
+    es_dir = utils.FindFile(name, constants.ES_SEARCH_PATH, os.path.isdir)
+  else:
+    es_dir = utils.FindFile(name, [base_dir], os.path.isdir)
+  if es_dir is None:
+    return False, ("Directory for External Storage Provider %s not"
+                   " found in search path" % name)
+  # ES Files dictionary, we will populate it with the absolute path
+  # names; if the value is True, then it is a required file, otherwise
+  # an optional one
+  es_files = dict.fromkeys(constants.ES_SCRIPTS, True)
+  for filename in es_files:
+    es_files[filename] = utils.PathJoin(es_dir, filename)
+    try:
+      st = os.stat(es_files[filename])
+    except EnvironmentError, err:
+      return False, ("File '%s' under path '%s' is missing (%s)" %
+                     (filename, es_dir, utils.ErrnoOrStr(err)))
+    if not stat.S_ISREG(stat.S_IFMT(st.st_mode)):
+      return False, ("File '%s' under path '%s' is not a regular file" %
+                     (filename, es_dir))
+    if filename in constants.ES_SCRIPTS:
+      if stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) & stat.S_IXUSR != stat.S_IXUSR:
+        return False, ("File '%s' under path '%s' is not executable" %
+                       (filename, es_dir))
+  es_obj = \
+    objects.ExtStorage(name=name, path=es_dir,
+                       create_script=es_files[constants.ES_SCRIPT_CREATE],
+                       remove_script=es_files[constants.ES_SCRIPT_REMOVE],
+                       grow_script=es_files[constants.ES_SCRIPT_GROW],
+                       attach_script=es_files[constants.ES_SCRIPT_ATTACH],
+                       detach_script=es_files[constants.ES_SCRIPT_DETACH])
+  return True, es_obj
+def _ExtStorageEnvironment(unique_id, size=None, grow=None):
+  """Calculate the environment for an External Storage script.
+  @type unique_id: tuple (driver, vol_name)
+  @param unique_id: ExtStorage pool and name of the Volume
+  @type size: integer
+  @param size: size of the Volume in mebibytes
+  @rtype: dict
+  @return: dict of environment variables
+  """
+  vol_name = unique_id[1]
+  result = {}
+  result['VOL_NAME'] = vol_name
+  if size is not None:
+    result['VOL_SIZE'] = size
+  if grow is not None:
+    result['VOL_NEW_SIZE'] = grow
+  return result
+def _VolumeLogName(kind, es_name, volume):
+  """Compute the ExtStorage log filename for a given Volume and operation.
+  @type kind: string
+  @param kind: the operation type (e.g. create, remove etc.)
+  @type es_name: string
+  @param es_name: the ExtStorage name
+  @type volume: string
+  @param volume: the name of the Volume inside the External Storage
+  """
+  # TODO: Use tempfile.mkstemp to create unique filename
+  base = ("%s-%s-%s-%s.log" %
+          (kind, es_name, volume, utils.TimestampForFilename()))
+  return utils.PathJoin(constants.LOG_ES_DIR, base)
 DEV_MAP = {
   constants.LD_LV: LogicalVolume,
   constants.LD_DRBD8: DRBD8,
   constants.LD_BLOCKDEV: PersistentBlockDevice,
   constants.LD_RBD: RADOSBlockDevice,
+  constants.LD_EXT: ExtStorageDevice,
diff --git a/lib/client/ b/lib/client/
index de5bfb7bb..59e860813 100644
--- a/lib/client/
+++ b/lib/client/
@@ -453,6 +453,8 @@ def ShowClusterConfig(opts, args):
   ToStdout("  - primary ip version: %d", result["primary_ip_version"])
   ToStdout("  - preallocation wipe disks: %s", result["prealloc_wipe_disks"])
   ToStdout("  - OS search path: %s", utils.CommaJoin(constants.OS_SEARCH_PATH))
+  ToStdout("  - ExtStorage Providers search path: %s",
+           utils.CommaJoin(constants.ES_SEARCH_PATH))
   ToStdout("Default node parameters:")
   _PrintGroupedParams(result["ndparams"], roman=opts.roman_integers)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 15a610031..320e855c7 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -8489,9 +8489,9 @@ class TLMigrateInstance(Tasklet):
-    # If the instance's disk template is `rbd' and there was a successful
-    # migration, unmap the device from the source node.
-    if self.instance.disk_template == constants.DT_RBD:
+    # If the instance's disk template is `rbd' or `ext' and there was a
+    # successful migration, unmap the device from the source node.
+    if self.instance.disk_template in (constants.DT_RBD, constants.DT_EXT):
       disks = _ExpandCheckDisks(instance, instance.disks)
       self.feedback_fn("* unmapping instance's disks from %s" % source_node)
       for disk in disks:
@@ -8740,6 +8740,7 @@ def _GenerateDRBD8Branch(lu, primary, secondary, size, vgnames, names,
   constants.DT_PLAIN: "",
   constants.DT_RBD: ".rbd",
+  constants.DT_EXT: ".ext",
@@ -8749,6 +8750,7 @@ _DISK_TEMPLATE_DEVICE_TYPE = {
   constants.DT_SHARED_FILE: constants.LD_FILE,
   constants.DT_BLOCK: constants.LD_BLOCKDEV,
   constants.DT_RBD: constants.LD_RBD,
+  constants.DT_EXT: constants.LD_EXT,
@@ -8827,6 +8829,8 @@ def _GenerateDiskTemplate(lu, template_name, instance_name, primary_node,
     elif template_name == constants.DT_RBD:
       logical_id_fn = lambda idx, _, disk: ("rbd", names[idx])
+    elif template_name == constants.DT_EXT:
+      logical_id_fn = lambda idx, _, disk: ("ext", names[idx])
       raise errors.ProgrammerError("Unknown disk template '%s'" % template_name)
@@ -9097,6 +9101,7 @@ def _ComputeDiskSize(disk_template, disks):
     constants.DT_SHARED_FILE: sum(d[constants.IDISK_SIZE] for d in disks),
     constants.DT_BLOCK: 0,
     constants.DT_RBD: sum(d[constants.IDISK_SIZE] for d in disks),
+    constants.DT_EXT: sum(d[constants.IDISK_SIZE] for d in disks),
   if disk_template not in req_size_dict:
@@ -9937,6 +9942,9 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
         # Any function that checks prerequisites can be placed here.
         # Check if there is enough space on the RADOS cluster.
+      elif self.op.disk_template == constants.DT_EXT:
+        # FIXME: Function that checks prereqs if needed
+        pass
         # Check lv size requirements, if not adopting
         req_sizes = _ComputeDiskSizePerVG(self.op.disk_template, self.disks)
@@ -11649,7 +11657,8 @@ class LUInstanceGrowDisk(LogicalUnit):
     if instance.disk_template not in (constants.DT_FILE,
-                                      constants.DT_RBD):
+                                      constants.DT_RBD,
+                                      constants.DT_EXT):
       # TODO: check the free disk space for file, when that feature will be
       # supported
       _CheckNodesFreeDiskPerVG(self, nodenames,
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 02aa6f673..b39b4bb57 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ DAEMONS_LOGFILES = {
 LOG_OS_DIR = LOG_DIR + "os"
+LOG_ES_DIR = LOG_DIR + "extstorage"
 LOG_WATCHER = LOG_DIR + "watcher.log"
 LOG_COMMANDS = LOG_DIR + "commands.log"
 LOG_BURNIN = LOG_DIR + "burnin.log"
@@ -261,6 +262,7 @@ SYSLOG_ONLY = "only"
 SYSLOG_SOCKET = "/dev/log"
 EXPORT_CONF_FILE = "config.ini"
@@ -427,19 +429,21 @@ DT_FILE = "file"
 DT_SHARED_FILE = "sharedfile"
 DT_BLOCK = "blockdev"
 DT_RBD = "rbd"
+DT_EXT = "ext"
 # the set of network-mirrored disk templates
 DTS_INT_MIRROR = frozenset([DT_DRBD8])
 # the set of externally-mirrored disk templates (e.g. SAN, NAS)
 # the set of non-lvm-based disk templates
-                         DT_BLOCK, DT_RBD])
+                         DT_BLOCK, DT_RBD, DT_EXT])
 # the set of disk templates which can be grown
+                          DT_RBD, DT_EXT])
 # the set of disk templates that allow adoption
@@ -459,15 +463,17 @@ LD_DRBD8 = "drbd8"
 LD_FILE = "file"
 LD_BLOCKDEV = "blockdev"
 LD_RBD = "rbd"
+LD_EXT = "ext"
 LOGICAL_DISK_TYPES = frozenset([
+  LD_EXT,
 # drbd constants
 DRBD_HMAC_ALG = "md5"
@@ -563,7 +569,8 @@ DISK_TEMPLATES = frozenset([
+  DT_RBD,
@@ -674,6 +681,26 @@ OS_PARAMETERS_FILE = "parameters.list"
+# External Storage (ES) related constants
+ES_ACTION_CREATE = "create"
+ES_ACTION_REMOVE = "remove"
+ES_ACTION_GROW = "grow"
+ES_ACTION_ATTACH = "attach"
+ES_ACTION_DETACH = "detach"
+ES_SCRIPTS = frozenset([
+  ])
 # ssh constants
 SSH_HOST_DSA_PRIV = SSH_CONFIG_DIR + "/ssh_host_dsa_key"
@@ -1871,6 +1898,8 @@ DISK_LD_DEFAULTS = {
   LD_RBD: {
     LDP_POOL: "rbd"
+  LD_EXT: {
+    },
 # readability shortcuts
@@ -1908,6 +1937,8 @@ DISK_DT_DEFAULTS = {
   DT_RBD: {
+  DT_EXT: {
+    },
 # we don't want to export the shortcuts
@@ -2067,6 +2098,7 @@ VALID_ALLOC_POLICIES = [
 # Temporary external/shared storage parameters
 # qemu-img path, required for ovfconverter
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index d79e08566..c5b8ce8e5 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -605,7 +605,8 @@ class Disk(ConfigObject):
     if self.dev_type in [constants.LD_LV, constants.LD_FILE,
-                         constants.LD_BLOCKDEV, constants.LD_RBD]:
+                         constants.LD_BLOCKDEV, constants.LD_RBD,
+                         constants.LD_EXT]:
       result = [node]
     elif self.dev_type in constants.LDS_DRBD:
       result = [self.logical_id[0], self.logical_id[1]]
@@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ class Disk(ConfigObject):
     if self.dev_type in (constants.LD_LV, constants.LD_FILE,
-                         constants.LD_RBD):
+                         constants.LD_RBD, constants.LD_EXT):
       self.size += amount
     elif self.dev_type == constants.LD_DRBD8:
       if self.children:
@@ -1261,6 +1262,21 @@ class OS(ConfigObject):
     return cls.SplitNameVariant(name)[1]
+class ExtStorage(ConfigObject):
+  """Config object representing an External Storage Provider.
+  """
+  __slots__ = [
+    "name",
+    "path",
+    "create_script",
+    "remove_script",
+    "grow_script",
+    "attach_script",
+    "detach_script",
+    ]
 class NodeHvState(ConfigObject):
   """Hypvervisor state on a node.
diff --git a/tools/burnin b/tools/burnin
index bf93c72e8..fe106653e 100755
--- a/tools/burnin
+++ b/tools/burnin
@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ class Burner(object):
+                                constants.DT_EXT,
     if options.disk_template not in supported_disk_templates:
       Err("Unknown disk template '%s'" % options.disk_template)