diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/BasicTypes.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/BasicTypes.hs
index eacdfbabccf54c57e948da4945a63e60e741e432..d3ae51fbce2abc4f3d23345d06b9b6472c735de8 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/BasicTypes.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/BasicTypes.hs
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ prop_applicative_identity v =
 -- | Tests the applicative composition law (pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w
 -- = u <*> (v <*> w)).
-prop_applicative_composition :: (Result (Fun Int Int))
-                             -> (Result (Fun Int Int))
+prop_applicative_composition :: Result (Fun Int Int)
+                             -> Result (Fun Int Int)
                              -> Result Int
                              -> Property
 prop_applicative_composition u v w =
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@ prop_applicative_composition u v w =
 -- | Tests the applicative homomorphism law (pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)).
 prop_applicative_homomorphism :: Fun Int Int -> Int -> Property
 prop_applicative_homomorphism (Fun _ f) x =
-  ((pure f <*> pure x)::Result Int) ==?
-  (pure (f x))
+  ((pure f <*> pure x)::Result Int) ==? pure (f x)
 -- | Tests the applicative interchange law (u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u).
 prop_applicative_interchange :: Result (Fun Int Int)
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Daemon.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Daemon.hs
index fb6cc757e86d1785ba59c15f095d67d9a94bfd76..b2c6688874fc647e25cc029e86960df0364746ad 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Daemon.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Daemon.hs
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ import Test.Ganeti.Common
 import Ganeti.Common
 import Ganeti.Daemon as Daemon
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
 -- | Test a few string arguments.
 prop_string_arg :: String -> Property
 prop_string_arg argument =
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ case_bool_arg =
 -- | Tests a few invalid arguments.
 case_wrong_arg :: Assertion
-case_wrong_arg = do
+case_wrong_arg =
   mapM_ (passFailOpt defaultOptions assertFailure (return ()))
         [ (oSyslogUsage, "foo", "yes")
         , (oPort 0,      "x",   "10")
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
index b7493d4936845cb4321926a7df53d5648974ded6..468ca56f68950c0510a32adf05c35869f2e814f0 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ import Ganeti.HTools.CLI as CLI
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Program as Program
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
 -- | Test correct parsing.
 prop_parseISpec :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Property
 prop_parseISpec descr dsk mem cpu =
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ prop_parseISpec descr dsk mem cpu =
 -- | Test parsing failure due to wrong section count.
 prop_parseISpecFail :: String -> Property
 prop_parseISpecFail descr =
-  forAll (choose (0,100) `suchThat` ((/=) 3)) $ \nelems ->
+  forAll (choose (0,100) `suchThat` (/= 3)) $ \nelems ->
   forAll (replicateM nelems arbitrary) $ \values ->
   let str = intercalate "," $ map show (values::[Int])
   in case parseISpecString descr str of
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ case_bool_arg =
 -- | Tests a few invalid arguments.
 case_wrong_arg :: Assertion
-case_wrong_arg = do
+case_wrong_arg =
   mapM_ (passFailOpt defaultOptions assertFailure (return ()))
         [ (oSpindleUse,   "-1", "1")
         , (oSpindleUse,   "a",  "1")
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs
index a779a521644a0a07ce358f41cb6926d844c4bfc8..60b771dae465e44b4283a108c63d30a01f450830 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Instance as Instance
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
 -- * Helpers
 -- | Make a small cluster, both nodes and instances.
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ prop_Alloc_sane inst =
 prop_CanTieredAlloc :: Instance.Instance -> Property
 prop_CanTieredAlloc inst =
   forAll (choose (2, 5)) $ \count ->
-  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
+  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
   let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
       il = Container.empty
       rqnodes = Instance.requiredNodes $ Instance.diskTemplate inst
@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ genClusterAlloc count node inst =
 prop_AllocRelocate :: Property
 prop_AllocRelocate =
   forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
-  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
+  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
   case genClusterAlloc count node inst of
     Types.Bad msg -> failTest msg
@@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ check_EvacMode grp inst result =
                                          (gdx == Group.idx grp)
            v -> failmsg  ("invalid solution: " ++ show v) False
   where failmsg :: String -> Bool -> Property
-        failmsg = \msg -> printTestCase ("Failed to evacuate: " ++ msg)
+        failmsg msg = printTestCase ("Failed to evacuate: " ++ msg)
         idx = Instance.idx inst
 -- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster, once we allocate an instance,
@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@ check_EvacMode grp inst result =
 prop_AllocEvacuate :: Property
 prop_AllocEvacuate =
   forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
-  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
+  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
   case genClusterAlloc count node inst of
     Types.Bad msg -> failTest msg
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ prop_AllocEvacuate =
 prop_AllocChangeGroup :: Property
 prop_AllocChangeGroup =
   forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
-  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
+  forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` isNodeBig 4) $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
   case genClusterAlloc count node inst of
     Types.Bad msg -> failTest msg
@@ -327,7 +329,7 @@ prop_SplitCluster node inst =
 canAllocOn :: Node.List -> Int -> Instance.Instance -> Bool
 canAllocOn nl reqnodes inst =
   case Cluster.genAllocNodes defGroupList nl reqnodes True >>=
-       Cluster.tryAlloc nl (Container.empty) inst of
+       Cluster.tryAlloc nl Container.empty inst of
        Types.Bad _ -> False
        Types.Ok as ->
          case Cluster.asSolution as of
@@ -344,7 +346,7 @@ prop_AllocPolicy node =
   -- rqn is the required nodes (1 or 2)
   forAll (choose (1, 2)) $ \rqn ->
   forAll (choose (5, 20)) $ \count ->
-  forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (canAllocOn (makeSmallCluster node count) rqn))
+  forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` canAllocOn (makeSmallCluster node count) rqn)
          $ \inst ->
   forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (isFailure .
                                 Instance.instMatchesPolicy inst)) $ \ipol ->
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs
index ddf6a994499f2ffa591a5fb680e8b264a7ce1076..1230fad413f8f0711bedb82ebb1d55cdacefa34f 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ genNode min_multiplier max_multiplier = do
 -- | Helper function to generate a sane node.
 genOnlineNode :: Gen Node.Node
-genOnlineNode = do
+genOnlineNode =
   arbitrary `suchThat` (\n -> not (Node.offline n) &&
                               not (Node.failN1 n) &&
                               Node.availDisk n > 0 &&
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
index 844810b90e7744a03d820844e069ae8763cc8104..c1c23c51786072e136c4d4704fe98cff4fce4036 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Utils as Utils
 -- * Instance text loader tests
 prop_Load_Instance :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Types.InstanceStatus
-                   -> NonEmptyList Char -> [Char]
+                   -> NonEmptyList Char -> String
                    -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Bool
                    -> Types.DiskTemplate -> Int -> Property
 prop_Load_Instance name mem dsk vcpus status
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs
index c22c999e6d9ce91bf8e88560b35f28e18b7ba2b6..abb3e32fdc32e1819623cfa16741f956781ce5d3 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs
@@ -40,21 +40,21 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Utils as Utils
 -- | Helper to generate a small string that doesn't contain commas.
-genNonCommaString :: Gen [Char]
+genNonCommaString :: Gen String
 genNonCommaString = do
   size <- choose (0, 20) -- arbitrary max size
-  vectorOf size (arbitrary `suchThat` ((/=) ','))
+  vectorOf size (arbitrary `suchThat` (/=) ',')
 -- | If the list is not just an empty element, and if the elements do
 -- not contain commas, then join+split should be idempotent.
 prop_commaJoinSplit :: Property
 prop_commaJoinSplit =
   forAll (choose (0, 20)) $ \llen ->
-  forAll (vectorOf llen genNonCommaString `suchThat` ((/=) [""])) $ \lst ->
+  forAll (vectorOf llen genNonCommaString `suchThat` (/=) [""]) $ \lst ->
   Utils.sepSplit ',' (Utils.commaJoin lst) ==? lst
 -- | Split and join should always be idempotent.
-prop_commaSplitJoin :: [Char] -> Property
+prop_commaSplitJoin :: String -> Property
 prop_commaSplitJoin s =
   Utils.commaJoin (Utils.sepSplit ',' s) ==? s
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
index dea4d5f103e2749370b36ea32a6c547597aba96b..09b829a6aac3b926be0ee3cb4e3e7a345279fa04 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
@@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ instance Arbitrary Luxi.LuxiOp where
     case lreq of
       Luxi.ReqQuery -> Luxi.Query <$> arbitrary <*> getFields <*> genFilter
       Luxi.ReqQueryFields -> Luxi.QueryFields <$> arbitrary <*> getFields
-      Luxi.ReqQueryNodes -> Luxi.QueryNodes <$> (listOf getFQDN) <*>
+      Luxi.ReqQueryNodes -> Luxi.QueryNodes <$> listOf getFQDN <*>
                             getFields <*> arbitrary
       Luxi.ReqQueryGroups -> Luxi.QueryGroups <$> arbitrary <*>
                              arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-      Luxi.ReqQueryInstances -> Luxi.QueryInstances <$> (listOf getFQDN) <*>
+      Luxi.ReqQueryInstances -> Luxi.QueryInstances <$> listOf getFQDN <*>
                                 getFields <*> arbitrary
       Luxi.ReqQueryJobs -> Luxi.QueryJobs <$> arbitrary <*> getFields
       Luxi.ReqQueryExports -> Luxi.QueryExports <$>
-                              (listOf getFQDN) <*> arbitrary
+                              listOf getFQDN <*> arbitrary
       Luxi.ReqQueryConfigValues -> Luxi.QueryConfigValues <$> getFields
       Luxi.ReqQueryClusterInfo -> pure Luxi.QueryClusterInfo
       Luxi.ReqQueryTags -> Luxi.QueryTags <$> arbitrary <*> getFQDN
-      Luxi.ReqSubmitJob -> Luxi.SubmitJob <$> (resize maxOpCodes arbitrary)
+      Luxi.ReqSubmitJob -> Luxi.SubmitJob <$> resize maxOpCodes arbitrary
       Luxi.ReqSubmitManyJobs -> Luxi.SubmitManyJobs <$>
-                                (resize maxOpCodes arbitrary)
+                                resize maxOpCodes arbitrary
       Luxi.ReqWaitForJobChange -> Luxi.WaitForJobChange <$> arbitrary <*>
                                   getFields <*> pure J.JSNull <*>
                                   pure J.JSNull <*> arbitrary
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ luxiClientPong c =
 prop_ClientServer :: [[DNSChar]] -> Property
 prop_ClientServer dnschars = monadicIO $ do
   let msgs = map (map dnsGetChar) dnschars
-  fpath <- run $ getTempFileName
+  fpath <- run getTempFileName
   -- we need to create the server first, otherwise (if we do it in the
   -- forked thread) the client could try to connect to it before it's
   -- ready
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ prop_ClientServer dnschars = monadicIO $ do
       (Luxi.getClient fpath)
-      (\c -> luxiClientPong c msgs)
+      (`luxiClientPong` msgs)
   stop $ replies ==? msgs
 testSuite "Luxi"
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
index 6b2c345e43688ae8dd156575b25d887957361918..9835d57ca62418b3633cb3cecaea1a8a88606ea1 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
 import Ganeti.Objects as Objects
 import Ganeti.JSON
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
 -- * Arbitrary instances
 $(genArbitrary ''Hypervisor)
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ instance Arbitrary DiskLogicalId where
 -- properties, we only generate disks with no children (FIXME), as
 -- generating recursive datastructures is a bit more work.
 instance Arbitrary Disk where
-  arbitrary = Disk <$> arbitrary <*> (pure []) <*> arbitrary
+  arbitrary = Disk <$> arbitrary <*> pure [] <*> arbitrary
                    <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
 -- FIXME: we should generate proper values, >=0, etc., but this is
@@ -102,9 +104,9 @@ instance Arbitrary Instance where
       <$> getFQDN <*> getFQDN <*> getFQDN -- OS name, but...
       <*> arbitrary
       -- FIXME: add non-empty hvparams when they're a proper type
-      <*> (pure $ Container Map.empty) <*> arbitrary
+      <*> pure (Container Map.empty) <*> arbitrary
       -- ... and for OSParams
-      <*> (pure $ Container Map.empty) <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+      <*> pure (Container Map.empty) <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
       <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
       -- ts
       <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ $(genArbitrary ''PartialIPolicy)
 -- validation rules.
 instance Arbitrary NodeGroup where
   arbitrary = NodeGroup <$> getFQDN <*> pure [] <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
-                        <*> arbitrary <*> (pure $ Container Map.empty)
+                        <*> arbitrary <*> pure (Container Map.empty)
                         -- ts
                         <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
                         -- uuid
@@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ genEmptyCluster ncount = do
                                       nodeName = nodeName n ++ show idx })
                nodes [(1::Int)..]
       contnodes = Container . Map.fromList $ map (\n -> (nodeName n, n)) nodes'
-      continsts = Container $ Map.empty
+      continsts = Container Map.empty
   grp <- arbitrary
   let contgroups = Container $ Map.singleton guuid grp
   serial <- arbitrary
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
index 93abaf18367e4274716742af42e0a626e9b2cf1f..43a0e0ec7f3f920bed88ab1b1f5bdaeec8fe9fc4 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
 import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
 import qualified Ganeti.OpCodes as OpCodes
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
 -- * Arbitrary instances
 $(genArbitrary ''OpCodes.ReplaceDisksMode)
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ case_py_compat = do
                \encoded = [op.__getstate__() for op in decoded]\n\
                \print serializer.Dump(encoded)" serialized
      >>= checkPythonResult
-  let deserialised = (J.decode py_stdout::J.Result [OpCodes.OpCode])
+  let deserialised = J.decode py_stdout::J.Result [OpCodes.OpCode]
   decoded <- case deserialised of
                J.Ok ops -> return ops
                J.Error msg ->
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
index ce5e95c02d82b8cc56be1f7ab84e3775b04519c5..5c4cd5cfb792418a2accfdee6cc8dc9c4e063a4c 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ genFilter' 0 =
     where value = oneof [ QuotedString <$> getName
                         , NumericValue <$> arbitrary
-genFilter' n = do
+genFilter' n =
   oneof [ AndFilter  <$> vectorOf n'' (genFilter' n')
         , OrFilter   <$> vectorOf n'' (genFilter' n')
         , NotFilter  <$> genFilter' n'
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ $(genArbitrary ''FieldDefinition)
 -- recursive ones, and not 'JSNull', which we can't use in a
 -- 'RSNormal' 'ResultEntry'.
 genJSValue :: Gen JSValue
-genJSValue = do
+genJSValue =
   oneof [ JSBool <$> arbitrary
         , JSRational <$> pure False <*> arbitrary
         , JSString <$> (toJSString <$> arbitrary)
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Query.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Query.hs
index 1e20cc3d5643b4d9cafa5e8214ad0d64f0f7def8..8ff304b17f285a46fd8832d6a8db1110b02cc9ab 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Query.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Query.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ import Ganeti.Query.Language
 import Ganeti.Query.Node
 import Ganeti.Query.Query
+{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
 -- * Helpers
 -- | Checks if a list of field definitions contains unknown fields.
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ prop_queryNode_noUnknown =
 prop_queryNode_Unknown :: Property
 prop_queryNode_Unknown =
   forAll (choose (0, maxNodes) >>= genEmptyCluster) $ \cluster ->
-  forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (`notElem` (Map.keys nodeFieldsMap)))
+  forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` (`notElem` Map.keys nodeFieldsMap))
     $ \field -> monadicIO $ do
   QueryResult fdefs fdata <-
     run (query cluster (Query QRNode [field] EmptyFilter)) >>= resultProp
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs
index 4861a46749c58c0fc15cd166af5b4661852fd755..27796fcf991eda74c1b89d45e1e9436645a6aaeb 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ newtype TagChar = TagChar { tagGetChar :: Char }
 -- | All valid tag chars. This doesn't need to match _exactly_
 -- Ganeti's own tag regex, just enough for it to be close.
-tagChar :: [Char]
+tagChar :: String
 tagChar = ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ ".+*/:@-"
 instance Arbitrary TagChar where
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs
index 17a1f9b465b8ffc48a662574cdee9edab730e4e9..9fe9dbf3e74c3492b2e42382c9027033e832c249 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ mkConsArbitrary :: (Name, [a]) -> Exp
 mkConsArbitrary (name, types) =
   let infix_arb a = InfixE (Just a) (VarE '(<*>)) (Just (VarE 'arbitrary))
       constr = AppE (VarE 'pure) (ConE name)
-  in foldl (\a _ -> infix_arb a) (constr) types
+  in foldl (\a _ -> infix_arb a) constr types
 -- | Extracts the name and the types from a constructor.
 conInfo :: Con -> (Name, [Type])
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ conInfo (ForallC _ _ subcon) = conInfo subcon
 mkRegularArbitrary :: Name -> [Con] -> Q [Dec]
 mkRegularArbitrary name cons = do
   expr <- case cons of
-            [] -> fail $ "Can't make Arbitrary instance for an empty data type"
+            [] -> fail "Can't make Arbitrary instance for an empty data type"
             [x] -> return $ mkConsArbitrary (conInfo x)
             xs -> appE (varE 'oneof) $
                   listE (map (return . mkConsArbitrary . conInfo) xs)
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Common.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Common.hs
index 8b10230c08e1d0ab3ed14b6e1184d5d95610c50f..43caf278b2f6467f630ec4f458d2cf9372ed1a19 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Common.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Common.hs
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ reqWithConversion :: (String -> Result a)
                   -> (a -> b -> Result b)
                   -> String
                   -> ArgDescr (b -> Result b)
-reqWithConversion conversion_fn updater_fn metavar =
+reqWithConversion conversion_fn updater_fn =
   ReqArg (\string_opt opts -> do
             parsed_value <- conversion_fn string_opt
-            updater_fn parsed_value opts) metavar
+            updater_fn parsed_value opts)
 -- | Command line parser, using a generic 'Options' structure.
 parseOpts :: (StandardOptions a) =>
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Confd.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Confd.hs
index 37ad521133f29596c847d44b6a185c08aa288866..6746f869073b914062ad8e6b6f6e3852b46de7c4 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Confd.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Confd.hs
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ $(declareIADT "ConfdErrorType"
 $(makeJSONInstance ''ConfdErrorType)
-$(buildObject "ConfdRequest" "confdRq" $
+$(buildObject "ConfdRequest" "confdRq"
   [ simpleField "protocol" [t| Int |]
   , simpleField "type"     [t| ConfdRequestType |]
   , defaultField [| EmptyQuery |] $ simpleField "query" [t| ConfdQuery |]
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Server.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Server.hs
index f0999b374d14e5453d26ea3984de1eed0a4ee456..6bedee94a7af92d59d90d914268691b630a33a2b 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Server.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Server.hs
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ updateConfig path r = do
 -- | Wrapper over 'updateConfig' that handles IO errors.
 safeUpdateConfig :: FilePath -> FStat -> CRef -> IO (FStat, ConfigReload)
-safeUpdateConfig path oldfstat cref = do
+safeUpdateConfig path oldfstat cref =
   catch (do
           nt <- needsReload oldfstat path
           case nt of
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ onReloadInner inotiaction path cref
 -- This tries to setup the watch descriptor; in case of any IO errors,
 -- it will return False.
 addNotifier :: INotify -> FilePath -> CRef -> MVar ServerState -> IO Bool
-addNotifier inotify path cref mstate = do
+addNotifier inotify path cref mstate =
   catch (addWatch inotify [CloseWrite] path
                     (onInotify inotify path cref mstate) >> return True)
         (\e -> const (return False) (e::IOError))
@@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ onInotify inotify path cref mstate Ignored = do
                   path cref mstate
         return state' { reloadModel = mode }
-onInotify inotify path cref mstate _ = do
+onInotify inotify path cref mstate _ =
   modifyMVar_ mstate $ \state ->
-    if (reloadModel state == ReloadNotify)
+    if reloadModel state == ReloadNotify
        then do
          ctime <- getCurrentTime
          (newfstat, _) <- safeUpdateConfig path (reloadFStat state) cref
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ listener :: S.Socket -> HashKey
 listener s hmac resp = do
   (msg, _, peer) <- S.recvFrom s 4096
   if confdMagicFourcc `isPrefixOf` msg
-    then (forkIO $ resp s hmac (drop 4 msg) peer) >> return ()
+    then forkIO (resp s hmac (drop 4 msg) peer) >> return ()
     else logDebug "Invalid magic code!" >> return ()
   return ()
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs
index b121f0ae82f85776c57a2e673aef451bab31c299..180e327255821edf8a5bfb4857056dd7912bd735 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ parseMessage :: HashKey -> String -> Integer
 parseMessage hmac msg curtime = do
   (salt, origmsg, request) <- parseRequest hmac msg
   ts <- tryRead "Parsing timestamp" salt::Result Integer
-  if (abs (ts - curtime) > (fromIntegral C.confdMaxClockSkew))
+  if abs (ts - curtime) > fromIntegral C.confdMaxClockSkew
     then fail "Too old/too new timestamp or clock skew"
     else return (origmsg, request)
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Config.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Config.hs
index 54b9f465dfb03bce71d963c52866b46fc088232f..49a3f03fac00f0fde84377fadbee944ade4446ec 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Config.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Config.hs
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ getNodeInstances cfg nname =
 -- | Computes the role of a node.
 getNodeRole :: ConfigData -> Node -> NodeRole
 getNodeRole cfg node
-  | nodeName node == (clusterMasterNode $ configCluster cfg) = NRMaster
+  | nodeName node == clusterMasterNode (configCluster cfg) = NRMaster
   | nodeMasterCandidate node = NRCandidate
   | nodeDrained node = NRDrained
   | nodeOffline node = NROffline
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ getInstancesIpByLink linkipmap link =
 getItem :: String -> String -> M.Map String a -> Result a
 getItem kind name allitems = do
   let lresult = lookupName (M.keys allitems) name
-      err = \details -> Bad $ kind ++ " name " ++ name ++ " " ++ details
+      err msg = Bad $ kind ++ " name " ++ name ++ " " ++ msg
   fullname <- case lrMatchPriority lresult of
                 PartialMatch -> Ok $ lrContent lresult
                 ExactMatch -> Ok $ lrContent lresult
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ getGroup cfg name =
        -- if not found by uuid, we need to look it up by name, slow
        Ok grp -> Ok grp
        Bad _ -> let by_name = M.mapKeys
-                              (\k -> groupName ((M.!) groups k )) groups
+                              (groupName . (M.!) groups) groups
                 in getItem "NodeGroup" name by_name
 -- | Computes a node group's node params.
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ buildLinkIpInstnameMap cfg =
                    link = nicpLink fparams
                in case nicIp nic of
                     Nothing -> accum
-                    Just ip -> let oldipmap = M.findWithDefault (M.empty)
+                    Just ip -> let oldipmap = M.findWithDefault M.empty
                                               link accum
                                    newipmap = M.insert ip iname oldipmap
                                in M.insert link newipmap accum
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Daemon.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Daemon.hs
index 2296ef010497da01e0179df76b883fba62dc30b4..f54a8cca6fecaff757f766cb6c1598a174ddab4a 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Daemon.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Daemon.hs
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ defaultOptions  = DaemonOptions
 instance StandardOptions DaemonOptions where
   helpRequested = optShowHelp
   verRequested  = optShowVer
-  requestHelp   = \opts -> opts { optShowHelp = True }
-  requestVer    = \opts -> opts { optShowVer  = True }
+  requestHelp o = o { optShowHelp = True }
+  requestVer  o = o { optShowVer  = True }
 -- | Abrreviation for the option type.
 type OptType = GenericOptType DaemonOptions
@@ -176,14 +176,14 @@ formatIOError msg err = msg ++ ": " ++  show err
 -- | Wrapper over '_writePidFile' that transforms IO exceptions into a
 -- 'Bad' value.
 writePidFile :: FilePath -> IO (Result Fd)
-writePidFile path = do
+writePidFile path =
   catch (fmap Ok $ _writePidFile path)
     (return . Bad . formatIOError "Failure during writing of the pid file")
 -- | Helper function to ensure a socket doesn't exist. Should only be
 -- called once we have locked the pid file successfully.
 cleanupSocket :: FilePath -> IO ()
-cleanupSocket socketPath = do
+cleanupSocket socketPath =
   catchJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (removeLink socketPath)
             (const $ return ())
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ defaultBindAddr :: Int                  -- ^ The port we want
                 -> Socket.Family        -- ^ The cluster IP family
                 -> Result (Socket.Family, Socket.SockAddr)
 defaultBindAddr port Socket.AF_INET =
-  Ok $ (Socket.AF_INET,
-        Socket.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral port) Socket.iNADDR_ANY)
+  Ok (Socket.AF_INET,
+      Socket.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral port) Socket.iNADDR_ANY)
 defaultBindAddr port Socket.AF_INET6 =
-  Ok $ (Socket.AF_INET6,
-        Socket.SockAddrInet6 (fromIntegral port) 0 Socket.iN6ADDR_ANY 0)
+  Ok (Socket.AF_INET6,
+      Socket.SockAddrInet6 (fromIntegral port) 0 Socket.iN6ADDR_ANY 0)
 defaultBindAddr _ fam = Bad $ "Unsupported address family: " ++ show fam
 -- | Default hints for the resolver
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ resolveAddr port str = do
   resolved <- Socket.getAddrInfo resolveAddrHints (Just str) (Just (show port))
   return $ case resolved of
              [] -> Bad "Invalid results from lookup?"
-             best:_ -> Ok $ (Socket.addrFamily best, Socket.addrAddress best)
+             best:_ -> Ok (Socket.addrFamily best, Socket.addrAddress best)
 -- | Based on the options, compute the socket address to use for the
 -- daemon.
@@ -246,11 +246,10 @@ parseAddress :: DaemonOptions      -- ^ Command line options
 parseAddress opts defport = do
   let port = maybe defport fromIntegral $ optPort opts
   def_family <- Ssconf.getPrimaryIPFamily Nothing
-  ainfo <- case optBindAddress opts of
-             Nothing -> return (def_family >>= defaultBindAddr port)
-             Just saddr -> catch (resolveAddr port saddr)
-                           (annotateIOError $ "Invalid address " ++ saddr)
-  return ainfo
+  case optBindAddress opts of
+    Nothing -> return (def_family >>= defaultBindAddr port)
+    Just saddr -> catch (resolveAddr port saddr)
+                  (annotateIOError $ "Invalid address " ++ saddr)
 -- | Run an I/O action as a daemon.
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
index ec2a299d7d17d03d85740f576513c3b7f57a9ef8..056149035f9dd04eda295961166964bd41b24b2b 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ type OptType = GenericOptType Options
 instance StandardOptions Options where
   helpRequested = optShowHelp
   verRequested  = optShowVer
-  requestHelp   = \opts -> opts { optShowHelp = True }
-  requestVer    = \opts -> opts { optShowVer  = True }
+  requestHelp o = o { optShowHelp = True }
+  requestVer  o = o { optShowVer  = True }
 -- * Helper functions
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ setNodeStatus opts fixed_nl = do
       m_cpu = optMcpu opts
       m_dsk = optMdsk opts
-  unless (null offline_wrong) $ do
+  unless (null offline_wrong) .
          exitErr $ printf "wrong node name(s) set as offline: %s\n"
                    (commaJoin (map lrContent offline_wrong))
   let setMCpuFn = case m_cpu of
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs
index 76465cee4e8152e7b6c2ab84dfd60e145e338b91..9d135566ea015d9cdaa42002b30a656a62363fd3 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ instMatchesPolicy :: Instance -> T.IPolicy -> T.OpResult ()
 instMatchesPolicy inst ipol = do
   instAboveISpec inst (T.iPolicyMinSpec ipol)
   instBelowISpec inst (T.iPolicyMaxSpec ipol)
-  if (diskTemplate inst `elem` T.iPolicyDiskTemplates ipol)
+  if diskTemplate inst `elem` T.iPolicyDiskTemplates ipol
     then T.OpGood ()
     else T.OpFail T.FailDisk
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Luxi.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Luxi.hs
index ae46e4e140d2e63c5e501e090e61f21be04076dd..f7a435ae938354b81ae225dbc6300ec318bf2eb1 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Luxi.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Luxi.hs
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ getClusterData (JSObject obj) = do
   cpol <- tryFromObj errmsg obj' "ipolicy"
   return (ctags, cpol)
-getClusterData _ = Bad $ "Cannot parse cluster info, not a JSON record"
+getClusterData _ = Bad "Cannot parse cluster info, not a JSON record"
 -- | Parses the cluster groups.
 getGroups :: JSValue -> Result [(String, Group.Group)]
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hcheck.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hcheck.hs
index 6b0da7d00d8027a5015033a2dfa2f58df2725b54..ac47da2d81eeff439204feb803a99d61c9901712 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hcheck.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hcheck.hs
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ printBool False b = show b
 -- readable mode).
 printGroupsMappings :: Group.List -> IO ()
 printGroupsMappings gl = do
-    let extract_vals = \g -> (printf "GROUP_UUID_%d" $ Group.idx g :: String,
-                              Group.uuid g)
+    let extract_vals g = (printf "GROUP_UUID_%d" $ Group.idx g :: String,
+                          Group.uuid g)
         printpairs = map extract_vals (Container.elems gl)
     printKeysHTC printpairs
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hinfo.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hinfo.hs
index 548443bee768cb1108fea8a03687a6dce4d1a1bf..163c7f81266e05ad61fba68753afd3ac9dcce11f 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hinfo.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hinfo.hs
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ showGroupInfo verbose gl nl il = do
 splitInstancesInfo :: Int -> Node.List -> Instance.List -> IO ()
 splitInstancesInfo verbose nl il = do
   let split_insts = Cluster.findSplitInstances nl il
-  if (null split_insts)
+  if null split_insts
-      when (verbose > 1) $ do
+      when (verbose > 1) $
         putStrLn "No split instances found"::IO ()
     else do
       putStrLn "Found instances belonging to multiple node groups:"
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ splitInstancesInfo verbose nl il = do
 -- | Print common (interesting) information.
 commonInfo :: Int -> Group.List -> Node.List -> Instance.List -> IO ()
 commonInfo verbose gl nl il = do
-  when (Container.null il && verbose > 1) $ do
-         printf "Cluster is empty.\n"::IO ()
+  when (Container.null il && verbose > 1) $
+    printf "Cluster is empty.\n"::IO ()
-  let nl_size = (Container.size nl)
-      il_size = (Container.size il)
-      gl_size = (Container.size gl)
+  let nl_size = Container.size nl
+      il_size = Container.size il
+      gl_size = Container.size gl
   printf "Loaded %d %s, %d %s, %d %s\n"
              nl_size (plural nl_size "node" "nodes")
              il_size (plural il_size "instance" "instances")
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ main opts args = do
   putStrLn $ "Loaded cluster tags: " ++ intercalate "," ctags
-  when (verbose > 2) $ do
+  when (verbose > 2) .
        putStrLn $ "Loaded cluster ipolicy: " ++ show ipol
   nlf <- setNodeStatus opts fixed_nl
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hspace.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hspace.hs
index 2c20ab1432d7950ac08395d2f81e8a0be45b0127..3cfc2f8df2c4e78f1c9c1b5add3f37346a279ac1 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hspace.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Program/Hspace.hs
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ runAllocation cdata stop_allocation actual_result spec dt mode opts = do
 -- | Create an instance from a given spec.
 instFromSpec :: RSpec -> DiskTemplate -> Int -> Instance.Instance
-instFromSpec spx disk_template su =
+instFromSpec spx =
   Instance.create "new" (rspecMem spx) (rspecDsk spx)
-    (rspecCpu spx) Running [] True (-1) (-1) disk_template su
+    (rspecCpu spx) Running [] True (-1) (-1)
 -- | Main function.
 main :: Options -> [String] -> IO ()
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Rapi.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Rapi.hs
index 3b8f6a57f6cddcfd860dae9b43421a8f8c663b68..6f1a9fb9ffdb7ff61a42e18dbfc1f7a185449bf9 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Rapi.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Rapi.hs
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ readDataFile path = do
 -- | Loads data via either 'readDataFile' or 'readDataHttp'.
 readData :: String -- ^ URL to use as source
          -> IO (Result String, Result String, Result String, Result String)
-readData url = do
+readData url =
   if filePrefix `isPrefixOf` url
     then readDataFile (drop (length filePrefix) url)
     else readDataHttp url
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
index d0f5e24a77e4a7c844ea58a080f242a227fb68b3..39a568caab6b3810c4e615fa9f5d2bea9c09ccb5 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ serializeIPolicy owner ipol =
 serializeAllIPolicies :: IPolicy -> Group.List -> String
 serializeAllIPolicies cpol gl =
   let groups = Container.elems gl
-      allpolicies = [("", cpol)] ++
+      allpolicies = ("", cpol) :
                     map (\g -> (Group.name g, Group.iPolicy g)) groups
       strings = map (uncurry serializeIPolicy) allpolicies
   in unlines strings
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ loadIPolicy [owner, stdspec, minspec, maxspec, dtemplates,
   xdts <- mapM diskTemplateFromRaw $ commaSplit dtemplates
   xvcpu_ratio <- tryRead (owner ++ "/vcpu_ratio") vcpu_ratio
   xspindle_ratio <- tryRead (owner ++ "/spindle_ratio") spindle_ratio
-  return $ (owner, IPolicy xstdspec xminspec xmaxspec xdts
-            xvcpu_ratio xspindle_ratio)
+  return (owner,
+          IPolicy xstdspec xminspec xmaxspec xdts xvcpu_ratio xspindle_ratio)
 loadIPolicy s = fail $ "Invalid ipolicy data: '" ++ show s ++ "'"
 loadOnePolicy :: (IPolicy, Group.List) -> String
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Luxi.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
index c9713e9b1d472c6a64cacaffe6120778f1d4249b..16fb27d04476d393bd05dabd647f424f4c9babe2 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ decodeCall (LuxiCall call args) =
     ReqQueryGroups -> do
               (names, fields, locking) <- fromJVal args
               return $ QueryGroups names fields locking
-    ReqQueryClusterInfo -> do
+    ReqQueryClusterInfo ->
               return QueryClusterInfo
     ReqQuery -> do
               (what, fields, qfilter) <- fromJVal args
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Objects.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Objects.hs
index 9aa14986e00b667b4e7ce8f14a81e450a14e9d8f..2a3207da963a5e3a096969e8456722d064218e72 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Objects.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Objects.hs
@@ -276,35 +276,35 @@ decodeDLId obj lid = do
           mB' <- readJSON mB
           k'  <- readJSON k
           return $ LIDDrbd8 nA' nB' p' mA' mB' k'
-        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for DRBD8 type"
+        _ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for DRBD8 type"
     LD_LV ->
       case lid of
         JSArray [vg, lv] -> do
           vg' <- readJSON vg
           lv' <- readJSON lv
           return $ LIDPlain vg' lv'
-        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for plain type"
+        _ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for plain type"
     LD_FILE ->
       case lid of
         JSArray [driver, path] -> do
           driver' <- readJSON driver
           path'   <- readJSON path
           return $ LIDFile driver' path'
-        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for file type"
+        _ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for file type"
       case lid of
         JSArray [driver, path] -> do
           driver' <- readJSON driver
           path'   <- readJSON path
           return $ LIDBlockDev driver' path'
-        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for blockdev type"
+        _ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for blockdev type"
     LD_RADOS ->
       case lid of
         JSArray [driver, path] -> do
           driver' <- readJSON driver
           path'   <- readJSON path
           return $ LIDRados driver' path'
-        _ -> fail $ "Can't read logical_id for rdb type"
+        _ -> fail "Can't read logical_id for rdb type"
 -- | Disk data structure.
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ $(declareSADT "AdminState"
 $(makeJSONInstance ''AdminState)
-$(buildParam "Be" "bep" $
+$(buildParam "Be" "bep"
   [ simpleField "minmem"       [t| Int  |]
   , simpleField "maxmem"       [t| Int  |]
   , simpleField "vcpus"        [t| Int  |]
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ instance TagsObject Instance where
 -- * IPolicy definitions
-$(buildParam "ISpec" "ispec" $
+$(buildParam "ISpec" "ispec"
   [ simpleField C.ispecMemSize     [t| Int |]
   , simpleField C.ispecDiskSize    [t| Int |]
   , simpleField C.ispecDiskCount   [t| Int |]
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ $(buildParam "ISpec" "ispec" $
 -- | Custom partial ipolicy. This is not built via buildParam since it
 -- has a special 2-level inheritance mode.
-$(buildObject "PartialIPolicy" "ipolicy" $
+$(buildObject "PartialIPolicy" "ipolicy"
   [ renameField "MinSpecP" $ simpleField "min" [t| PartialISpecParams |]
   , renameField "MaxSpecP" $ simpleField "max" [t| PartialISpecParams |]
   , renameField "StdSpecP" $ simpleField "std" [t| PartialISpecParams |]
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ $(buildObject "PartialIPolicy" "ipolicy" $
 -- | Custom filled ipolicy. This is not built via buildParam since it
 -- has a special 2-level inheritance mode.
-$(buildObject "FilledIPolicy" "ipolicy" $
+$(buildObject "FilledIPolicy" "ipolicy"
   [ renameField "MinSpec" $ simpleField "min" [t| FilledISpecParams |]
   , renameField "MaxSpec" $ simpleField "max" [t| FilledISpecParams |]
   , renameField "StdSpec" $ simpleField "std" [t| FilledISpecParams |]
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ fillIPolicy (FilledIPolicy { ipolicyMinSpec       = fmin
 -- * Node definitions
-$(buildParam "ND" "ndp" $
+$(buildParam "ND" "ndp"
   [ simpleField "oob_program"   [t| String |]
   , simpleField "spindle_count" [t| Int    |]
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
index a702af6a7a095f8e6df9522f66e2d86980e3b10d..80fc52def9e6a3d10e5cee25aa43c2b58c2a3849 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ data Filter a
 showFilter :: (JSON a) => Filter a -> JSValue
 showFilter (EmptyFilter)          = JSNull
 showFilter (AndFilter exprs)      =
-  JSArray $ (showJSON C.qlangOpAnd):(map showJSON exprs)
+  JSArray $ showJSON C.qlangOpAnd : map showJSON exprs
 showFilter (OrFilter  exprs)      =
-  JSArray $ (showJSON C.qlangOpOr):(map showJSON exprs)
+  JSArray $ showJSON C.qlangOpOr : map showJSON exprs
 showFilter (NotFilter flt)        =
   JSArray [showJSON C.qlangOpNot, showJSON flt]
 showFilter (TrueFilter field)     =
@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ instance (JSON a) => JSON (Filter a) where
 -- Traversable implementation for 'Filter'.
 traverseFlt :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Filter a -> f (Filter b)
 traverseFlt _ EmptyFilter       = pure EmptyFilter
-traverseFlt f (AndFilter flts)  = AndFilter <$> (traverse (traverseFlt f) flts)
-traverseFlt f (OrFilter  flts)  = OrFilter  <$> (traverse (traverseFlt f) flts)
-traverseFlt f (NotFilter flt)   = NotFilter <$> (traverseFlt f flt)
+traverseFlt f (AndFilter flts)  = AndFilter <$> traverse (traverseFlt f) flts
+traverseFlt f (OrFilter  flts)  = OrFilter  <$> traverse (traverseFlt f) flts
+traverseFlt f (NotFilter flt)   = NotFilter <$> traverseFlt f flt
 traverseFlt f (TrueFilter a)    = TrueFilter <$> f a
 traverseFlt f (EQFilter a fval) = EQFilter <$> f a <*> pure fval
 traverseFlt f (LTFilter a fval) = LTFilter <$> f a <*> pure fval
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Node.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Node.hs
index 8fbcee423d0ca64f30a9168d8f97174d22e05ebf..965e0ebde131e917b8e7371470049211f29e2f44 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Node.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Node.hs
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ nodeLiveFieldBuilder (fname, ftitle, ftype, _, fdoc) =
 nodeRoleDoc :: String
 nodeRoleDoc =
   "Node role; " ++
-  (intercalate ", " $
-   map (\role ->
+  intercalate ", "
+   (map (\role ->
           "\"" ++ nodeRoleToRaw role ++ "\" for " ++ roleDescription role)
    (reverse [minBound..maxBound]))
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Server.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Server.hs
index b100f5284ce4b36f834d756dc048a704a131b631..80be42c0bb355f26c6ecf74e5bab368ac440880b 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Server.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Server.hs
@@ -69,16 +69,16 @@ handleCall cdata QueryClusterInfo =
       hypervisors = clusterEnabledHypervisors cluster
       bits = show (bitSize (0::Int)) ++ "bits"
       arch_tuple = [bits, arch]
-      obj = [ ("software_version", showJSON $ C.releaseVersion)
-            , ("protocol_version", showJSON $ C.protocolVersion)
-            , ("config_version", showJSON $ C.configVersion)
+      obj = [ ("software_version", showJSON C.releaseVersion)
+            , ("protocol_version", showJSON C.protocolVersion)
+            , ("config_version", showJSON C.configVersion)
             , ("os_api_version", showJSON $ maximum C.osApiVersions)
-            , ("export_version", showJSON $ C.exportVersion)
-            , ("architecture", showJSON $ arch_tuple)
+            , ("export_version", showJSON C.exportVersion)
+            , ("architecture", showJSON arch_tuple)
             , ("name", showJSON $ clusterClusterName cluster)
             , ("master", showJSON $ clusterMasterNode cluster)
             , ("default_hypervisor", showJSON $ head hypervisors)
-            , ("enabled_hypervisors", showJSON $ hypervisors)
+            , ("enabled_hypervisors", showJSON hypervisors)
             , ("hvparams", showJSON $ clusterHvparams cluster)
             , ("os_hvp", showJSON $ clusterOsHvp cluster)
             , ("beparams", showJSON $ clusterBeparams cluster)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ handleCall cdata QueryClusterInfo =
             , ("master_netmask", showJSON $ clusterMasterNetmask cluster)
             , ("use_external_mip_script",
                showJSON $ clusterUseExternalMipScript cluster)
-            , ("volume_group_name", showJSON $clusterVolumeGroupName cluster)
+            , ("volume_group_name", showJSON $ clusterVolumeGroupName cluster)
             , ("drbd_usermode_helper",
                maybe JSNull showJSON (clusterDrbdUsermodeHelper cluster))
             , ("file_storage_dir", showJSON $ clusterFileStorageDir cluster)
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Rpc.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Rpc.hs
index fdd9c6644a6a3070455d8f1582cdf2696affa703..77a0686dad0f72aff45fe3083d03fc158a7508d1 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Rpc.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Rpc.hs
@@ -172,20 +172,19 @@ prepareUrl :: (RpcCall a) => Node -> a -> String
 prepareUrl node call =
   let node_ip = nodePrimaryIp node
       port = snd C.daemonsPortsGanetiNoded
-      path_prefix = "https://" ++ (node_ip) ++ ":" ++ (show port) in
-  path_prefix ++ "/" ++ rpcCallName call
+      path_prefix = "https://" ++ node_ip ++ ":" ++ show port
+  in path_prefix ++ "/" ++ rpcCallName call
 -- | Create HTTP request for a given node provided it is online,
 -- otherwise create empty response.
 prepareHttpRequest ::  (RpcCall a) => Node -> a
                    -> Either RpcError HttpClientRequest
 prepareHttpRequest node call
-  | rpcCallAcceptOffline call ||
-    (not $ nodeOffline node) =
-      Right $ HttpClientRequest { requestTimeout = rpcCallTimeout call
-                                , requestUrl = prepareUrl node call
-                                , requestPostData = rpcCallData node call
-                                }
+  | rpcCallAcceptOffline call || not (nodeOffline node) =
+      Right HttpClientRequest { requestTimeout = rpcCallTimeout call
+                              , requestUrl = prepareUrl node call
+                              , requestPostData = rpcCallData node call
+                              }
   | otherwise = Left $ OfflineNodeError node
 -- | Parse the response or propagate the error.
@@ -212,10 +211,10 @@ executeRpcCall nodes call =
 -- | AllInstancesInfo
 --   Returns information about all instances on the given nodes
-$(buildObject "RpcCallAllInstancesInfo" "rpcCallAllInstInfo" $
+$(buildObject "RpcCallAllInstancesInfo" "rpcCallAllInstInfo"
   [ simpleField "hypervisors" [t| [Hypervisor] |] ])
-$(buildObject "InstanceInfo" "instInfo" $
+$(buildObject "InstanceInfo" "instInfo"
   [ simpleField "name"   [t| String |]
   , simpleField "memory" [t| Int|]
   , simpleField "state"  [t| AdminState |]
@@ -223,7 +222,7 @@ $(buildObject "InstanceInfo" "instInfo" $
   , simpleField "time"   [t| Int |]
-$(buildObject "RpcResultAllInstancesInfo" "rpcResAllInstInfo" $
+$(buildObject "RpcResultAllInstancesInfo" "rpcResAllInstInfo"
   [ simpleField "instances" [t| [InstanceInfo] |] ])
 instance RpcCall RpcCallAllInstancesInfo where
@@ -237,10 +236,10 @@ instance Rpc RpcCallAllInstancesInfo RpcResultAllInstancesInfo
 -- | InstanceList
 -- Returns the list of running instances on the given nodes.
-$(buildObject "RpcCallInstanceList" "rpcCallInstList" $
+$(buildObject "RpcCallInstanceList" "rpcCallInstList"
   [ simpleField "hypervisors" [t| [Hypervisor] |] ])
-$(buildObject "RpcResultInstanceList" "rpcResInstList" $
+$(buildObject "RpcResultInstanceList" "rpcResInstList"
   [ simpleField "node"      [t| Node |]
   , simpleField "instances" [t| [String] |]
@@ -256,19 +255,19 @@ instance Rpc RpcCallInstanceList RpcResultInstanceList
 -- | NodeInfo
 -- Return node information.
-$(buildObject "RpcCallNodeInfo" "rpcCallNodeInfo" $
+$(buildObject "RpcCallNodeInfo" "rpcCallNodeInfo"
   [ simpleField "hypervisors" [t| [Hypervisor] |]
   , simpleField "volume_groups" [t| [String] |]
-$(buildObject "VgInfo" "vgInfo" $
+$(buildObject "VgInfo" "vgInfo"
   [ simpleField "name" [t| String |]
   , simpleField "free" [t| Int |]
   , simpleField "size" [t| Int |]
 -- | We only provide common fields as described in hv_base.py.
-$(buildObject "HvInfo" "hvInfo" $
+$(buildObject "HvInfo" "hvInfo"
   [ simpleField "memory_total" [t| Int |]
   , simpleField "memory_free" [t| Int |]
   , simpleField "memory_dom0" [t| Int |]
@@ -277,7 +276,7 @@ $(buildObject "HvInfo" "hvInfo" $
   , simpleField "cpu_sockets" [t| Int |]
-$(buildObject "RpcResultNodeInfo" "rpcResNodeInfo" $
+$(buildObject "RpcResultNodeInfo" "rpcResNodeInfo"
   [ simpleField "boot_id" [t| String |]
   , simpleField "vg_info" [t| [VgInfo] |]
   , simpleField "hv_info" [t| [HvInfo] |]
diff --git a/htools/lint-hints.hs b/htools/lint-hints.hs
index ebb1fc1fce88d88bbaeb5d25e2dc16928813b53d..a85a477d93b67c5341b6340da1014fc962f70d43 100644
--- a/htools/lint-hints.hs
+++ b/htools/lint-hints.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-{- Custom hint lints for Ganeti.
+{-| Custom hint lints for Ganeti.
-Since passing --hint to hlint will override, not extend the built-in hints, we need to import the existing hints so that we get full coverage.
+Since passing --hint to hlint will override, not extend the built-in
+hints, we need to import the existing hints so that we get full
-import "hint" HLint.Default
+import "hint" HLint.HLint
 import "hint" HLint.Dollar
 -- The following two hints warn to simplify e.g. "map (\v -> (v,