diff --git a/lib/cmdlib.py b/lib/cmdlib.py
index a5e25316b0667e9efba2c7831c6b672a83b364f7..0dbdba1377d9bfcc6308941a3676c99cc74a0cf5 100644
--- a/lib/cmdlib.py
+++ b/lib/cmdlib.py
@@ -2396,7 +2396,6 @@ class LUQueryNodes(NoHooksLU):
       # if we don't request only static fields, we need to lock the nodes
       self.needed_locks[locking.LEVEL_NODE] = self.wanted
   def CheckPrereq(self):
     """Check prerequisites.
diff --git a/lib/locking.py b/lib/locking.py
index 862e66d8681da7f3a7500f62d0fc7f280de687f3..7980e50ca9bb9b71c5d9f7b74d2668678c2b98dc 100644
--- a/lib/locking.py
+++ b/lib/locking.py
@@ -632,6 +632,12 @@ class SharedLock(object):
 ALL_SET = None
+class _AcquireTimeout(Exception):
+  """Internal exception to abort an acquire on a timeout.
+  """
 class LockSet:
   """Implements a set of locks.
@@ -702,6 +708,12 @@ class LockSet:
       return set()
+  def _release_and_delete_owned(self):
+    """Release and delete all resources owned by the current thread"""
+    for lname in self._list_owned():
+      self.__lockdict[lname].release()
+      self._del_owned(name=lname)
   def __names(self):
     """Return the current set of names.
@@ -730,30 +742,43 @@ class LockSet:
     return set(result)
-  def acquire(self, names, timeout=None, shared=0):
+  def acquire(self, names, timeout=None, shared=0, test_notify=None):
     """Acquire a set of resource locks.
     @param names: the names of the locks which shall be acquired
         (special lock names, or instance/node names)
     @param shared: whether to acquire in shared mode; by default an
         exclusive lock will be acquired
-    @type timeout: float
+    @type timeout: float or None
     @param timeout: Maximum time to acquire all locks
+    @type test_notify: callable or None
+    @param test_notify: Special callback function for unittesting
-    @return: True when all the locks are successfully acquired
+    @return: Set of all locks successfully acquired or None in case of timeout
     @raise errors.LockError: when any lock we try to acquire has
         been deleted before we succeed. In this case none of the
         locks requested will be acquired.
-    if timeout is not None:
-      raise NotImplementedError
+    assert timeout is None or timeout >= 0.0
     # Check we don't already own locks at this level
     assert not self._is_owned(), "Cannot acquire locks in the same set twice"
-    if names is None:
+    # We need to keep track of how long we spent waiting for a lock. The
+    # timeout passed to this function is over all lock acquires.
+    remaining_timeout = timeout
+    if timeout is None:
+      start = None
+      calc_remaining_timeout = lambda: None
+    else:
+      start = time.time()
+      calc_remaining_timeout = lambda: (start + timeout) - time.time()
+    want_all = names is None
+    if want_all:
       # If no names are given acquire the whole set by not letting new names
       # being added before we release, and getting the current list of names.
       # Some of them may then be deleted later, but we'll cope with this.
@@ -763,7 +788,7 @@ class LockSet:
       # them exclusively though they won't be able to do this anyway, though,
       # so we'll get the list lock exclusively as well in order to be able to
       # do add() on the set while owning it.
-      self.__lock.acquire(shared=shared)
+      self.__lock.acquire(shared=shared, timeout=remaining_timeout)
         # note we own the set-lock
@@ -775,65 +800,103 @@ class LockSet:
+      # Re-calculate timeout
+      remaining_timeout = calc_remaining_timeout()
-      # Support passing in a single resource to acquire rather than many
-      if isinstance(names, basestring):
-        names = [names]
-      else:
-        names = sorted(names)
-      acquire_list = []
-      # First we look the locks up on __lockdict. We have no way of being sure
-      # they will still be there after, but this makes it a lot faster should
-      # just one of them be the already wrong
-      for lname in utils.UniqueSequence(names):
-        try:
-          lock = self.__lockdict[lname] # raises KeyError if lock is not there
-          acquire_list.append((lname, lock))
-        except (KeyError):
-          if self.__lock._is_owned():
-            # We are acquiring all the set, it doesn't matter if this
-            # particular element is not there anymore.
-            continue
-          else:
-            raise errors.LockError('non-existing lock in set (%s)' % lname)
-      # This will hold the locknames we effectively acquired.
-      acquired = set()
-      # Now acquire_list contains a sorted list of resources and locks we want.
-      # In order to get them we loop on this (private) list and acquire() them.
-      # We gave no real guarantee they will still exist till this is done but
-      # .acquire() itself is safe and will alert us if the lock gets deleted.
-      for (lname, lock) in acquire_list:
-        try:
-          lock.acquire(shared=shared) # raises LockError if the lock is deleted
-          # now the lock cannot be deleted, we have it!
-          self._add_owned(name=lname)
-          acquired.add(lname)
-        except (errors.LockError):
-          if self.__lock._is_owned():
-            # We are acquiring all the set, it doesn't matter if this
-            # particular element is not there anymore.
-            continue
+      try:
+        # Support passing in a single resource to acquire rather than many
+        if isinstance(names, basestring):
+          names = [names]
+        else:
+          names = sorted(names)
+        acquire_list = []
+        # First we look the locks up on __lockdict. We have no way of being sure
+        # they will still be there after, but this makes it a lot faster should
+        # just one of them be the already wrong
+        for lname in utils.UniqueSequence(names):
+          try:
+            lock = self.__lockdict[lname] # raises KeyError if lock is not there
+            acquire_list.append((lname, lock))
+          except KeyError:
+            if want_all:
+              # We are acquiring all the set, it doesn't matter if this
+              # particular element is not there anymore.
+              continue
+            else:
+              raise errors.LockError("Non-existing lock in set (%s)" % lname)
+        # This will hold the locknames we effectively acquired.
+        acquired = set()
+        # Now acquire_list contains a sorted list of resources and locks we
+        # want.  In order to get them we loop on this (private) list and
+        # acquire() them.  We gave no real guarantee they will still exist till
+        # this is done but .acquire() itself is safe and will alert us if the
+        # lock gets deleted.
+        for (lname, lock) in acquire_list:
+          if __debug__ and callable(test_notify):
+            test_notify_fn = lambda: test_notify(lname)
-            name_fail = lname
-            for lname in self._list_owned():
-              self.__lockdict[lname].release()
-              self._del_owned(name=lname)
-            raise errors.LockError('non-existing lock in set (%s)' % name_fail)
-        except:
-          # We shouldn't have problems adding the lock to the owners list, but
-          # if we did we'll try to release this lock and re-raise exception.
-          # Of course something is going to be really wrong, after this.
-          if lock._is_owned():
-            lock.release()
-          raise
+            test_notify_fn = None
-    except:
-      # If something went wrong and we had the set-lock let's release it...
-      if self.__lock._is_owned():
-        self.__lock.release()
-      raise
+          try:
+            if timeout is not None and remaining_timeout < 0:
+              raise _AcquireTimeout()
+            # raises LockError if the lock was deleted
+            if not lock.acquire(shared=shared, timeout=remaining_timeout,
+                                test_notify=test_notify_fn):
+              # Couldn't get lock or timeout occurred
+              if timeout is None:
+                # This shouldn't happen as SharedLock.acquire(timeout=None) is
+                # blocking.
+                raise errors.LockError("Failed to get lock %s" % lname)
+              raise _AcquireTimeout()
+            # Re-calculate timeout
+            remaining_timeout = calc_remaining_timeout()
+            # now the lock cannot be deleted, we have it!
+            self._add_owned(name=lname)
+            acquired.add(lname)
+          except _AcquireTimeout:
+            # Release all acquired locks
+            self._release_and_delete_owned()
+            raise
+          except errors.LockError:
+            if want_all:
+              # We are acquiring all the set, it doesn't matter if this
+              # particular element is not there anymore.
+              continue
+            self._release_and_delete_owned()
+            raise errors.LockError("Non-existing lock in set (%s)" % lname)
+          except:
+            # We shouldn't have problems adding the lock to the owners list, but
+            # if we did we'll try to release this lock and re-raise exception.
+            # Of course something is going to be really wrong, after this.
+            if lock._is_owned():
+              lock.release()
+            raise
+      except:
+        # If something went wrong and we had the set-lock let's release it...
+        if want_all:
+          self.__lock.release()
+        raise
+    except _AcquireTimeout:
+      if want_all:
+        self._del_owned()
+      return None
     return acquired
@@ -939,7 +1002,7 @@ class LockSet:
     @param names: names of the resource to remove.
-    @return:: a list of locks which we removed; the list is always
+    @return: a list of locks which we removed; the list is always
         equal to the names list if we were holding all the locks
diff --git a/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py b/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py
index 9483625e4476dc0ff413480715c77ca05061f1e2..f3630b791826ae96749044c82228b95ed5c57587 100755
--- a/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py
+++ b/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@ def _Repeat(fn):
   return wrapper
+def SafeSleep(duration):
+  start = time.time()
+  while True:
+    delay = start + duration - time.time()
+    if delay <= 0.0:
+      break
+    time.sleep(delay)
 class _ThreadedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
   """Test class that supports adding/waiting on threads"""
   def setUp(self):
@@ -965,6 +974,125 @@ class TestLockSet(_ThreadedTestCase):
     for _ in range(6):
       self.failUnlessEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), 'DONE')
+  @_Repeat
+  def testSimpleAcquireTimeoutExpiring(self):
+    names = sorted(self.ls._names())
+    self.assert_(len(names) >= 3)
+    # Get name of first lock
+    first = names[0]
+    # Get name of last lock
+    last = names.pop()
+    checks = [
+      # Block first and try to lock it again
+      (first, first),
+      # Block last and try to lock all locks
+      (None, first),
+      # Block last and try to lock it again
+      (last, last),
+      ]
+    for (wanted, block) in checks:
+      # Lock in exclusive mode
+      self.assert_(self.ls.acquire(block, shared=0))
+      def _AcquireOne():
+        # Try to get the same lock again with a timeout (should never succeed)
+        if self.ls.acquire(wanted, timeout=0.1, shared=0):
+          self.done.put("acquired")
+          self.ls.release()
+        else:
+          self.assert_(not self.ls._list_owned())
+          self.assert_(not self.ls._is_owned())
+          self.done.put("not acquired")
+      self._addThread(target=_AcquireOne)
+      # Wait for timeout in thread to expire
+      self._waitThreads()
+      # Release exclusive lock again
+      self.ls.release()
+      self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "not acquired")
+      self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
+  @_Repeat
+  def testDelayedAndExpiringLockAcquire(self):
+    self._setUpLS()
+    self.ls.add(['five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'])
+    for expire in (False, True):
+      names = sorted(self.ls._names())
+      self.assertEqual(len(names), 8)
+      lock_ev = dict([(i, threading.Event()) for i in names])
+      # Lock all in exclusive mode
+      self.assert_(self.ls.acquire(names, shared=0))
+      if expire:
+        # We'll wait at least 300ms per lock
+        lockwait = len(names) * [0.3]
+        # Fail if we can't acquire all locks in 400ms. There are 8 locks, so
+        # this gives us up to 2.4s to fail.
+        lockall_timeout = 0.4
+      else:
+        # This should finish rather quickly
+        lockwait = None
+        lockall_timeout = len(names) * 5.0
+      def _LockAll():
+        def acquire_notification(name):
+          if not expire:
+            self.done.put("getting %s" % name)
+          # Kick next lock
+          lock_ev[name].set()
+        if self.ls.acquire(names, shared=0, timeout=lockall_timeout,
+                           test_notify=acquire_notification):
+          self.done.put("got all")
+          self.ls.release()
+        else:
+          self.done.put("timeout on all")
+        # Notify all locks
+        for ev in lock_ev.values():
+          ev.set()
+      t = self._addThread(target=_LockAll)
+      for idx, name in enumerate(names):
+        # Wait for actual acquire on this lock to start
+        lock_ev[name].wait(10.0)
+        if expire and t.isAlive():
+          # Wait some time after getting the notification to make sure the lock
+          # acquire will expire
+          SafeSleep(lockwait[idx])
+        self.ls.release(names=name)
+      self.assert_(not self.ls._list_owned())
+      self._waitThreads()
+      if expire:
+        # Not checking which locks were actually acquired. Doing so would be
+        # too timing-dependant.
+        self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "timeout on all")
+      else:
+        for i in names:
+          self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "getting %s" % i)
+        self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "got all")
+      self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
   def testConcurrentRemove(self):