diff --git a/lib/locking.py b/lib/locking.py
index 16d2c46ecf01981e6cfd5b9a049f54b23fd9beb3..901fdac80489133ee1fc8343b5fbfe7bac1a7d90 100644
--- a/lib/locking.py
+++ b/lib/locking.py
@@ -223,6 +223,122 @@ class _SingleActionPipeCondition(object):
+class _PipeCondition(object):
+  """Group-only non-polling condition with counters.
+  This condition class uses pipes and poll, internally, to be able to wait for
+  notification with a timeout, without resorting to polling. It is almost
+  compatible with Python's threading.Condition, but only supports notifyAll and
+  non-recursive locks. As an additional features it's able to report whether
+  there are any waiting threads.
+  """
+  __slots__ = [
+    "_lock",
+    "_nwaiters",
+    "_pipe",
+    "acquire",
+    "release",
+    ]
+  _pipe_class = _SingleActionPipeCondition
+  def __init__(self, lock):
+    """Initializes this class.
+    """
+    object.__init__(self)
+    # Recursive locks are not supported
+    assert not hasattr(lock, "_acquire_restore")
+    assert not hasattr(lock, "_release_save")
+    self._lock = lock
+    # Export the lock's acquire() and release() methods
+    self.acquire = lock.acquire
+    self.release = lock.release
+    self._nwaiters = 0
+    self._pipe = None
+  def _is_owned(self):
+    """Check whether lock is owned by current thread.
+    """
+    if self._lock.acquire(0):
+      self._lock.release()
+      return False
+    return True
+  def _check_owned(self):
+    """Raise an exception if the current thread doesn't own the lock.
+    """
+    if not self._is_owned():
+      raise RuntimeError("cannot work with un-aquired lock")
+  def wait(self, timeout=None):
+    """Wait for a notification.
+    @type timeout: float or None
+    @param timeout: Waiting timeout (can be None)
+    """
+    self._check_owned()
+    if not self._pipe:
+      self._pipe = self._pipe_class()
+    # Keep local reference to the pipe. It could be replaced by another thread
+    # notifying while we're waiting.
+    pipe = self._pipe
+    assert self._nwaiters >= 0
+    self._nwaiters += 1
+    try:
+      # Get function to wait on the pipe
+      wait_fn = pipe.StartWaiting()
+      try:
+        # Release lock while waiting
+        self.release()
+        try:
+          # Wait for notification
+          wait_fn(timeout)
+        finally:
+          # Re-acquire lock
+          self.acquire()
+      finally:
+        # Destroy pipe if this was the last waiter and the current pipe is
+        # still the same. The same pipe cannot be reused after cleanup.
+        if pipe.DoneWaiting() and pipe == self._pipe:
+          self._pipe = None
+    finally:
+      assert self._nwaiters > 0
+      self._nwaiters -= 1
+  def notifyAll(self):
+    """Notify all currently waiting threads.
+    """
+    self._check_owned()
+    # Notify and forget pipe. A new one will be created on the next call to
+    # wait.
+    if self._pipe is not None:
+      self._pipe.notifyAll()
+      self._pipe = None
+  def has_waiting(self):
+    """Returns whether there are active waiters.
+    """
+    self._check_owned()
+    return bool(self._nwaiters)
 class _CountingCondition(object):
   """Wrapper for Python's built-in threading.Condition class.
diff --git a/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py b/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py
index 5b9b2c93e20b671041bcf438bb62f9f6c9b2b911..36d061839f121adffaae897cdbdfc4d5cbe290be 100755
--- a/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py
+++ b/test/ganeti.locking_unittest.py
@@ -69,6 +69,131 @@ class _ThreadedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     self.threads = []
+class TestPipeCondition(_ThreadedTestCase):
+  """_PipeCondition tests"""
+  def setUp(self):
+    _ThreadedTestCase.setUp(self)
+    self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    self.cond = locking._PipeCondition(self.lock)
+    self.done = Queue.Queue(0)
+  def testAcquireRelease(self):
+    self.assert_(not self.cond._is_owned())
+    self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cond.wait)
+    self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cond.notifyAll)
+    self.cond.acquire()
+    self.assert_(self.cond._is_owned())
+    self.cond.notifyAll()
+    self.assert_(self.cond._is_owned())
+    self.cond.release()
+    self.assert_(not self.cond._is_owned())
+    self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cond.wait)
+    self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cond.notifyAll)
+  def testNotification(self):
+    def _NotifyAll():
+      self.cond.acquire()
+      self.cond.notifyAll()
+      self.cond.release()
+    self.cond.acquire()
+    self._addThread(target=_NotifyAll)
+    self.cond.wait()
+    self.assert_(self.cond._is_owned())
+    self.cond.release()
+    self.assert_(not self.cond._is_owned())
+  def _TestWait(self, fn):
+    self._addThread(target=fn)
+    self._addThread(target=fn)
+    self._addThread(target=fn)
+    # Wait for threads to be waiting
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get(True, 1), "A")
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get(True, 1), "A")
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get(True, 1), "A")
+    self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
+    self.cond.acquire()
+    self.assertEqual(self.cond._nwaiters, 3)
+    # This new thread can"t acquire the lock, and thus call wait, before we
+    # release it
+    self._addThread(target=fn)
+    self.cond.notifyAll()
+    self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
+    self.cond.release()
+    # We should now get 3 W and 1 A (for the new thread) in whatever order
+    w = 0
+    a = 0
+    for i in range(4):
+      got = self.done.get(True, 1)
+      if got == "W":
+        w += 1
+      elif got == "A":
+        a += 1
+      else:
+        self.fail("Got %s on the done queue" % got)
+    self.assertEqual(w, 3)
+    self.assertEqual(a, 1)
+    self.cond.acquire()
+    self.cond.notifyAll()
+    self.cond.release()
+    self._waitThreads()
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "W")
+    self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
+  def testBlockingWait(self):
+    def _BlockingWait():
+      self.cond.acquire()
+      self.done.put("A")
+      self.cond.wait()
+      self.cond.release()
+      self.done.put("W")
+    self._TestWait(_BlockingWait)
+  def testLongTimeoutWait(self):
+    def _Helper():
+      self.cond.acquire()
+      self.done.put("A")
+      self.cond.wait(15.0)
+      self.cond.release()
+      self.done.put("W")
+    self._TestWait(_Helper)
+  def _TimeoutWait(self, timeout, check):
+    self.cond.acquire()
+    self.cond.wait(timeout)
+    self.cond.release()
+    self.done.put(check)
+  def testShortTimeoutWait(self):
+    self._addThread(target=self._TimeoutWait, args=(0.1, "T1"))
+    self._addThread(target=self._TimeoutWait, args=(0.1, "T1"))
+    self._waitThreads()
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "T1")
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "T1")
+    self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
+  def testZeroTimeoutWait(self):
+    self._addThread(target=self._TimeoutWait, args=(0, "T0"))
+    self._addThread(target=self._TimeoutWait, args=(0, "T0"))
+    self._addThread(target=self._TimeoutWait, args=(0, "T0"))
+    self._waitThreads()
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "T0")
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "T0")
+    self.assertEqual(self.done.get_nowait(), "T0")
+    self.assertRaises(Queue.Empty, self.done.get_nowait)
 class TestSingleActionPipeCondition(unittest.TestCase):
   """_SingleActionPipeCondition tests"""