diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
index c38fe5ee08ff3c1013a8f79e8d743c6031af6840..ce5e95c02d82b8cc56be1f7ab84e3775b04519c5 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
@@ -34,60 +34,126 @@ module Test.Ganeti.Query.Language
 import Test.QuickCheck
 import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Arrow (second)
+import Text.JSON
 import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
 import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
-import qualified Ganeti.Query.Language as Qlang
+import Ganeti.Query.Language
--- | Custom 'Qlang.Filter' generator (top-level), which enforces a
+-- | Custom 'Filter' generator (top-level), which enforces a
 -- (sane) limit on the depth of the generated filters.
-genFilter :: Gen (Qlang.Filter Qlang.FilterField)
+genFilter :: Gen (Filter FilterField)
 genFilter = choose (0, 10) >>= genFilter'
 -- | Custom generator for filters that correctly halves the state of
 -- the generators at each recursive step, per the QuickCheck
 -- documentation, in order not to run out of memory.
-genFilter' :: Int -> Gen (Qlang.Filter Qlang.FilterField)
+genFilter' :: Int -> Gen (Filter FilterField)
 genFilter' 0 =
-  oneof [ return Qlang.EmptyFilter
-        , Qlang.TrueFilter     <$> getName
-        , Qlang.EQFilter       <$> getName <*> value
-        , Qlang.LTFilter       <$> getName <*> value
-        , Qlang.GTFilter       <$> getName <*> value
-        , Qlang.LEFilter       <$> getName <*> value
-        , Qlang.GEFilter       <$> getName <*> value
-        , Qlang.RegexpFilter   <$> getName <*> arbitrary
-        , Qlang.ContainsFilter <$> getName <*> value
+  oneof [ pure EmptyFilter
+        , TrueFilter     <$> getName
+        , EQFilter       <$> getName <*> value
+        , LTFilter       <$> getName <*> value
+        , GTFilter       <$> getName <*> value
+        , LEFilter       <$> getName <*> value
+        , GEFilter       <$> getName <*> value
+        , RegexpFilter   <$> getName <*> arbitrary
+        , ContainsFilter <$> getName <*> value
-    where value = oneof [ Qlang.QuotedString <$> getName
-                        , Qlang.NumericValue <$> arbitrary
+    where value = oneof [ QuotedString <$> getName
+                        , NumericValue <$> arbitrary
 genFilter' n = do
-  oneof [ Qlang.AndFilter  <$> vectorOf n'' (genFilter' n')
-        , Qlang.OrFilter   <$> vectorOf n'' (genFilter' n')
-        , Qlang.NotFilter  <$> genFilter' n'
+  oneof [ AndFilter  <$> vectorOf n'' (genFilter' n')
+        , OrFilter   <$> vectorOf n'' (genFilter' n')
+        , NotFilter  <$> genFilter' n'
   where n' = n `div` 2 -- sub-filter generator size
         n'' = max n' 2 -- but we don't want empty or 1-element lists,
                        -- so use this for and/or filter list length
-$(genArbitrary ''Qlang.ItemType)
+$(genArbitrary ''ItemType)
-instance Arbitrary Qlang.FilterRegex where
-  arbitrary = getName >>= Qlang.mkRegex -- a name should be a good regex
+instance Arbitrary FilterRegex where
+  arbitrary = getName >>= mkRegex -- a name should be a good regex
+$(genArbitrary ''ResultStatus)
+$(genArbitrary ''FieldType)
+$(genArbitrary ''FieldDefinition)
+-- | Generates an arbitrary JSValue. We do this via a function a not
+-- via arbitrary instance since that would require us to define an
+-- arbitrary for JSValue, which can be recursive, entering the usual
+-- problems with that; so we only generate the base types, not the
+-- recursive ones, and not 'JSNull', which we can't use in a
+-- 'RSNormal' 'ResultEntry'.
+genJSValue :: Gen JSValue
+genJSValue = do
+  oneof [ JSBool <$> arbitrary
+        , JSRational <$> pure False <*> arbitrary
+        , JSString <$> (toJSString <$> arbitrary)
+        , (JSArray . map showJSON) <$> (arbitrary::Gen [Int])
+        , JSObject . toJSObject . map (second showJSON) <$>
+          (arbitrary::Gen [(String, Int)])
+        ]
+-- | Generates a 'ResultEntry' value.
+genResultEntry :: Gen ResultEntry
+genResultEntry = do
+  rs <- arbitrary
+  rv <- case rs of
+          RSNormal -> Just <$> genJSValue
+          _ -> pure Nothing
+  return $ ResultEntry rs rv
+$(genArbitrary ''QueryFieldsResult)
 -- | Tests that serialisation/deserialisation of filters is
 -- idempotent.
-prop_Serialisation :: Property
-prop_Serialisation = forAll genFilter testSerialisation
+prop_filter_serialisation :: Property
+prop_filter_serialisation = forAll genFilter testSerialisation
-prop_FilterRegex_instances :: Qlang.FilterRegex -> Property
-prop_FilterRegex_instances rex =
+-- | Tests that filter regexes are serialised correctly.
+prop_filterregex_instances :: FilterRegex -> Property
+prop_filterregex_instances rex =
   printTestCase "failed JSON encoding" (testSerialisation rex) .&&.
   printTestCase "failed read/show instances" (read (show rex) ==? rex)
+-- | Tests 'ResultStatus' serialisation.
+prop_resultstatus_serialisation :: ResultStatus -> Property
+prop_resultstatus_serialisation = testSerialisation
+-- | Tests 'FieldType' serialisation.
+prop_fieldtype_serialisation :: FieldType -> Property
+prop_fieldtype_serialisation = testSerialisation
+-- | Tests 'FieldDef' serialisation.
+prop_fielddef_serialisation :: FieldDefinition -> Property
+prop_fielddef_serialisation = testSerialisation
+-- | Tests 'ResultEntry' serialisation. Needed especially as this is
+-- done manually, and not via buildObject (different serialisation
+-- format).
+prop_resultentry_serialisation :: Property
+prop_resultentry_serialisation = forAll genResultEntry testSerialisation
+-- | Tests 'FieldDef' serialisation. We use a made-up maximum limit of
+-- 20 for the generator, since otherwise the lists become too long and
+-- we don't care so much about list length but rather structure.
+prop_fieldsresult_serialisation :: Property
+prop_fieldsresult_serialisation =
+  forAll (resize 20 arbitrary::Gen QueryFieldsResult) testSerialisation
 testSuite "Query/Language"
-  [ 'prop_Serialisation
-  , 'prop_FilterRegex_instances
+  [ 'prop_filter_serialisation
+  , 'prop_filterregex_instances
+  , 'prop_resultstatus_serialisation
+  , 'prop_fieldtype_serialisation
+  , 'prop_fielddef_serialisation
+  , 'prop_resultentry_serialisation
+  , 'prop_fieldsresult_serialisation
diff --git a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
index 31b0a1b184679c07cc49dd1ec212b39569164e71..a702af6a7a095f8e6df9522f66e2d86980e3b10d 100644
--- a/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
+++ b/htools/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ instance JSON ResultEntry where
     (rs, rv) <- readJSON v
     rv' <- case rv of
              JSNull -> return Nothing
-             x -> readJSON x
+             x -> Just <$> readJSON x
     return $ ResultEntry rs rv'
 -- | The type of one result row.