diff --git a/doc/devnotes.rst b/doc/devnotes.rst
index 3a8af6417c6a6d7c2af51b82b2563774c0c227cd..00d9132fa45c2396c41dc6543d6f3ee32a6cfa2b 100644
--- a/doc/devnotes.rst
+++ b/doc/devnotes.rst
@@ -66,6 +66,13 @@ different python version)::
   $ ./autogen.sh && \
     ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
+Note that doing development on a machine which already has Ganeti
+installed is problematic, as ``PYTHONPATH`` behaviour can be confusing
+(see Issue 170 for a bit of history/details; in general it works if
+the installed and developed versions are very similar, and/or if
+PYTHONPATH is customised correctly). As such, in general it's
+recommended to use a "clean" machine for ganeti development.
 Haskell development notes
diff --git a/lib/client/gnt_cluster.py b/lib/client/gnt_cluster.py
index ecbe5366bf9f5cc5176b5216017878a274530673..ffec3b0005cd87e2f9dfc66920748526e28278d0 100644
--- a/lib/client/gnt_cluster.py
+++ b/lib/client/gnt_cluster.py
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ SHOW_MACHINE_OPT = cli_option("-M", "--show-machine-names", default=False,
                               help="Show machine name for every line in output")
+FORCE_FAILOVER = cli_option("--yes-do-it", dest="yes_do_it",
+                            help="Override interactive check for --no-voting",
+                            default=False, action="store_true")
 _EPO_PING_INTERVAL = 30 # 30 seconds between pings
 _EPO_PING_TIMEOUT = 1 # 1 second
 _EPO_REACHABLE_TIMEOUT = 15 * 60 # 15 minutes
@@ -707,7 +711,7 @@ def MasterFailover(opts, args):
   @return: the desired exit code
-  if opts.no_voting:
+  if opts.no_voting and not opts.yes_do_it:
     usertext = ("This will perform the failover even if most other nodes"
                 " are down, or if this node is outdated. This is dangerous"
                 " as it can lead to a non-consistent cluster. Check the"
@@ -1508,7 +1512,7 @@ commands = {
     "[instance...]", "Updates mismatches in recorded disk sizes"),
   "master-failover": (
-    MasterFailover, ARGS_NONE, [NOVOTING_OPT],
     "", "Makes the current node the master"),
   "master-ping": (
     MasterPing, ARGS_NONE, [],
diff --git a/lib/client/gnt_debug.py b/lib/client/gnt_debug.py
index 5eb58a29fa91e9e5597f91134532cea8e9f81289..4c833c312acf1181a173a95014fe59460e38a798 100644
--- a/lib/client/gnt_debug.py
+++ b/lib/client/gnt_debug.py
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def Delay(opts, args):
-  SubmitOpCode(op, opts=opts)
+  SubmitOrSend(op, opts)
   return 0
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ commands = {
                 action="append", help="Select nodes to sleep on"),
      cli_option("-r", "--repeat", type="int", default="0", dest="repeat",
                 help="Number of times to repeat the sleep"),
     "[opts...] <duration>", "Executes a TestDelay OpCode"),
   "submit-job": (
diff --git a/lib/client/gnt_instance.py b/lib/client/gnt_instance.py
index 38ea6558514ab0f16a7ee1eecf1a747418a1cdd9..cdf83542646d54ae523a4d4e9c563b45714bc055 100644
--- a/lib/client/gnt_instance.py
+++ b/lib/client/gnt_instance.py
@@ -1441,7 +1441,9 @@ def SetInstanceParams(opts, args):
     for param, data in result:
       ToStdout(" - %-5s -> %s", param, data)
     ToStdout("Please don't forget that most parameters take effect"
-             " only at the next start of the instance.")
+             " only at the next (re)start of the instance initiated by"
+             " ganeti; restarting from within the instance will"
+             " not be enough.")
   return 0
diff --git a/lib/cmdlib.py b/lib/cmdlib.py
index 47a6e83886badc891d661484409470afb13b3d74..4f288bd8ef0346e621dd6ece2a34317c34fb400b 100644
--- a/lib/cmdlib.py
+++ b/lib/cmdlib.py
@@ -1778,6 +1778,27 @@ def _InstanceRunning(lu, instance):
   return instance_running
+def _CheckHostnameSane(lu, name):
+  """Ensures that a given hostname resolves to a 'sane' name.
+  The given name is required to be a prefix of the resolved hostname,
+  to prevent accidental mismatches.
+  @param lu: the logical unit on behalf of which we're checking
+  @param name: the name we should resolve and check
+  @return: the resolved hostname object
+  """
+  hostname = netutils.GetHostname(name=name)
+  if hostname.name != name:
+    lu.LogInfo("Resolved given name '%s' to '%s'", name, hostname.name)
+  if not utils.MatchNameComponent(name, [hostname.name]):
+    raise errors.OpPrereqError(("Resolved hostname '%s' does not look the"
+                                " same as given hostname '%s'") %
+                                (hostname.name, name), errors.ECODE_INVAL)
+  return hostname
 class LUClusterPostInit(LogicalUnit):
   """Logical unit for running hooks after cluster initialization.
@@ -3428,11 +3449,8 @@ class LUClusterVerifyGroup(LogicalUnit, _VerifyErrors):
       # If the instance is non-redundant we cannot survive losing its primary
-      # node, so we are not N+1 compliant. On the other hand we have no disk
-      # templates with more than one secondary so that situation is not well
-      # supported either.
-      # FIXME: does not support file-backed instances
-      if not inst_config.secondary_nodes:
+      # node, so we are not N+1 compliant.
+      if inst_config.disk_template not in constants.DTS_MIRRORED:
       _ErrorIf(len(inst_config.secondary_nodes) > 1,
@@ -7536,15 +7554,7 @@ class LUInstanceRename(LogicalUnit):
     new_name = self.op.new_name
     if self.op.name_check:
-      hostname = netutils.GetHostname(name=new_name)
-      if hostname.name != new_name:
-        self.LogInfo("Resolved given name '%s' to '%s'", new_name,
-                     hostname.name)
-      if not utils.MatchNameComponent(self.op.new_name, [hostname.name]):
-        raise errors.OpPrereqError(("Resolved hostname '%s' does not look the"
-                                    " same as given hostname '%s'") %
-                                    (hostname.name, self.op.new_name),
-                                    errors.ECODE_INVAL)
+      hostname = _CheckHostnameSane(self, new_name)
       new_name = self.op.new_name = hostname.name
       if (self.op.ip_check and
           netutils.TcpPing(hostname.ip, constants.DEFAULT_NODED_PORT)):
@@ -9328,7 +9338,7 @@ def _RemoveDisks(lu, instance, target_node=None, ignore_failures=False):
     for port in ports_to_release:
-  if instance.disk_template == constants.DT_FILE:
+  if instance.disk_template in constants.DTS_FILEBASED:
     file_storage_dir = os.path.dirname(instance.disks[0].logical_id[1])
     if target_node:
       tgt = target_node
@@ -9540,7 +9550,7 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
     # instance name verification
     if self.op.name_check:
-      self.hostname1 = netutils.GetHostname(name=self.op.instance_name)
+      self.hostname1 = _CheckHostnameSane(self, self.op.instance_name)
       self.op.instance_name = self.hostname1.name
       # used in CheckPrereq for ip ping check
       self.check_ip = self.hostname1.ip
@@ -10288,26 +10298,6 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
     nodenames = [pnode.name] + self.secondaries
-    # Verify instance specs
-    spindle_use = self.be_full.get(constants.BE_SPINDLE_USE, None)
-    ispec = {
-      constants.ISPEC_MEM_SIZE: self.be_full.get(constants.BE_MAXMEM, None),
-      constants.ISPEC_CPU_COUNT: self.be_full.get(constants.BE_VCPUS, None),
-      constants.ISPEC_DISK_COUNT: len(self.disks),
-      constants.ISPEC_DISK_SIZE: [disk["size"] for disk in self.disks],
-      constants.ISPEC_NIC_COUNT: len(self.nics),
-      constants.ISPEC_SPINDLE_USE: spindle_use,
-      }
-    group_info = self.cfg.GetNodeGroup(pnode.group)
-    ipolicy = _CalculateGroupIPolicy(cluster, group_info)
-    res = _ComputeIPolicyInstanceSpecViolation(ipolicy, ispec)
-    if not self.op.ignore_ipolicy and res:
-      raise errors.OpPrereqError(("Instance allocation to group %s violates"
-                                  " policy: %s") % (pnode.group,
-                                                    utils.CommaJoin(res)),
-                                  errors.ECODE_INVAL)
     if not self.adopt_disks:
       if self.op.disk_template == constants.DT_RBD:
         # _CheckRADOSFreeSpace() is just a placeholder.
@@ -10392,6 +10382,27 @@ class LUInstanceCreate(LogicalUnit):
         dsk[constants.IDISK_SIZE] = \
+    # Verify instance specs
+    spindle_use = self.be_full.get(constants.BE_SPINDLE_USE, None)
+    ispec = {
+      constants.ISPEC_MEM_SIZE: self.be_full.get(constants.BE_MAXMEM, None),
+      constants.ISPEC_CPU_COUNT: self.be_full.get(constants.BE_VCPUS, None),
+      constants.ISPEC_DISK_COUNT: len(self.disks),
+      constants.ISPEC_DISK_SIZE: [disk[constants.IDISK_SIZE]
+                                  for disk in self.disks],
+      constants.ISPEC_NIC_COUNT: len(self.nics),
+      constants.ISPEC_SPINDLE_USE: spindle_use,
+      }
+    group_info = self.cfg.GetNodeGroup(pnode.group)
+    ipolicy = _CalculateGroupIPolicy(cluster, group_info)
+    res = _ComputeIPolicyInstanceSpecViolation(ipolicy, ispec)
+    if not self.op.ignore_ipolicy and res:
+      raise errors.OpPrereqError(("Instance allocation to group %s violates"
+                                  " policy: %s") % (pnode.group,
+                                                    utils.CommaJoin(res)),
+                                  errors.ECODE_INVAL)
     _CheckHVParams(self, nodenames, self.op.hypervisor, self.op.hvparams)
     _CheckNodeHasOS(self, pnode.name, self.op.os_type, self.op.force_variant)
@@ -13088,12 +13099,11 @@ class LUInstanceSetParams(LogicalUnit):
-      if self.op.runtime_mem > current_memory:
+      delta = self.op.runtime_mem - current_memory
+      if delta > 0:
         _CheckNodeFreeMemory(self, instance.primary_node,
                              "ballooning memory for instance %s" %
-                             instance.name,
-                             self.op.memory - current_memory,
-                             instance.hypervisor)
+                             instance.name, delta, instance.hypervisor)
     if self.op.disks and instance.disk_template == constants.DT_DISKLESS:
       raise errors.OpPrereqError("Disk operations not supported for"
diff --git a/lib/jqueue.py b/lib/jqueue.py
index 204966ec53bf673354cc34d62682725f5e4128aa..03b1fea615c55b7e59fab0ee9f010c4877f9e851 100644
--- a/lib/jqueue.py
+++ b/lib/jqueue.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Google Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -75,6 +75,12 @@ class CancelJob(Exception):
+class QueueShutdown(Exception):
+  """Special exception to abort a job when the job queue is shutting down.
+  """
 def TimeStampNow():
   """Returns the current timestamp.
@@ -487,6 +493,11 @@ class _OpExecCallbacks(mcpu.OpExecCbBase):
       logging.debug("Canceling opcode")
       raise CancelJob()
+    # See if queue is shutting down
+    if not self._queue.AcceptingJobsUnlocked():
+      logging.debug("Queue is shutting down")
+      raise QueueShutdown()
   @locking.ssynchronized(_QUEUE, shared=1)
   def NotifyStart(self):
     """Mark the opcode as running, not lock-waiting.
@@ -1029,12 +1040,25 @@ class _JobProcessor(object):
       if op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELING:
         return (constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELING, None)
+      # Queue is shutting down, return to queued
+      if not self.queue.AcceptingJobsUnlocked():
+        return (constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED, None)
       # Stay in waitlock while trying to re-acquire lock
       return (constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING, None)
     except CancelJob:
       logging.exception("%s: Canceling job", opctx.log_prefix)
       assert op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELING
       return (constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELING, None)
+    except QueueShutdown:
+      logging.exception("%s: Queue is shutting down", opctx.log_prefix)
+      assert op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING
+      # Job hadn't been started yet, so it should return to the queue
+      return (constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED, None)
     except Exception, err: # pylint: disable=W0703
       logging.exception("%s: Caught exception in %s",
                         opctx.log_prefix, opctx.summary)
@@ -1132,8 +1156,10 @@ class _JobProcessor(object):
           assert not waitjob
-        if op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING:
-          # Couldn't get locks in time
+        if op.status in (constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING,
+                         constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED):
+          # waiting: Couldn't get locks in time
+          # queued: Queue is shutting down
           assert not op.end_timestamp
           # Finalize opcode
@@ -1145,7 +1171,19 @@ class _JobProcessor(object):
             assert op.status in constants.OPS_FINALIZED
-      if op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING or waitjob:
+      if op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED:
+        # Queue is shutting down
+        assert not waitjob
+        finalize = False
+        # Reset context
+        job.cur_opctx = None
+        # In no case must the status be finalized here
+        assert job.CalcStatus() == constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED
+      elif op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING or waitjob:
         finalize = False
         if not waitjob and opctx.CheckPriorityIncrease():
@@ -2513,6 +2551,17 @@ class JobQueue(object):
     return self._wpool.HasRunningTasks()
+  def AcceptingJobsUnlocked(self):
+    """Returns whether jobs are accepted.
+    Once L{PrepareShutdown} has been called, no new jobs are accepted and the
+    queue is shutting down.
+    @rtype: bool
+    """
+    return self._accepting_jobs
   def Shutdown(self):
diff --git a/lib/mcpu.py b/lib/mcpu.py
index 6e8be77744c5600bbc70d5b74fabb1e63ab2bdee..6ecae61f77e6002470e64c0aa5ecaf620e7bbc79 100644
--- a/lib/mcpu.py
+++ b/lib/mcpu.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2011 Google Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012 Google Inc.
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -385,10 +385,12 @@ class Processor(object):
             self.context.glm.add(level, add_locks, acquired=1, shared=share)
           except errors.LockError:
+            logging.exception("Detected lock error in level %s for locks"
+                              " %s, shared=%s", level, add_locks, share)
             raise errors.OpPrereqError(
-              "Couldn't add locks (%s), probably because of a race condition"
-              " with another job, who added them first" % add_locks,
-              errors.ECODE_FAULT)
+              "Couldn't add locks (%s), most likely because of another"
+              " job who added them first" % add_locks,
+              errors.ECODE_NOTUNIQUE)
           result = self._LockAndExecLU(lu, level + 1, calc_timeout, priority)
diff --git a/lib/opcodes.py b/lib/opcodes.py
index a4bb31f473d013e413b8a03ef7003aae02dc5595..e09e6445c270d179e0b9a4989d0a6bccd87cbb75 100644
--- a/lib/opcodes.py
+++ b/lib/opcodes.py
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ class OpClusterSetParams(OpCode):
   OP_PARAMS = [
-    ("vg_name", None, ht.TMaybeString, "Volume group name"),
+    ("vg_name", None, ht.TOr(ht.TString, ht.TNone), "Volume group name"),
     ("enabled_hypervisors", None,
      ht.TOr(ht.TAnd(ht.TListOf(ht.TElemOf(constants.HYPER_TYPES)), ht.TTrue),
diff --git a/lib/server/masterd.py b/lib/server/masterd.py
index aacacc042e8787aea5eb4f4ef0ac071aa072d25b..e79457d8982e58728a66326e6d9a105462e71598 100644
--- a/lib/server/masterd.py
+++ b/lib/server/masterd.py
@@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ EXIT_NOTMASTER = constants.EXIT_NOTMASTER
+def _LogNewJob(status, info, ops):
+  """Log information about a recently submitted job.
+  """
+  if status:
+    logging.info("New job with id %s, summary: %s",
+                 info, utils.CommaJoin(op.Summary() for op in ops))
+  else:
+    logging.info("Failed to submit job, reason: '%s', summary: %s",
+                 info, utils.CommaJoin(op.Summary() for op in ops))
 class ClientRequestWorker(workerpool.BaseWorker):
   # pylint: disable=W0221
   def RunTask(self, server, message, client):
@@ -267,18 +279,23 @@ class ClientOps:
     # TODO: Rewrite to not exit in each 'if/elif' branch
     if method == luxi.REQ_SUBMIT_JOB:
-      logging.info("Received new job")
+      logging.info("Receiving new job")
       (job_def, ) = args
       ops = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(state) for state in job_def]
-      return queue.SubmitJob(ops)
+      job_id = queue.SubmitJob(ops)
+      _LogNewJob(True, job_id, ops)
+      return job_id
     elif method == luxi.REQ_SUBMIT_MANY_JOBS:
-      logging.info("Received multiple jobs")
+      logging.info("Receiving multiple jobs")
       (job_defs, ) = args
       jobs = []
       for ops in job_defs:
         jobs.append([opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(state) for state in ops])
-      return queue.SubmitManyJobs(jobs)
+      job_ids = queue.SubmitManyJobs(jobs)
+      for ((status, job_id), ops) in zip(job_ids, jobs):
+        _LogNewJob(status, job_id, ops)
+      return job_ids
     elif method == luxi.REQ_CANCEL_JOB:
       (job_id, ) = args
diff --git a/man/gnt-cluster.rst b/man/gnt-cluster.rst
index 8082d14d94b85263fb8b696d579107ae1de32ef8..6d1c77595347bef585beb0ab87d64a54cd48bacf 100644
--- a/man/gnt-cluster.rst
+++ b/man/gnt-cluster.rst
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ List the tags of the cluster.
-**master-failover** [\--no-voting]
+**master-failover** [\--no-voting] [\--yes-do-it]
 Failover the master role to the current node.
@@ -538,6 +538,11 @@ You can pass ``--no-voting`` to **ganeti-masterd** on the new
 master to solve this problem, and run **gnt-cluster redist-conf**
 to make sure the cluster is consistent again.
+The option ``--yes-do-it`` is used together with ``--no-voting``, for
+skipping the interactive checks. This is even more dangerous, and should
+only be used in conjunction with other means (e.g. a HA suite) to
+confirm that the operation is indeed safe.
diff --git a/man/gnt-instance.rst b/man/gnt-instance.rst
index 1c55c7aab41f78893c2e63f45da87b2f5a3fee10..2f9fdb4052f2c6f00e0d567c8a55f334381dbe94 100644
--- a/man/gnt-instance.rst
+++ b/man/gnt-instance.rst
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ case the more than one instance will be affected.
 The ``--no-remember`` option will perform the startup but not change
 the state of the instance in the configuration file (if it was stopped
-before, Ganeti will still thinks it needs to be stopped). This can be
+before, Ganeti will still think it needs to be stopped). This can be
 used for testing, or for a one shot-start where you don't want the
 watcher to restart the instance if it crashes.
diff --git a/test/ganeti.jqueue_unittest.py b/test/ganeti.jqueue_unittest.py
index dcbad149ceab1d029d051209a843af59da111a7c..f7874d93608a744af50bb336993d62872c4de29f 100755
--- a/test/ganeti.jqueue_unittest.py
+++ b/test/ganeti.jqueue_unittest.py
@@ -494,6 +494,7 @@ class _FakeQueueForProc:
     self._acquired = False
     self._updates = []
     self._submitted = []
+    self._accepting_jobs = True
     self._submit_count = itertools.count(1000)
@@ -529,6 +530,12 @@ class _FakeQueueForProc:
     self._submitted.extend(zip(job_ids, jobs))
     return job_ids
+  def StopAcceptingJobs(self):
+    self._accepting_jobs = False
+  def AcceptingJobsUnlocked(self):
+    return self._accepting_jobs
 class _FakeExecOpCodeForProc:
   def __init__(self, queue, before_start, after_start):
@@ -873,7 +880,7 @@ class TestJobProcessor(unittest.TestCase, _JobProcessorTestUtils):
                      [[constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELED for _ in job.ops],
                       ["Job canceled by request" for _ in job.ops]])
-  def testCancelWhileWaitlockWithTimeout(self):
+  def _TestCancelWhileSomething(self, cb):
     queue = _FakeQueueForProc()
     ops = [opcodes.OpTestDummy(result="Res%s" % i, fail=False)
@@ -896,8 +903,7 @@ class TestJobProcessor(unittest.TestCase, _JobProcessorTestUtils):
       self.assert_(compat.all(op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELING
                               for op in job.ops))
-      # Fake an acquire attempt timing out
-      raise mcpu.LockAcquireTimeout()
+      cb(queue)
     def _AfterStart(op, cbs):
       self.fail("Should not reach this")
@@ -918,6 +924,19 @@ class TestJobProcessor(unittest.TestCase, _JobProcessorTestUtils):
                      [[constants.OP_STATUS_CANCELED for _ in job.ops],
                       ["Job canceled by request" for _ in job.ops]])
+    return queue
+  def testCancelWhileWaitlockWithTimeout(self):
+    def fn(_):
+      # Fake an acquire attempt timing out
+      raise mcpu.LockAcquireTimeout()
+    self._TestCancelWhileSomething(fn)
+  def testCancelDuringQueueShutdown(self):
+    queue = self._TestCancelWhileSomething(lambda q: q.StopAcceptingJobs())
+    self.assertFalse(queue.AcceptingJobsUnlocked())
   def testCancelWhileRunning(self):
     # Tests canceling a job with finished opcodes and more, unprocessed ones
     queue = _FakeQueueForProc()
@@ -964,6 +983,185 @@ class TestJobProcessor(unittest.TestCase, _JobProcessorTestUtils):
                       ["Res0", "Job canceled by request",
                        "Job canceled by request"]])
+  def _TestQueueShutdown(self, queue, opexec, job, runcount):
+    self.assertTrue(queue.AcceptingJobsUnlocked())
+    # Simulate shutdown
+    queue.StopAcceptingJobs()
+    self.assertEqual(jqueue._JobProcessor(queue, opexec, job)(),
+                     jqueue._JobProcessor.DEFER)
+    # Check result
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    self.assertEqual(job.GetInfo(["status"]), [constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED])
+    self.assertFalse(job.cur_opctx)
+    self.assertTrue(job.start_timestamp)
+    self.assertFalse(job.end_timestamp)
+    self.assertEqual(job.start_timestamp, job.ops[0].start_timestamp)
+    self.assertTrue(compat.all(op.start_timestamp and op.end_timestamp
+                               for op in job.ops[:runcount]))
+    self.assertFalse(job.ops[runcount].end_timestamp)
+    self.assertFalse(compat.any(op.start_timestamp or op.end_timestamp
+                                for op in job.ops[(runcount + 1):]))
+    self.assertEqual(job.GetInfo(["opstatus", "opresult"]),
+                     [(([constants.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS] * runcount) +
+                       ([constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED] *
+                        (len(job.ops) - runcount))),
+                      (["Res%s" % i for i in range(runcount)] +
+                       ([None] * (len(job.ops) - runcount)))])
+    # Must have been written and replicated
+    self.assertEqual(queue.GetNextUpdate(), (job, True))
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, queue.GetNextUpdate)
+  def testQueueShutdownWhileRunning(self):
+    # Tests shutting down the queue while a job is running
+    queue = _FakeQueueForProc()
+    ops = [opcodes.OpTestDummy(result="Res%s" % i, fail=False)
+           for i in range(3)]
+    # Create job
+    job_id = 2718211587
+    job = self._CreateJob(queue, job_id, ops)
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    opexec = _FakeExecOpCodeForProc(queue, None, None)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, queue.GetNextUpdate)
+    # Run one opcode
+    self.assertEqual(jqueue._JobProcessor(queue, opexec, job)(),
+                     jqueue._JobProcessor.DEFER)
+    # Job goes back to queued
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    self.assertEqual(job.GetInfo(["opstatus", "opresult"]),
+                     [[constants.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS,
+                       constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED,
+                       constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED],
+                      ["Res0", None, None]])
+    self.assertFalse(job.cur_opctx)
+    # Writes for waiting, running and result
+    for _ in range(3):
+      self.assertEqual(queue.GetNextUpdate(), (job, True))
+    # Run second opcode
+    self.assertEqual(jqueue._JobProcessor(queue, opexec, job)(),
+                     jqueue._JobProcessor.DEFER)
+    # Job goes back to queued
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    self.assertEqual(job.GetInfo(["opstatus", "opresult"]),
+                     [[constants.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS,
+                       constants.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS,
+                       constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED],
+                      ["Res0", "Res1", None]])
+    self.assertFalse(job.cur_opctx)
+    # Writes for waiting, running and result
+    for _ in range(3):
+      self.assertEqual(queue.GetNextUpdate(), (job, True))
+    self._TestQueueShutdown(queue, opexec, job, 2)
+  def testQueueShutdownWithLockTimeout(self):
+    # Tests shutting down while a lock acquire times out
+    queue = _FakeQueueForProc()
+    ops = [opcodes.OpTestDummy(result="Res%s" % i, fail=False)
+           for i in range(3)]
+    # Create job
+    job_id = 1304231178
+    job = self._CreateJob(queue, job_id, ops)
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    acquire_timeout = False
+    def _BeforeStart(timeout, priority):
+      self.assertFalse(queue.IsAcquired())
+      self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_WAITING)
+      if acquire_timeout:
+        raise mcpu.LockAcquireTimeout()
+    opexec = _FakeExecOpCodeForProc(queue, _BeforeStart, None)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, queue.GetNextUpdate)
+    # Run one opcode
+    self.assertEqual(jqueue._JobProcessor(queue, opexec, job)(),
+                     jqueue._JobProcessor.DEFER)
+    # Job goes back to queued
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    self.assertEqual(job.GetInfo(["opstatus", "opresult"]),
+                     [[constants.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS,
+                       constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED,
+                       constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED],
+                      ["Res0", None, None]])
+    self.assertFalse(job.cur_opctx)
+    # Writes for waiting, running and result
+    for _ in range(3):
+      self.assertEqual(queue.GetNextUpdate(), (job, True))
+    # The next opcode should have expiring lock acquires
+    acquire_timeout = True
+    self._TestQueueShutdown(queue, opexec, job, 1)
+  def testQueueShutdownWhileInQueue(self):
+    # This should never happen in reality (no new jobs are started by the
+    # workerpool once a shutdown has been initiated), but it's better to test
+    # the job processor for this scenario
+    queue = _FakeQueueForProc()
+    ops = [opcodes.OpTestDummy(result="Res%s" % i, fail=False)
+           for i in range(5)]
+    # Create job
+    job_id = 2031
+    job = self._CreateJob(queue, job_id, ops)
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, queue.GetNextUpdate)
+    self.assertFalse(job.start_timestamp)
+    self.assertFalse(job.end_timestamp)
+    self.assertTrue(compat.all(op.status == constants.OP_STATUS_QUEUED
+                               for op in job.ops))
+    opexec = _FakeExecOpCodeForProc(queue, None, None)
+    self._TestQueueShutdown(queue, opexec, job, 0)
+  def testQueueShutdownWhileWaitlockInQueue(self):
+    queue = _FakeQueueForProc()
+    ops = [opcodes.OpTestDummy(result="Res%s" % i, fail=False)
+           for i in range(5)]
+    # Create job
+    job_id = 53125685
+    job = self._CreateJob(queue, job_id, ops)
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED)
+    job.ops[0].status = constants.OP_STATUS_WAITING
+    assert len(job.ops) == 5
+    self.assertEqual(job.CalcStatus(), constants.JOB_STATUS_WAITING)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, queue.GetNextUpdate)
+    opexec = _FakeExecOpCodeForProc(queue, None, None)
+    self._TestQueueShutdown(queue, opexec, job, 0)
   def testPartiallyRun(self):
     # Tests calling the processor on a job that's been partially run before the
     # program was restarted
@@ -1947,6 +2145,28 @@ class TestJobDependencyManager(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testNotFinalizedThenQueued(self):
+    # This can happen on a queue shutdown
+    job = _IdOnlyFakeJob(1320)
+    job_id = str(22971)
+    for i in range(5):
+      if i > 2:
+        self._status.append((job_id, constants.JOB_STATUS_QUEUED))
+      else:
+        self._status.append((job_id, constants.JOB_STATUS_RUNNING))
+      (result, _) = self.jdm.CheckAndRegister(job, job_id, [])
+      self.assertEqual(result, self.jdm.WAIT)
+      self.assertFalse(self._status)
+      self.assertFalse(self._queue)
+      self.assertTrue(self.jdm.JobWaiting(job))
+      self.assertEqual(self.jdm._waiters, {
+        job_id: set([job]),
+        })
+      self.assertEqual(self.jdm.GetLockInfo([query.LQ_PENDING]), [
+        ("job/22971", None, None, [("job", [job.id])])
+        ])
   def testRequireCancel(self):
     job = _IdOnlyFakeJob(5278)
     job_id = str(9610)
diff --git a/tools/kvm-ifup.in b/tools/kvm-ifup.in
index 2e8e0c23c10e2366a0c9586f978ab33f4b35bac8..a5e8c1b854c09dcb72f32c81b7cc6b44635a9ac1 100644
--- a/tools/kvm-ifup.in
+++ b/tools/kvm-ifup.in
@@ -33,14 +33,20 @@ if [ -x "@SYSCONFDIR@/ganeti/kvm-vif-bridge" ]; then
 	exec @SYSCONFDIR@/ganeti/kvm-vif-bridge
-ip link set $INTERFACE up
 if [ "$MODE" = "bridged" ]; then
+	# Fix the autogenerated MAC to have the first octet set to "fe"
+	# to discourage the bridge from using the TAP dev's MAC
+	FIXED_MAC=$(ip link show $INTERFACE | awk '{if ($1 == "link/ether") printf("fe%s",substr($2,3,15))}')
+	ip link set $INTERFACE address $FIXED_MAC
+	ip link set $INTERFACE up
 	ip link set $INTERFACE mtu $(</sys/class/net/${BRIDGE}/mtu)
 	# Connect the interface to the bridge
 	brctl addif $BRIDGE $INTERFACE
+	ip link set $INTERFACE up
 	if [ -z "$IP" ]; then
 		echo "Routed NIC but no IP address specified"
 		exit 1