diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs
index bc6fa83886f8497b4704e27d19265ec1e509ef7f..49713899ceffe20dcac9dbfbcda6338ca1c8ff4e 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Confd/Utils.hs
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ instance Arbitrary Confd.ConfdRequest where
 -- | Test that signing messages and checking signatures is correct. It
 -- also tests, indirectly the serialisation of messages so we don't
 -- need a separate test for that.
-prop_ConfdUtils_req_sign :: Hash.HashKey        -- ^ The hash key
-                    -> NonNegative Integer -- ^ The base timestamp
-                    -> Positive Integer    -- ^ Delta for out of window
-                    -> Bool                -- ^ Whether delta should be + or -
-                    -> Confd.ConfdRequest
-                    -> Property
-prop_ConfdUtils_req_sign key (NonNegative timestamp) (Positive bad_delta)
+prop_req_sign :: Hash.HashKey        -- ^ The hash key
+              -> NonNegative Integer -- ^ The base timestamp
+              -> Positive Integer    -- ^ Delta for out of window
+              -> Bool                -- ^ Whether delta should be + or -
+              -> Confd.ConfdRequest
+              -> Property
+prop_req_sign key (NonNegative timestamp) (Positive bad_delta)
                          pm crq =
   forAll (choose (0, fromIntegral C.confdMaxClockSkew)) $ \ good_delta ->
   let encoded = J.encode crq
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ prop_ConfdUtils_req_sign key (NonNegative timestamp) (Positive bad_delta)
 -- | Tests that signing with a different key fails detects failure
 -- correctly.
-prop_ConfdUtils_bad_key :: String             -- ^ Salt
-                   -> Confd.ConfdRequest -- ^ Request
-                   -> Property
-prop_ConfdUtils_bad_key salt crq =
+prop_bad_key :: String             -- ^ Salt
+             -> Confd.ConfdRequest -- ^ Request
+             -> Property
+prop_bad_key salt crq =
   -- fixme: we hardcode here the expected length of a sha1 key, as
   -- otherwise we could have two short keys that differ only in the
   -- final zero elements count, and those will be expanded to be the
@@ -106,6 +106,6 @@ prop_ConfdUtils_bad_key salt crq =
      Confd.Utils.parseRequest key_verify encoded
 testSuite "ConfdUtils"
-  [ 'prop_ConfdUtils_req_sign
-  , 'prop_ConfdUtils_bad_key
+  [ 'prop_req_sign
+  , 'prop_bad_key
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
index a926ca3382c72cfda67f9bf3c224624ea8b2b9d5..d357a61eb56f5db1b18432d4652190a904bf94b6 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/CLI.hs
@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Program as Program
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
 -- | Test correct parsing.
-prop_CLI_parseISpec :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Property
-prop_CLI_parseISpec descr dsk mem cpu =
+prop_parseISpec :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Property
+prop_parseISpec descr dsk mem cpu =
   let str = printf "%d,%d,%d" dsk mem cpu::String
   in CLI.parseISpecString descr str ==? Types.Ok (Types.RSpec cpu mem dsk)
 -- | Test parsing failure due to wrong section count.
-prop_CLI_parseISpecFail :: String -> Property
-prop_CLI_parseISpecFail descr =
+prop_parseISpecFail :: String -> Property
+prop_parseISpecFail descr =
   forAll (choose (0,100) `suchThat` ((/=) 3)) $ \nelems ->
   forAll (replicateM nelems arbitrary) $ \values ->
   let str = intercalate "," $ map show (values::[Int])
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ prop_CLI_parseISpecFail descr =
        _ -> property True
 -- | Test parseYesNo.
-prop_CLI_parseYesNo :: Bool -> Bool -> [Char] -> Property
-prop_CLI_parseYesNo def testval val =
+prop_parseYesNo :: Bool -> Bool -> [Char] -> Property
+prop_parseYesNo def testval val =
   forAll (elements [val, "yes", "no"]) $ \actual_val ->
   if testval
     then CLI.parseYesNo def Nothing ==? Types.Ok def
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ checkStringArg val (opt, fn) =
            Right (options, _) -> fn options ==? Just val
 -- | Test a few string arguments.
-prop_CLI_StringArg :: [Char] -> Property
-prop_CLI_StringArg argument =
+prop_StringArg :: [Char] -> Property
+prop_StringArg argument =
   let args = [ (CLI.oDataFile,      CLI.optDataFile)
              , (CLI.oDynuFile,      CLI.optDynuFile)
              , (CLI.oSaveCluster,   CLI.optSaveCluster)
@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@ checkEarlyExit name options param =
 -- | Test that all binaries support some common options. There is
 -- nothing actually random about this test...
-prop_CLI_stdopts :: Property
-prop_CLI_stdopts =
+prop_stdopts :: Property
+prop_stdopts =
   let params = ["-h", "--help", "-V", "--version"]
       opts = map (\(name, (_, o)) -> (name, o)) Program.personalities
       -- apply checkEarlyExit across the cartesian product of params and opts
   in conjoin [checkEarlyExit n o p | p <- params, (n, o) <- opts]
 testSuite "CLI"
-          [ 'prop_CLI_parseISpec
-          , 'prop_CLI_parseISpecFail
-          , 'prop_CLI_parseYesNo
-          , 'prop_CLI_StringArg
-          , 'prop_CLI_stdopts
+          [ 'prop_parseISpec
+          , 'prop_parseISpecFail
+          , 'prop_parseYesNo
+          , 'prop_StringArg
+          , 'prop_stdopts
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs
index 5dbf3d9bf88200d659a7e992ac3657315438f7c2..349bf518cb92a7909f3ef3909922477ebd14754f 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Cluster.hs
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ evacModeOptions Types.MirrorExternal = [Types.ChangePrimary, Types.ChangeAll]
 -- | Check that the cluster score is close to zero for a homogeneous
 -- cluster.
-prop_Cluster_Score_Zero :: Node.Node -> Property
-prop_Cluster_Score_Zero node =
+prop_Score_Zero :: Node.Node -> Property
+prop_Score_Zero node =
   forAll (choose (1, 1024)) $ \count ->
     (not (Node.offline node) && not (Node.failN1 node) && (count > 0) &&
      (Node.tDsk node > 0) && (Node.tMem node > 0)) ==>
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ prop_Cluster_Score_Zero node =
   in score <= 1e-12
 -- | Check that cluster stats are sane.
-prop_Cluster_CStats_sane :: Property
-prop_Cluster_CStats_sane =
+prop_CStats_sane :: Property
+prop_CStats_sane =
   forAll (choose (1, 1024)) $ \count ->
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   let fn = Node.buildPeers node Container.empty
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ prop_Cluster_CStats_sane =
 -- | Check that one instance is allocated correctly, without
 -- rebalances needed.
-prop_Cluster_Alloc_sane :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Cluster_Alloc_sane inst =
+prop_Alloc_sane :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_Alloc_sane inst =
   forAll (choose (5, 20)) $ \count ->
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   let (nl, il, inst') = makeSmallEmptyCluster node count inst
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ prop_Cluster_Alloc_sane inst =
 -- instance spec via tiered allocation (whatever the original instance
 -- spec), on either one or two nodes. Furthermore, we test that
 -- computed allocation statistics are correct.
-prop_Cluster_CanTieredAlloc :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Cluster_CanTieredAlloc inst =
+prop_CanTieredAlloc :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_CanTieredAlloc inst =
   forAll (choose (2, 5)) $ \count ->
   forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
   let nl = makeSmallCluster node count
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ genClusterAlloc count node inst =
 -- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster, once we allocate an instance,
 -- we can also relocate it.
-prop_Cluster_AllocRelocate :: Property
-prop_Cluster_AllocRelocate =
+prop_AllocRelocate :: Property
+prop_AllocRelocate =
   forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
   forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ check_EvacMode grp inst result =
 -- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster, once we allocate an instance,
 -- we can also node-evacuate it.
-prop_Cluster_AllocEvacuate :: Property
-prop_Cluster_AllocEvacuate =
+prop_AllocEvacuate :: Property
+prop_AllocEvacuate =
   forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
   forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ prop_Cluster_AllocEvacuate =
 -- | Checks that on a 4-8 node cluster with two node groups, once we
 -- allocate an instance on the first node group, we can also change
 -- its group.
-prop_Cluster_AllocChangeGroup :: Property
-prop_Cluster_AllocChangeGroup =
+prop_AllocChangeGroup :: Property
+prop_AllocChangeGroup =
   forAll (choose (4, 8)) $ \count ->
   forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` (isNodeBig 4)) $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node `suchThat` isMirrored) $ \inst ->
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ prop_Cluster_AllocChangeGroup =
 -- | Check that allocating multiple instances on a cluster, then
 -- adding an empty node, results in a valid rebalance.
-prop_Cluster_AllocBalance :: Property
-prop_Cluster_AllocBalance =
+prop_AllocBalance :: Property
+prop_AllocBalance =
   forAll (genNode (Just 5) (Just 128)) $ \node ->
   forAll (choose (3, 5)) $ \count ->
   not (Node.offline node) && not (Node.failN1 node) ==>
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ prop_Cluster_AllocBalance =
             canBalance tbl True True False
 -- | Checks consistency.
-prop_Cluster_CheckConsistency :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Bool
-prop_Cluster_CheckConsistency node inst =
+prop_CheckConsistency :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Bool
+prop_CheckConsistency node inst =
   let nl = makeSmallCluster node 3
       [node1, node2, node3] = Container.elems nl
       node3' = node3 { Node.group = 1 }
@@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ prop_Cluster_CheckConsistency node inst =
      (not . null $ ccheck [(0, inst3)])
 -- | For now, we only test that we don't lose instances during the split.
-prop_Cluster_SplitCluster :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Cluster_SplitCluster node inst =
+prop_SplitCluster :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_SplitCluster node inst =
   forAll (choose (0, 100)) $ \icnt ->
   let nl = makeSmallCluster node 2
       (nl', il') = foldl (\(ns, is) _ -> assignInstance ns is inst 0 1)
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ canAllocOn nl reqnodes inst =
 -- times, and generates a random instance that can be allocated on
 -- this mini-cluster; it then checks that after applying a policy that
 -- the instance doesn't fits, the allocation fails.
-prop_Cluster_AllocPolicy :: Node.Node -> Property
-prop_Cluster_AllocPolicy node =
+prop_AllocPolicy :: Node.Node -> Property
+prop_AllocPolicy node =
   -- rqn is the required nodes (1 or 2)
   forAll (choose (1, 2)) $ \rqn ->
   forAll (choose (5, 20)) $ \count ->
@@ -353,15 +353,15 @@ prop_Cluster_AllocPolicy node =
   in not $ canAllocOn nl rqn inst
 testSuite "Cluster"
-            [ 'prop_Cluster_Score_Zero
-            , 'prop_Cluster_CStats_sane
-            , 'prop_Cluster_Alloc_sane
-            , 'prop_Cluster_CanTieredAlloc
-            , 'prop_Cluster_AllocRelocate
-            , 'prop_Cluster_AllocEvacuate
-            , 'prop_Cluster_AllocChangeGroup
-            , 'prop_Cluster_AllocBalance
-            , 'prop_Cluster_CheckConsistency
-            , 'prop_Cluster_SplitCluster
-            , 'prop_Cluster_AllocPolicy
+            [ 'prop_Score_Zero
+            , 'prop_CStats_sane
+            , 'prop_Alloc_sane
+            , 'prop_CanTieredAlloc
+            , 'prop_AllocRelocate
+            , 'prop_AllocEvacuate
+            , 'prop_AllocChangeGroup
+            , 'prop_AllocBalance
+            , 'prop_CheckConsistency
+            , 'prop_SplitCluster
+            , 'prop_AllocPolicy
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Container.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Container.hs
index 64c02d5838a75607ba992d2d89a9a062c2c75da8..d03a13e615fc03c20a35f93e6b2f96a5624101d0 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Container.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Container.hs
@@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Container as Container
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
 -- we silence the following due to hlint bug fixed in later versions
-{-# ANN prop_Container_addTwo "HLint: ignore Avoid lambda" #-}
-prop_Container_addTwo :: [Container.Key] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
-prop_Container_addTwo cdata i1 i2 =
+{-# ANN prop_addTwo "HLint: ignore Avoid lambda" #-}
+prop_addTwo :: [Container.Key] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
+prop_addTwo cdata i1 i2 =
   fn i1 i2 cont == fn i2 i1 cont &&
   fn i1 i2 cont == fn i1 i2 (fn i1 i2 cont)
     where cont = foldl (\c x -> Container.add x x c) Container.empty cdata
           fn x1 x2 = Container.addTwo x1 x1 x2 x2
-prop_Container_nameOf :: Node.Node -> Property
-prop_Container_nameOf node =
+prop_nameOf :: Node.Node -> Property
+prop_nameOf node =
   let nl = makeSmallCluster node 1
       fnode = head (Container.elems nl)
   in Container.nameOf nl (Node.idx fnode) ==? Node.name fnode
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ prop_Container_nameOf node =
 -- | We test that in a cluster, given a random node, we can find it by
 -- its name and alias, as long as all names and aliases are unique,
 -- and that we fail to find a non-existing name.
-prop_Container_findByName :: Property
-prop_Container_findByName =
+prop_findByName :: Property
+prop_findByName =
   forAll (genNode (Just 1) Nothing) $ \node ->
   forAll (choose (1, 20)) $ \ cnt ->
   forAll (choose (0, cnt - 1)) $ \ fidx ->
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ prop_Container_findByName =
        (isNothing (Container.findByName nl' othername))
 testSuite "Container"
-            [ 'prop_Container_addTwo
-            , 'prop_Container_nameOf
-            , 'prop_Container_findByName
+            [ 'prop_addTwo
+            , 'prop_nameOf
+            , 'prop_findByName
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs
index 071117e5f813ef4624dadf9cbcd8cfe91fd72f64..b31a16f148fbb4a20ca331276807ac1f82bd5854 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Instance.hs
@@ -72,98 +72,98 @@ instance Arbitrary Instance.Instance where
 -- Simple instance tests, we only have setter/getters
-prop_Instance_creat :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_creat inst =
+prop_creat :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_creat inst =
   Instance.name inst ==? Instance.alias inst
-prop_Instance_setIdx :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Idx -> Property
-prop_Instance_setIdx inst idx =
+prop_setIdx :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Idx -> Property
+prop_setIdx inst idx =
   Instance.idx (Instance.setIdx inst idx) ==? idx
-prop_Instance_setName :: Instance.Instance -> String -> Bool
-prop_Instance_setName inst name =
+prop_setName :: Instance.Instance -> String -> Bool
+prop_setName inst name =
   Instance.name newinst == name &&
   Instance.alias newinst == name
     where newinst = Instance.setName inst name
-prop_Instance_setAlias :: Instance.Instance -> String -> Bool
-prop_Instance_setAlias inst name =
+prop_setAlias :: Instance.Instance -> String -> Bool
+prop_setAlias inst name =
   Instance.name newinst == Instance.name inst &&
   Instance.alias newinst == name
     where newinst = Instance.setAlias inst name
-prop_Instance_setPri :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Ndx -> Property
-prop_Instance_setPri inst pdx =
+prop_setPri :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Ndx -> Property
+prop_setPri inst pdx =
   Instance.pNode (Instance.setPri inst pdx) ==? pdx
-prop_Instance_setSec :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Ndx -> Property
-prop_Instance_setSec inst sdx =
+prop_setSec :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Ndx -> Property
+prop_setSec inst sdx =
   Instance.sNode (Instance.setSec inst sdx) ==? sdx
-prop_Instance_setBoth :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Ndx -> Types.Ndx -> Bool
-prop_Instance_setBoth inst pdx sdx =
+prop_setBoth :: Instance.Instance -> Types.Ndx -> Types.Ndx -> Bool
+prop_setBoth inst pdx sdx =
   Instance.pNode si == pdx && Instance.sNode si == sdx
     where si = Instance.setBoth inst pdx sdx
-prop_Instance_shrinkMG :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_shrinkMG inst =
+prop_shrinkMG :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_shrinkMG inst =
   Instance.mem inst >= 2 * Types.unitMem ==>
     case Instance.shrinkByType inst Types.FailMem of
       Types.Ok inst' -> Instance.mem inst' == Instance.mem inst - Types.unitMem
       _ -> False
-prop_Instance_shrinkMF :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_shrinkMF inst =
+prop_shrinkMF :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_shrinkMF inst =
   forAll (choose (0, 2 * Types.unitMem - 1)) $ \mem ->
     let inst' = inst { Instance.mem = mem}
     in Types.isBad $ Instance.shrinkByType inst' Types.FailMem
-prop_Instance_shrinkCG :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_shrinkCG inst =
+prop_shrinkCG :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_shrinkCG inst =
   Instance.vcpus inst >= 2 * Types.unitCpu ==>
     case Instance.shrinkByType inst Types.FailCPU of
       Types.Ok inst' ->
         Instance.vcpus inst' == Instance.vcpus inst - Types.unitCpu
       _ -> False
-prop_Instance_shrinkCF :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_shrinkCF inst =
+prop_shrinkCF :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_shrinkCF inst =
   forAll (choose (0, 2 * Types.unitCpu - 1)) $ \vcpus ->
     let inst' = inst { Instance.vcpus = vcpus }
     in Types.isBad $ Instance.shrinkByType inst' Types.FailCPU
-prop_Instance_shrinkDG :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_shrinkDG inst =
+prop_shrinkDG :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_shrinkDG inst =
   Instance.dsk inst >= 2 * Types.unitDsk ==>
     case Instance.shrinkByType inst Types.FailDisk of
       Types.Ok inst' ->
         Instance.dsk inst' == Instance.dsk inst - Types.unitDsk
       _ -> False
-prop_Instance_shrinkDF :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Instance_shrinkDF inst =
+prop_shrinkDF :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_shrinkDF inst =
   forAll (choose (0, 2 * Types.unitDsk - 1)) $ \dsk ->
     let inst' = inst { Instance.dsk = dsk }
     in Types.isBad $ Instance.shrinkByType inst' Types.FailDisk
-prop_Instance_setMovable :: Instance.Instance -> Bool -> Property
-prop_Instance_setMovable inst m =
+prop_setMovable :: Instance.Instance -> Bool -> Property
+prop_setMovable inst m =
   Instance.movable inst' ==? m
     where inst' = Instance.setMovable inst m
 testSuite "Instance"
-            [ 'prop_Instance_creat
-            , 'prop_Instance_setIdx
-            , 'prop_Instance_setName
-            , 'prop_Instance_setAlias
-            , 'prop_Instance_setPri
-            , 'prop_Instance_setSec
-            , 'prop_Instance_setBoth
-            , 'prop_Instance_shrinkMG
-            , 'prop_Instance_shrinkMF
-            , 'prop_Instance_shrinkCG
-            , 'prop_Instance_shrinkCF
-            , 'prop_Instance_shrinkDG
-            , 'prop_Instance_shrinkDF
-            , 'prop_Instance_setMovable
+            [ 'prop_creat
+            , 'prop_setIdx
+            , 'prop_setName
+            , 'prop_setAlias
+            , 'prop_setPri
+            , 'prop_setSec
+            , 'prop_setBoth
+            , 'prop_shrinkMG
+            , 'prop_shrinkMF
+            , 'prop_shrinkCG
+            , 'prop_shrinkCF
+            , 'prop_shrinkDG
+            , 'prop_shrinkDF
+            , 'prop_setMovable
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Loader.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Loader.hs
index 2699ed01e4b16c7641fcaa935115feb762a1ffa2..653744c3765c2cc5ac9f21968142985d32435bc9 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Loader.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Loader.hs
@@ -44,18 +44,18 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Loader as Loader
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Node as Node
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Types as Types
-prop_Loader_lookupNode :: [(String, Int)] -> String -> String -> Property
-prop_Loader_lookupNode ktn inst node =
+prop_lookupNode :: [(String, Int)] -> String -> String -> Property
+prop_lookupNode ktn inst node =
   Loader.lookupNode nl inst node ==? Map.lookup node nl
     where nl = Map.fromList ktn
-prop_Loader_lookupInstance :: [(String, Int)] -> String -> Property
-prop_Loader_lookupInstance kti inst =
+prop_lookupInstance :: [(String, Int)] -> String -> Property
+prop_lookupInstance kti inst =
   Loader.lookupInstance il inst ==? Map.lookup inst il
     where il = Map.fromList kti
-prop_Loader_assignIndices :: Property
-prop_Loader_assignIndices =
+prop_assignIndices :: Property
+prop_assignIndices =
   -- generate nodes with unique names
   forAll (arbitrary `suchThat`
           (\nodes ->
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ prop_Loader_assignIndices =
 -- | Checks that the number of primary instances recorded on the nodes
 -- is zero.
-prop_Loader_mergeData :: [Node.Node] -> Bool
-prop_Loader_mergeData ns =
+prop_mergeData :: [Node.Node] -> Bool
+prop_mergeData ns =
   let na = Container.fromList $ map (\n -> (Node.idx n, n)) ns
   in case Loader.mergeData [] [] [] []
          (Loader.emptyCluster {Loader.cdNodes = na}) of
@@ -84,22 +84,22 @@ prop_Loader_mergeData ns =
          null instances
 -- | Check that compareNameComponent on equal strings works.
-prop_Loader_compareNameComponent_equal :: String -> Bool
-prop_Loader_compareNameComponent_equal s =
+prop_compareNameComponent_equal :: String -> Bool
+prop_compareNameComponent_equal s =
   BasicTypes.compareNameComponent s s ==
     BasicTypes.LookupResult BasicTypes.ExactMatch s
 -- | Check that compareNameComponent on prefix strings works.
-prop_Loader_compareNameComponent_prefix :: NonEmptyList Char -> String -> Bool
-prop_Loader_compareNameComponent_prefix (NonEmpty s1) s2 =
+prop_compareNameComponent_prefix :: NonEmptyList Char -> String -> Bool
+prop_compareNameComponent_prefix (NonEmpty s1) s2 =
   BasicTypes.compareNameComponent (s1 ++ "." ++ s2) s1 ==
     BasicTypes.LookupResult BasicTypes.PartialMatch s1
 testSuite "Loader"
-            [ 'prop_Loader_lookupNode
-            , 'prop_Loader_lookupInstance
-            , 'prop_Loader_assignIndices
-            , 'prop_Loader_mergeData
-            , 'prop_Loader_compareNameComponent_equal
-            , 'prop_Loader_compareNameComponent_prefix
+            [ 'prop_lookupNode
+            , 'prop_lookupInstance
+            , 'prop_assignIndices
+            , 'prop_mergeData
+            , 'prop_compareNameComponent_equal
+            , 'prop_compareNameComponent_prefix
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs
index 71397fa79d1deacde2a7366b3db1710d39330476..1e44cf22c587bb55da997cea7574cdd0e456829e 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Node.hs
@@ -98,31 +98,31 @@ instance Arbitrary Node.Node where
 -- * Test cases
-prop_Node_setAlias :: Node.Node -> String -> Bool
-prop_Node_setAlias node name =
+prop_setAlias :: Node.Node -> String -> Bool
+prop_setAlias node name =
   Node.name newnode == Node.name node &&
   Node.alias newnode == name
     where newnode = Node.setAlias node name
-prop_Node_setOffline :: Node.Node -> Bool -> Property
-prop_Node_setOffline node status =
+prop_setOffline :: Node.Node -> Bool -> Property
+prop_setOffline node status =
   Node.offline newnode ==? status
     where newnode = Node.setOffline node status
-prop_Node_setXmem :: Node.Node -> Int -> Property
-prop_Node_setXmem node xm =
+prop_setXmem :: Node.Node -> Int -> Property
+prop_setXmem node xm =
   Node.xMem newnode ==? xm
     where newnode = Node.setXmem node xm
-prop_Node_setMcpu :: Node.Node -> Double -> Property
-prop_Node_setMcpu node mc =
+prop_setMcpu :: Node.Node -> Double -> Property
+prop_setMcpu node mc =
   Types.iPolicyVcpuRatio (Node.iPolicy newnode) ==? mc
     where newnode = Node.setMcpu node mc
 -- | Check that an instance add with too high memory or disk will be
 -- rejected.
-prop_Node_addPriFM :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Node_addPriFM node inst =
+prop_addPriFM :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_addPriFM node inst =
   Instance.mem inst >= Node.fMem node && not (Node.failN1 node) &&
   not (Instance.isOffline inst) ==>
   case Node.addPri node inst'' of
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ prop_Node_addPriFM node inst =
 -- | Check that adding a primary instance with too much disk fails
 -- with type FailDisk.
-prop_Node_addPriFD :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Node_addPriFD node inst =
+prop_addPriFD :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_addPriFD node inst =
   forAll (elements Instance.localStorageTemplates) $ \dt ->
   Instance.dsk inst >= Node.fDsk node && not (Node.failN1 node) ==>
   let inst' = setInstanceSmallerThanNode node inst
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ prop_Node_addPriFD node inst =
 -- | Check that adding a primary instance with too many VCPUs fails
 -- with type FailCPU.
-prop_Node_addPriFC :: Property
-prop_Node_addPriFC =
+prop_addPriFC :: Property
+prop_addPriFC =
   forAll (choose (1, maxCpu)) $ \extra ->
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` Instance.notOffline) $ \inst ->
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ prop_Node_addPriFC =
 -- | Check that an instance add with too high memory or disk will be
 -- rejected.
-prop_Node_addSec :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Int -> Property
-prop_Node_addSec node inst pdx =
+prop_addSec :: Node.Node -> Instance.Instance -> Int -> Property
+prop_addSec node inst pdx =
   ((Instance.mem inst >= (Node.fMem node - Node.rMem node) &&
     not (Instance.isOffline inst)) ||
    Instance.dsk inst >= Node.fDsk node) &&
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ prop_Node_addSec node inst pdx =
 -- | Check that an offline instance with reasonable disk size but
 -- extra mem/cpu can always be added.
-prop_Node_addOfflinePri :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
-prop_Node_addOfflinePri (NonNegative extra_mem) (NonNegative extra_cpu) =
+prop_addOfflinePri :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
+prop_addOfflinePri (NonNegative extra_mem) (NonNegative extra_cpu) =
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node) $ \inst ->
   let inst' = inst { Instance.runSt = Types.AdminOffline
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ prop_Node_addOfflinePri (NonNegative extra_mem) (NonNegative extra_cpu) =
 -- | Check that an offline instance with reasonable disk size but
 -- extra mem/cpu can always be added.
-prop_Node_addOfflineSec :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
-                        -> Types.Ndx -> Property
-prop_Node_addOfflineSec (NonNegative extra_mem) (NonNegative extra_cpu) pdx =
+prop_addOfflineSec :: NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int
+                   -> Types.Ndx -> Property
+prop_addOfflineSec (NonNegative extra_mem) (NonNegative extra_cpu) pdx =
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node) $ \inst ->
   let inst' = inst { Instance.runSt = Types.AdminOffline
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ prop_Node_addOfflineSec (NonNegative extra_mem) (NonNegative extra_cpu) pdx =
        v -> failTest $ "Expected OpGood/OpGood, but got: " ++ show v
 -- | Checks for memory reservation changes.
-prop_Node_rMem :: Instance.Instance -> Property
-prop_Node_rMem inst =
+prop_rMem :: Instance.Instance -> Property
+prop_rMem inst =
   not (Instance.isOffline inst) ==>
   forAll (genOnlineNode `suchThat` ((> Types.unitMem) . Node.fMem)) $ \node ->
   -- ab = auto_balance, nb = non-auto_balance
@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@ prop_Node_rMem inst =
        x -> failTest $ "Failed to add/remove instances: " ++ show x
 -- | Check mdsk setting.
-prop_Node_setMdsk :: Node.Node -> SmallRatio -> Bool
-prop_Node_setMdsk node mx =
+prop_setMdsk :: Node.Node -> SmallRatio -> Bool
+prop_setMdsk node mx =
   Node.loDsk node' >= 0 &&
   fromIntegral (Node.loDsk node') <= Node.tDsk node &&
   Node.availDisk node' >= 0 &&
@@ -242,26 +242,26 @@ prop_Node_setMdsk node mx =
           SmallRatio mx' = mx
 -- Check tag maps
-prop_Node_tagMaps_idempotent :: Property
-prop_Node_tagMaps_idempotent =
+prop_tagMaps_idempotent :: Property
+prop_tagMaps_idempotent =
   forAll genTags $ \tags ->
   Node.delTags (Node.addTags m tags) tags ==? m
     where m = Map.empty
-prop_Node_tagMaps_reject :: Property
-prop_Node_tagMaps_reject =
+prop_tagMaps_reject :: Property
+prop_tagMaps_reject =
   forAll (genTags `suchThat` (not . null)) $ \tags ->
   let m = Node.addTags Map.empty tags
   in all (\t -> Node.rejectAddTags m [t]) tags
-prop_Node_showField :: Node.Node -> Property
-prop_Node_showField node =
+prop_showField :: Node.Node -> Property
+prop_showField node =
   forAll (elements Node.defaultFields) $ \ field ->
   fst (Node.showHeader field) /= Types.unknownField &&
   Node.showField node field /= Types.unknownField
-prop_Node_computeGroups :: [Node.Node] -> Bool
-prop_Node_computeGroups nodes =
+prop_computeGroups :: [Node.Node] -> Bool
+prop_computeGroups nodes =
   let ng = Node.computeGroups nodes
       onlyuuid = map fst ng
   in length nodes == sum (map (length . snd) ng) &&
@@ -270,16 +270,16 @@ prop_Node_computeGroups nodes =
      (null nodes || not (null ng))
 -- Check idempotence of add/remove operations
-prop_Node_addPri_idempotent :: Property
-prop_Node_addPri_idempotent =
+prop_addPri_idempotent :: Property
+prop_addPri_idempotent =
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node) $ \inst ->
   case Node.addPri node inst of
     Types.OpGood node' -> Node.removePri node' inst ==? node
     _ -> failTest "Can't add instance"
-prop_Node_addSec_idempotent :: Property
-prop_Node_addSec_idempotent =
+prop_addSec_idempotent :: Property
+prop_addSec_idempotent =
   forAll genOnlineNode $ \node ->
   forAll (genInstanceSmallerThanNode node) $ \inst ->
   let pdx = Node.idx node + 1
@@ -290,22 +290,22 @@ prop_Node_addSec_idempotent =
        _ -> failTest "Can't add instance"
 testSuite "Node"
-            [ 'prop_Node_setAlias
-            , 'prop_Node_setOffline
-            , 'prop_Node_setMcpu
-            , 'prop_Node_setXmem
-            , 'prop_Node_addPriFM
-            , 'prop_Node_addPriFD
-            , 'prop_Node_addPriFC
-            , 'prop_Node_addSec
-            , 'prop_Node_addOfflinePri
-            , 'prop_Node_addOfflineSec
-            , 'prop_Node_rMem
-            , 'prop_Node_setMdsk
-            , 'prop_Node_tagMaps_idempotent
-            , 'prop_Node_tagMaps_reject
-            , 'prop_Node_showField
-            , 'prop_Node_computeGroups
-            , 'prop_Node_addPri_idempotent
-            , 'prop_Node_addSec_idempotent
+            [ 'prop_setAlias
+            , 'prop_setOffline
+            , 'prop_setMcpu
+            , 'prop_setXmem
+            , 'prop_addPriFM
+            , 'prop_addPriFD
+            , 'prop_addPriFC
+            , 'prop_addSec
+            , 'prop_addOfflinePri
+            , 'prop_addOfflineSec
+            , 'prop_rMem
+            , 'prop_setMdsk
+            , 'prop_tagMaps_idempotent
+            , 'prop_tagMaps_reject
+            , 'prop_showField
+            , 'prop_computeGroups
+            , 'prop_addPri_idempotent
+            , 'prop_addSec_idempotent
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/PeerMap.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/PeerMap.hs
index f15864a4fb681f4c22b2e14fa24d31abc63c7927..2b6f34f0d0cfc087ef852cce7d9c5a245f9f6645 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/PeerMap.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/PeerMap.hs
@@ -36,45 +36,45 @@ import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
 import qualified Ganeti.HTools.PeerMap as PeerMap
 -- | Make sure add is idempotent.
-prop_PeerMap_addIdempotent :: PeerMap.PeerMap
-                           -> PeerMap.Key -> PeerMap.Elem -> Property
-prop_PeerMap_addIdempotent pmap key em =
+prop_addIdempotent :: PeerMap.PeerMap
+                   -> PeerMap.Key -> PeerMap.Elem -> Property
+prop_addIdempotent pmap key em =
   fn puniq ==? fn (fn puniq)
     where fn = PeerMap.add key em
           puniq = PeerMap.accumArray const pmap
 -- | Make sure remove is idempotent.
-prop_PeerMap_removeIdempotent :: PeerMap.PeerMap -> PeerMap.Key -> Property
-prop_PeerMap_removeIdempotent pmap key =
+prop_removeIdempotent :: PeerMap.PeerMap -> PeerMap.Key -> Property
+prop_removeIdempotent pmap key =
   fn puniq ==? fn (fn puniq)
     where fn = PeerMap.remove key
           puniq = PeerMap.accumArray const pmap
 -- | Make sure a missing item returns 0.
-prop_PeerMap_findMissing :: PeerMap.PeerMap -> PeerMap.Key -> Property
-prop_PeerMap_findMissing pmap key =
+prop_findMissing :: PeerMap.PeerMap -> PeerMap.Key -> Property
+prop_findMissing pmap key =
   PeerMap.find key (PeerMap.remove key puniq) ==? 0
     where puniq = PeerMap.accumArray const pmap
 -- | Make sure an added item is found.
-prop_PeerMap_addFind :: PeerMap.PeerMap
+prop_addFind :: PeerMap.PeerMap
                      -> PeerMap.Key -> PeerMap.Elem -> Property
-prop_PeerMap_addFind pmap key em =
+prop_addFind pmap key em =
   PeerMap.find key (PeerMap.add key em puniq) ==? em
     where puniq = PeerMap.accumArray const pmap
 -- | Manual check that maxElem returns the maximum indeed, or 0 for null.
-prop_PeerMap_maxElem :: PeerMap.PeerMap -> Property
-prop_PeerMap_maxElem pmap =
+prop_maxElem :: PeerMap.PeerMap -> Property
+prop_maxElem pmap =
   PeerMap.maxElem puniq ==? if null puniq then 0
                               else (maximum . snd . unzip) puniq
     where puniq = PeerMap.accumArray const pmap
 -- | List of tests for the PeerMap module.
 testSuite "PeerMap"
-            [ 'prop_PeerMap_addIdempotent
-            , 'prop_PeerMap_removeIdempotent
-            , 'prop_PeerMap_maxElem
-            , 'prop_PeerMap_addFind
-            , 'prop_PeerMap_findMissing
+            [ 'prop_addIdempotent
+            , 'prop_removeIdempotent
+            , 'prop_maxElem
+            , 'prop_addFind
+            , 'prop_findMissing
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Simu.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Simu.hs
index fcab7697d9d1cbc23d4bd149d7cf3abc1ff3ec32..2960717e1d699f7b7d534ccddf14295e55c9b88b 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Simu.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Simu.hs
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ genSimuSpec = do
 -- | Checks that given a set of corrects specs, we can load them
 -- successfully, and that at high-level the values look right.
-prop_Simu_Load :: Property
-prop_Simu_Load =
+prop_Load :: Property
+prop_Load =
   forAll (choose (0, 10)) $ \ngroups ->
   forAll (replicateM ngroups genSimuSpec) $ \specs ->
   let strspecs = map (\(p, n, d, m, c) -> printf "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d"
@@ -93,5 +93,5 @@ prop_Simu_Load =
              replicate ngroups Types.defIPolicy
 testSuite "Simu"
-            [ 'prop_Simu_Load
+            [ 'prop_Load
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
index 1fe768b51897b5f2ff707c32e3d561cd4ffbd603..d5ef2904647b349ae7c9cdf91b109cf8ee64338b 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Text.hs
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ import qualified Ganeti.HTools.Utils as Utils
 -- * Instance text loader tests
-prop_Text_Load_Instance :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Types.InstanceStatus
-                        -> NonEmptyList Char -> [Char]
-                        -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Bool
-                        -> Types.DiskTemplate -> Int -> Property
-prop_Text_Load_Instance name mem dsk vcpus status
-                        (NonEmpty pnode) snode
-                        (NonNegative pdx) (NonNegative sdx) autobal dt su =
+prop_Load_Instance :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Types.InstanceStatus
+                   -> NonEmptyList Char -> [Char]
+                   -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Bool
+                   -> Types.DiskTemplate -> Int -> Property
+prop_Load_Instance name mem dsk vcpus status
+                   (NonEmpty pnode) snode
+                   (NonNegative pdx) (NonNegative sdx) autobal dt su =
   pnode /= snode && pdx /= sdx ==>
   let vcpus_s = show vcpus
       dsk_s = show dsk
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ prop_Text_Load_Instance name mem dsk vcpus status
                Instance.spindleUse i == su &&
                Types.isBad fail1
-prop_Text_Load_InstanceFail :: [(String, Int)] -> [String] -> Property
-prop_Text_Load_InstanceFail ktn fields =
+prop_Load_InstanceFail :: [(String, Int)] -> [String] -> Property
+prop_Load_InstanceFail ktn fields =
   length fields /= 10 && length fields /= 11 ==>
     case Text.loadInst nl fields of
       Types.Ok _ -> failTest "Managed to load instance from invalid data"
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ prop_Text_Load_InstanceFail ktn fields =
                        "Invalid/incomplete instance data: '" `isPrefixOf` msg
     where nl = Map.fromList ktn
-prop_Text_Load_Node :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
-                    -> Int -> Bool -> Bool
-prop_Text_Load_Node name tm nm fm td fd tc fo =
+prop_Load_Node :: String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
+               -> Int -> Bool -> Bool
+prop_Load_Node name tm nm fm td fd tc fo =
   let conv v = if v < 0
                  then "?"
                  else show v
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ prop_Text_Load_Node name tm nm fm td fd tc fo =
                 Node.fDsk node == fd &&
                 Node.tCpu node == fromIntegral tc
-prop_Text_Load_NodeFail :: [String] -> Property
-prop_Text_Load_NodeFail fields =
+prop_Load_NodeFail :: [String] -> Property
+prop_Load_NodeFail fields =
   length fields /= 8 ==> isNothing $ Text.loadNode Map.empty fields
-prop_Text_NodeLSIdempotent :: Property
-prop_Text_NodeLSIdempotent =
+prop_NodeLSIdempotent :: Property
+prop_NodeLSIdempotent =
   forAll (genNode (Just 1) Nothing) $ \node ->
   -- override failN1 to what loadNode returns by default
   let n = Node.setPolicy Types.defIPolicy $
@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@ prop_Text_NodeLSIdempotent =
          Utils.sepSplit '|' . Text.serializeNode defGroupList) n ==?
     Just (Node.name n, n)
-prop_Text_ISpecIdempotent :: Types.ISpec -> Property
-prop_Text_ISpecIdempotent ispec =
+prop_ISpecIdempotent :: Types.ISpec -> Property
+prop_ISpecIdempotent ispec =
   case Text.loadISpec "dummy" . Utils.sepSplit ',' .
        Text.serializeISpec $ ispec of
     Types.Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load ispec: " ++ msg
     Types.Ok ispec' -> ispec ==? ispec'
-prop_Text_IPolicyIdempotent :: Types.IPolicy -> Property
-prop_Text_IPolicyIdempotent ipol =
+prop_IPolicyIdempotent :: Types.IPolicy -> Property
+prop_IPolicyIdempotent ipol =
   case Text.loadIPolicy . Utils.sepSplit '|' $
        Text.serializeIPolicy owner ipol of
     Types.Bad msg -> failTest $ "Failed to load ispec: " ++ msg
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ prop_Text_IPolicyIdempotent ipol =
 -- allocations, not for the business logic). As such, it's a quite
 -- complex and slow test, and that's the reason we restrict it to
 -- small cluster sizes.
-prop_Text_CreateSerialise :: Property
-prop_Text_CreateSerialise =
+prop_CreateSerialise :: Property
+prop_CreateSerialise =
   forAll genTags $ \ctags ->
   forAll (choose (1, 20)) $ \maxiter ->
   forAll (choose (2, 10)) $ \count ->
@@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ prop_Text_CreateSerialise =
                 nl' ==? nl2
 testSuite "Text"
-            [ 'prop_Text_Load_Instance
-            , 'prop_Text_Load_InstanceFail
-            , 'prop_Text_Load_Node
-            , 'prop_Text_Load_NodeFail
-            , 'prop_Text_NodeLSIdempotent
-            , 'prop_Text_ISpecIdempotent
-            , 'prop_Text_IPolicyIdempotent
-            , 'prop_Text_CreateSerialise
+            [ 'prop_Load_Instance
+            , 'prop_Load_InstanceFail
+            , 'prop_Load_Node
+            , 'prop_Load_NodeFail
+            , 'prop_NodeLSIdempotent
+            , 'prop_ISpecIdempotent
+            , 'prop_IPolicyIdempotent
+            , 'prop_CreateSerialise
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Types.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Types.hs
index 12a64cfc7841cb160ea6782096b5c16a75376c93..5eeaae2b1ff24e9a1ec389f8d6498bfa5cbd1da3 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Types.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Types.hs
@@ -127,38 +127,38 @@ instance Arbitrary Types.IPolicy where
 -- * Test cases
-prop_Types_AllocPolicy_serialisation :: Types.AllocPolicy -> Property
-prop_Types_AllocPolicy_serialisation apol =
+prop_AllocPolicy_serialisation :: Types.AllocPolicy -> Property
+prop_AllocPolicy_serialisation apol =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON apol) of
     J.Ok p -> p ==? apol
     J.Error s -> failTest $ "Failed to deserialise: " ++ s
-prop_Types_DiskTemplate_serialisation :: Types.DiskTemplate -> Property
-prop_Types_DiskTemplate_serialisation dt =
+prop_DiskTemplate_serialisation :: Types.DiskTemplate -> Property
+prop_DiskTemplate_serialisation dt =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON dt) of
     J.Ok p -> p ==? dt
     J.Error s -> failTest $ "Failed to deserialise: " ++ s
-prop_Types_ISpec_serialisation :: Types.ISpec -> Property
-prop_Types_ISpec_serialisation ispec =
+prop_ISpec_serialisation :: Types.ISpec -> Property
+prop_ISpec_serialisation ispec =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON ispec) of
     J.Ok p -> p ==? ispec
     J.Error s -> failTest $ "Failed to deserialise: " ++ s
-prop_Types_IPolicy_serialisation :: Types.IPolicy -> Property
-prop_Types_IPolicy_serialisation ipol =
+prop_IPolicy_serialisation :: Types.IPolicy -> Property
+prop_IPolicy_serialisation ipol =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON ipol) of
     J.Ok p -> p ==? ipol
     J.Error s -> failTest $ "Failed to deserialise: " ++ s
-prop_Types_EvacMode_serialisation :: Types.EvacMode -> Property
-prop_Types_EvacMode_serialisation em =
+prop_EvacMode_serialisation :: Types.EvacMode -> Property
+prop_EvacMode_serialisation em =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON em) of
     J.Ok p -> p ==? em
     J.Error s -> failTest $ "Failed to deserialise: " ++ s
-prop_Types_opToResult :: Types.OpResult Int -> Bool
-prop_Types_opToResult op =
+prop_opToResult :: Types.OpResult Int -> Bool
+prop_opToResult op =
   case op of
     Types.OpFail _ -> Types.isBad r
     Types.OpGood v -> case r of
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ prop_Types_opToResult op =
                         Types.Ok v' -> v == v'
   where r = Types.opToResult op
-prop_Types_eitherToResult :: Either String Int -> Bool
-prop_Types_eitherToResult ei =
+prop_eitherToResult :: Either String Int -> Bool
+prop_eitherToResult ei =
   case ei of
     Left _ -> Types.isBad r
     Right v -> case r of
@@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ prop_Types_eitherToResult ei =
     where r = Types.eitherToResult ei
 testSuite "Types"
-            [ 'prop_Types_AllocPolicy_serialisation
-            , 'prop_Types_DiskTemplate_serialisation
-            , 'prop_Types_ISpec_serialisation
-            , 'prop_Types_IPolicy_serialisation
-            , 'prop_Types_EvacMode_serialisation
-            , 'prop_Types_opToResult
-            , 'prop_Types_eitherToResult
+            [ 'prop_AllocPolicy_serialisation
+            , 'prop_DiskTemplate_serialisation
+            , 'prop_ISpec_serialisation
+            , 'prop_IPolicy_serialisation
+            , 'prop_EvacMode_serialisation
+            , 'prop_opToResult
+            , 'prop_eitherToResult
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs
index 538d8263a3cc513e1024eeade84d0652a26db2d9..eba69d1989235a3a2e65883f4bc13f231c7ef693 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/HTools/Utils.hs
@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ genNonCommaString = do
 -- | If the list is not just an empty element, and if the elements do
 -- not contain commas, then join+split should be idempotent.
-prop_Utils_commaJoinSplit :: Property
-prop_Utils_commaJoinSplit =
+prop_commaJoinSplit :: Property
+prop_commaJoinSplit =
   forAll (choose (0, 20)) $ \llen ->
   forAll (vectorOf llen genNonCommaString `suchThat` ((/=) [""])) $ \lst ->
   Utils.sepSplit ',' (Utils.commaJoin lst) ==? lst
 -- | Split and join should always be idempotent.
-prop_Utils_commaSplitJoin :: [Char] -> Property
-prop_Utils_commaSplitJoin s =
+prop_commaSplitJoin :: [Char] -> Property
+prop_commaSplitJoin s =
   Utils.commaJoin (Utils.sepSplit ',' s) ==? s
 -- | fromObjWithDefault, we test using the Maybe monad and an integer
 -- value.
-prop_Utils_fromObjWithDefault :: Integer -> String -> Bool
-prop_Utils_fromObjWithDefault def_value random_key =
+prop_fromObjWithDefault :: Integer -> String -> Bool
+prop_fromObjWithDefault def_value random_key =
   -- a missing key will be returned with the default
   JSON.fromObjWithDefault [] random_key def_value == Just def_value &&
   -- a found key will be returned as is, not with default
@@ -69,42 +69,42 @@ prop_Utils_fromObjWithDefault def_value random_key =
        random_key (def_value+1) == Just def_value
 -- | Test that functional if' behaves like the syntactic sugar if.
-prop_Utils_if'if :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Gen Prop
-prop_Utils_if'if cnd a b =
+prop_if'if :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Gen Prop
+prop_if'if cnd a b =
   Utils.if' cnd a b ==? if cnd then a else b
 -- | Test basic select functionality
-prop_Utils_select :: Int      -- ^ Default result
-                  -> [Int]    -- ^ List of False values
-                  -> [Int]    -- ^ List of True values
-                  -> Gen Prop -- ^ Test result
-prop_Utils_select def lst1 lst2 =
+prop_select :: Int      -- ^ Default result
+            -> [Int]    -- ^ List of False values
+            -> [Int]    -- ^ List of True values
+            -> Gen Prop -- ^ Test result
+prop_select def lst1 lst2 =
   Utils.select def (flist ++ tlist) ==? expectedresult
     where expectedresult = Utils.if' (null lst2) def (head lst2)
           flist = zip (repeat False) lst1
           tlist = zip (repeat True)  lst2
 -- | Test basic select functionality with undefined default
-prop_Utils_select_undefd :: [Int]            -- ^ List of False values
-                         -> NonEmptyList Int -- ^ List of True values
-                         -> Gen Prop         -- ^ Test result
-prop_Utils_select_undefd lst1 (NonEmpty lst2) =
+prop_select_undefd :: [Int]            -- ^ List of False values
+                   -> NonEmptyList Int -- ^ List of True values
+                   -> Gen Prop         -- ^ Test result
+prop_select_undefd lst1 (NonEmpty lst2) =
   Utils.select undefined (flist ++ tlist) ==? head lst2
     where flist = zip (repeat False) lst1
           tlist = zip (repeat True)  lst2
 -- | Test basic select functionality with undefined list values
-prop_Utils_select_undefv :: [Int]            -- ^ List of False values
-                         -> NonEmptyList Int -- ^ List of True values
-                         -> Gen Prop         -- ^ Test result
-prop_Utils_select_undefv lst1 (NonEmpty lst2) =
+prop_select_undefv :: [Int]            -- ^ List of False values
+                   -> NonEmptyList Int -- ^ List of True values
+                   -> Gen Prop         -- ^ Test result
+prop_select_undefv lst1 (NonEmpty lst2) =
   Utils.select undefined cndlist ==? head lst2
     where flist = zip (repeat False) lst1
           tlist = zip (repeat True)  lst2
           cndlist = flist ++ tlist ++ [undefined]
-prop_Utils_parseUnit :: NonNegative Int -> Property
-prop_Utils_parseUnit (NonNegative n) =
+prop_parseUnit :: NonNegative Int -> Property
+prop_parseUnit (NonNegative n) =
   Utils.parseUnit (show n) ==? Types.Ok n .&&.
   Utils.parseUnit (show n ++ "m") ==? Types.Ok n .&&.
   Utils.parseUnit (show n ++ "M") ==? Types.Ok (truncate n_mb::Int) .&&.
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ prop_Utils_parseUnit (NonNegative n) =
 -- | Test list for the Utils module.
 testSuite "Utils"
-            [ 'prop_Utils_commaJoinSplit
-            , 'prop_Utils_commaSplitJoin
-            , 'prop_Utils_fromObjWithDefault
-            , 'prop_Utils_if'if
-            , 'prop_Utils_select
-            , 'prop_Utils_select_undefd
-            , 'prop_Utils_select_undefv
-            , 'prop_Utils_parseUnit
+            [ 'prop_commaJoinSplit
+            , 'prop_commaSplitJoin
+            , 'prop_fromObjWithDefault
+            , 'prop_if'if
+            , 'prop_select
+            , 'prop_select_undefd
+            , 'prop_select_undefv
+            , 'prop_parseUnit
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/JSON.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/JSON.hs
index 6a42fd7bd44aa8f5bb551404e1277a1d6a95d2b4..0ad22ff73dfcb3107b16810e8acaa6e9e19000d4 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/JSON.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/JSON.hs
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
 import qualified Ganeti.BasicTypes as BasicTypes
 import qualified Ganeti.JSON as JSON
-prop_JSON_toArray :: [Int] -> Property
-prop_JSON_toArray intarr =
+prop_toArray :: [Int] -> Property
+prop_toArray intarr =
   let arr = map J.showJSON intarr in
   case JSON.toArray (J.JSArray arr) of
     BasicTypes.Ok arr' -> arr ==? arr'
     BasicTypes.Bad err -> failTest $ "Failed to parse array: " ++ err
-prop_JSON_toArrayFail :: Int -> String -> Bool -> Property
-prop_JSON_toArrayFail i s b =
+prop_toArrayFail :: Int -> String -> Bool -> Property
+prop_toArrayFail i s b =
   -- poor man's instance Arbitrary JSValue
   forAll (elements [J.showJSON i, J.showJSON s, J.showJSON b]) $ \item ->
   case JSON.toArray item of
@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ prop_JSON_toArrayFail i s b =
     BasicTypes.Ok result -> failTest $ "Unexpected parse, got " ++ show result
 testSuite "JSON"
-          [ 'prop_JSON_toArray
-          , 'prop_JSON_toArrayFail
+          [ 'prop_toArray
+          , 'prop_toArrayFail
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Jobs.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Jobs.hs
index f2ada1039c52148d802990beff4849f2355f9ef6..3471c95243dc86fb8fe437ac4ab68e9c8da6020f 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Jobs.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Jobs.hs
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ instance Arbitrary Jobs.JobStatus where
 -- * Test cases
 -- | Check that (queued) job\/opcode status serialization is idempotent.
-prop_Jobs_OpStatus_serialization :: Jobs.OpStatus -> Property
-prop_Jobs_OpStatus_serialization os =
+prop_OpStatus_serialization :: Jobs.OpStatus -> Property
+prop_OpStatus_serialization os =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON os) of
     J.Error e -> failTest $ "Cannot deserialise: " ++ e
     J.Ok os' -> os ==? os'
-prop_Jobs_JobStatus_serialization :: Jobs.JobStatus -> Property
-prop_Jobs_JobStatus_serialization js =
+prop_JobStatus_serialization :: Jobs.JobStatus -> Property
+prop_JobStatus_serialization js =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON js) of
     J.Error e -> failTest $ "Cannot deserialise: " ++ e
     J.Ok js' -> js ==? js'
 testSuite "Jobs"
-            [ 'prop_Jobs_OpStatus_serialization
-            , 'prop_Jobs_JobStatus_serialization
+            [ 'prop_OpStatus_serialization
+            , 'prop_JobStatus_serialization
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
index b40cf3451eebbcb069686acffde7f0c383109a0b..e36889fe7388115a6779839828f872b17898244d 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Luxi.hs
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ instance Arbitrary Luxi.LuxiOp where
       Luxi.ReqSetWatcherPause -> Luxi.SetWatcherPause <$> arbitrary
 -- | Simple check that encoding/decoding of LuxiOp works.
-prop_Luxi_CallEncoding :: Luxi.LuxiOp -> Property
-prop_Luxi_CallEncoding op =
+prop_CallEncoding :: Luxi.LuxiOp -> Property
+prop_CallEncoding op =
   (Luxi.validateCall (Luxi.buildCall op) >>= Luxi.decodeCall) ==? Ok op
 -- | Helper to a get a temporary file name.
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ luxiClientPong c =
 -- | Monadic check that, given a server socket, we can connect via a
 -- client to it, and that we can send a list of arbitrary messages and
 -- get back what we sent.
-prop_Luxi_ClientServer :: [[DNSChar]] -> Property
-prop_Luxi_ClientServer dnschars = monadicIO $ do
+prop_ClientServer :: [[DNSChar]] -> Property
+prop_ClientServer dnschars = monadicIO $ do
   let msgs = map (map dnsGetChar) dnschars
   fpath <- run $ getTempFileName
   -- we need to create the server first, otherwise (if we do it in the
@@ -137,6 +137,6 @@ prop_Luxi_ClientServer dnschars = monadicIO $ do
   stop $ replies ==? msgs
 testSuite "Luxi"
-          [ 'prop_Luxi_CallEncoding
-          , 'prop_Luxi_ClientServer
+          [ 'prop_CallEncoding
+          , 'prop_ClientServer
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
index 7baaf70aac74bb56f3dc7ac163fc6865157c9158..5463aef204c63f9baa9dc3d8757f9c7cf6acf605 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ instance Arbitrary Objects.Node where
               <*> (Set.fromList <$> genTags)
 -- | Tests that fillDict behaves correctly
-prop_Objects_fillDict :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Property
-prop_Objects_fillDict defaults custom =
+prop_fillDict :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Property
+prop_fillDict defaults custom =
   let d_map = Map.fromList defaults
       d_keys = map fst defaults
       c_map = Map.fromList custom
@@ -69,5 +69,5 @@ prop_Objects_fillDict defaults custom =
       (Objects.fillDict d_map c_map (d_keys++c_keys) == Map.empty)
 testSuite "Objects"
-  [ 'prop_Objects_fillDict
+  [ 'prop_fillDict
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
index f4878d3bfbccd421af1b66401ff95a003b8b768b..d184d2104d42cbbc3346c458a9ee3ddb6dba9f6b 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ instance Arbitrary OpCodes.OpCode where
 -- * Test cases
 -- | Check that opcode serialization is idempotent.
-prop_OpCodes_serialization :: OpCodes.OpCode -> Property
-prop_OpCodes_serialization op =
+prop_serialization :: OpCodes.OpCode -> Property
+prop_serialization op =
   case J.readJSON (J.showJSON op) of
     J.Error e -> failTest $ "Cannot deserialise: " ++ e
     J.Ok op' -> op ==? op'
 -- | Check that Python and Haskell defined the same opcode list.
-case_OpCodes_AllDefined :: HUnit.Assertion
-case_OpCodes_AllDefined = do
+case_AllDefined :: HUnit.Assertion
+case_AllDefined = do
   py_stdout <- runPython "from ganeti import opcodes\n\
                          \print '\\n'.join(opcodes.OP_MAPPING.keys())" "" >>=
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ case_OpCodes_AllDefined = do
 -- a better way to do this, for example by having a
 -- separately-launched Python process (if not running the tests would
 -- be skipped).
-case_OpCodes_py_compat :: HUnit.Assertion
-case_OpCodes_py_compat = do
+case_py_compat :: HUnit.Assertion
+case_py_compat = do
   let num_opcodes = length OpCodes.allOpIDs * 500
   sample_opcodes <- sample' (vectorOf num_opcodes
                              (arbitrary::Gen OpCodes.OpCode))
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ case_OpCodes_py_compat = do
         ) $ zip opcodes decoded
 testSuite "OpCodes"
-            [ 'prop_OpCodes_serialization
-            , 'case_OpCodes_AllDefined
-            , 'case_OpCodes_py_compat
+            [ 'prop_serialization
+            , 'case_AllDefined
+            , 'case_py_compat
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
index 8c33e24a04c6eb6680eaa26e90aee560fb77d7a8..e2be6796c0f691a49fd15d1dea0fa44f4b77d2e9 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Query/Language.hs
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ instance Arbitrary Qlang.FilterRegex where
 -- | Tests that serialisation/deserialisation of filters is
 -- idempotent.
-prop_Qlang_Serialisation :: Property
-prop_Qlang_Serialisation =
+prop_Serialisation :: Property
+prop_Serialisation =
   forAll genFilter $ \flt ->
   J.readJSON (J.showJSON flt) ==? J.Ok flt
-prop_Qlang_FilterRegex_instances :: Qlang.FilterRegex -> Property
-prop_Qlang_FilterRegex_instances rex =
+prop_FilterRegex_instances :: Qlang.FilterRegex -> Property
+prop_FilterRegex_instances rex =
   printTestCase "failed JSON encoding"
     (J.readJSON (J.showJSON rex) ==? J.Ok rex) .&&.
   printTestCase "failed read/show instances" (read (show rex) ==? rex)
 testSuite "Qlang"
-  [ 'prop_Qlang_Serialisation
-  , 'prop_Qlang_FilterRegex_instances
+  [ 'prop_Serialisation
+  , 'prop_FilterRegex_instances
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Rpc.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Rpc.hs
index 618ea9cf41023e53c7f3bffbcd73991fbdd27388..34e8e6142fae75afbddea45f15c4a108911233b4 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Rpc.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Rpc.hs
@@ -53,26 +53,26 @@ instance Arbitrary Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo where
 -- offline nodes, we get a OfflineNodeError response.
 -- FIXME: We need a way of generalizing this, running it for
 -- every call manually will soon get problematic
-prop_Rpc_noffl_request_allinstinfo :: Rpc.RpcCallAllInstancesInfo -> Property
-prop_Rpc_noffl_request_allinstinfo call =
+prop_noffl_request_allinstinfo :: Rpc.RpcCallAllInstancesInfo -> Property
+prop_noffl_request_allinstinfo call =
   forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` Objects.nodeOffline) $ \node -> monadicIO $ do
       res <- run $ Rpc.executeRpcCall [node] call
       stop $ res ==? [(node, Left (Rpc.OfflineNodeError node))]
-prop_Rpc_noffl_request_instlist :: Rpc.RpcCallInstanceList -> Property
-prop_Rpc_noffl_request_instlist call =
+prop_noffl_request_instlist :: Rpc.RpcCallInstanceList -> Property
+prop_noffl_request_instlist call =
   forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` Objects.nodeOffline) $ \node -> monadicIO $ do
       res <- run $ Rpc.executeRpcCall [node] call
       stop $ res ==? [(node, Left (Rpc.OfflineNodeError node))]
-prop_Rpc_noffl_request_nodeinfo :: Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo -> Property
-prop_Rpc_noffl_request_nodeinfo call =
+prop_noffl_request_nodeinfo :: Rpc.RpcCallNodeInfo -> Property
+prop_noffl_request_nodeinfo call =
   forAll (arbitrary `suchThat` Objects.nodeOffline) $ \node -> monadicIO $ do
       res <- run $ Rpc.executeRpcCall [node] call
       stop $ res ==? [(node, Left (Rpc.OfflineNodeError node))]
 testSuite "Rpc"
-  [ 'prop_Rpc_noffl_request_allinstinfo
-  , 'prop_Rpc_noffl_request_instlist
-  , 'prop_Rpc_noffl_request_nodeinfo
+  [ 'prop_noffl_request_allinstinfo
+  , 'prop_noffl_request_instlist
+  , 'prop_noffl_request_nodeinfo
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Ssconf.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Ssconf.hs
index 8139e2dd8dfd41c35cc9759044979defb7281969..0b8695026ed3b2c8d4c8528aa8bfae308d7f83b4 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Ssconf.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Ssconf.hs
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ import qualified Ganeti.Ssconf as Ssconf
 instance Arbitrary Ssconf.SSKey where
   arbitrary = elements [minBound..maxBound]
-prop_Ssconf_filename :: Ssconf.SSKey -> Property
-prop_Ssconf_filename key =
+prop_filename :: Ssconf.SSKey -> Property
+prop_filename key =
   printTestCase "Key doesn't start with correct prefix" $
     Ssconf.sSFilePrefix `isPrefixOf` Ssconf.keyToFilename (Just "") key
 testSuite "Ssconf"
-  [ 'prop_Ssconf_filename
+  [ 'prop_filename
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs
index ad0aaa2d2125422804263cdea64292440b01c3be..6b524c8a21781bc8ad5b16b4b270fcc05e3d0fc0 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestHelper.hs
@@ -38,35 +38,43 @@ import Test.HUnit (Assertion)
 import Test.QuickCheck
 import Language.Haskell.TH
+-- | Test property prefix.
+propPrefix :: String
+propPrefix = "prop_"
+-- | Test case prefix.
+casePrefix :: String
+casePrefix = "case_"
 -- | Tries to drop a prefix from a string.
 simplifyName :: String -> String -> String
 simplifyName pfx string = fromMaybe string (stripPrefix pfx string)
 -- | Builds a test from a QuickCheck property.
-runQC :: Testable prop => String -> String -> prop -> Test
-runQC pfx name = testProperty (simplifyName ("prop_" ++ pfx ++ "_") name)
+runProp :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> Test
+runProp = testProperty . simplifyName propPrefix
 -- | Builds a test for a HUnit test case.
-runHUnit :: String -> String -> Assertion -> Test
-runHUnit pfx name = testCase (simplifyName ("case_" ++ pfx ++ "_") name)
+runCase :: String -> Assertion -> Test
+runCase = testCase . simplifyName casePrefix
 -- | Runs the correct test provider for a given test, based on its
 -- name (not very nice, but...).
-run :: String -> Name -> Q Exp
-run tsname name =
+run :: Name -> Q Exp
+run name =
   let str = nameBase name
       nameE = varE name
       strE = litE (StringL str)
   in case () of
-       _ | "prop_" `isPrefixOf` str -> [| runQC tsname $strE $nameE |]
-         | "case_" `isPrefixOf` str -> [| runHUnit tsname $strE $nameE |]
+       _ | propPrefix `isPrefixOf` str -> [| runProp $strE $nameE |]
+         | casePrefix `isPrefixOf` str -> [| runCase $strE $nameE |]
          | otherwise -> fail $ "Unsupported test function name '" ++ str ++ "'"
 -- | Builds a test suite.
 testSuite :: String -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
 testSuite tsname tdef = do
   let fullname = mkName $ "test" ++ tsname
-  tests <- mapM (run tsname) tdef
+  tests <- mapM run tdef
   sigtype <- [t| (String, [Test]) |]
   return [ SigD fullname sigtype
          , ValD (VarP fullname) (NormalB (TupE [LitE (StringL tsname),