From 105f0d47288e54b41c39ab6fad17224405910a40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hanselmann <>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2012 17:39:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add new test for RAPI
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Unlike existing tests, this actually tests RAPI at the interface with
the HTTP server. This way authentification can also be tested. A test
for β€œ/2/query/…” is included as it's a bit special.

Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
Reviewed-by: Bernardo Dal Seno <>
---                         |   1 +
 test/ | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 244 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 test/

diff --git a/ b/
index 7daf7788d..2ca6ed775 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -937,6 +937,7 @@ python_tests = \
 	test/ \
 	test/ \
 	test/ \
+	test/ \
 	test/ \
 	test/ \
 	test/ \
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..618a44e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+"""Script for testing ganeti.server.rapi"""
+import re
+import unittest
+import random
+import mimetools
+import base64
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from ganeti import constants
+from ganeti import utils
+from ganeti import compat
+from ganeti import errors
+from ganeti import serializer
+from ganeti import rapi
+from ganeti import http
+from ganeti import objects
+import ganeti.rapi.baserlib
+import ganeti.rapi.testutils
+import ganeti.rapi.rlib2
+import ganeti.http.auth
+import testutils
+class TestRemoteApiHandler(unittest.TestCase):
+  @staticmethod
+  def _LookupWrongUser(_):
+    return None
+  def _Test(self, method, path, headers, reqbody,
+            user_fn=NotImplemented, luxi_client=NotImplemented):
+    rm = rapi.testutils._RapiMock(user_fn, luxi_client)
+    (resp_code, resp_headers, resp_body) = \
+      rm.FetchResponse(path, method, http.ParseHeaders(StringIO(headers)),
+                       reqbody)
+    self.assertTrue(resp_headers[http.HTTP_DATE])
+    self.assertEqual(resp_headers[http.HTTP_CONNECTION], "close")
+    self.assertEqual(resp_headers[http.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE], http.HTTP_APP_JSON)
+    self.assertEqual(resp_headers[http.HTTP_SERVER], http.HTTP_GANETI_VERSION)
+    return (resp_code, resp_headers, serializer.LoadJson(resp_body))
+  def testRoot(self):
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_GET, "/", "", None)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HTTP_OK)
+    self.assertTrue(data is None)
+  def testVersion(self):
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_GET, "/version", "", None)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HTTP_OK)
+    self.assertEqual(data, constants.RAPI_VERSION)
+  def testSlashTwo(self):
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_GET, "/2", "", None)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HTTP_OK)
+    self.assertTrue(data is None)
+  def testFeatures(self):
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_GET, "/2/features", "", None)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HTTP_OK)
+    self.assertEqual(set(data), set(rapi.rlib2.ALL_FEATURES))
+  def testPutInstances(self):
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_PUT, "/2/instances", "", None)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpNotImplemented.code)
+    self.assertTrue(data["message"].startswith("Method PUT is unsupported"))
+  def testPostInstancesNoAuth(self):
+    (code, _, _) = self._Test(http.HTTP_POST, "/2/instances", "", None)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+  def testRequestWithUnsupportedMediaType(self):
+    for fn in [lambda s: s, lambda s: s.upper(), lambda s: s.title()]:
+      headers = rapi.testutils._FormatHeaders([
+        "%s: %s" % (http.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, fn("un/supported/media/type")),
+        ])
+      (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_GET, "/", headers, "body")
+      self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnsupportedMediaType.code)
+      self.assertEqual(data["message"], "Unsupported Media Type")
+  def testRequestWithInvalidJsonData(self):
+    body = "_this/is/no'valid.json"
+    self.assertRaises(Exception, serializer.LoadJson, body)
+    headers = rapi.testutils._FormatHeaders([
+      "%s: %s" % (http.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, http.HTTP_APP_JSON),
+      ])
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_GET, "/", headers, body)
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpBadRequest.code)
+    self.assertEqual(data["message"], "Unable to parse JSON data")
+  def testUnsupportedAuthScheme(self):
+    headers = rapi.testutils._FormatHeaders([
+      "%s: %s" % (http.HTTP_AUTHORIZATION, "Unsupported scheme"),
+      ])
+    (code, _, _) = self._Test(http.HTTP_POST, "/2/instances", headers, "")
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+  def testIncompleteBasicAuth(self):
+    headers = rapi.testutils._FormatHeaders([
+      "%s: Basic" % http.HTTP_AUTHORIZATION,
+      ])
+    (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_POST, "/2/instances", headers, "")
+    self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpBadRequest.code)
+    self.assertEqual(data["message"],
+                     "Basic authentication requires credentials")
+  def testInvalidBasicAuth(self):
+    for auth in ["!invalid=base!64.", base64.b64encode(" "),
+                 base64.b64encode("missingcolonchar")]:
+      headers = rapi.testutils._FormatHeaders([
+        "%s: Basic %s" % (http.HTTP_AUTHORIZATION, auth),
+        ])
+      (code, _, data) = self._Test(http.HTTP_POST, "/2/instances", headers, "")
+      self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+  @staticmethod
+  def _MakeAuthHeaders(username, password, correct_password):
+    if correct_password:
+      pw = password
+    else:
+      pw = "wrongpass"
+    return rapi.testutils._FormatHeaders([
+      "%s: Basic %s" % (http.HTTP_AUTHORIZATION,
+                        base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, pw))),
+      "%s: %s" % (http.HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, http.HTTP_APP_JSON),
+      ])
+  def testQueryAuth(self):
+    username = "admin"
+    password = "2046920054"
+    header_fn = compat.partial(self._MakeAuthHeaders, username, password)
+    def _LookupUserNoWrite(name):
+      if name == username:
+        return http.auth.PasswordFileUser(name, password, [])
+      else:
+        return None
+    def _LookupUserWithWrite(name):
+      if name == username:
+        return http.auth.PasswordFileUser(name, password, [
+          rapi.RAPI_ACCESS_WRITE,
+          ])
+      else:
+        return None
+    for qr in constants.QR_VIA_RAPI:
+      # The /2/query resource has somewhat special rules for authentication as
+      # it can be used to retrieve critical information
+      path = "/2/query/%s" % qr
+      for method in rapi.baserlib._SUPPORTED_METHODS:
+        # No authorization
+        (code, _, _) = self._Test(method, path, "", "")
+        if method in (http.HTTP_DELETE, http.HTTP_POST):
+          self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpNotImplemented.code)
+          continue
+        self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+        # Incorrect user
+        (code, _, _) = self._Test(method, path, header_fn(True), "",
+                                  user_fn=self._LookupWrongUser)
+        self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+        # User has no write access, but the password is correct
+        (code, _, _) = self._Test(method, path, header_fn(True), "",
+                                  user_fn=_LookupUserNoWrite)
+        self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpForbidden.code)
+        # Wrong password and no write access
+        (code, _, _) = self._Test(method, path, header_fn(False), "",
+                                  user_fn=_LookupUserNoWrite)
+        self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+        # Wrong password with write access
+        (code, _, _) = self._Test(method, path, header_fn(False), "",
+                                  user_fn=_LookupUserWithWrite)
+        self.assertEqual(code, http.HttpUnauthorized.code)
+        # Prepare request information
+        if method == http.HTTP_PUT:
+          reqpath = path
+          body = serializer.DumpJson({
+            "fields": ["name"],
+            })
+        elif method == http.HTTP_GET:
+          reqpath = "%s?fields=name" % path
+          body = ""
+        else:
+"Unknown method '%s'" % method)
+        # User has write access, password is correct
+        (code, _, data) = self._Test(method, reqpath, header_fn(True), body,
+                                     user_fn=_LookupUserWithWrite,
+                                     luxi_client=_FakeLuxiClientForQuery)
+        self.assertEqual(code, http.HTTP_OK)
+        self.assertTrue(objects.QueryResponse.FromDict(data))
+class _FakeLuxiClientForQuery:
+  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    pass
+  def Query(self, *args):
+    return objects.QueryResponse(fields=[])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  testutils.GanetiTestProgram()