From 0ed468d38c06a4c767863e2e3328c5afa1907289 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hanselmann <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:48:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove more old job queue code

Apparently I forgot to this code when removing the rest.

Reviewed-by: iustinp
 daemons/ganeti-masterd | 66 ------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/daemons/ganeti-masterd b/daemons/ganeti-masterd
index 8e3701c17..11cbe3458 100755
--- a/daemons/ganeti-masterd
+++ b/daemons/ganeti-masterd
@@ -226,72 +226,6 @@ class ClientOps:
       raise ValueError("Invalid operation")
-def JobRunner(proc, job, context):
-  """Job executor.
-  This functions processes a single job in the context of given
-  processor instance.
-  Args:
-    proc: Ganeti Processor to run the job on
-    job: The job to run (unserialized format)
-    context: Ganeti shared context
-  """
-  job.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_RUNNING)
-  fail = False
-  for idx, op in enumerate(
-[idx] = opcodes.Job.STATUS_RUNNING
-    try:
-[idx] = proc.ExecOpCode(op)
-[idx] = opcodes.Job.STATUS_SUCCESS
-    except (errors.OpPrereqError, errors.OpExecError), err:
-      fail = True
-[idx] = str(err)
-[idx] = opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL
-  if fail:
-    job.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL)
-  else:
-    job.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_SUCCESS)
-def PoolWorker(worker_id, incoming_queue, context):
-  """A worker thread function.
-  This is the actual processor of a single thread of Job execution.
-  Args:
-    worker_id: the unique id for this worker
-    incoming_queue: a queue to get jobs from
-    context: the common server context, containing all shared data and
-             synchronization structures.
-  """
-  while True:
-    logging.debug("worker %s sleeping", worker_id)
-    item = incoming_queue.get(True)
-    if item is None:
-      break
-    logging.debug("worker %s processing job %s", worker_id,
-    proc = mcpu.Processor(context, feedback=lambda x: None)
-    try:
-      JobRunner(proc, item, context)
-    except errors.GenericError, err:
-      msg = "ganeti exception"
-      logging.error(msg, exc_info=err)
-      item.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL, result=[msg])
-    except Exception, err:
-      msg = "unhandled exception"
-      logging.error(msg, exc_info=err)
-      item.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL, result=[msg])
-    except:
-      msg = "unhandled unknown exception"
-      logging.error(msg, exc_info=True)
-      item.SetStatus(opcodes.Job.STATUS_FAIL, result=[msg])
-    logging.debug("worker %s finish job %s", worker_id,
-  logging.debug("worker %s exiting", worker_id)
 class GanetiContext(object):
   """Context common to all ganeti threads.