diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Network.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Network.hs
index 6df8b82c2dd710593fe95dce6bf254f4b8b53510..4867830c95d90433483e542ccabcee2d08444a15 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Network.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Network.hs
@@ -3,75 +3,34 @@
 module Test.Ganeti.Network
   ( testNetwork
+  , genBitStringMaxLen
+  , genNetworkType
   ) where
 import Test.QuickCheck
-import Control.Monad
 import Ganeti.Network as Network
 import Ganeti.Objects as Objects
-import Ganeti.Types
-import Test.Ganeti.Query.Language (genJSValue)
+import Test.Ganeti.Objects
+  ( genBitStringMaxLen
+  , genNetworkType
+  , genValidNetwork )
 import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
 import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
 import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
-import qualified Data.Set as S
 -- * Generators and arbitrary instances
--- | Generate an arbitrary string consisting of '0' and '1' of the given length.
-genBitString :: Int -> Gen String
-genBitString len = vectorOf len (elements "01")
--- | Generate an arbitrary string consisting of '0' and '1' of the maximum given
--- length.
-genBitStringMaxLen :: Int -> Gen String
-genBitStringMaxLen maxLen = choose (0, maxLen) >>= genBitString
--- | Generates an arbitrary bit vector of the given length.
-genBitVector :: Int -> Gen (V.Vector Bool)
-genBitVector len = do
-  boolList <- vector len::Gen [Bool]
-  return $ V.fromList boolList
--- | Generates a network instance with bit vectors of the given lengths for
--- reservations and external reservations.
-genValidNetwork :: Int -> Gen Objects.Network
-genValidNetwork maxLenBitStr = do
-  lenBitStr <- choose (0, maxLenBitStr)
-  name <- genName >>= mkNonEmpty
-  network_type <- genMaybe genNetworkType
-  mac_prefix <- genMaybe genName
-  fam <- arbitrary
-  net <- genName >>= mkNonEmpty
-  net6 <- genMaybe genName
-  gateway <- genMaybe genName
-  gateway6 <- genMaybe genName
-  size <- genMaybe genJSValue
-  res <- liftM Just (genBitString lenBitStr)
-  ext_res <- liftM Just (genBitString lenBitStr)
-  let n = Network name network_type mac_prefix fam net net6 gateway
-          gateway6 size res ext_res 0 S.empty
-  return n
--- | Generates an arbitrary network type.
-genNetworkType :: Gen NetworkType
-genNetworkType = elements [ PrivateNetwork, PublicNetwork ]
--- | Network instances are generated arbitrarily only with short bit strings to
--- not slow down the test execution too much.
-instance Arbitrary Objects.Network where
-  arbitrary = genValidNetwork 256
 -- | Generates address pools. The size of the network is intentionally
 -- decoupled from the size of the bit vectors, to avoid slowing down
 -- the tests by generating unnecessary bit strings.
 genAddressPool :: Int -> Gen AddressPool
 genAddressPool maxLenBitVec = do
-  net <- arbitrary
+  -- Generating networks with netmask of minimum /24 to avoid too long
+  -- bit strings being generated.
+  net <- genValidNetwork
   lenBitVec <- choose (0, maxLenBitVec)
   res <- genBitVector lenBitVec
   ext_res <- genBitVector lenBitVec
@@ -79,6 +38,12 @@ genAddressPool maxLenBitVec = do
                      , reservations = res
                      , extReservations = ext_res }
+-- | Generates an arbitrary bit vector of the given length.
+genBitVector :: Int -> Gen (V.Vector Bool)
+genBitVector len = do
+  boolList <- vector len::Gen [Bool]
+  return $ V.fromList boolList
 instance Arbitrary AddressPool where
   arbitrary = genAddressPool ((2::Int)^(8::Int))
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
index 7e3e9919f44a54811cbd4ee146a5a56430ab757b..03da9e7df54041817310a3eef41262df552d5cb1 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/Objects.hs
@@ -30,13 +30,20 @@ module Test.Ganeti.Objects
   ( testObjects
   , Node(..)
   , genEmptyCluster
+  , genValidNetwork
+  , genNetworkType
+  , genBitStringMaxLen
   ) where
 import Test.QuickCheck
+import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
 import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Char
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Text.JSON as J
 import Test.Ganeti.Query.Language (genJSValue)
 import Test.Ganeti.TestHelper
@@ -44,8 +51,10 @@ import Test.Ganeti.TestCommon
 import Test.Ganeti.Types ()
 import qualified Ganeti.Constants as C
+import Ganeti.Network
 import Ganeti.Objects as Objects
 import Ganeti.JSON
+import Ganeti.Types
 {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use camelCase" #-}
@@ -164,33 +173,42 @@ instance Arbitrary TagSet where
 $(genArbitrary ''Cluster)
 instance Arbitrary Network where
-  arbitrary = Network <$>
-                        -- name
-                        arbitrary
-                        -- network_type
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- mac_prefix
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- family
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- network
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- network6
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- gateway
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- gateway6
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- size
-                        <*> genMaybe genJSValue
-                        -- reservations
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- external reservations
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- serial
-                        <*> arbitrary
-                        -- tags
-                        <*> (Set.fromList <$> genTags)
+  arbitrary = genValidNetwork
+-- | Generates a network instance with minimum netmasks of /24. Generating
+-- bigger networks slows down the tests, because long bit strings are generated
+-- for the reservations.
+genValidNetwork :: Gen Objects.Network
+genValidNetwork = do
+  -- generate netmask for the IPv4 network
+  netmask <- choose (24::Int, 30)
+  name <- genName >>= mkNonEmpty
+  network_type <- genMaybe genNetworkType
+  mac_prefix <- genMaybe genName
+  fam <- arbitrary
+  net <- genIp4NetWithNetmask netmask
+  net6 <- genMaybe genIp6Net
+  gateway <- genMaybe genIp4AddrStr
+  gateway6 <- genMaybe genIp6Addr
+  size <- genMaybe genJSValue
+  res <- liftM Just (genBitString $ netmask2NumHosts netmask)
+  ext_res <- liftM Just (genBitString $ netmask2NumHosts netmask)
+  let n = Network name network_type mac_prefix fam net net6 gateway
+          gateway6 size res ext_res 0 Set.empty
+  return n
+-- | Generates an arbitrary network type.
+genNetworkType :: Gen NetworkType
+genNetworkType = elements [ PrivateNetwork, PublicNetwork ]
+-- | Generate an arbitrary string consisting of '0' and '1' of the given length.
+genBitString :: Int -> Gen String
+genBitString len = vectorOf len (elements "01")
+-- | Generate an arbitrary string consisting of '0' and '1' of the maximum given
+-- length.
+genBitStringMaxLen :: Int -> Gen String
+genBitStringMaxLen maxLen = choose (0, maxLen) >>= genBitString
 -- | Generator for config data with an empty cluster (no instances),
 -- with N defined nodes.
@@ -261,6 +279,58 @@ prop_Config_serialisation :: Property
 prop_Config_serialisation =
   forAll (choose (0, maxNodes `div` 4) >>= genEmptyCluster) testSerialisation
+-- | Custom HUnit test to check the correspondence between Haskell-generated
+-- networks and their Python decoded, validated and re-encoded version.
+-- For the technical background of this unit test, check the documentation
+-- of "case_py_compat_types" of htest/Test/Ganeti/Opcodes.hs
+case_py_compat_networks :: HUnit.Assertion
+case_py_compat_networks = do
+  let num_networks = 500::Int
+  sample_networks <- sample' (vectorOf num_networks genValidNetwork)
+  let networks = head sample_networks
+      networks_with_properties = map getNetworkProperties networks
+      serialized = J.encode networks
+  -- check for non-ASCII fields, usually due to 'arbitrary :: String'
+  mapM_ (\net -> when (any (not . isAscii) (J.encode net)) .
+                 HUnit.assertFailure $
+                 "Network has non-ASCII fields: " ++ show net
+        ) networks
+  py_stdout <-
+    runPython "from ganeti import network\n\
+              \from ganeti import objects\n\
+              \from ganeti import serializer\n\
+              \import sys\n\
+              \net_data = serializer.Load(sys.stdin.read())\n\
+              \decoded = [objects.Network.FromDict(n) for n in net_data]\n\
+              \encoded = []\n\
+              \for net in decoded:\n\
+              \  a = network.AddressPool(net)\n\
+              \  encoded.append((a.GetFreeCount(), a.GetReservedCount(), \\\n\
+              \    net.ToDict()))\n\
+              \print serializer.Dump(encoded)" serialized
+    >>= checkPythonResult
+  let deserialised = J.decode py_stdout::J.Result [(Int, Int, Network)]
+  decoded <- case deserialised of
+               J.Ok ops -> return ops
+               J.Error msg ->
+                 HUnit.assertFailure ("Unable to decode networks: " ++ msg)
+                 -- this already raised an expection, but we need it
+                 -- for proper types
+                 >> fail "Unable to decode networks"
+  HUnit.assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned networks"
+    (length decoded) (length networks_with_properties)
+  mapM_ (uncurry (HUnit.assertEqual "Different result after encoding/decoding")
+        ) $ zip decoded networks_with_properties
+-- | Creates a tuple of the given network combined with some of its properties
+-- to be compared against the same properties generated by the python code.
+getNetworkProperties :: Network -> (Int, Int, Network)
+getNetworkProperties net =
+  let maybePool = createAddressPool net
+  in  case maybePool of
+           (Just pool) -> (getFreeCount pool, getReservedCount pool, net)
+           Nothing -> (-1, -1, net)
 testSuite "Objects"
   [ 'prop_fillDict
   , 'prop_Disk_serialisation
@@ -268,4 +338,5 @@ testSuite "Objects"
   , 'prop_Network_serialisation
   , 'prop_Node_serialisation
   , 'prop_Config_serialisation
+  , 'case_py_compat_networks
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
index 58107b2787a6eee1d200374ef970cf57bdf411fa..931b2063ea61d59021129e9a483918180c41f865 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/OpCodes.hs
@@ -386,22 +386,6 @@ genNamesNE = resize maxNodes (listOf genNameNE)
 genFieldsNE :: Gen [NonEmptyString]
 genFieldsNE = genFields >>= mapM mkNonEmpty
--- | Generate an arbitrary IPv4 address in textual form.
-genIp4Addr :: Gen NonEmptyString
-genIp4Addr = do
-  a <- choose (1::Int, 255)
-  b <- choose (0::Int, 255)
-  c <- choose (0::Int, 255)
-  d <- choose (0::Int, 255)
-  mkNonEmpty $ intercalate "." (map show [a, b, c, d])
--- | Generate an arbitrary IPv4 network address in textual form.
-genIp4Net :: Gen NonEmptyString
-genIp4Net = do
-  netmask <- choose (8::Int, 30)
-  ip <- genIp4Addr
-  mkNonEmpty $ fromNonEmpty ip ++ "/" ++ show netmask
 -- | Generate a 3-byte MAC prefix.
 genMacPrefix :: Gen NonEmptyString
 genMacPrefix = do
diff --git a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs
index 13878297740afbf91f47a5226ca21fd5035c77af..0a33931da74fd21ae0535f0917fe5cab7dba9dcf 100644
--- a/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs
+++ b/htest/Test/Ganeti/TestCommon.hs
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
 import Test.QuickCheck
 import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
 import qualified Text.JSON as J
+import Numeric
 import qualified Ganeti.BasicTypes as BasicTypes
+import Ganeti.Types
 -- * Constants
@@ -215,6 +217,52 @@ genSetHelper candidates size = do
 genSet :: (Ord a, Bounded a, Enum a) => Maybe Int -> Gen (Set.Set a)
 genSet = genSetHelper [minBound..maxBound]
+-- | Generate an arbitrary IPv4 address in textual form (non empty).
+genIp4Addr :: Gen NonEmptyString
+genIp4Addr = genIp4AddrStr >>= mkNonEmpty
+-- | Generate an arbitrary IPv4 address in textual form.
+genIp4AddrStr :: Gen String
+genIp4AddrStr = do
+  a <- choose (1::Int, 255)
+  b <- choose (0::Int, 255)
+  c <- choose (0::Int, 255)
+  d <- choose (0::Int, 255)
+  return $ intercalate "." (map show [a, b, c, d])
+-- | Generates an arbitrary IPv4 address with a given netmask in textual form.
+genIp4NetWithNetmask :: Int -> Gen NonEmptyString
+genIp4NetWithNetmask netmask = do
+  ip <- genIp4AddrStr
+  mkNonEmpty $ ip ++ "/" ++ show netmask
+-- | Generate an arbitrary IPv4 network in textual form.
+genIp4Net :: Gen NonEmptyString
+genIp4Net = do
+  netmask <- choose (8::Int, 30)
+  genIp4NetWithNetmask netmask
+-- | Helper function to compute the number of hosts in a network
+-- given the netmask. (For IPv4 only.)
+netmask2NumHosts :: Int -> Int
+netmask2NumHosts n = (2::Int)^((32::Int)-n)
+-- | Generates an arbitrary IPv6 network address in textual form.
+-- The generated address is not simpflified, e. g. an address like
+-- "2607:f0d0:1002:0051:0000:0000:0000:0004" does not become
+-- "2607:f0d0:1002:51::4"
+genIp6Addr :: Gen String
+genIp6Addr = do
+  rawIp <- vectorOf 8 $ choose (0::Integer, 65535)
+  return $ intercalate ":" (map (`showHex` "") rawIp)
+-- | Generates an arbitrary IPv6 network in textual form.
+genIp6Net :: Gen String
+genIp6Net = do
+  netmask <- choose (8::Int, 126)
+  ip <- genIp6Addr
+  return $ ip ++ "/" ++ show netmask
 -- * Helper functions
 -- | Checks for serialisation idempotence.