diff --git a/hscan.1 b/hscan.1
index c4bec29c3a6830bc11053fdb4b09a63b54261254..37086a0a689bbf0e1c5bb584c9ebce330ce0a85d 100644
--- a/hscan.1
+++ b/hscan.1
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ tools.
 For each cluster, two files named \fIcluster\fB.instances\fR and
 \fIcluster\fB.nodes\fR will be generated holding the instance and node
 data. These files can then be used in \fBhbal\fR(1) or \fBhn1\fR(1)
-via the \fB-i\fR and \fB-n\fR options.
+via the \fB-i\fR and \fB-n\fR options. In case the cluster name
+contains slashes (as it can happen when the cluster is a
+fully-specified URL), these will be replaced with underscores.
 The one-line output for each cluster will show the following:
diff --git a/hscan.hs b/hscan.hs
index 4ce9cc71031021d218f6ad3a67b811629346bb08..228998768a4d90b7121e5d29941f16cece5fcd04 100644
--- a/hscan.hs
+++ b/hscan.hs
@@ -130,6 +130,11 @@ printCluster nl il ktn kti =
+-- | Replace slashes with underscore for saving to filesystem
+fixSlash :: String -> String
+fixSlash = map (\x -> if x == '/' then '_' else x)
 -- | Main function.
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
@@ -170,7 +175,7 @@ main = do
                                       putStr $ Cluster.printNodes ktn fix_nl
                              let ndata = serializeNodes nl csf ktn
                                  idata = serializeInstances il csf ktn kti
-                                 oname = odir </> name
+                                 oname = odir </> (fixSlash name)
                              writeFile (oname <.> "nodes") ndata
                              writeFile (oname <.> "instances") idata)
        ) clusters