diff --git a/lib/bootstrap.py b/lib/bootstrap.py
index 356513139ede714b716e164abcab2e449ac09bda..6cd742455053394a0e71df72cd0acdce1db942f4 100644
--- a/lib/bootstrap.py
+++ b/lib/bootstrap.py
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ def _InitGanetiServerSetup(ss):
   This creates the nodepass file containing the shared password for
   the cluster and also generates the SSL certificate.
+  Args:
+    ss: A WritableSimpleStore
   # Create pseudo random password
   randpass = sha.new(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()
@@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ def InitCluster(cluster_name, hypervisor_type, mac_prefix, def_bridge,
                                " executable." % constants.NODE_INITD_SCRIPT)
   # set up the simple store
-  ss = ssconf.SimpleStore()
+  ss = ssconf.WritableSimpleStore()
   ss.SetKey(ss.SS_HYPERVISOR, hypervisor_type)
   ss.SetKey(ss.SS_MASTER_NODE, hostname.name)
   ss.SetKey(ss.SS_MASTER_IP, clustername.ip)
diff --git a/lib/cmdlib.py b/lib/cmdlib.py
index 810cf0cbc4a475c3f853e9a2d728fca3330c3279..596b0deef0e6d4f4e45748d2c135247eba28d350 100644
--- a/lib/cmdlib.py
+++ b/lib/cmdlib.py
@@ -54,14 +54,18 @@ class LogicalUnit(object):
     - implement Exec
     - implement BuildHooksEnv
     - redefine HPATH and HTYPE
-    - optionally redefine their run requirements (REQ_MASTER); note that all
-      commands require root permissions
+    - optionally redefine their run requirements:
+        REQ_MASTER: the LU needs to run on the master node
+        REQ_WSSTORE: the LU needs a writable SimpleStore
+  Note that all commands require root permissions.
   HPATH = None
   HTYPE = None
   _OP_REQP = []
   REQ_MASTER = True
+  REQ_WSSTORE = False
   def __init__(self, processor, op, cfg, sstore):
     """Constructor for LogicalUnit.
@@ -849,6 +853,7 @@ class LURenameCluster(LogicalUnit):
   HPATH = "cluster-rename"
   HTYPE = constants.HTYPE_CLUSTER
   _OP_REQP = ["name"]
   def BuildHooksEnv(self):
     """Build hooks env.
@@ -1661,6 +1666,7 @@ class LUMasterFailover(LogicalUnit):
   HPATH = "master-failover"
   HTYPE = constants.HTYPE_CLUSTER
   REQ_MASTER = False
   _OP_REQP = []
   def BuildHooksEnv(self):
diff --git a/lib/mcpu.py b/lib/mcpu.py
index 360eaf2896bd80c2c52ff6094395b103c5c4430d..b9b06f63127f567a9b2ca6e5f9776eb3dee001ce 100644
--- a/lib/mcpu.py
+++ b/lib/mcpu.py
@@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ class Processor(object):
     if self.cfg is None:
       self.cfg = config.ConfigWriter()
-      self.sstore = ssconf.SimpleStore()
+      if lu_class.REQ_WSSTORE:
+        self.sstore = ssconf.WritableSimpleStore()
+      else:
+        self.sstore = ssconf.SimpleStore()
     if self.cfg is not None:
       write_count = self.cfg.write_count
diff --git a/lib/ssconf.py b/lib/ssconf.py
index 389071314fa081a0954c99150bc08257da9e3387..d73a267ac2b68a8c7f9a8398d8410d4667ef77e7 100644
--- a/lib/ssconf.py
+++ b/lib/ssconf.py
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ class SimpleStore:
   Other particularities of the datastore:
     - keys are restricted to predefined values
     - values are small (<4k)
-    - some keys are handled specially (read from the system, so
-      we can't update them)
+    - some keys are handled specially (read from the system)
   _SS_FILEPREFIX = "ssconf_"
@@ -170,6 +169,25 @@ class SimpleStore:
       raise errors.ConfigurationError("Failed to convert config version %s to"
                                       " int: '%s'" % (value, str(err)))
+  def GetFileList(self):
+    """Return the list of all config files.
+    This is used for computing node replication data.
+    """
+    return [self.KeyToFilename(key) for key in self._VALID_KEYS]
+class WritableSimpleStore(SimpleStore):
+  """This is a read/write interface to SimpleStore, which is used rarely, when
+  values need to be changed. Since WriteFile handles updates in an atomic way
+  it should be fine to use two WritableSimpleStore at the same time, but in
+  the future we might want to put additional protection for this class.
+  A WritableSimpleStore cannot be used to update system-dependent values.
+  """
   def SetKey(self, key, value):
     """Set the value of a key.
@@ -181,10 +199,3 @@ class SimpleStore:
     utils.WriteFile(file_name, data="%s\n" % str(value),
                     uid=0, gid=0, mode=0400)
-  def GetFileList(self):
-    """Return the list of all config files.
-    This is used for computing node replication data.
-    """
-    return [self.KeyToFilename(key) for key in self._VALID_KEYS]