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  • Dato Simó's avatar
    Hbal.hs: use Result (), not Bool, as return value for exec* · 42afc235
    Dato Simó authored
    Previously, functions in Hbal.hs related to execution of jobsets were
    returning only IO Bool, and printing any errors they found directly to
    stderr on their own.
    I'm going to be moving some of these functions to a library module in
    future commits, and it makes sense that they won't print to stderr, but
    rather return an error condition. To make diffs more readable, I change the
    return value in Hbal.hs itself, so that the next commit deals only with the
    move. It's now `main` that prints any Bad result to stderr.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDato Simó <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarIustin Pop <>